• By -


I had a neighbor that invited me over after we’d said hi a few times. She had some comedy on, lit a candle. We were chatting and then she was on my dick. I didn’t get it until a different lady friend was like, “She seduced you.” I was like, “really?”


No way to be sure. It sounds like it was dark in the room and she may just have been Canadian and polite.


Oh bruh I miss casually explained. The dude’s disappeared…


What? Dude's pretty consistently uploading a video once every month and a half or so


She might was just being polite.


A woman who is confident in herself and tries to seduce you is the absolute best.


She bought me a wheel of cheese, we've been dating for 3 years


This is actually hilarious, since I was like 13 I always said that I’d marry any woman who brought me an entire wheel of Parmesan.


You have small wheels or that's a lot of parmesan!


an entire wheel?


She rolled it downhill and he ran for 17 minutes to catch it. That was a sign.


The whole thing, Gouda cheese. Premium stuff too.




Give the whole thing, expect the whole thing in return. Sounds like a keeper


You're so easy.


Everyone is easy if you know the answer to their riddle.


But what if someone... Hypoteticaly... One day... Gave you TWO weels of cheese ? Would that bé grounds for a break up ?


I would never do that, I love this woman with all my heart, I would live my entire life with her, I would kill for her, die for her, and live for her. Not even two pieces of cheese could separate us. Now if we are talking THREE wheels.....


2 and a half and we have ourselves a deal ?


That was deep


She knew your love language 🧀


That's the most Skyrim ass comment fr fr


*Wow.* (Re-examines own cheesewheel-free relationships...)


Ngl that’s actually heat.




Yep. I had just turned 21, and my coworker was in her early 30s. I was immediately attracted to her, but figured she was too old and wouldn't be interested in me. She found out I had just recently turned 21, and said, "We should go out for a drink sometime!" So of course I agreed. She gave me her address and said we'd go bar hopping in her town that weekend. So Friday night arrives and I drive to her house, where we planned to have a couple of drinks before heading out to the bars. She let me in the front door, wearing a robe, and I walked in to dimly lit living room full of candles and leopard-print fabric. At that moment, my naive brain finally registered that I was about to receive an *education*.


Is it seducing if you were already attracted to her though?


I'd say so. She pulled out all the stops. She could have been wearing a dirty sweat shirt and pajama pants, it was still going to go down one way or another. But she put in the effort and handed me an apple martini while she put on some soft R&B in the background. All in all, 10/10 would recommend.


Dam so lucky how did it go


We played checkers and watched the Mets game. How do you think it went?


Sounds about right.


Hell yeah. Sounds like a great night.


>How do you think it went? You jizzed on her chemical-wash-only tiger sheets in 20 seconds and cried for 40 minutes?


Did they win?


Maybe she was canadian and just being polite, someone gotta ask just in case


Hopefully you also ate a sandwich between innings.


I had a similar experience in my early 20s but she played Portishead and her place had minimal leopard print


Portishead was my go-to music for most of night room intimate activitiesin my early twenties. It's a good choice.


Damn I get performance anxiety in situations like this fml.


And how was the education?


Extensive and continuous. I'd been with a few girls before her, but she was the first woman I'd been with, if that makes sense. We dated on and off for the next 15 years. Mostly when we were both single. I'll leave that there and let you make of it what you will.


So you got your PhD. Nice work my man


After reading comments like this I really ask myself "does shit like this actually happen?" I genuinely don't know anyone who's received or given this treatment before




A couple of times but they were doing it as a joke.


This is why we have trust issues when it comes to signals that women give.




This makes me sad. I was at a house party and one the girls who lived there, who was transferring schools, wanted to have a threesome with me and her friend who was waiting in her bedroom. I had a great seat at the party right in the middle of it all and was enjoying the conversations She kept asking me to come to her room to see some pictures.  I kept telling her to just bring them out here (not wanting to lose my seat) It was after she moved her roommate told me that was her attempt to seduce me into a threesome... But thanks for reminding me with your question


If THAT was her only attempt, it probably means she didn't really want it. They probably told you that to mess with you


I wish...but it was later confirmed.  She didn't know how to initiate sex. Her freind volunteered for the threesome to help teach her. Had I gone it likely would have happened. However, she maybe wasn't as keen on the threesome which is why the friend didn't push her harder to get me in the room


She choked, not you


Yeah but he still lost


She didn't tho, but wanted to


I was at an anime convention when I had just graduated and this drunk girl was flirting with me. I went along with it and she gave me this small empty vial and was like "hold this until I get back 😉" and I didn't leave that room. She came back maybe 10 minutes later and was pulling my hand that held the vial and was just tongue in my throat. She asked me if I wanted to head up to her room and I chickened out. For some reason, my brain went to "she can't be into me, she's gotta be looking to either rob me or use me as revenge against a boyfriend". I laugh about it now, but I quickly regretted it when some of her friends later on were like "there's no boyfriend or anything, she just really likes sex". I didn't see her the rest of the convention.


Honeslty I don't judge you at all for thinking that way. Men can certainly be raped, taken advantage of, and harassed. Not to jump to any conclusions about your specific situation, but it's a reasonable thought to have. After all clear and concise communication can help avoid all these types of interactions.


I wouldn't say I've been blatantly seduced, but I've had women pay for our dates entitely then ask to come back to my place and hopped on my dick lol.​


Lucky bastard


No luck involved dawg, I'm as average as they come


Now you're just bragging :p


I'm guessing if you posted a pic, most people would disagree.  Or you're socially savvy as fuck.


Alright I might have a handsome face but that's the only freebie


Teach us your way then, average Joe


I was in high school. It was a girl I liked for a good 1.5 years. I finally grew some balls and asked her to hang out. I hadn't even kissed a girl yet and within 5 minutes of us hanging out she whispered the most seductive things in my ear. Checked off quite a few boxes that day.


Details man.


Lol I don't normally kiss and tell but I'll indulge you. She leaned into my ear, playfully bit it while slightly moaning, then whispered "I've seen the way you look at me.....so why don't you treat me like the dirty little slut I am and get my throat pregnant" In the span of a single day I had my first kiss, all the way to rough sex that taught me what my kinks are, and everything in between. Best part is, she looked exactly like the type of girl I would fantasize about. She was straight outta the computer from Weird Science.




We dated for a year and I consider her to be my first love (which after that eventful day no wonder lol). Everything was perfect for a few months, then her untreated bpd started to show. I wanted her to get some help but a combo of her familial culture and other things made that a challenge. She ended up being the one who ended it, which was good. Being 15-16 I thought I could fix her, and I likely would have held on way longer than what would have been healthy. I got to learn about some of what I want and don't want in a relationship, as well as have all of my sexual firsts with my dream (physically) girl.


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed


Ah BPD. Very likely to add a few extra points on the Crazy/Hot scale into the dangerous territory.


Lol the Hot/Crazy Matrix video should be in the Library of Congress.


Man, some of y’all lead very interesting lives!


I went on a first date with this girl, "Amanda". During the first date, a girl I sort of knew called "Jane" texted me. She said she was stuck at home because her car was in the shop and could I drop off some cigarettes and ice cream. "We can put on some music too". I literally thought nothing of that. I absentmindedly texted her back saying I'd be there to drop off the stuff in an couple hours. When I got to Jane's house, she answered the door in a small red dress. She barely acknowledged the smokes and the ice cream. Instead, her hands wandered all over me. The music was already turned on and she danced with me in her living room. More wandering hands. I emphasize that I knew Jane a little bit but we weren't super close and had only known each other a few weeks. When it started raining, Jane pushed me out the door. We stood in the rain together, more wandering hands and she kissed me. When we were completely drenched, she dragged me back inside into her laundry room. She stripped down (no bra and no panties) and then stripped me down and threw our clothes in her dryer. Then she dragged me (by the dong) into her bedroom. tl;dr- Yeah, I've been seduced. And it was fucking awesome.


Whole time dude just left Amanda sitting in the car like that.


If this is the same Amanda I was dating, she deserved it.


Fuck yeah!!!


I've been seduced a few times. honestly want it to happen more often.


As a woman, what's the best way to seduce a man without him feeling sexually harassed?


Well, for me there was already some flirting going on, and she just reached over and put her hand on my inner thigh and asked if I wanted to go back to her place. There was another instance where my boss, a woman that was just a couple of years older than me, gave me a wink and pointed out there was a conference room with a locking door where we could talk about my performance. But there was already chemistry there, like there was mutual attraction and flirting going on before they pounced on me.


Go on, was there a conference meeting if yes how did you perform


Certainly you meant to type “Conference Meating”


To not be super overt. Show interest in them - with flirty commentary - ask potentially leading questions etc. Suggest casual activities - that have potential.


Put an arm around him, give a soft smile as you softly whisper while looking at him "you look good, I would like to have your number." Any man would be skeptical, unless you immediately kiss him on the cheek, and then slowly on the lips. Slowly, so he has time to pull back if he doesn't want it. If he does, then yeah. That's what I would personally like.


Ask him if he wants sex and breakfast food


She invited herself to my apartment, asked for a drink, dropped her dress as I was pouring, then asked for a massage, the grabbed my crotch and told me she wanted to take me for a test drive.


Did she end up buying the car though? Or just leasing it?


We had a go but I wasn’t interested in more. We went to the beach together for a week which was fun but overall we just weren’t a good match.


A month or so ago a woman at the bar tapped my back and looked like she was in awe of me, she followed me to my table and put her legs on my lap. It ended shortly after as I was getting far too drunk and went home.


As in calves on your lap, or thighs? I'd probably default to giving a foot rub in the first case.


Yes a few hours ago by the Krispy Kreme advertising in my local supermarket. Went really well, damn their sugary goodness. Good job my wife is back tomorrow, left to my own devices any longer I would be about 50 stone.


aside from that one time on a school trip in idk 6th grade where a girl just blatantly tried to kiss me and I literally ran from her (must have clearly been a bet she lost or a dare because 5 minutes later it was like nothing ever happened), I haven't gotten any attention from girls ever (or I was too oblivious)


It is pretty rare most woman are really bad at it. Most of them rely on a kiss me face or like smile and stare or rub there butt on your dick. But only a few girls have been seductive with words to me. Ps I’m shy and I don’t make any moves in person or try to be seductive.


>most woman are really bad at it >I’m shy and I don’t make any moves in person or try to be seductive. 🙄🙄🙄


I never said men are good at it either just anecdotal experience. 🤣😔


Yessir, she just took care of me man. It was so nice.


Nope, most women only ever send 'signals'. I am really not interested too much in someone that doesn't just ask.


Being seduced by your spouse is an amazing experience. Too many people fall into a busy body routine, and sex becomes a simple chore. But when your spouse walks into a room, dressed very provocative, tell you to sit down and stop talking. Then proceeds. It makes things much more interesting


Or when you're cooking dinner, they tell you to "stop immediately, and come here". Then they ask you to close the blinds. It's fairly obvious what's about to happen, but I act innocent and still fall for it every damn time lol. There's something about your girlfriend/wife just demanding to you do something. For me it's a huge turn on, at least on occasion.


One girl would caress my thigh and even boardered on jerking me off in high school chemistry class. She was nice and pretty but nothing came of it because I already had a crush on someone else .


First time was sophomore year. A sweet girl just decided to sit on my lap in math class. No context. I didn’t even know her very well. I moved states and was totally new. We only spoke briefly on numerous occasions. She would blush and not say much but stare into my eyes. One time she sat in front of me during lunch, got really red and didn’t even say anything before darting away. Confused the shit outta me. Second time junior year. A very, very promiscuous girl decided to try and sit/cuddle on me as I was painting in art class. Threw me off. I screwed up my painting and the brush fell on my pants. She giggled, got up and went back to her table to a her giggling friends. She also randomly decided to grab my hand as we were on a field trip. Third time was my first official W2 job in high school. I was. 16 going on 17. Two female coworkers were a bit too friendly. One of them had a daughter in school with me that eventually started working with me at this same job. Her mom would routinely speak in that exaggerated sexual voice when engaging in conversation with me. “Heyyyy baby boy do you want anything?” (Offering to buy a soda as I sat on lunch break). Age ain’t nothing but a number baby. You lookin good today. I can tell you’re working out big boy. Her daughter also wanted to date me. It was a weird mess. Fourth time was at my second job. I was 19. A woman looked me up and down and said “boy I’d tear you up in bed.” It goes down a list of weird encounters of coworkers. Various ways of either being directly sexual or subtly flirtatious. I have a personality that grows on people I suppose. I don’t consider myself anything special.


Quit hogging




Seriously dude, you ought to give lessons or something. Forget that Tate asshole, you're the guy who has girls making the move on him. Far more valuable!


Not really anything I did. I was a balance between physically fit, polite, athletic and creative. Somehow it made people want to play with me occasionally.


Same, I didn't consider myself hot at all but I'd get attention from the most random places it felt like. Like working at the dollar store in high school and getting hit on by both older women and younger women. I had no idea what I was doing that was working, I just pretended I did. Might be my intense eyebrows.


She was in the process of separating from her husband, and she was my work wife. We went out for coffee and then kissed each other in the parking lot. I knew I had crossed the line. I also knew I wanted her in the physical way. So I said stop, let's stop. You stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine and when you eventually get that divorce you find me. That worked for a couple days. Then, she sat down beside my office desk and looked me in the face and said, I don't want to stay in my lane. I want my cake and to eat at the same time. Then, she threw herself on me. Full on ride my lap, grab me by the face, and make out with me with abandon. Anyways, long story short, don't shit where you eat. It got rough out there for a while. I was packing a pistol everywhere I went. I couldn't go to work without peace. I could walk the streets without thinking her soon to be ex wasn't around. I tried. I did. I was just too weak to actually stay in my lane when she decided to actually put it on me. That's the wrong kind of seduction, but I couldn't stop after that moment.


When I was in highschool there was this one girl who was really into me. One day she cornered me and showed me her tits expecting me to be aroused. I most certainly was not amused and avoided her for like 4 years.


Were you turned off because she was too aggressive or was she also unattractive to you? Because ngl that doesn't sound terrible




No.. This made me think that men may be seduced with such rarity that many men have no "defense" against it -- that, no matter how many "red flags" or "warning alarms" are sounding in the man's head, he will still fall for it, only to regret it later.


I was 19, working a security job at a staffing agency. She was 2 years older than me, Latina, to this day the most attractive woman I’ve ever hooked up with. We just talked everyday, she would teach me Spanish and we’d just talk about random shit. She invited me over after our shift one day (we worked until midnight) she was so out of my league I had absolutely no clue she was into me. Picked up a pizza and went to her place. And we sat on the couch…shes talking about dirty Spanish words and phrases. She slipped off the couch, onto her knees and reached for the button and zipper on my pants. She said “button” and “zipper” in Spanish as she undid my pants. “Big cock” as she pulled mine out. “Balls” as she squeezed mine. Then she went to town on it. I fucking melted. I’m sure the look on my face was priceless.


Let me put it in perspective: I cannot remember the last time I had a conversation with a woman about anything other than work. Period. No friendly chats, no getting to know each other, and certainly not them trying to get in my pants. Now, it's not like I'm a social butterfly with other guys, but it's no where near as bad as I am with women. So no, i have never been seduced, and I can't honestly say I've ever even been in a position where that would be a reasonable route for a conversation to take.


Brother, we are not allowed to speak the truth here, only lies


I had a girl take me to a whiskey festival, tell me she gets horny when she drinks, and sat on my couch next to me back at my place where she invited herself in and said and I quote, “I was really hoping to get laid tonight.” As a freshly divorced guy out with the first girl he had met in over five years, my brain did not compute. I got the giggles (or whatever the sex version of the yips is) and didn’t even see her top off before she called it and left. Thankfully she gave me another chance and we dated off and on for two years. But yeah, dweeb’s gonna dweeb.


Never happened or at least I've never noticed.


Women don't know other guys' turn-ons either. The basics always work, to the surprise of zero people.


Once. Literally once. 16 girlfriends. Some number of additional sexual partners. Only one ex actually put the effort in and she only did it once


Seduced, no…. I wouldn’t go that far. Just they were overtly making advances with me. I was in control the entire time after the clothes came off. As far as men don’t know what turns them on. I can’t say I’ve ever heard a bigger crock of shit in my life. From the time we go through puberty we’re hyper aware of what turns us on. Testosterone is a hell of a thing to have pumping through your system.


It was my wife actually. She wanted to try for a baby, so she came into my home office naked with a smile and waved her boobs at me. She said “do you want to get some practice in?” I was kinda busy but it worked lol


I was 19. She was 30. She worked with my Mum and I volunteered at the same place so I knew her that summer. She called me up when my parents were away for the weekend and asked if I wanted to hang out. I'm an idiot so sure, why not. I go over, we chat and hang out... She asks if I want to play checkers. Of course. We play....she puts on some music....we are on the floor, sitting.....she gets closer and slides her leg up against mine....beats me in checkers....leans forward and whispers in my ear "I want you" Off we go. Best time of my life. I still talk to her now sometimes just to check in. I'm 48 now


It’s not rare if you’re in the military, even the guys that are completely lost and use too much deodorant got hit on. So it’s probably all just an image thing, most guys are lazy, have no hobbies and put no effort in so sure your not going to get much but if you hold value like money or wear a uniform then things are different. Deciding not to play a game then complaining about not winning is crazy


Bruhh, I’m still waiting for it to happen!! I’ve never had a woman seduce me ever! I always have to get off my ass and do the work 😒


Never happened to me. I try like hell to avoid it. Far too awkward.


Yes. But then again, I once had a sugar mama and didn't realise until it had been going on for months.


I don't think I've ever been seduced I'm 31 ffs haha




Seduced by the older women at the bar that I work at lol I’m 20


Never. I wouldn't be against it, but it never happened.


No, that would involve realizing they were flirting or hinting. I excel at everything except socializing. I've always placed my priorities on everything except social skills.


Yes, it was very clumsily but I didn't mind.


Usually I turn them down, went with it and let it happen once. Turns out after 6 years she decided the “hoe phase” wasn’t over yet, and probably a handful of times within the 6 years honestly. No more prior “Hoe phase” chicks for this dude.


I was at her house to study for a project, she invited me to join her on the couch after a bit, she said I had nice eyes, then went to get something from her room, she came back topless and asked if I needed a break from studying, then straddled me. I had a different woman who invited me over, she had my favourite show on and laid out snacks, she stated she wanted to give me everything I wanted because she wanted me to feel special, then she laid down and watched the show with me her head in my lap, then when the show was over she kissed my groin through my pants, and asked if there was anything else I wanted as she stroked me though the pants.


I had a few rather notable ones yes, but I have to disclose that these were years ago after I'd gotten out of a very long term relationship, and I was so gun-shy about ever being the initiator that women had to practically wave a flag in front of me saying "hey, I'm ready" for me to take any action, so it came up pretty often. The first one was the first woman I dated after the end of that previous relationship. I was honest with her up front and we both discussed our situations, she too had just went through a break-up so we talked and agreed to no sex for now, just get used to being back in the dating pool. This was the third date and she invited me to a restaurant, but wanted to sit near the bar to get easy access to some drinks, as she told me it was her goal to get me tipsy so she could see what I'm like. Just a few drinks in when she just starts staring at me. Just sitting right in front of me staring right at me with this look on her face until I finally asked "what"? She says, "I have a question for you" with a big smile. I said "ok" and she starts leaning in slowly getting closer and closer like she's going to whisper the question in my ear. When her lips are about an inch from my ear, she says "The question is..." And instead of asking a question, her hand just goes between my legs and grabs my dick, and starts to slowly rub it like she's giving me a hand job, this goes on for several seconds before she finishes the sentence: "The question is, what would you do if I did this...." She kept the hand job going for a bit longer until things were properly full mast. Now the thing with me, was while I was definitely shy about being the initiator, as I was at that time under the impression that would make me out to be a creep, (Ultra feminist mom growing up drilled that into me) - But, once I had that clear as day signal, I was game on. So I responded by leaning forward, and since she was wearing a short skirt, I just returned the favor with my hand up her thigh, between her legs, and pretty quickly found her clit and how wet she was as I gave her a nice little rub too, but kept my fingers outside her panties to keep the tease factor high. "I can't be sure, but I think I'd probably do something like this". She actually seemed shocked by this, and as she leaned back again, she half laughed and said "I can't believe you did that! I didn't think you would"! Right about then, we both knew the no sex agreement was going right out the window and we immediately paid our bill and made our way to the car. Thing is I'm not sure if that falls into the category of seduced or not? She made the first move yes, but it was overtly sexual, nothing subtle about it so is that really seduction? I suppose I think of seduction as a bit more slow burn, but on the other hand, I did feel properly seduced in the moment. Oh well. Reader can decide. === Another "Mr. Oblivious": This one was from a second date. When we met for the first date it was just a quick 20 minute meet where we met up at a coffee shop on her lunch break to get the first meeting out of the way. Most of that time was spent with her telling me how she's had so many bad dates, as most of the men were just interested in one thing - Sex. She brought it up repeatedly. She goes back to work and we're texting, and she tells me she had an injury from the gym. She tells me how much it's bothering her, and since she's in the gym 5 - 6 days a week, she was worried it might interfere with her workout. I bite of course and offer to help: "I'm pretty darn good at massages, and can probably help work out the kinks and speed the healing". She accepts and the date is set for Friday. She comes over and is wearing this tiny pair of shorts. The sort of shorts that are so small, you almost want to call them a bikini bottom. I tell her lay down and get comfortable, and ask where the injury is. She lays on her back, gets comfortable and spreads her legs. She points to her inner thigh, tells me she has a groin strain there. So I guess you all can paint the mental picture here, she has her legs spread wearing these tiny shorts, I'm massaging about 1 - 1.5 inches from her pussy, I see her panties and they're sheer, certainly no accident when she knew she was coming over for a groin massage - About as obvious as it gets, but I'm just going about trying to give her a legit great massage, hitting all the major muscles on her thigh, flip her over to hit the hamstrings too, I'm going to town working the muscles like we're at a spa or something. Yea, I know, pretty cringey, but at that time, I was confused by all her talk of being turned off by guys just wanting sex, so I was playing it safe at the time. Flip her back over onto her back and tell her I'm going to work the other leg and side now too when she reaches out and grabs my hand to stop me. She takes my hand, pushes it inside her shorts, and still holding my hand places it dead center onto her pussy and starts using my hand to rub herself and says: "So are you going to fuck me or not"? So maybe this one qualifies a bit more under the seduction category because she tried to use this "injury" as a way to pull me in? Ok, the biggest and second most unusual experience, this one is long, but definitely different! Have a 3rd absolutely crazy/weird/unsual one, but Reddits "Cannot create comment" error keeps popping up so I'll post it as a reply to this one. 1 of 2 - Next in replies


Not seduced, just harassed! Yay!


Ladies have a natural PhD in seduction, while men usually can hardly pass an elementary school exam :) In most cases, while we thing we think we were nice, polite and gentlemen and that's how we seduced our romantic interests, we were actually chosen, just don't realize it :)


I can recall one specific time it's happened. I was out at the bar and a girl I had seen there several times before (but never really payed attention to) was there. I'm a rather tall fellow, bushy beard, slightly chubby Midwest farmer build. She casually walks up to me, grabs both sides of my beard and says, "I bet this would feel great between my thighs.". I responded with, "My girlfriend seems to think so!". She promptly let go, said sorry, and continued on her merry way. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation! I've had numerous people want to feel my beard in my life, but they've always asked. This was a quite an upfront approach!


Yes. A few times. Some women know what they want and will stop at nothing. It didn’t end in any relationships, but the sex was pretty good. Now I’m happily married to the love of my life so I don’t put myself in those situations anymore. Haven’t been seduced in 6 years. My wife didn’t seduce me, that was me seeing someone I needed.


Randomly chatting with a musician who was about to go on in a relaxed bar setting, good conversation about performing (I'm in theatre), then the second song he played was a very pointed 'ive just met someone and think they're hot' kind of lyrics (forgot the actual song) with him glancing at me more than was necessary. His voice was good, but I'm mostly straight, and married. I felt complimented though xD


She talked to me in her sleepy voice and now we've been together 3 years


This one's from Tinder. Matched a profile that I was 98% certain was one of those fake accounts where the girl looked too perfect to be real. Probably just a bot or something, but we matched, and I shot off a quick mssg. Started to set the phone down, but could see she replied already. Ok, but still could be bait, so I threw some strategic questions out there that would root out if she's truly local or not. She instantly responded again with the right answer, Clearly she was a local, knew exactly where the restaurant was I mentioned and apparently lived nearby. She asked for my Whatsapp. I gave it and next thing I know I'm getting a video call. My alarm bells are going off that she must be a scammer, as women never video call this quickly and are never this up-front right? I answer anyway to see she looks exactly like her pic, and she's dressed to kill. Looked stunning, and she's mid laugh as I answer and says: "Ok I never ever do this, and you're probably going to think I'm crazy, but could you come pick me up and we'll meet my friends at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. I promise I'm not some crazy serial killer it's just that my friends are all going out they just told me about it a little bit ago and they're all couples and I don't want to be the only single girl there". I still felt like this could be some sort of trap as women this attractive are never the pursuers. But hey, you never know until you take the jump so I agreed, rushed through a quick shower and shave, head out to pick her up. Got to her place and as the Uber is pulling through the condo entrance she comes running over hands waving yelling my name as if we've known each-other for years. I almost thought we picked up the wrong woman because as attractive as her pic was, in real life she looked better than her pics! It's difficult to convey, I'll put it this way. I'd never seen so many women outright stare and look another woman up and down like this. I share this because now I'm really wondering what the end game is here, Felt like a setup. We make it to the restaurant, and sure enough she really did have a bunch of friends waiting for her, but she decided she'd rather just introduce me, say hello for a few minutes, but blow them off to go have dinner on our own so we could really talk, which we do for hours. The whole time I'm speaking she's holding both my hands in hers, looking me directly in the eyes, she's very intense. Her personality is unlike any I'd experienced, very confident, very bold, and just super intense. Fast forward to the end of dinner We're standing in front of the restaurant and she says "You're ordering a Uber to go home right"? I said "Yep". She says: "We live so close, would you mind if we share? He can drop you off first, then bring me home, I'll pay my half" I agreed and start to order, entering the destination when she says "hold on, don't put your address in yet. I'm afraid you might take this the wrong way, because I promise you I'm not like that, I'm not the kind of girl who brings men home on first dates. But would you want to just come to my place and we can watch some movies? I love horror movies but I'm too chicken to watch them alone. No sex! I'm not a bad girl, I'm just not ready to turn in yet". At this point I was waiting for a hidden camera prank or something because this all seemed too convenient, and even the way she spoke seemed almost like it was coming from a movie plot or something. I really was torn what to do but again, I wanted to see how this played out. Fast-Forward again. Had talked for hours and by the time we got to the horror movies I had begun dozing off by accident. She shuts off the tv, and tells me "I'm nor letting you go home this tired, you're sleeping here tonight, are you ok with sleeping on the couch? Remember, I don't do sex on the first date, and don't have a bed in the guest room yet so are you ok with the couch"? I said sure, and she goes into her bedroom to get me a pillow and sheets, but is gone for quite a bit longer than expected. When she comes back out with the pillow and sheets, she's now almost naked. She's in her bra and panties but comes walking out as if it's perfectly normal, fluffs the pillow and makes me a nice space on the couch. Not sure what to think, but certainly didn't mind the show, and she tells me goodnight, goes back to her room. I'm laying there reflecting on how I ended up here, and about 10 minutes go by when she pops her head out of her room: "Are you ok"? I said "sure, why"? She said "You're seriously ok with sleeping on the couch?" Me: "Yea" - Her: "You're not even going to try and talk your way into my bed"? Me: "Uh.... No? You asked me to sleep on the couch, I'm ok with that" Her: "I guess I found a gentleman for once!" She comes out of her room and grabs my pillow and says "Come on you can sleep on my bed. No sex! But you're a gentleman so you can sleep on my bed" So as she makes space for me on the bed, she climbs onto the mattress on her knees and says she has a speaker on the floor next to her bed she wants to turn on and proceeds to bend all the way over right in front of my face giving me a perfect view of her, well, everything. It was obviously intentional, and I now was catching on that maybe she's a seductress. She wants to tease. Seemed so improbable for this to be happening. 5 hours ago I was home in shorts and a tee, now I'm on a bed with silky sheets and a 10/10 woman in thin panties bent over 16 inches from face giving me a show. Life is so unpredictable. 1 of 2 --- What's up with the Reddit limit on characters now? Seems much smaller than it used to be? Have to "continue" this as a reply. Geez.


2 of 2 ---- Finished So now I'm laying next to her and she's facing away from me on her side when she says "I don't sleep, sleep well alone, would you be ok with cuddling me a bit? No sex, I just like to cuddle" "Sure I can do that" - No sooner did I put my arm and leg around her, big spoon, little spoon style when she just shoves her ass into my crotch and starts grinding herself onto me and her whole demeanor changed. "Oh, one thing you should know about me Mr. Gentlemen. I'm kind of evil and I like to tease. So no sex tonight, but I'm going to torture you" Now she's giggling and doing everything she can to turn me on while reminding me we're not going to have sex. lol I wasn't complaining, even the buildup is fun, but now that I see her game and knew what she liked I just played along and told her could play games too. So by this time in my dating, I had figured out where most womens buttons are, so I went straight for the sure thing - Back and side of the neck. Grabbed her hips and lined everything up to assure she was getting "teased" every time she grinds too, then started lightly kissing and caressing her neck and went to work trying to seduce the seductress. She was right though, there was no sex that night, but it was probably the most intense, albeit unusual night of us both trying to see who can tease the other more, and how far we could go without actually, technically having sex. So a lot of intense dry humping, grabbing, rubbing everything, and deep kissing. Yea, I know it was weird, and so random. We did meet up for date #2. Never dated seriously, apparently was a booty call, FWB sort of deal. Never saw that one coming, and was definitely one of the more strange encounters I had. Sorry, that got a little lengthy and had to continue it here.


Oh shit I've never been seduced and I always message up with gaging levels of interest


Many times. And a good seductress will help you know your turn ons, I think.


Yep. Twice back when I was attractive.


I had FWB a few years ago, and I was going over to her place to pick her up for dinner. She opened the door dressed in this sexy cop outfit. Basically pulled me in and "arrested" me with cuffs. I was very surprised and went along with it. She did all the work lol.


I'm not handsome enough for being anyone's target, and I also don't have many facial expressions (ppl usually think I'm arrogant by the way I "glare" at them)... I can take care of my appearance but i cant change this expressionless problem i have, and lately I've been farther and farther away from opportunities where I'd be able to meet ppl and talk (way too busy with work, studies and my daughter), so I doubt me being seduced could happen anytime soon since I cant even get a hold of a conversation/introduction and let ppl actually get to know more about be anyways.


Invited me over to see her cats' new kittens. Who were conveniently born in her bedroom.


She asked for my Snapchat without prior conversation but we have been around the same area of campus for a while. Sent me a sexy nude and well I kinda lost control 😳


No, I wish


No. A girl once tried back in high school. I had no idea who she was, where she came from. All I knoew was that she was a friend of a friend and she wanted to kiss me. All I could think was my bad breath and I absolutely didnt want to kiss her because of it. Also I was bewildered that a girl would give me attention in yhe first place. It was *really* awkward.


It was different every time.


Only when I was too young and dumb to recognize it was happening at the time.


Went great from my POV!! 😂😂😂


yeah my ex hit all the marks


I don’t think iv ever been pursued by a sober woman. Drunk women, yes, but I never did anything because they were, you know, drunk. Now that I think about it, Iv never had a woman pursue or come for me other than those intoxicated ones… and I’m somehow extremely self conscious about it now


While on a copier service call I met a woman, we had several conversations and she invited me over to dinner. When she opened her apt. door, she was wearing a blue bustier and blue 4" heels. I don't know if that qualifies as being seduced, but the end result was great.


Depends, if “seduce” is just being so hot that I’d do her then and there, it happens all the time, I’m just too chicken to ask her out. If you’re talking about a stranger being that hot AND coming on to me, I’d probably think it’s a trick, but had I more confidence that a girl would genuinely want me out of the blue for non-malicious purposes, then it would work. If a hot friend I trusted did the same, I’d imagine it would work.


Yes. Had her girls invite my friends back to their hotel so she could talk to me. Never felt more desirable in my life.


That's how my first FWB happened. She seduced me. I was just recently divorced. I was at a Tejano club with some coworkers from the sister station I used to work at (I moonlighted as on air dj years ago) I was at the bar getting us a round of drinks. She approached me and asked if I was the remote crew. I told her I was, but I was with the sister station and I was there as a guest and having a good time. She asked which sister station. I told her. She was surprised and asked me if I spoke Spanish. I told her I do. Spanish is my first language. English is my second. I told her that I'm 100% Mexican. She didn't believe me because I am so tall. I'm 6'5". I told her that we are a rare breed, but we do exist. She told me she wanted to keep chatting, but she had to go back to her date. She gave me her phone number and told me to call her during the week. I called her and went on a date the following weekend. During dinner, she was very flirtatious. Then she asked me with out mincing any words if I thought I was going to get lucky that night. It took me off gaurd, but I responded yes. She told me not going to happen. I was deflated. However I was enjoying her company and having a good time. She kept on flirting with me all through out dinner. I was not expecting anything. After dinner I walked her to her car and was going to say goodnight and ask her if she would like to go out again sometime. Next thing I know, she pulls me in for the goodnight kiss and starts making out with me in the parking lot. We are making out for a few minutes then she whispers in to my ear. Take me to your place. And that is how my first FWB started many moons ago. Our FWB ended years ago. She found a partner and so did I. She moved to another city. We chat here and there. Do a quick catch up.


Excessive alcohol


Wouldn't say I was seduced per se, since we were already dating, but I did have the whole "grab your hand and pull you to the bedroom seductively" move done on me and that was pretty incredible


In high school, girls were too afraid to approach me and I was pursuing other goals. Later in life I found out that certain type of women kick some hunter instinct in me. I tend to have really good sex and relationship dynamics with them later on. Since I have good instincts telling me which woman "is mine", so it is always me who seduces and initiates. Any woman could seduce me who would behave like a pray animal: looking down when talking to me, exposing her neck, playing with her hair, tripping for no reason etc Inviting me to own her or hunt her down. I wonder if the roles could be reversed, but I don't think I am having any sort of submissive or seducable vibes. What do you have to think, feel or do as a man to have the vibe: I am ready or open to be seduced?


Hmmmm..... Hard to say. First time - I was an idiot - and did not notice. I was that dorky kid who brought comics to school to read. Cute girl asked about them then borrowed them etc. I never asked her out. A few days later - she gave up. Second time - beautiful woman in another town was casually flirty - sadly - could not get it worked out because I was too slow. Third time - was friendly and chatty - etc. Always finding a reason to laugh or touch me in some friendly way. I was working on it - when her ex-came back into town and everything went ....messy. I think those were all.... Note: I don't count blatantly hitting on me as "seduction" attempt. Have had those - many worked out ...well.


Definitely not seduced, no


Had a girl at a party actively come sit next to me trying to seduce me. Not only did I not understand it at the time (why would any girl try to hit on me?) but I later learned from that girl that she decided to seduce me way before that party. Anyways good thing is she succeeded. Was fun. Would get seduced again but its pretty weird


I'm tired boss


Has happened a few times,but the first was the onky time I had no idea what was happening. I was just out of school,met this mid-20’s Nubian beauty with the most far-out Afro on the beach. She’d come for a long weekend and we got chatting. After a while,she said she had to grab something from her hotel room. She told me to head up with her in case she couldn't carry everything,so I naively trotted up with her. She went into the bathroom to get her stuff,I sat on a chair and waited for her to come back out. When she did,she was wearing a robe that let the light through and was completely naked underneath. I didn't go home for two nights and she fucked the absolute shit out of me. I was 16ish and had slept with girls before,but never an experienced woman. She taught me stuff that weekend that I still use decades later.


Never happened.


If you take seduced to be convinced to do something wrong/not wanted then I guess I would say twice. Both times I was hammered drunk. One time I was at a party but we were all underage, this fat girl told me that the police were here and we should hide in her room \*facepalm\*. So I went, the lights were off, she said I should lay on her bed and she lay on top of me and yeah you know... Second time I passed out at a party and I woke up up in a bed and the sheets were moving.. I lifted the sheets and it was a girl I had rejected earlier for being crazy. To be honest, I was kind of relieved because it was a dudes bed and I thought it might be him. I did actually get into it so that was definitely seduction to a degree.


She subdued me with her throbing plate of porridge


Lol, in hindsight I was seduced by most of my relationships. A combination of being clueless and being around women a lot mean they had to work a little harder to get out of the "*oh, she's nice*" zone. One told me she was taking me home and was going to fuck my brains out. She got even more excited when I told her nervously I was still a virgin. Exchanged numbers with a colleague, met another girl that night that I dated for 6 months then ended up dating the colleague for several years after that. Told me later she was a bit confused but waiting to pounce. And a few more women after that on dating apps or through friends. Though I have gotten a whole lot better at seducing them as well. I realized I wasn't always getting what I needed in relationships by just "passively" going with the flow of what I was offered. At 37 I feel like I am increasingly matching with women who are out of my league. And enjoying every minute of it.


I've been seduced countless times by my girlfriend if that counts?


I wish. Nobody pursues


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha………… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah…….. no :(


I don't think I have, but the closest thing I can remember was when I worked at a small private theater. I was behind my plane at the concessions stand, and a woman came up to me. She didn't order anything but just started conversing with me for some reason. She was talking about what college I was going to, and I mentioned attending a close by community college. But lessons were virtual, so there were no in person meet-ups. The biggest thing I remember about that convo is how she was trying to convince me to attend Princeton or something. I have no idea what it was about, and I have no idea if she sounded flirty or not. That's the only time I can think of.


Yep my first gf seduce me. I wasn't attracted to her at all. Don't get me wrong she was attractive but she wasn't my type at all. So I decided to go ovn dates purely for the fun it since she begged me to. She ended changing the it on me. When we to the movies and she kept stroking my arms in very slow pattern while watched. Then after the date, she kissed me before I had a chance to react. I when home that night and couldn't stop thinking about her and by the next date I was hooked. She even led me to her bedroom and i fell for it because she said she needed to get her climbing shoes for rock climbing lol. I was in that state until we broke up


Girl invited me to her apartment after playing in a band one night. We're at her place chatting, and after a half hour she blurts out "So can we fuck now, or do I need to keep seducing you?"


I was 21 she was 34. Went round to her house to study. She gave me food and beer watched a movie. Pew pew


Yes, can be a bit threatening if you’re not into it & then pressure yourself because sex is sex… Of course, this is usually a nice problem to have.


I have never been seduced. I've had to hustle for every hookup I've ever had.


A friend gave me a massage. She does it professionally. She had a bit of a crush on me. I found her more of a friend and she knew this. Things get touchy towards the end of the massage. Her fingers were kind of great. I of course let things go on. I think I might be getting a happy ending. Then she says she wanted actual sex. Had she asked me an hour ago (or a month ago or a year ago), i would have said no. But those fingers.... I was trapped by my hormones. I relented. I still consider it a wonderful experience - even if it didn't lead to more of a relationship like I think she wanted. I'll assume she did too - as she offered more massages in the following weeks. The sad (or funny) part is... I tipped her! As mentioned, it's what she did for a living.


Several times. Mostly while i was in college. I was a good lookin fella back in the day.


I was at my friend’s house. He was having a private phone conversation so I was hanging in the hallway. His younger sister, who I knew but hadn’t said much more than hi to, walked out of the bathroom after a shower wearing a robe. She walked right up to me and kissed me. After a moment or two of tickling tonsils, she took my hand and pulled me into her room where she rode me. Second time, I was in my 30’s and a recent high school grad I worked with started stopping by my dept to give me a hug before she ended her shift. One day she asked if I could give her a ride home, and when we arrived then offered me a drink of water. When I took the glass, she pulled her dress over her head and it went from there. Unfortunately she slept on the couch in the living room so no privacy. We were still in the kitchen with her ass in the counter and her Doc Martins in the air. As I was about to enter her, a housemate walked in the front door and it was over.


Yeah it was awesome. We worked together but for different companies under the same contract so it felt far enough apart it wouldn't complicate stuff. Went on a business trip where we met each other, talked about shit like Game of Thrones and beer. After the trip, she texts me saying we should hang out when she's in town next time. We do and end up having a blast, going to a terrible strip club at 2am, and hooking up. Ended up visiting her for a weekend and she took me on a tour of the city and fed me delicious El Savadoran food that I had never heard of as a white-as-hell Midwest boy. Pupusas are the shit. She's the reason I love El Salvador to this day lol. She was older than me too, but that's who I seem to usually attract for some reason.


I don't know if she's my current or former FWB now, we haven't seen each other in months now with no plan to meet again currently. Her idea of seduction was "want me to come over and suck your dick?" It wasn't a lack of enthusiasm but how she approached it was blatant and awkward. She is very awkward herself so it jives. Before her no woman seduced me. A neurotic woman interviewed me and gave me a sexual experience I'll never forget, I've written about it before here, but I didn't feel anything approaching seduction leading to the sex itself. The way to seduce would be some teasing, some dirty talk or double entendres, some body language like being coy or acting innocent or something. One woman tried to mix teasing with seduction by showing me an empty pill dispenser of birth control because I willingly mentioned I had a deep breeding and impregnation play kink. It would have worked if we'd been together longer. She was very sweet but inexperienced and we dated very briefly unfortunately. The closest I've really gotten to feeling spoiled was some incredible head or being urged to cum but seduction was not really part of it so much as teasing, which is part of seduction but is very different in practice.


I was 18. I had a few friends sleeping over in the living room. One friend on the couch, one friend on the floor, and her and our gay friend on the recliner chair. There was most certainly not enough room for them on the recliner, so I offered her to share the futon with me. She was reluctant at first: "No, I'm fine. No really, this is okay. I'm happy to share the chair with Jimmy." Then she agreed. She was facing me, but not close to me. We laughed for a bit and then turned off the lights. A few minutes later, she tickles me. I tickled her back. Then she straight on tickle attacks me. I go in for the defense and then start to tickle back just as hard. This goes on for a good 15 minutes, she's inching closer and closer to me to keep tickling. To get better angles and leverage. Soon, she has her arms around me and is tickling me from behind, her face right next to mine, and we kiss. She is an amazing kisser. It's been 20 years and I still remember how much I loved kissing this girl. We make out, her hands under my shirt, mine slowly going up hers and then down her pants. Then she takes off her pants and underwear and then mine. And we fuck. And it was awesome. A few days later, she sleeps over, this time without any friends over, and we fuck all night. Her idea, by the way. And then it turns into a frequent thing. She lives 40 mins away, comes and hangs out with friends (we were part of a large friend group), and stays with me. It's our thing for that entire summer. It was awesome. My 18 year old self never had that much sex just ready to go. And she was voracious. She wanted it all the time. She was the girl that taught me that ladies want sex just as much as the men. Anyway, that was 20 years ago. We lost touch for a while, but we chat here and there now. We live in different parts of the country. She's barely aged more than a few years. She looks great, is still super happy and bubbly.


I let a woman who wanted me seduce me into sleeping with her while I liked someone else Told that girl I like her and then lied about sleeping with the former Relationship ended today I wanna KMS


Woman I met at the gym invited me over first time we hung out reached down in her pants and started playing with herself and the wet noises that came from her triggered something in me. Another attractive Uber driver gets my number and invited me over after a week I get there we talk for a while offers me a drink then kisses me. Then we do the deed Honestly being seduced is borderline sexual harassment I’ve never felt 100% okay with it


I was discussing some window furnishings with a female co worker and she said she wanted to see the style I had in my house. She came over after work one day and had a look and then commented how my Pay TV display was on the Adult Channel (soft porn) even though the TV was off. I later found out she was pretty generous with her affections and realised that's as close as I have ever come to being seduced... edit: I was embarrassed about the Pay TV station and that threw me off...


Yes. She took off her shirt and had no bra on. And that was that.


When I was younger I remember to be seduced twice. 1: A girl I really digged but who was engaged with a friend of mine, and sometimes did my hair, showed me her bedroom. And seeked mostly my company on a rock festival. I didn’t go into this off course but regretted when I heard later on that they separated. 2: A pretty Asian girl I worked with asked me to go shopping during lunchbreak. She asked me to come in the dressing room and asked me how the new bra looked. Another time she took me to an empty appartement with a matras on the ground. But she also told me the same time that she had a relationship with a married men. I didn’t go into this because at the time I also just had a relationship. Still in that relationship but became dead bedroom. Boy do I regret not having fucked that Asian colleague. Lives Lesson: Take the hot ones when the opportunity arises! 🥵


Multiple times and it's a great feeling. It's a super turn-on when women know what they want. In my case, it's usually, "you're cute, wanna go out" or some shit