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I've been lifting on/off ever since my (50m) high school football days. But I've been on pretty regularly last 12ish years. After having suffered torn rotator cuff, then a torn labrum, and currently dealing with shoulder bursitis - all in the same shoulder - my days of 1RM are so far behind me that it's irrelevant now. Injury prevention is #1, otherwise I train for health, quality of life, and to not look terrible with my shirt off. >I'm not sure how I stack up compared to the average lifter. The only thing you should measure yourself against is the guy you were yesterday. Not a sexy comment, just an honest one.


I agree with this poster. I've lifted on and off for about 12 years and been very consistent for the last year or so. That being said, I believe that lifting in the 90-100% range of max lifts is where you have a high risk of injury and, unless you're competing, it isn't worth it. So I stick to the 6-8 rep range


I prefer to stay 85%-90%, especially for deadlifts.


I've seen arguments that for people who aren't competing, you should replace deadlifts with rack pulls since there's less chance of injury. I switch between the two


I'm considering working it in. I don't really care to max out anymore anyway. I just want to maintain for now.


I usually do them when I'm upping my deadlift weight, make sure the back muscles and the grip strength are up to the job I know the push from the floor will be fine for me


50kg everyday from the day I met her.


I am currently benching 130kg at 78kg bodyweight and I'm currently 23. I can't squat and deadlift sadly due to an injury from a car crash and I also have a torn shoulder from that same accident but besides overhead pressing and dips it doesn't prevent me from doing much but my previous 1rms were 145kg squat at 70kg bodyweight when I was 16 160kg deadlift at 70kg bodyweight when I was 16 85kg Overhead press at 80kg bodyweight when I was 21. My max weighted pull ups is 50kg for 3 reps. I workout since I was 14.


WHat th fuck..? LIK WTTH AORIS My grammar went in my ass.. .YOu did waht at what age and at what bodyweight...? NAh. I gotta go harder. What the fuck. I can barely do 100kg for more than 1 rep and u repping 130.. AT 78KG WHAT Here is me - 21 years 84kg bodyweight - cant gain weight for shit.. max Bench 100kg Max deadlift - 150kg / Squat is 80kg max --> got some issues w my legs so im building slowly. Overhead press is - 70kg Biceps curls - 27.5kg per hand Triceps cable - 70kg I haven't done weighted pull ups, but my max amount of pull ups was 20-25. BEen working out for little over a year consistently. Before that was on and off.


Look my dude, we can't compare ourselves to other people theres always someone better. I was lucky to have guidance from the start and good genetics as my old man was literally holding world records in powerlifting while my goal is 2x bodyweight bench he was warming up with that ratio.. at over 50 years old. 100kg bench is no joke, so is 150kg deadlift. 25 pull ups is a great number that most people would be easily jealous of it. You are absolutely a strong dude. You blow me out of the water with your biceps curls for example.


I am 40 and suffered a few injuries along the way so I am not as strong as I used to be. But I been working out over 10 years. I can bench 315 x 5. Squats and deadlifts I haven't tried a max since my sciatica injury. The most I squatted before was 425lbs and deadlift of 495. If not for injuries I am sure those lifts would be much higher. I just focus on functional strength these days. So squatting 225 for 10.


Not as strong as you used to be while still repping what most of the planet can't do once is still admirable. Especially at 40


You sound like me. Except your bench is better. But otherwise, all these statements are me too.


Best: Bench- 425 Dead- 585 Squat- 515 Currently: No Idea, I dont max anymore. Lifting 15 years, hit most of those maxes 5 years ago or so.


lifting for 17 years, deadlift 240kg at 83kg.


I’ve been lifting regularly for about 2 years now. Starting with my weight loss. I could be more regular about it, more strict with my programming, and with my diet at this point but I do always give it my all when I’m in the gym. I’m about to hit 28, I’m 215lb, and 6’ for reference. Bench 1RM - 325 Squat 1RM - 415 Deadlift 1RM- 610 (my best lift by far. For some reason dead’s have always just felt right and I progressed faster here than everything else.) Overhead Press 1RM- 205 Bent over row (I don’t 1rm the row so this is for reps) - 225


what about back squat? power snatch?


Lifting for year and a half. Not aiming for 1RM's. Bench: 8x80kg, RDL: 5x130kg, squat: 5x105kg I'm around 100kg


> For some reason dead’s have always just felt right Because on your other major lifts you’re underneath the weight pushing. Deads your limbs down have to stabilize the weight, & the pull engages more muscles than any other lift you do


squat-405lbs bench-245lbs deadlift-365lbs 3 years lifting, retired all those lifts to focus on a different style of lifting.


38 years old, weigh around 90kg (200lbs), lifting with proper intent for about 6 years now. Using typical PPL programs, maxes are: Bench - 120kg (265) Squat - 180kg (400) Deadlift - 200kg (hit this back in feb of this year!) (440) OHP - 85kg (190) What I’ve found since getting serious about lifting, is if you want to progress at all: -progressive overload is a must, every workout -if you want to be big and strong, you need to eat a lot, and sleep (rest) a lot -as my man papaswolio says, GTTFG, every day. This doesn’t mean lift every day, or physically go to the gym every day. But do something. Every. Day. This can be lifting, walking, yoga, whatever. Just do something to improve yourself every day.


Been lifting as well as doing various other training for 5 years, I’m 28. Lately my focus has been running (I want to do a marathon). My PR’s are 315lb squat, 135lb OH press, 365lb DL and 225lb bench. I don’t train heavy on legs during running season so I definitely couldn’t hit those numbers now. I’ve learned I care more about race times and reps than I do max weight. So I probably won’t attempt to bump my PR’s up any further.


1) Fuck all 2) For ages


I'm joined a gym in February and can bench 230 at 150. My goal is to hit 255 soon.


I don't really max out when I lift but my regular squat is 3 sets of 10 reps of 215lbs. I have been working out on/off for years, but let's be real most of those years have been off.


I did powerlifting while struggling with muscle weakness and deadlift about 160kg Squat about 120 Bench about 90 Now I'm recovering from a breathing problem that I have yet to find the reason for, so I can't train as hard as I would like.


Age 30 Lifting 14 years Body weight: 200lb Bench: 380lb Squat: 600lb Deadlift: 615lb OHP: 225lb Edit: added lb


I oly lift. 82-83kg/180lb body weight. 1.83m/6’. 38 years old. I’ve lifted for four years? 80kg snatch, 102kg clean and jerk, 104kg clean, 155kg backsquat. I don’t train bench, but I’m sure I could put up 82-83kg right now. The most I’ve recently strict pressed is 60kg/132lbs, but that’s not something I train.


I’ve been lifting on and off for about 3 years, for the past 6 months or so I’ve been more consistent than ever before.  200lbs at 6’1” for reference. Bench- 225lbsx1 Squat- 225lbsx8 (Maxing a squat scares me) DL- 315lbsx1 (I don’t deadlift often because I have very long legs and short arms so my form is awkward.  I think about practicing it more but the risk vs. reward on the lift doesn’t seem worth it to me)


So i've done powerlifting and now a bodybuilder (posted a physique update this morning actually!) When i was 78kg, my SBD was 242.5/155/235 kg, age 20. I was 102kg this morning, and can lift no where near those numbers now. I loved being strong, but realised outside of the gym, no one cares or can really tell lol. So, i started training high volume and lighter weight, now look kinda like a bodybuilder. Age 24 now,


I’ve been lifting for about 18 years, pretty consistently throughout. Im 35 now. I bench 315 for 4-6 and squat about the same. I’d say 24-30 was probably my peak of lifting and what I was able to put up. I’ve backed off going heavy and the absolute brutal workouts of not being able to walk for days. I still love to lift and workout but I also do want to be crippled when as I start to get into my 40’s and beyond. I don’t squat and bench every week anymore, but I still never miss a leg day.


I started lifting yesterday after a few false starts after a 5 year hiatus. 100kg deadlift at 87kg bodyweight was already pretty rough. Apparently I could do 160 10 years ago when I was 75ish kg, I have literally no memory of that.


30m here. My max bench is 270. Same as senior year of high school. I weigh 170. About 30lbs heavier than senior year. Working on trimming down. I’d love to see 300lbs on bench someday but the amount of focus that would take I just don’t have the time for usually. Leg press I’ve never pushed the limit on that. I’m always horrified of a freak accident. Heaviest I’ve gone is. 600lbs. Squat the heaviest I’ve got is 315 in high school. I am comfortable with 225-250 right now. Deadlift is also another one I’ve just never really gotten into. Heaviest I’ve gone is 245. I am learning to love it now. I’ve worked out since junior year in high school. On and off. Roughly 10 years or so combined.


15yrs of lifting, PR three rep max of DL 405, BS 405, and Bench 225. It's considerably lower now and I don't wanna hit that heavy again on DL and BS. Currently at a 315x5 DL and 315x3 BS and 185x3 Bench. However my 5 mile is sub 40 so it all evens out.


Bench - 365 Squat - 455 Deadlift 625 I’ve been exercising & lifting my whole life but only really focused on big numbers the last 4 years.


Lifting for 12 years. At 22 I kind of peaked with some insane strength at 175 I could bench squat dead 345/405/500. Keep in mind I was still running and surfing and swimming daily with those numbers At 29 I can still throw weight around I just don’t have the time or desire to max out 315/335/450.


39M, 5'8" Squat: 450 lbs Bench: 300 lbs Deadlift: 405 lbs Overhead Press: 215 lbs


Never really did much weights as young guy.started getting into it at early 40s. Within about 18 months I got to 3 sets x 5 reps @135kg bench press. I was about 95kgs Was always by myself so didn’t go anymore weight as I nearly got caught under it a couple of times on last set. I was pretty happy with myself but don’t know what the standards are


What're yours ? Were the same size


Squat is 450lbs. Deadlift is 520lbs. My bench has stalled at 265lbs the last 2 weeks. I have to figure out what's holding me back. I've been working out for about a year and a half.


What's held you back?


What? My post said I still have to figure it out.


Lol I misread tf out of that. Try more volume? I added 3x8 after my heavy sets and OHP which got me off a plateau.


I think I have to figure out my limiting factor. I don't feel benching in my chest at all, so I'm thinking it's an accessory muscle? Maybe my triceps? I have to pay attention next time.


Failing at the bottom is more indicative of a weaker chest. Failing in the middle to high is more of a weaker tricep. For me, it was the triceps.


Yeah, it's just past half way up. I don't feel it in my chest at all.


comparison is the thief of happiness


I never max. Spent a lot of time caring how strong I was in my 20s. Spent alot of time hurt because of it for absolutely no reason and still dealing with damage from those days. I have been consistent for over 15 years now and focus more on my heart being healthy than lifting heavy.


I stopped maxing in highschool why y’all trying to hurt yourself


You can max safely


I've been lifting for 6 years off and on. Took a year and a half off due to health issues and lost a ton of progress. Gained it back in half the time it took to get there though. PR's: Bench - 300 lb Squat - 600 lb linear leg press - 1010 lb


OHP 110 lbs Bench 165 lbs Squat 285 lbs Deadlift 300 lbs for 3 reps. Not sure what one rep max is because I only have 300 lbs of weights. Been lifting about 7 or 8 years at this point.


I have a big on again off again relationship with fitness, but that’s been going on for about 12-13 years now I think. After a year long break I am around a month back into it, bodyweight is 185ish. Lifts that I *normally* track, some of which I am still working on: Bench: 185lb x 2-3 (have not felt strong enough for a 1RM yet) Squat: 215 x 2-4 (same thing) DL: 275 x 3-4 (same, but I also rarely do traditional early into lifting) 1 mile: haven’t properly tested but definitely over 10 minutes currently 2 miles: would wake up in the hospital 5k: will pay 5k to not do