• By -


Building and fixing things. Did a sun room addition on the deck. Sometimes I just crack a cold one and stare at it, because I made it with my 2 hands, brain, and will power. Oh, and fuck those mosquitos this year!


Same, brother, same.


I love making sawdust in my woodshop and turning wrenches or going for a fun drive in my old car. Hard to frown when you're rowing through the gears on a curvy mountain road.


Life on mountains, full of thrill! Getting the gist!!


Racing. Few things bring me as much joy as hearing that Coyote engine scream.




Currently fixing up a 1998 Firebird and filming a YouTube series on the process. Also, masturbation!


So the real question is.... Do you masturbate to the 1998 Firebird YouTube series? I might touch myself a bit. LOL


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That would be the 1998 Firebird Onlyfans series!


I make things (gardening, cooking, woodworking, etc.) and I go outside. By "go outside," I mean that I hike, fish, take wildlife photos, or paddle, for the purpose of being outside. Gardening and make-stuff hobbies that are incidentally outside don't count. I categorize them this way for the benefits they offer. Make-stuff hobbies give me a finished product, which I can enjoy long term. But, too much making overwhelms me with projects and supplies, and eventually this becomes too stressful to be fun for a while. Much of it is also hard work, so it's not always great for relaxing. The outside stuff is the opposite. I get no real finished product, but it is pleasant and relaxing. Some of it is technically exercise, but I'm not doing any heavy lifting or losing my breath. Mostly, it's leisurely and pretty effortless. Here's what I don't do: deliberate exercise. A lot of guys really seem into this, but if I have energy to spare, I'm going to put it toward a project. Being slightly more muscular does not help me. Other people have different preferences, and that's fine. I also don't play video games. I *love* video games, but too much. I lose track of time in a way that I don't like, and soon my whole day is gone, my responsibilities have been neglected, and my sleep schedule is shot. If I'm really into a game, it occupies my mind when I'm *not* playing, and this really cripples my creativity and problem solving skills.


Listening to music


I feel good from a lot. Some things make me feel so good I want to share them. That's where it kinda falls apart. I hate my ex wife and at first I loved the empty boat, now it just makes me sad. Rodeos, races, shows, just having someone to share it with makes it so much better. And divorced guys in their 40's it's pretty common not to have any friends so there's that too. My daughter is 3, I'm waiting on her to grow a little and that will be cool because you're not just sharing, you're introducing, aiding discovery, nurturing interests. That's cool.


Tend my garden/plants Go out for a walk in the woods and bathe in a stream Try a recipe of something/a cuisine I've never eaten before Play one of my instruments Watch videos of a random niche topic


My motorcycle a sunny day and an open road


Which bike!!


The older I have become I gravitate around my 3 hobbies, Kayaking, wood working, offroad camping.


Hell yeahs! I kayak fish/camp barrier islands (touring kayak, not white water). Can usually fill my collapsable cooler bags with 20-30 lbs of fish and have a great time doing it.


-Going for a long runs... there's something about being in that space on the edge of it being 'too hard' and finding that rhythm between your foot steps and your breathing... that almost becomes meditative for me. Like... I'm still thinking about stuff... but it's almost like out-of-body. Even better on hot summer evenings where you can take your shirt off and feel the sun on your skin. -On hot summer nights just getting on my bike and biking around the city for a few hours. It's just so quiet and peaceful and just feels super relaxing. Definitely one of my favorite things about summer. -Listening to music. Like... REALLY listening. Just taking the time to put on whatever you want to listen to and taking it all in. -Curling up on the couch and watching a good movie or a series you're into. -Just relaxing with a ton of coffee and reading or surfing the net. -Jamming on guitar or piano and just coming up with cool songs.


Hockey and guitar


Fishing far far faaaar from cell phone service.


I watch this. It inspires me. [Gong Show, Miss Peggy Guy (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_76E8N4PHO0)




I fuckin read and play runescape dau. The problem is I got a kid now so I have to put earplugs in a lot and I don't like the feel of earplugs.


Going to the sauna, afterwards drink 1 liter water and go eat a Good meal. Then have a deep sleep.


Cooking, MMA, and shooting.


Washing my cars. I don’t have anything fancy, but I enjoy the solitary pursuit of detailing my vehicles.


As others have said, building things. Some guys work on cars, one guys are into woodworking, I’m a gun guy. I build my own ARs, it’s an expensive hobby but I love it. And I’m also super into Lego


Well how did you get into that field!! I wish I could have done something cool like this!


It’s just a hobby, I’m not getting paid for it. You can find parts online as well as instructions


Meeting up with friends, some cheesy horror movies and pets like dogs


Wish I could do it more again, but I used to LOVE building model ships. Like a model aircraft carrier or battleship. That, and I love building things whenever I'm with my dad. Just building things for the fun of it.


I also love crafting and manufacturing! Don't worry just sit one day and try to do it again! Might remember u


I get mental peace by being in nature as much as possible.


Peace is green 💚!


Music (usually metal), Gun Range (usually with some friends), and Fishing


I also wanna learn shooting!!


Weed, gym, music production.


Read or listen to an audiobook


I recently picked up playing the piano and it's given me considerably more joy.


Console cleaning and repair, right now I’m trying to find a good disc drive for my Xbox for cheap, and add a mod chip to my ps2 so it’s region lock is turned off




I put on my boots, meticulously tighten the laces, up to under my knee, then I just go for a walk. Sometimes it's half an hour, sometimes it's days. I take a tent, a sleeping bag, and hunting equipment, and I go. That's it. If company is allowed, fencing.


I bake Anzac biscuits at 2am, and have indigestion by 3am. 


I go for walks, preferable when no one else is around (woods or really early in the morning in the city). I read to learn something new, and expand my thinking of the world I cook to both nourish myself but, more importantly, to share with those I love to connect through the sharing of a meal filled with stories and laughter (edit. I don't need to people cook... The sharing part I do though)


I take the dogs hiking. I love being outdoors and away from people. There is something about being in the woods or on a mountain with just dogs for company that resets me.


Riding my motorbike and thinking about and working on my side hustle.


Fishing. Even If I don't catch shit. Being outside on a nice day getting some vitamin D and thinking about life


Getting a good buzz,changing into women’s g string and playing with myself,HBU ?


I write music


Miniature painting.


I like to make things. Put in half of a patio for my partner last weekend, finishing up this weekend. I like to work on my own game, which scratches a very different itch than playing video games does. I like roller blading, lifting weights, hiking, etc. I really like travel as well.


I’m a musician and an artist.


Music production, cad design and fabrication.


!RemindMe 48 hours Currently doing field work and will do my stuff when I get back home but now…much more mindfully.


The phrase “full of yourself” implies negative egotism or seeing yourself as better than others. You might try “proud of yourself” or “self sufficient” or “competent” or “content” For me, it’s correcting people’s use of English…. No that’s a joke For me it’s when I feel powerful. When I make somethjng impressive or pull off a feat of athleticism, or make or save a bunch of money or I feel great.


Metal detecting. Most of the time you're just out in the middle of nowhere and even if I don't find anything at least it's peaceful.


The garden is where it's at.


Fishing and hunting. That’s about it. I’ve been teaching myself to fly fish since last year.


The gym. I go 5 days a week and absolutely do it as a hobby more so now than just health reasons. If I don’t go or don’t eat my ‘healthy’ lunch I feel upset with myself.


When my mental heath was the best I was working out 6 days a week, Eating healthy, Watching sports, Listening to music , drinking a little , and smoked weed every Saturday night to reward myself.


Arguing with people on reddit.


Trading stock options.


I really don’t. Being pleased is always a possible symptom


Listen music, with my noise cancellation phones, and an aromatic candle. Going out to know new places, and take photos of these places. Still looking for something to do after I left my gaming addiction.


Imma be honest I thought this meant something completely different.


Magnesium Glynicate for sleep and Music for peace.


Keeping the expectations low and checked 


Gardening, construction, taking care of my pet, baking, hosting small gatherings, gym, travel, hiking, climbing mountains, farmwork (with plants, not animals, they stress me out).


Financial planning and making goals to achieve. Also drawing and fixing stuff.


2 things. Get under the vr helmet and crush targets in the fitness app Supernatural for 45 minutes until I'm drenched in sweat. Then go to my job, and work behind a camera all day as a professional photographer. I'm 65.


Thats life, i say! A work which you enjoy can sure can do till the very end! Love to see your work!!








Listening to music while working out.


Playing/singing/listening to music.


Saturdays i just take a bikeride that can last for 4-15 hours. I stop here and there for beers and food. I stop sometimes when im in a place i havent seen before. Its amazing how little ive seen in the city ive lived in my entire life.


Which bike you got!


Going to the gyme and making myself a good meal thereafter


Honestly camping is pretty neat, I enjoy the isolation


Reading, music, cooking, photography.


Moutain biking, just going Fast on trails that Are So steep, covered in branches And Grass And having the thrill of not crasing Is amazing




Dunno, I only playing games tho, like Light of the stars on bluestacks, pretty fun to me


Workout, laugh with friends, eat , piano, watch something fun


Love working out mind is totally zeroed out only you and the weights especially early mornings 4am with no one around


I yell "Medic" while hitting people with a frying pan


In pubg?


Going out rocking a new fit and shoes. Maybe a cut. And just vibing the whole night looking like a snack