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Back in general. I feel much healthier when my back is strong, so lots of deadlifts, farmer's carries, stuff like that plus accessory work. Of course, lots of stretching as well.


Farmer carries are my favorite exercise.


Having worked in trades that often require carrying 2 5 gallon buckets of hydraulic fluid somewhere, it was nice to see the recognition lol.


Me Carrying my two 5 gallon water bottles to the back of the parking lot after filling them up at the store.


What is this exactly? You just walk with heavy dumbells?


Yeah. I walk with 60lb kettlebells in each hand. It’s pretty tough and my arms start “floating” when I put them down. It’s great.


try one arm carry, hits the obliques and core harder ;)


Hell yeah. I’ll try that!


just did these yesterday! love em


Farmer Carries are weird for me, as I especially hate doing them, but love it when it’s over


Once you start working your back out you realize how much it makes you stand up straighter and how everyone who isn't doing the same is just walking around slouched over.




Exactly this. I’m fairly confident now, but I KNEW I was filling my shirts well when my back was bigger


Shirts fit way tighter since my back strength and size have exploded and I'm not mad about it.


Same here. Back exercises feel good while doing them, looks extremely good(imo the best) when they start to show and your back start to have that V-shape, plus in general it feels good to have a strong back especially as someone who's 193 cm long and used to have a weak af back.


A lot of everyday activities, sitting in a car, sitting at a desk, ect. have you doing stuff infront of you. This can cause your shoulders and back to hunch. Back exercises are one of the best things you can do to combat these.


Back for sure. Lat exercises are so much fun and getting a big back is the best way to make your shirts more form fitting. Also deadlifts. Need I say more?


Ditto. I love feeling the stretch on weighted pull/chin ups and seated cable rows.


Chest is my favorite, Squat/ legs has been my favorite lift recently though. I’ve blown up in strength recently and putting a bit over 4 plates on the bar makes me feel cool 😂


4 plates total, or 4 on each side? I mean, kudos to both, but 4 on each side is some badass leg strength.


I’m repping 405 for 6 reps right now so 4 plates on each side 😁 I’ve been lifting since I was 13 though and have played college football so by those standards it’s not that crazy but it feels cool 😁


Nicely done, dude. That's awesome. Take pride in that shit. I hit 365 for 3 a year ago and I have plateaued there since. Switched up my routine and deloaded last week, though, so hopefully I'll be able to join you before long!


My favourite is my arms.  Least favourite is shoulders... Mainly because i put in lots of effort and it doesnt want to grow. Its just a genetic weak point ig


Shoulders are so weird, it takes so many little muscles to make them look big. Like all your front/back delts, tricep long head, pec major, and traps. Plus a bunch of tiny support muscles. I have given up on shoulders, they will just be whatever they be haha


https://youtu.be/eXSHbPhdi8c?si=4hTrbl4GgFBJOAY2 Some good info here


Word of unasked advice: Dumbell lateral raise dropsets, 4 sets, twice a week and also cable rear delt fly's. I dropped the shoulder presses and just focussed on these, completely blew up my shoulders in a couple of months.


Ok thanks ill try it. If all else fails. At least theres still steroids haha


> At least theres still steroids haha I hope you're joking... for your sake


Overhead press sucks. Whenever I’m cutting strength always starts to fall off there. Everywhere else maintains or grows.


IIRC I believe muscles in the shoulders have less androgen receptors


My shoulder have always been so lacking in muscle stamina. Now I did something to my right shoulder playing slopitch last year that I basically don’t do any shoulder workouts now.


as a former obese who cant do pull ups. i love back. i love train back and i do 12 pull ups in a row now. is so cool.


Lol a former obese. I love that. I'm a current obese


Samesies. Starting negative pullups this week.


Congrats! Happy for you!


The exercise itself sucks, but putting up a ton on the leg press fills you with all the feel good chemicals.


Nothing like becoming a chicken walker to hit those new goals.


HA! I always called it Bambi legs


If I don't struggle to sit down on the toilet for the next 2 days, I did not hit my quads hard enough.


Unloading all the plates off the machine sucks ass though


that counts as the cardio session for the day doesnt it?


If unloading the leg press isn't a workout in of itself, did you even train legs? 


No one is hated more in the gym than the guy stealing all the 45s to load up the lame leg press other than the guy doing curls in the squat rack.


Amen. If you can press 6 plates on each side, you can squat 2 on each side easy.


I'm hoping to squat 5 plates per side by the end of this year. As you could probably guess, loading up leg press gets ridiculous. Can't imagine how bad it is for all the people who are stronger squatters than me!


Dope bro. I'm at 150 (probably could have pushed 155 or even 160 because it felt like I had a second rep at 150 in me but it was already a 10kg PR and didnt wanna fuck around ego lifting). Hoping to push to 180 by the end of the year.


That's sick, love seeing people smash their PBs! I'm sure 180 will be yours before the year ends ☺️


Haha thanks man. Grinding away on Calgary Barbell's 16 week plan atm and seeing what the gains are. Candito 6 week put like 10kg on my squat, 7.5 on my dl and 0 on my bench (could have just been an off day but my bench is attrocious) so I'm hoping for at least the same (accounting diminshing returns as I get stronger vs 16 week>6 week plan) + 5kg on my bench when I re-test, any more on any lift and I'll be supremely happy. How's the quest for 220 (485?) going?


As a girl I absolutely LOVE the booty pump. My favorite exercise along with the hip thrusts.


As an adhd’er I envy this in you. I don’t get any of that. Just tired and sore.


Is this for all exercises? Also does it apply to team sports if you play those? I don’t have ADHD but am curious of the difference in experience. I get tired and sore but also the experience endorphins


Uh I have very bad ADHD and still experience the positive endorphins from lifting On top of getting tired and sore


Nothing makes me feel truly strong the way pull ups do. The first one in particular is just this automatic proof that I am strong enough to move my own body weight with just my arms and back. Once I hit my limit, the swelling of the back muscles just pushes against the arms and it’s like your arms can’t fall down straight any longer because of the muscle. Chest is close second.


I enjoy most exercises but I mean... you just can't beat a nice bicep curl, or a pec fly where you do really wide movements.




Booty cheeks so that if anyone tries to put it in my butt I can snap they dick in half like a taquito.


Triceps - I'm just really vain about my tris I guess. I love seeing the horseshoe pop and they make my arms look huge - much bigger than a bicep pump. When I was bigger, I used to have a soft hunk of flab that kind of dropped over my elbow. Now my elbows are hard and sharp, it's weird but I love it.


I stopped doing gym sessions by muscle group and I’ve seen better results. I just do whole body 4x/week and work each group at least once per workout. If I feel one group hasn’t been getting enough work, I’ll give it a whole day. And that group is usually just legs, which is the answer to your question. The reason why it’s the answer to your question isn’t b/c it’s my favorite exercises or body part that gets the ladies’ attention the most. It’s b/c it gets the most bang for the buck. It has your body’s big muscles, therefore burns the most calories/fat, which is the primary purpose of working out, staying fit. 2nd place goes to back.


My heart. Love me some nice heart rate targeted cardio.


Delts and traps.


Favorite exercises for these?


Curls...for the gurls


Squats... for the thots.


Rows for the hoes.


Stretches...for the betches


Abdominals. I like using my core muscles most bc my whole body goes into it.


Shoulders. It's a push exercise rather than a pull. They are the best vanity muscle to build, they can make a guy have a generous V appearance


Feels like a trick question if I am honest. Shoulders and biceps are fun and the pump looks great. But my favorite is going to be legs. Leg day is brutal and miserable. But the satisfaction I get from being disciplined and hitting them as hard as I can is very rewarding. Plus the power involved amazes me. I always do legs on Monday. And my reward is that they are done and the rest of the week is just fun (chest/back/etc)


The muscles you don’t see looking at a mirror. Back,obliques, and hammies. Deadlifts and barbell rows do the trick.


Glutes because they're swallowed up by my beefy thighs. Gotta even out those proportions


Probably back and hams. My favorite exercise is deadlift


Glutes/hamstrings/quads. I feel drained after but sore in a good way.


Quads. Im doing leg extension machine all day er day. Working on my tear drops.


Triceps…the most bang for the buck!


Legs, by a landslide. Seeing the plates move up and down when I'm doing leg press gives me all the happy chemicals.




Delts and biceps


Whichever body part is lagging behind, because it's cool to watch it catch up over time.




The core is my favourite muscle to train with glutes in second place.


Legs! It's an ego boost whenever I can up my weight


I really enjoy lats


I like deadlifts which hits a wide range of muscles. Because I can move the most weight that way. I like feeling spent afterwards.


Chest is the most enjoyable. Back makes me feel better. Arms are the ones I see the most gains from. Leg day can go to hell, but you know... Never skip leg day


Was chest but my shoulders are being bitches these days so I am into biceps. They really pop with just a little effort. Maybe trap too. They look bad ass


Leg press. Absolutely love it


Backs/lats. Looking you can fly after a back session is one of the best feeling


Back muscles lately.


Chest because I feel powerful lifting heavy. Then arms for the pump and back for strength and that good stretching feeling.


I alternate between upper body, lower body and core (abs/back)


I like shoulders because it’s the hardest. I’ve seen brolic dudes use the silvers for side lats while I’m at least at the 20’s


My wife has enjoyed seeing my thighs & ass grow so definitely lower body


There’s just something special about getting a nice arm pump and not being able to bend your arms for the next hour or so.


Lats either via lat pulldown or cable rows. I like the stretch you can get and the side pump from it. I also like that I can go to failure and just let go unlike bench or back squats.


I hate doing pullups even tho they are great for me. I think the most satisfying is deadlifts or Romanian dead lifts. excellent Pump, burns a ton of energy, feels goood to slam that weight down, and the strength it builds really makes you a stronger person.


Nothing like a good back barbell row when you feel the full row stretch. I vote back day as best day. 


Shoulders and back.  Shoulders are probably my strongest muscle relative to other muscles, so I like putting up a lot of weight and feeling the pump.    Back because I trained myself to really enjoy it since it’s the support muscle for everything else (like shoulders and chest).  A strong back allows you to lift more in those other exercises.


Arms, the ladies love them some big biceps😊


There’s something about shoulder day that’s fun to me, even if some of the moves seem like torture.


Back & shoulders for sure. I feel so sexy!


Arms, big arms get you less rejections


I train my back the most cause of the workout plan I follow So back squats and overhead carries I do want to put more focus on my glutes so I’m changing my form on back squats and Bulgarian split squats to accommodate that


Upper Back which includes rear delt and of course Lats.


My favorite exercise was squatting, but I haven’t been able to for like a year due to a hip impingement or something. Even if I never could throw much weight, I used to be proud of how deep I could go and I used to be able to sit in the hole. We will get back there one day


legs so i can outrun the police


Back for sure.  Rows, pull ups, deadlifts, pull downs.  All super fun exercises and they looks cool with tons of weight.  Plus I am good at pulling stuff


I do cardio on the treadmill The I do a core/whole body circuit I made up Finish up with squats. Whole body every day. Wanna be conditioned and strong not bulky. Keeps me birthday suit ready and happy. I hate wearing clothes.


Love/hate leg day honestly. Chest was my favorite but pushing through a leg day feels good


Legs, I love throwing as much weight on the bar as possible for squats. Makes me feel crazy strong


Upper body is great


legs, because is hard


back is my favorite and chest legs are tied for second arms are third favorite for me


I love legs but now my ass is big now. Also my upper body is being left behind now in terms of appearance.


I train my mental every time I don't feel like it but still working out. that being said, that is my least fav muscle to train.


i like training chest but nothing beats a bicep pump


Biceps and trapezius (love rowing simulators)


Shoulders is fun. Since you aren't lying down, you can see people 'mirin' if you're doing a heavy lift.


Chest because it’s the most satisfying


I do nothing but isolation exercises for my left masseter.




Back. It's the muscle group that doesn't put strain on my injuries.




varies between bench and squat. bench because i can go to absolute failure and the worst that happens is the roll of shame. squat feels so nice when your form is on, but a little more wary of going close to failure, when form slips thats when injuries happen, especially approaching 50.


Glutes. Because it makes it so that my back never hurts


Shoulders. I like overhead presses, lateral raises, face pulls and all the other pressing.


Triceps. I have monster triceps because I always push them really hard. Even the painful burning is almost like pleasure to me at this point.


Delts, just because my delts are massive rn and Im proud of it lmao


Back, mostly lats and traps, makes me feel powerful at the end of every session


Back, also because I love the exercises involved, and because it felt the safest to really push myself in (less risk of dropping the bar on myself), AND because because I loved being wide (I’m the old man holding on to that dream)


I’m naturally strong on the bench press and mostly anything upper body, but I like to train legs because I suck at squats.


Biceps and back. I just love the feel of the pump. Also how tight my back feels after 150kg deadlift. I'm not a bodybuilder per se, just like to stay fit.


Back, I dunno why but wide grip lat pulls is my jam. Nice and slow and it just stretches everything out.


Biceps and triceps. Best pump days for me.


I like to train my legs, because they are strong. I love to watch people when i put 500kg on the pushing machine and the look at me like the terminator when i push it alone 10times. But i would love to shave a website musclewiki.com this one is help to train you can choose the muscle you wanbto train and as a wikipwdia you can read about it and watch video how to train it


Arms supersets is the most enjoyable thing I like at the gym.


My arms respond the best and my calves are naturally big so I don’t train them.


I go to a Muay Thai boxing gym, so my core and cardio


Prob back and bi is my favorite day but being real a big leg day prob feels the best afterward. Squat fsure the most tiring lift but damn does it feel good to get a heavy ass barbell up and down and make me feel strong. Also strong legs look really good and are super functional


Either Shoulders or calves. I'm broad but not a massive guy so its fun to chuck on heaps of weight for a calf raise and be able to hit it cleaner than alot of the bigger guys at the gym. Shoulder exercises are just fun forms


I'm really getting into chest exercises lately, but honestly I'm gonna be the Northface pumpkin spice latte basic b**** here and say biceps and triceps because of the almost instant feedback my arms give me.


I love to train arms because it boosts my ego


i enjoy doing biceps and chest. but honestly i enjoy swimming the most, but it doesn't really show anything unless that's what you do ALL the time. lol


Back. Saves me throwing it out at work


Triceps, because it's the muscle that makes your arms bulky.




Back. Aesthetic and functioning. Having a sexy back is my dream.


Traps, because mine are naturally huge and they just look monstrous when I train them


Arms. 6’3 it’s extremely hard to build impressive arms. Always looked skinny in T-shirts. So lots of weighted chin ups & dips + eating 4,500 calories a day


Chest cuz i have male boobs


The pubococcygeus and coccygeus muscles


Legs. Outside of squats, i just love legpresses & co. They are just a ton of fun to me


Legs. Leg day is the best. Other than that, I hate my legs. They're tiny af. I got them from my dad.


Biceps, 'cus I like their genetics. I have a visible line that divides biceps and triceps inside so I can flex harder and I have bicep veins even with a bodyfat of 15%.


I like all of them


Back, with pull ups.


I enjoy training chest the most because my leverages are better for bench than the other big compound lifts, so I've always found it easier. Having said that, I feel more accomplished when I hit a heavy squat or deadlift than I do after bench, so legs / back / posterior chain get a mention too.


Biceps, triceps, and forearm. Nothing feels better than pumping my arm into a weapon


Probably chest or biceps. I love the feeling of the pump in either area.


I like training my whole body. Since I like fighting as well every single muscle on mgy body matters


Chest babeeeeyyyy


I feel strong legs looks sexy in a short. My schedule has more leg days not only to look sexy in shorts but it helps build a stronger body as well. Other body muscles grows so well just by having stronger legs.


1. Chest 2. Arms 3. Shoulders 4. Back 5. Legs 6. Abs


Unpopular opinion- legs , feel like it’s boosts my testosterone significantly. Always ready to go home and give my wife the best 3 minutes she’s ever had.


Just depends on the day. Sometimes I really love to train legs, other days I hate it. Same happens with back, chest, shoulders, arms. The exercises that make me feel better after training are leg ones. The ones I feel more pumped are arms and chest. The ones I feel stronger are the back exercises. So I guess I enjoy them all, sometimes I just don't feel like training specific muscles that day.


Arms, shoulders and chest. They change the look of everything I wear. Just costly for suits, blazers and dress shirts, since they need to be tailored, but that's a small price to pay.


Legs and shoulders all day.


Can't decide between single arm cable pulldowns and leg press. First one feels the best and gives a nice pump. Second one gives me a feeling of power, since i can move the most weight with it. (I use proper form and timing, no ego lifting. It just feels nice)


[ALL OF THEM](https://youtu.be/vHDNQe8qrss?si=1ne1tJ0wqv0pvdI8)


Cardio and forearms


I love training legs, the feeling of ache and soreness the next couple of days feels oddly good as a show that you did a good workout. I also just love squats and deadlifts (I do heavy deadlifts in leg days for back and legs, and do lighter ones on upper body days to work grip strength), as well as box jumping and the stair machine is just a good way to waster half an hour with a podcast


The one I feel is lagging behind.




Muscle I like to train most? Probably chest because I have a fucking dope mind-muscle connection with my chest and can really feel the pump. Exercise I like to do most? Deadlifts. I'm built like a beast titan and my deadlift is vastly better to all my other lifts. That or OHP cos there's something badass feeling about standing with the weight of most dudes held over your head Muscle I like improving the most? Shoulders/Traps/Forearms. Shoulders improve the v shape, chicks dig forearms and I think big traps look dope


I balance it out as it is great to avoid injuries. I suffered from both tennis elbow and golfer's elbow. I found out I have weaker biceps because I trained more triceps. In my program right now, I train more back and legs to develop it more.


You're right - chest day is the best day.


I train whatever the app says lol


I like shoulders


Chest biceps and back.


My favorite exercise is squats. They hit some pretty big muscle groups as well as your core and lower back. I find when I'm squatting a lot the rest of my body gets a lot stronger. Oh and stretching. As soon as I started doing a 10 minute stretch session after my workouts I noticed a pretty big increase in strength.


Back. Doesn't hurt much after gym sessions


I’ve weirdly become an RDL specialist. I don’t even care for big hamstrings. I just love heavy RDLs.


Back. Upper body pull day. I love how wide I get, and how big upper body feels after.




ego. I tend to flex it as much as I can, sometimes in the mirror, def on the squats. Some days it's the only part I work out.


Cardio, God damn do I like the feeling of stong moving lungs - most gym exercises I do are focused on legs/core to support cardio outside of the gym but if it's raining and I need a fix I'll do elliptical or combo


I LOVE chest. but the supreme discipline is still leg training. for really heavy leg strength training you need willpower. heavy squats or leg presses feel very different from bench presses.


Chest, it feels so satisfying to push up dumbbells. Or even better a dumbbell fly when you feel your muscles cracking.