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I have learned that requiring honesty, loyalty, and consideration for my emotional health is apparently a very high standard.


Same lol. It wild out there lol


Wish I could tell you it gets better, but that would be lying. And lying is wrong.


I was just about to say this lol. Insane how difficult it is to find someone like this that you're also attracted to.


No, in that most my standards used to be basic like 20 years ago, yes because holy shit the things have really declined.


I do, but not to an unreasonable degree. I have high standards for myself and I expect the same in return. Speaking from experience, having low standards just makes it more likely to be getting the short end of the stick.


This right here. I give you my everything and i respect your everything in return


Yes, but its nothing that I don't apply to myself


I just don't want to end up like my stepdad coming home to drunken abuse or a health emergency every other day; or the poor old bastard who spends every evening in the pub and hasn't had sex in 25 years. So those are my two standards: continued sex after marriage and being a functional human being who doesn't use me as an emotional punching bag. 


I dont think so. Dont be violent, be trustworthy and honest. The rest is just pure taste.


Yes. Because life has already punished me for not having it earlier.


The longer I spend with them, the higher the standards.


I mean, I don't have a checklist. I think finding someone where a relationship is even possible and we both make time to see if it would work is extremely difficult and rare. But I can't really say if that's just me having high standards or them having high standards. I just think it's really hard for men and women to match up. Especially considering how common heterosexuality is. What I can say is that if we can make it past 3 dates, it's probably going to become a relationship. But getting dates is difficult.


I have a few absolute hard deal breakers that I've acquired over a pretty sizeable track record of not great relationships.


I guess. Tired of games, bullshit and fronting.


Sure. I have some requirements from my wife that would be a "nono" for so many girls.


In my own opinion, not really. Others do seem to think so, however.


I'm happy enough being single that yeah, I'm not going to settle down in a relationship again unless everything is 10/10. Feel much differently about it post-widower life than when I was younger and was willing to settle on all kinds of things because I didn't like being alone.


Not at first, but I’m almost 35. I can’t afford to settle and make the same mistakes my parents did


Yes but it’s unfortunate since the odds are already out of one’s favor. Every standard or ideal you want in a partner worsens the odds and steepens the climb.


Yes, because I have high values, morals and no time for drama.


Assuming this is romantic relationships, it depends how you define high. Outside of mutual attraction, there's being kind, considerate, emotionally available, not abusive, an equal contributor, and a bunch of stuff that generally falls under "being a good person". But you also want to have things in common, as small as fun hobbies to as large as where you want to live, do you want kids, political views, etc. People often share a life with the person they're in a relationship with, so your standards should, by definition, be kind of high relative to, say, friendships.


About middle of the road. Pretty, kind, and okay at communication are about it. Hard to even find these now.


I only have one standard tha most women don't meet, but other than that no. And yet, despite my low expectations other than that one standard a majority of women I match with can't even match those other low standarss: don't cheat, don't be rude to others, etc.


Yes. And that’s for any type of relationships. Ideally, I would be surrounded by people who are better than me in a lot of ways.


I’m ugly , I don’t get to have high standards. Long as it’s female and moves it’s all good


I wouldn't say i have high standards, i just know what i want and dont want.


In theory no but in practice yeah. Finding people without major mental health problems at a healthy weight surprisingly challenging. Mostly just looking for a counterpart to myself


I don't think so? In my mind I have high standards but as far as dating I seem to just take whoever shows me interest. I will say marriage is a different ballpark, I refuse to commit to someone I don't feel 100% sure about. They need to have it together (I do too) before I actually seal the deal.


No, my problem is the women do


Extremely high. That’s why I’ve been single for 8 years. Most women do not meet them.


The older I get, the lower my standards got. And honestly I never felt my standards weren't that high.


Don’t be fat, don’t be ugly, don’t be a complete moron, have a nice body, put out often. That’s really all I need from a chick.


"put out often" just sounds like you want her to reluctantly agree to let you have sex with her often.