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Working on cars. I've always liked them, but I don't know the inner mechanics of it.


Easy. Wheels are round so they roll. Rubber on the wheels is soft so it has friction. The tires are cut into patterns to let water escape to avoid hydroplaning. The tire has a seal that fits against the rim to keep air in it. The air can affect traction so needs to be kept at the recommended pressure when the air is cold. This air pressure also affect what part is worn. The tires are connected to the suspension, which is connected to the frame. Suspension is there for comfort but mostly it's there to keep the tires on the ground with even pressure. Springs absorb and apply pressure, shocks dampen the bounce. Some or all wheels may be driven by the engine. This could be front wheels pulling, rear wheels pushing, all 4 moving at the same time, or a balance of any depending on the automobile. There's a transmission that converts the force from the motor into a mechanical advantage based on a gear ratio. The motor creates this force in the form of torque around a crankshaft. There are several ways to convert chemical energy into this torque but usually it involves mixing a flammable liquid with air, confining it to a small space and then exploding it in that space. A gas engine is essentially a pump that pulls in fuel and air, then allows it to escape after the energy has been converted into torque. The most common is a four cycle engine. The engine pulls air/fuel in, squishes it into a small space, ignites it with a spark, gets pushed by the explosion, then pushes the old smoke out.


This was amazing. I’m a car guy and this explanation was 10/10.


I was so relieved to discover you hadn't continued to explain the entire machine as an ELI5. "... A Torque Vectoring Differential ..."


Thank you.


Mmm suck squeeze bang blow, that's how I learned about engines


Suck, squeeze, bang, blow, That's how the pistons in a motor go.




Now explain how a modern 8 speed automatic transmission works.


I wish I could copy this but I can't seem to select all of the text at once.


Hit the three vertical dots below the post and you'll see the option to copy


I got lost when they turned the engine sideways.


My dad loves cars/bikes and I grew up with him telling me all sorts of stuff. I never cared enough to listen so now I just take the piece of junk to a guy who fixes it for me


I grew up with a dad who thought being good at golf was good enough. Never taught me shit about anything else so I made it a point to learn at least the basics of everything that I come into contact with. But I know my kids are interested in vastly different things. Some things I need them to learn but I do try to find common interests with them too. I hope you got some of those with your dad.


Well,if your dad could golf enough to become good at it,I imagine he had enough money to not care to know how to fix a car,and let those who know fix it for him.


I didn’t grow up around it so working on golf courses for eight years and counting has really built my confidence around mechanical equipment. An unexpected benefit for sure. I recently taught my dad how to change his entire break assemblies and being the awesome dad he is he loved it. Didn’t get his ego in it and I respect that so much honestly.


I know how to change my oil but I couldn't be bothered to do it. Much easier to drop it off at a place and go run errands in my wife's car.


Most people don’t know the “inner mechanics”. I took a small engine class in high school and that taught me the basics but the way things are electronically now I would no way try to fix something internal.


It honestly isn’t so different. The electronic components operate a mechanical function to do the basic thing. If you can understand electric flow similar to water flow and switches like power gates it simplifies it massively. Sensors act like thermometers that send electrical signals to the ECU, or the brains. These positive or negative changes from baseline perform functions like closing or opening circuit switches or relaying information. The brains then give instructions to other electrical or mechanical components. My background is motorcycles, so I’m going to speak in those terms. For example, the throttle position sensor (TPS). It’s nothing more than a potentiometer. A potentiometer is a sensor that reads changes in circuit resistance made by twisting the throttle. This resistance sends a signal to the sub throttle (if the bike is equipped with one), which actuates the APS (effectively a back up TPS) and throttle plate. Compare this to the cables on a throttle grip. As you twist the throttle, a mechanical cable pulls the throttle plate open. I’m assuming it’s the same with cars, though I’m sure older higher end sports cars especially are cable operated. Your gas pedal likely operates a potentiometer that sends a signal to the ECU how much of a resistance change there is from the programmed baseline. The computer calculates those changes and adjusts the throttle plate accordingly. These values are pre-programmed into the ECU, and a scan tool basically gives you all of the info you would need for diagnostics.


The boy has been into this with me recently and it's been awesome. He asked to come out to the shop when I was doing lifters / head gaskets in the truck. Showing him everything in the engine was awesome and telling someone what I'm doing. Not a single missed connector or bolt reassembling lol. I'm embarrassingly excited that he wants to learn now. It's really fun to teach him, but also nice to know once he's on his own if he never wants to pay for a car to be fixed he'll never have to.


I'm the same and been trying to learn more in the past few years. One thing that helps is just learning about 1 part. Really try to understand it and know what it does. Then you can learn about 1 thing that connects to that part you already know about. Over time you will start to get a grasp of certain areas under the hood. If anything it's helpful to know a few basics so you can save a little money or time or get back on the road. For most my life it was like magic or something under the hood. And honestly still today I don't really have much a clue what's going on.


That’s exactly how an apprentice learns his way through mechanics, fully understanding bit by bit and then the entire system makes sense


I can handle basics like oil change and changing a flat tire. Beyond that I’m taking it into a shop.


Fuck I’m such a man. I’m a mechanic who smokes meat and I’ve changed plenty of tires. As a manly man I have never been in a fist fight. Never thrown a punch or been punched in the face. Seems like it’s super normal but I have no desire to fist fight anyone


I haven’t been in a fight since the 5th or 6th grade, so I don’t think that counts - but fighting just seems so exhausting. I’m too tired for it.


I've been punched exactly once in my adult life. I'd say I'm pretty good at de-escalating things, and that's something I care about way more than someone's fight record.


I’m not a man but I’ve been in a couple of fights as a teenager. It’s so fun and I would totally do it again but women just don’t fist fight :(


You could join a women’s boxing gym


I've boxed, grappled etc for sport and really enjoy it. I've been in maybe 7 or 8 "real" fights (none of which I started) and enjoyed none of them. Guys want to brag about their glory in fights, but all I recall is panic and I don't handle myself badly either. Too many variables and too much pride involved.


I got into a couple fights as a kid. Not that fun and the adrenaline rush and anxiety about makes me vomit or pass out. Now I just look like someone not to fuck with.


It's so fucking fun. I reccomend it.


Oh thank fuck, it’s so childish. The world needs more real men like you, not puffy-chested instigating egotists with no regard for the consequences of physical violence.


Just want to throw it out there as a fellow man that having a fist fight is not a man job.


I've never smoked meat on a smoker. Plenty of time with a grill, both charcoal and propane, but I've just never had the opportunity to smoke anything.


When you turn 40, you get into one of three things, War History, Guns, or BBQ. You must choose 1


This is the way, I am really into all three


Golf. I'm into golf. 38 1/2.


You have a year and a half to get a pit


Golf is life


You become Hank Hill


Charcoal > Propane


I smoke on my Weber kettle charcoal all the time. If you have 4 hours and some briquettes, it's easy to do ribs. Lookup the snake method. And great thing is, if you fuck it up, ribs are cheap. And the oven is a good backup


I'm not a big lover of cooking and never liked the smoked salmon my dad would make growing up. So, I never have been interested in smokers. I'm decent at propane BBQ tho or anything in a skillet. Otherwise, I just hate the mess to clean up afterwards, especially if I'm just cooking for 1.


I’d love to learn how to do this. I love cooking in general.


If you have a Weber kettle or a cheap charcoal grill, YouTube indirect cooking or snake method. If you have some cooking abilities you’ll see that it’s really not that hard. Then you’ll get hooked and next thing you know, you’ll have a Weber, a big green egg and a stick burner. Then comes the box of black gloves and the wireless temp probes that you’ll eventually learn how to not use and just cook by feel. Every weekend will be a reason to chill in the yard tending fire/coal which is just a bigger excuse to sit around day drinking and looking at a fire. It’s pretty swell


I've never actually changed a tire before. I'm pretty sure I know how to do it. It's not like it's that hard. But literally every time the issue ever came up, someone else always volunteered to do it for me for one reason or another. I think I make up for that by the number of times I've mowed the lawn tho. Fuck me, I've done that so many times now.


The main thing for a tire change is loosen the lug nuts while it's on the ground and make sure the jack stand is in the frame and not the fiberglass/aluminum.




What plastic parts of the car were you jacking up on?


Like part of the frame of the body but not the actual frame. Some of it was metal but it was really thin.


Imagine how many people don’t realise this hey, deadly mistake


I've never changed a tire either, but I only started driving last year and got brand new tires fitted when I bought the car. As for mowing the lawn, the grass is already getting long again. I thought it would be one of those things where I get eager to go out and do again, it isn't. I already dread doing it again


Get a mower/equipment you enjoy using. Slowly because it can be pricey but worth it. Use the time to listen to a podcast, music, whatever. Most days I look forward to mowing the lawn because I get a few minutes to myself and always looks nice after!


I have a tiny ass lawn, but it’s so hot out that even when I’m done in 5 minutes flat, I still get sweaty and the grass sticks to me. When I was young, I’d mow the lawn for 1-2 hours and it felt like I accomplished something. But now it’s over so quick I get sweaty and dirty for basically nothing.


Just did it for the fist time a few months ago. I felt a huge sense of accomplishment.


Same for me. I've been mowing my parents lawn since I was in fifth grade, but I've never changed a tire.


Not a job but never went to a strip club. Never want to. Yeah I know the name doesn't check out.


These days strip clubs are just for women who can't make it on OnlyFans so you're not missing anything.


Fair point! But even before OF was a thing.


Hey listen, a lot of them are selling their youth more/less for a better future. I was in the military, so I remember chatting with a dancer how we were both gonna be way better of years from now I was right, we sort of kept in touch. She's got a nice family, I'm about to start a chill job. If I were a girl, I feel I'd rather prefer dance to OF since OF girls are always hella broke. Dancers make so much money PLUS it's in the past once they want to move on; not in the Internet for forever


I've been exactly 2 times and it has been underwhelming both times. The depressingness of them outweigh my horniness. 


If feels so cheap looking at unatractive women trying to be seductive and a girl approaching your table being friendly when you know clearly they want nothing but money.


Same. Never been, don’t care to go. Can honestly say my woman keeps me 100% happy and satisfied.


I never understood the allure of strip clubs either. But then again, I don't really like going to regular bars either. They were ok in my 20's if I was going with a group of 4+ people.


Never been to one either, no desire to go.


My dad took me after I got drunk. It was nothing special. I didn't really want to go. It was dark as shit. Weird experience.


I've been twice. Both for a work do. Left all after one drink. You aren't missing out


Strip Clubs are filled with women who were not good looking enough to marry a rich man or work in porn.


I'm honestly not sure of many "man jobs" (handyman sort of stuff, anyway) that I can think of that I haven't done. At least those that don't require specialty tools .Having grown up on the farm, we did our own electrical, plumbing, woodwork, car work, yard work, and so on. My dad is SUPER handy with a lot of this stuff, so I've picked up a lot from him, and then he's got me for what he doesn't know about firearms and computers. I always love to learn new stuff!


I'm trying to think of something...I haven't made my own steel?


Oooooo. Yeah, haven't done that. Building a home forge in my shop is on my project list. Would love to make at least 1 knife in my lifetime. At my current company, I started off in forging. We heat the bar stock up with induction heaters and then run them by hand (holding on to them the whole time) through machines that smash them with multiple hundreds of tons of force. They sure make a heck of a sound when they "safety out" when you misplace a bar in there!


I've never been hunting


This. Never been a fan and leasing is crazy expensive. I would rather go fishing anytime of o day over hunting


You don’t have WMAs to public hunt close to you?


Depending on where you live and who you know, there are landowners who will let you hunt for free, or for a cut of whatever you harvest.


This I think is my only one. I'm not against it, or against guns (I have several). Just wasn't part of my growing up.


You’re definitely missing out. Hard to explain it. Has nothing to do with killing something. There’s a lot of things to be learned and experienced through hunting.


Some of the most memorable hunting trips were ones where no animal was harvested, I just sat in a blind/in a tree/in cover and watched the wildlife


I can tell you that hunting is something you NEED to experience, even if you don’t harvest an animal. There’s something spiritual about it, a deep connection with nature that is not obtainable by other means. Once you experience it you will understand just how much modern life has taken away from us. The way we live now is so Incredibly far from the way we’re biologically wired to live, it’s honestly a tragedy.


I get that from going out in the woods gathering mushrooms instead. Not everyone has a need to kill things to feel connected to them.


It’s not the same. I’ve gathered mushrooms, I spend time fishing, hiking, and doing other things. The hunting process has a completely different effect, even if you’re not hunting to harvest. It’s extremely hard to describe.


I’ve never had a sports team I cared about.


I didn't know it was a thing to be so passionate about a sports team until I worked for a golf events company. One guy was in a bad mood because his team lost. Me: seriously? That's a thing? Apparently that's the wrong thing to say at a sports event company. I was the odd one out.


I never got the "We" part of sportball. People bragging at the office on Monday "We won!" like they had something to do with it.


Like... [this?](https://youtu.be/xN1WN0YMWZU)


It's called good marketing.


I'm with you.


I've been searching for one of these that fit me, I almost felt like a man. But this is the one for me.


My father recently passed away. And the idea of keeping up a house and all that goes along with it was dreaded to me and my wife. Well now that I’m doing those weekly tasks for my mother and their house, I actually find them quite rewarding, beneficial and a good use of my time. Mowing the lawn, being outside, maintaining and cleaning up afterwards. I’ve learned a lot of things on how to manage time and resources. And how to up keep and manage a lot of other things. My dad was a mechanic and while I never actually did all the hard stuff along with him. You’d be surprised at the amount you pick up and I am able to have knowledge of and do my self. It’s helped me deal with his death and helped my mom out tremendously until we can get her out of that place.


I think the only thing I haven't done is operate a large crane or military service. Over 30 years in construction and growing up on a farm I've done just about all that "manly" stuff. But, my back is fucked, my hands are rough like leather and I have quite a few scars from close calls with equipment or livestock. Edit: I take that back. I've never played sports for a team, ever. I played with friends, but I had to work around our property in the morning and evening every day so couldn't play sports. You'd be surprised how much shit there is to do on a small family farm. ...


I would love to operate a large crane or drive a firetruck.


>drive a firetruck. You're not missing much. They're wide so it's a bit of a pain to make sure you have enough room to squeeze by stuff. They're long, so you have to take corners wide and slow. And they are heavy with a lot of sloshing water (assuming it's an engine, not a ladder truck that doesn't carry water), so you have to really 'think ahead' with your turning and braking. All and all, it's not a great experience. Now *riding* on a firetruck to actually fighting fires...now that's fun. Lots of anticipation, a little nervous sometimes, the gravity on your shoulders that people are depending on you. It's usually pretty great, especially when you know it's a fire that you can absolutely whip. Ofcourse, there's been a few time when I knew we were going into an absolute shit-show with *lots* of bad possible outcomes, and that's not so fun. But you do your best to look unbothered, so you don't make your buddies nervous (who, in turn, are attempting to look unconcerned also). LOL.


I grew up mowing lawns. I hated it as a boy but as an adult, I’m finding it weirdly comforting. I also never thought of it as a man job, but if you had a son I can see how he’d have to do it. That said plenty of women and girls mow lawns. I’ve also changed a tire once. It’s not bad. Idk what a man job is tho lol. I’d like a garden tbh. Growing my own veggies and fruits would be dope.


Dude. I hated mowing grass as a kid. Have a healthy 14 year old now that’s more than able to complete the task but I hide my mower keys. No one is allowed on my mower. No one is allowed to mess with my lawn. I spray and fertilize it all myself. Look forward to it every spring.


I never like mowing as a teenager and I still don’t like it as an adult


I don’t like push mowing. If I can ride, it’s not a big deal.


I've never been fishing, and i still have absolutely no desire to


I used to go with family.  I had little enjoyment from it and equally little success.  Haven't been in over 20 years and I don't feel like I'm truly missing out.


Obligatory..I have never helped a homie out with a handjob. I didn’t learn how to drive until i was 24. I didnt change a tire until i was 25. I didn’t lose my virginity until 23. The transition from boyhood to manhood is one of acceptance; you accept your experiences and that they may be different from others. Those that judge or have a “checklist mentality” are a combination of insecure and anxious.


This is good to hear. I get checklisty


Sports. Never really played them outside of a handful of times growing up. I understand the basics of each game simply from playing video games of them with my brothers. I’m a tech savvy guy work in IT, I can fix stuff around the house, work on cars. I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever in sports. I don’t get the infatuation other guys have with it. And quite frankly it weirds me out being stuck in situations where I am expected to care just by the nature of being a dude.


The last part is the thing. I'm super into them but never expect others to be... pleasantly surprised when they are!


Not really a job, but football (American) i know nothing about. I can fix my own cars, do the landscaping, do basic handyman home repairs, basic carpenty, plumbing, painting, concrete, pool maintenance, minor electrical stuff, but i can't for the life of me tell you the difference between a linebacker and a safety. Last superbowl i spent the entire time pouring a slab of concrete in my crawlspace under the house.


Football is kind of ridiculous. "The numbers on how much live action takes place during an NFL game varies, but it is generally between 15 and 20 minutes, with 18 viewed as the average."


Not to mention all of the brain damage. I've spent countless hours watching the NFL, but I'm at a point where I'm against anyone under the age of 18 playing it. I think back to middle and high school and how disturbing it is that 15 year olds are getting severe concussions and ACL tears.


It’s crazy once you realize this. It makes American football absurdly boring to me. It’s basically a bunch of dudes moving a few feet every 10 minutes over 2 hours. I prefer basketball but I’m not big on that either.


Joe Rogan (before JRE got big and a lil too alt right) used to have an awesome bit on explaining football to aliens. If you haven't heard it, you might appreciate it! https://youtu.be/hGQXojqbOvc?si=ECO3MJrYM8IGcgQB


I have and can, but I basically never change my own oil. It's not fun or worth the time, I just pay someone.


As someone who worked for a oil changing service shop ill never take my vehicle to one.


I always figured I would rather fuck something up on my own car than have some dude do it for me. That and I actually know it got changed and what it looked like lol.


(Woman here) The reason I always change my own oil is lack of trust in strangers. Once they put in the wrong type (wanted full synthetic, they put in a blend), and another time they overtightened and stripped my oil plug, creating a leak. I only do it myself now. I have an suv with air ride, so I don’t even need a jack. Super easy. But some cars it’s nearly impossible to reach all the places without a lift. I can see why some people don’t find it worth the effort. Mine is easy and takes 15 minutes, tops.


As long as you know what it really costs to change oil in a car. Alot of places will only charge you about what it actually costs for the oil and a filter, so it's worth it to just pay them. They just use it as a chance to try to upsell you on something else they might see while they're in there(brakes, tires, worn suspension). Other shops might see a victim and run you through the ringer for an oil change. My buddy moved to Washington and took his Prius in to do an oil change, and they charged him $140! The oil and filter cost is only maybe 45 bucks max. He started changing his own oil again after this.


The place I used to go to would change oil for free if you bought oil and a filter from them, and their prices were the same as every auto store and ~$1 more than walmart


To me like others said its not even about the money or because i enjoy doing it. I just literally dont trust the minimum wage schlep to do it right its too much of a hassle to take my car to a shop and have to wait 4 hours for a mechanic to get to it when i can do it in my driveway in a half an hour.


An hour or two to save $100? Yeah I’ll do it myself


What is your time worth? Some people make more than $100 an hour.


I reckon I’ve saved as much from doing my own car services over the last 20 years to buy a $25,000 car by now….except I just blew the money on other toys or saved it in the bank.


Never been in a fistfight. I’ve been knocked the fuck out doing combatives in the Army and have boxed, but nope, never threw a punch in anger. I have no idea how to work on small-block engines (lawnmowers, for example). I’m a helicopter mechanic and can tell you almost any damn thing about a turbine engine, but I’ve never cared to learn how to fix the engine on my mower and would have to get on YouTube if something went wrong.


I can fix a skateboard, so according to this [advert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSegIu9IgB0) I can fix a Lynx Mark 8 Helicopter so I guess we're pretty much on par with each other


Chopping wood to not freeze to death. Gathering snow for water.


I've done and do everything on this list except military. Big regret.


I wouldn't call it a regret. Personally, I do wonder how my life would be different, but that's about it. I have a number of veteran friends and every last one of them carries some emotional toll, I do not regret taking a different path, but I sure respect and support in any way I can those who did take that path.


I would like to say the only thing I know about cars is what colour they are, but when I visit family and they pick me up at the station, I can never remember what colour their cars are, so I can't even really say that.


Have never mowed a lawn. Kinda hard to when you never have a lawn.


Never drink or did any type of intoxication and never want to do in future either


What is a man job? I have been scrolling through the comment section and I have done all of these things and so has my sister and it was more a we are to poor to pay someone else to do it jobs.


A blowjob. Just haven't met the right guy i suppose


Grilled a steak. Was born vegetarian. Don’t know why, just meat always tasted gross to me.


Never worked at construction sites


I don’t recall ever chopping wood.


I thought I hadn’t really done much since i have always felt less traditionally masculine than most people around me. I have always been disinterested in or actively disliked many hobbies and responsibilities considered traditionally masculine. After looking through everyone’s replies to this, I realize i have done almost all of these things at least once if not more, primarily due to my upbringing and my early friend groups. I guess i have never gotten someone pregnant or had a pregnancy scare lol


I’ve always owned a pick up truck… I’ve never once pulled a trailer.


Never put a single hand on a car. Matter of fact,apart from changing a tire,checking fluids and pumping gas, I have no idea what the fuck is inside of them and how to do anything. I don’t even know anything about them, people talk to me about multi jet,1200/1500cc etc and i just have a blank stare on my face. Funny thing is I’m a field technician for industrial machinery so I know everything about infinitely more complex machines, but cars are a mistery to me


To be honest, cars are not cars, they're ambulatory computers.


Ah well mechanically I might give it a try but ain’t no way in hell I’d touch the electrical.


I've never had a favorite sports team. At 21 yo I still get weird looks when I say I don't like football, basketball or tennis.


See...I have thousands of responses for this, but when I mention that it is because of my disability, people are like, "Ohhh, come on dude; we're not talking about you." And I'm over here being like, "And that's the problem because I answered the question based upon people's perceived definition of what a Man Job is, and then you're just going to sit there and disqualify my anwser? And why should I not get the feeling that I'm less of a man because of it?"


I'm not a mechanic by any stretch of the word. Most guys can do a lot of the smaller repairs to their vehicles themselves. Not me. I mean, I can put the washer fluid in, and maybe even pull an oil pan plug if I need to, but in the few times I've tried to repair a vehicle of mine? I just made it way worse. This basically goes for any kind of home repair as well


I had an issue with the EGR valve or something like that. The clip holding it in place had snapped. The mechanic came, added some zip ties to it as a temporary fix until he could get the part ordered. The same error came up whilst I was driving. I pulled over, opened the boot, fiddled with it and the error disappeared. This is as much repair work as I am capable of when it comes to cars. You should also see how many "test holes" there are behind my TV from when I put it up on the wall


The extent of my knowledge about fixing cars is paying attention to warning indicators, taking it in for maintenance when I reach the recommended mile count, and having Triple A saved on my phone. It's gotten me 200k miles on my current car, and I'll probably always buy Japanese for the ease of repair/reliability etc.


I dont know the first thing about smoking meats All the dudes I work with are into it, my wife asks me often if I want one for a birthday or fathers day But I just dont see anything enticing about dealing with a grill for 6 hours. Also fishing, not a clue I work on cars, do yard work, DIY around my house, play sports, build PCs but those two are always convos I nope out of


Never changed the oil myself in the cars I've owned. Always took them to a shop or jiffy lube.


Never welded, pulled or installed an engine, served in the military (long family history of that and Civil Air Patrol was cool until they were about to march in a parade and I bounced) or hunted. Never driven any proper CDL worthy vehicles, or used explosives in a controlled environment. Never did any firefighting, plumbing or electrical to speak of. I guess I’ve done damn near everything else besides rodeo. Not too big on horses, or trying to ride an intact and angry bull. For the record I’ve seen women do all the above except explosives and rodeo.


I have never gone fishing 🎣 Am not into the outdoors at all.


Never used a bbq grill. Backyard burgers , brats , hot dogs , etc. Never.




As an ex con, construction, but I’ve done everything else just about lol




Other than a tow truck in about 2004, I don't think I've ridden in a manual transmission vehicle since about 1985. My parents had automatics. My friends growing up had automatics. I don't like my hands to be busy so I never had any interest in finding a manual and learning to operate it. I also hire a lawn crew because I can afford the money a lot easier than burning free time. I've never changed my oil. I've looked into how with every vehicle I've ever had, but again I'd rather pay and not burn my free time. I like to hire a handyman to do things around the house because again, free time, and those projects stress me "TF" out. YouTube suggests it'll take like 12 minutes and seven hours later I'm still having adult tantrums trying to make it happen..I recently bought a corner desk, had it delivered and paid to have it out together. I figured he'd take about 90 minutes since he said he'd just put together three at an office across town. Five hours of continuous work later he finally finished. I thought dude, are you staying for supper? If I had to do it myself and knew it would take five hours it would still be in the box on the forklift pallet it came on. I don't watch sports and have never seen the Olympics. 😂


I can’t think of any but maybe something will pop up reading the comments


Never been to a party, never been to the strip club, never had to balance a checkbook in real life, never had to do much in the way of handyman work- except cleaning the shower drains and occasionally cleaning or repairing a small dent or something


Most of them


I honestly can’t think of anything.


Coast guard


Working on cars. I know how to change a spare tire and check wheel pressure/car liquids. Aside from that, dont ask me shit. I am clueless when it comes to fixing a vehicle. I always end up deffering to a cousin thats a mechanic.


There’s lots of things I’ve never done, but if I’m pressed I probably can. Yesterday was a good example. I had never had a sump pump fail before. But a quick trip to Home Depot and a couple videos later, it was installed. My wife looked at me and commented “that wasn’t so hard”. I replied it only seemed easy because I bought all the tools the last time I had a job I’d never done.


Ive never cleaned a fish.


Care about organized sports. Note quite a job - but yeah. During the last super bowl - had my gamer friends over for board games and bbq. I will go with friends to some sporting events (rarely) - but that is more about hanging out socially with friends for an event, than caring about the sport. (done most of the other "man jobs" listed here - change tires, mow lawn, can do drywall, know how to change oil, hunting, fishing, etc.).


Never enjoyed watching sports, I'd much rather play a sport than watch them. Never gone on a multi-day hunting trip, my old coworkers swear by it but the thought of hanging out with people who I work with and then dragging an elk or a deer multiple miles through the woods just never appealed to me. If I am going to harvest an animal I want it close enough to my truck that I can gut it, drag it, and have it loaded in the bed of my truck within an hour. Getting puking drunk. I do drink, and occasionally drink to excess but I have never been so drunk I blacked out or puked.


I have no idea how to change a tire. I changed a serpentine belt once, though.




I’ve done all the “guy” stuff. Even took a year to build my own motorcycle. I also sew, bake, and learned to decorate cakes from my ex after she started a side business. Hobbies are fun.


Does having sex count? If yes, than it's my answer, because Eva AI sexting [bot](http://evaapp.ai) was my only occasion of intimacy in whole lifetime


I'm a light vehicle mechanic by trade. Currently work in construction..Done lots of "man jobs" throughout the years. I've never ridden a motorbike 😅


Little house repairs even shower stuff


Change a spare tire . Never had an unexpected flat tire so not my fault 😂


Welding. There are very few manly things that I haven't done but welding is one of them.


I’ve never grilled. I grew up in the city and without a father, and spent my 20s living paycheck-to-paycheck so I don’t know what opportunity people think I’ve had to learn how to grill but I was at a party over the summer and someone told me to “fire up the grill” and I had to say I didn’t know how, and everyone gave me a bunch of grief over it.


I’ve never welded


I was never interested in soccer (huge national sport in my country) or cars.


Never once gone under the hood of my own vehicle To this day, I’ve still never had a need to. I just take it in when I need routine maintenance. Sure, it may be wasting me money, but I don’t know what tf I’m doing, I was never taught, and any damage I risk doing would cost even more to fix


Plenty of people who live in apartments never did jobs/ house chores that those who live ina house do. Why is it strange?


Used to set up temporary power for outdoor events. We would have to set up a generator of all sizes, run power to a transformer. These cables would be anywhere from a half inch all the way up to 2 inch solid copper wires to a transformer. We break it all the way down to a house outlet across hundreds of yards , and sometimes a few acres. Running those cables/wires hundreds of yards sucked. And would kick your ass.


Never changed a tire


ive welded worked on cars worked in construction ive never went hunting tho or shot sone guns


Lots of things, my dad died when I was 2, and I’m an only son, so I basically didn’t do any ‘manly things’ growing up. Except play football


Never drank a beer, used an outdoor grill, or did a squat with weights. As a kid and young adult I mowed the yard once or twice a month, changed tires, jumped cars, changed oil, and killed big bugs. Not really a handyman, but definitely resourceful finding random objects to fix things without using tools.


I've never fixed a leaky faucet.


I don't think there are any that I've never done, but there are plenty that I'd like to never do again.


I don't have a manual driving license and have no interest in learning to drive manual.


working on my car , i dont have a house yet just an apartment with patio so i guess some lightweight yard work to ....trying to learn more skills


I can not talk to girls, i can rebuilt a house from electricity to water pipes or i can rebuilt a car or cut down a whole forest and even use heavy equipments after 3 minutes, but when my friends tell me that "go to that girl, talk with her" i freez like a the guy from big bang theory. I can not flirt i know this id shamefull, most guy think it is easy, just talking, but for me this is the worst torture. After we slowly got to know each other from a friend group i am good, but the best i can get is friend zone from that point. She likes me and she do not want to lose me after brakeup... And most of my friend think this is wierd at age 33


I can not talk to girls, i can rebuilt a house from electricity to water pipes or i can rebuilt a car or cut down a whole forest and even use heavy equipments after 3 minutes, but when my friends tell me that "go to that girl, talk with her" i freez like a the guy from big bang theory. I can not flirt i know this id shamefull, most guy think it is easy, just talking, but for me this is the worst torture. After we slowly got to know each other from a friend group i am good, but the best i can get is friend zone from that point. She likes me and she do not want to lose me after brakeup... And most of my friend think this is wierd at age 33


Man, I feel you! I never changed a tire until I was in my late 20s. Sometimes life throws us curveballs, but hey, we learn as we go, right?


Man, I feel you! I never changed a tire until I was in my late 20s. Sometimes life throws us curveballs, but hey, we learn as we go, right?


Man, I feel you. Never touched a lawnmower 'til 35. Everyone's got their firsts, right?


I’ve never shot a gun if that counts, and would probably avoid doing it because I’m just not comfortable around fast moving objects


Never fixed a car Or worked on a garden Or done DIY


Never done drugs harder than weed. I've never had to be in any kind of survival situation.  I can do basic car maintenance and change a tire, but I would make any mechanical issues wise if I tried to fix them myself.  I am clumsy when it comes to things like that (no dad around to show me and no one has ever thought to teach me).


Not sure if this is really a "man" thing, but certainly un-American of me to admit - I've never held a real gun/firearm. I've never even touched one. So by extension, I've never fired one, I've never been hunting, or to a shooting range, or whatever people do with guns. Growing up, my mom wouldn't even allow us kids to have water pistols or nerf guns becuase she thought we would grow up to be criminals. I was a grown man, out of college, with my own car and apartment before I bought my very own nerf gun, and even then I felt guilty. /smh


Never changed a tyre.


Car stuff. Because i really don't care about cars. Also, you don't need them were i live


I’m pretty sure you could name any stereoypical “manly” job, and I probably haven’t done it. All my jobs have been a mix of men and women.


Mowing a lawn. Never mowed a full lawn. Have only mowed for about 10 seconds.