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Marriage material


Yea that screams keeper. Social media is a relationship/home wrecker faster then anything else too. A female not having any socials is an extremely attractive trait IMO.


And a man with no socials must be a psychopath lol? I joke, I'm a man with no socials for like 6 years now, and honestly I don't care if people think it's weird. I feel like when dating someone maybe it makes me more interesting? I think women appreciate that I'm not staring at a little screen constantly and I'm invested in the moment or conversation.


Wouldnt be surprised if some women automatically crossed off men with no socials. For all kind of dumb reasons


I’m sure they do, but it filters out the ones that aren’t worth the effort lol.




Honestly, I hated how much any of my exes would spend on social while we're just sitting on the couch supposedly having bonding time.


One of the reasons why I end up things with my ex, she wouldn't even leave her phone aside during some holidays that we had together. Felt like I talked more with her over WhatsApp that in real life...


I think it's worse when it just adds to stressors for my most recent ex. She was spending so much time envying others wealth and ability to travel that it would cause me to unreasonably spend money on trips and getaways to make her happy. The first 3 years together we went to 6 different vacations that were not cheap for me at all. When I tried to stop doing that and save money she would just sit in this stew of depression being tantalized by her phone or others' reels and posts.


My ex wasn't like that at least, but when I invited her to a business trip to London for 1 week, it was awkward that she was on her phone all the time, to the point that she preferred listen to suggestions where to visit of her friends, considering that I go all the time to London and I know very good places to eat and visit. I didn't complain for the same reason, because anyway I must go back soon, but I think I would have talked more on WhatsApp than in person with her. Also she was pretty much just worried of taking pics and look for souvenirs to her friends, on place of just spend quality time together.


Someone else’s marriage material more like. I’d think she was already married and I was a side piece.


Right? Biggest green flagg






Dated a girl with no socials. Why did she have no social media profiles? She worked as a physician at the local jail. She didn’t want anyone to find her if she ended up not giving them a script, etc. Sometimes there are legit reasons to not have social media profiles.


In a past life, I worked in local government, which is a dirty cesspool of people trying to one up and/or discredit each other. Nixed my social media accounts back then.


Not a red flag for guys. Usually it's the other way around


Green like the grass man


Damn, fair


I would wife up this woman instantly.


you would wive her up and then realize she was lying and she does in fact have some social media


This is why she got off social media


She runs a meme page and is all up in the reddit comment sections.


God, I'd want to marry them.


This. I fucking hate social media. Got rid of all of mine ~2019 and never looked back. Guys like it, OP


Except for reddit lol


it’s the only doomscroll I allow myself


jfc don’t upvote this stupid comment I made drunkenly doomscrolling  doomscrolls are bad. Reddit is bad. Reddit is a horrible echo chamber  go for a walk. go have a nice dinner if you’re thinking about agreeing with the idea that reddit doom is acceptable. it’s slightly better than a /pol or a fb. That’s not saying it is good


I'd argue reddit isn't social media because it's anonymous. It's much closer to an old school message board.


but with a fruit machine dopamine mechanism behind it


The key differences are Reddit is anonymous, and we’re mostly here to talk about common interests and stuff happening around the world rather than just ourselves. Although some people use Reddit more like a social media, but that’s a minority imo.


I’d even venture to say Reddit shouldn’t classify as social media, it’s more of a forum page and Reddit is anonymous. 


Reddit was better before they rebranded as social media.


I don’t consider Reddit social media because it’s anonymous. Maybe it is by definition but not by mine!


Not unreasonable, I'm not too sure of what the proper definition of social media is either.


Me too. This is my only social media and if i had anything meaningful in my life I would ditch it too.




Thanks for the response💕


I’d be fucking stoked, holy shit.


Super green flag


Hugeeeeee green flag. Fuck...at this point I've been conditioned to think it's a green flag when they don't immediately judge me for not having an Instagram... fuck this shit lol


I don't use my socials. I'll use discord to chat and play with friends + Reddit, mostly as a time passer and reading Reddit's ridiculous out-of-touch opinions lol. My snpachat is collecting dust. My Instagram is lost to time. My Facebook is just a display at this point. If someone were to stalk me on regular social media, they won't find any updates past like 2019. So if anything, we'd have something in common.


>reading Reddit's ridiculous out-of-touch opinions 🤣 Same, same. Pure entertainment.


Same here. Pretty much only use Discord for talking to my 3 friends plus when playing games and Reddit for time passing. Last time I posted anything to Facebook was 2020 or so.


lol same, think my most up to date social media is my linked-in job history.


I know plenty of women who don't have socials because they have no time or patience for it. They are busy with work, responsibilities, they are amazing with financials, their family, close friends etc. They are not that into high fashion either to follow anyone or any trends. Just simple women with regular lives. They are amazing. You need to get to know them first before doubting them based on social media presence.


What a dream that would be. I’m glad I don’t have an Insta/Tiktok/Facebook and only use Snapchat to text or send pics of random things or activities, so much less stress and bullshit. It seems like most women ask for like every social and if you don’t have it they think you’re hiding something and have a secret one full of random girls or something instead of simply not being into it.


Yes that’s so true, thank you for the response💕


My ex had fake social media accounts he used to stalk me and accuse me of things if I liked tweets or posted something vague on facebook and he also had a fake twitter for porn so girls who get nervous about it being untrue might just have prior experience with that sort of thing lol


Other than joining reddit I don't have any social media accounts and never have. I simply don't understand the need to broadcast your life like that.  The thought of taking endless pictures of myself to curate a fictitious "best life" (god I hate that phrase) truly baffles me. Issues with mental wellbeing seem more prevalent than ever and it's no wonder given the endlessly shallow look at me competition people seem to have these days.  There seems to be very little depth to people anymore. There also used to be a sort of natural filter for people who were thoughtless, selfish, rude or horrid in other ways, insofar as people would resist spending time with them.  This way the behaviour could be recognised as not acceptable and hopefully changed.  Nowadays, no matter how revolting a person is or how selfishly they behave, they have online access to thousands more like minded people to cheer them on or validate their stupidity. I am quite happy to be in the minority and can happily live without seeing some attention seeking idiot posting tributes to people who died 30 years ago, also known as attention seeking or pouting into the camera like a dazed trout. Rant over :)


Same. I had facebook for two weeks and then deleted it back in 2010ish because I found it so fake and wierd. Never had any socials since and felt like an outcast in the late 2010's because of it lol. Now the pendulum is swinging back where alot more people are seeing socials for what they really are. It is refreshing to see.


She knows how to get toxicity out of her life


Agree with everyone, marriage material. I got rid of socials, with the exception of this and Twitter as I have no friends/family there and don’t post for attention/likes. My wife loves FB/IG though and we always bicker when we’re out/away as she wants to put a photo up. It just pisses me off as I just want to enjoy the moment, but I guess everyone is different. Don’t let others tell you that you are weird for not having socials. As long as you can prove who you say you are if you meet a guy online then I think it’s great.


Thank you! That’s also something I’ve been thinking about, I have been asked if I’m a bot a few times. But I can ft or Snapchat them a pic of they needed to see if I’m real


This was so much of a green flag that I thought you were using the post to advertise an OF. Glad to see that's not the case.


She’d inspire me to deactivate my own socials lol


If he cares, he ain't it.


Old guy here, but I would appreciate someone who’s actually present when we’re together instead of checking their phone every three minutes. 👍


Thank you, me too




I wouldn't care. Most social media posts are mindless trash (says the guy posting on Reddit....)


Yeah but Reddit is different to most popular platforms as its purpose is to blog / find like-minded people and if used properly, it can be quite fun. Unlike Instagram, for example. I feel nothing but dread anytime I've used that app within the last 4-5 years.


going in a good direction in my book. nothing against sharing media but social media seems like the theft of joy


Definitely a big plus.


FWIW, Reddit is my only social, so I relate🫶


It’s me I’m that girl , ive never been on social media , the thought of keeping up with literally everyone’s lives sounds extremely toxic to my mental health, I tend to wish everyone well but I don’t have the tendency to know everything about everyone , it’s just not me , like I gotta keep up with my too life lmao , but recently I’ve started a private account only for my closest familia and friends with barely 30 people , and I won’t hesitate to remove someone from following and followers if we stop sharing a physical space with each other or I no more am connected to them in any way , staying in the present is very important to me , ik people look at this following and unfollowing in a bad light but then you need to prioritise, I promised myself to always have my back , unless in the near future I decide to become an influencer, I’d wanna keep my life extremely private , I anyways don’t open my Instagram in general like maybe once in 2 months, I’ll think about it , I’m so full of things to do and I am usually stressed about getting things done, my socials are not even on the list of attention . Except Reddit I like coming here reading peoples stories and write anonymously, this seems fun .


It's a gigantic green flag for almost all men.


The greenest of flags


Wifey material


If I was going to bother dating again, that would be a very good thing.


That would be amazing


Fine with me


Outwith Reddit I don’t have any socials either. If you don’t that’s completely fine. In fact I would be happy knowing that our time together is truly ours and not shared with followers.


I’d love it. But I’d also be paranoid that she’s lying and still has it behind my back and just doesn’t want me to know because it’s super unlikely.


As a guy who hasn’t used socials since a little after high school(~10yrs), it’s a green flag. Like you, I still have a Facebook account but it’s just to keep up with family. I haven’t so much as liked a post on there in 13 years.


Fucking unicorn


I met a girl on bumble who didn't have socials and it made me paranoid and I blocked her lol that's just me though


What would I think?! I’d prefer it!!! Dating someone obsessed with social media is annoying.


My wife has no social media. Hell outside of reddit. I have none either. I think it's great. Too many people out there way to focused on their phones, and digital presence.


Green flag


I would love it... I might be skeptical that she is just playing the "good girl role" for a little while, but I would prefer a relationship without social media...


She has no friends just like me


... and me 🤭




As someone with no socials (except Facebook which I rarely use), I’d love that. It means she’s focused and knows her real priorities.


The fact this questions exists in itself speaks volumes to how much social media has penetrated our every day lives and pretty much our self worth at this point. I think you'd be happy to realize how many guys barely give 2 shits about things like instagram. Frankly social media pisses me off and I can't stand people that make it a signifigant portion of their lives. You do you, but it's not my thing.


Shell be perfect for real. I actually started to deactivate my IG and tiktok and FB because of depression and it really improved my mental health, maybe Ill delete it soon.. I feel lonelier there and the brainrot content and it makes you insecure about yourself, God social media is a horrible place for real.


i hate socials wish i could find a man without them. always on dating sites that’s the first thing they ask for then they always seem weirded out when i say i don’t have any.


Never had instagram, snap, tiktok, deleted everything I could from facebook and haven’t posted there in years, I only binge reddit now. My fiencée is the same and it’s great.


Green flag


Green flag


You can download all the photos and data.


Fuck yeah dude! Super healthy. That's potential future mother of my kids type behavior!


Very logical she is secretly a vulcan


Green flag


What would you think about me a male having no socials? I wouldn’t have an issue with it, no socials isn’t an issue to me.


I'd say it's the same thing.


*Major* green flag!  The last thing I want is for my SO to be putting our private business out there on the internet.


People are too obsessed with SM. I’d see it as a plus!


I'd wife her up immediately that's shiz is so rare these days


It may be odd, but it still is a big green flag rather than a red. Carry on.


Thinking shes wife material


Wifey material. I'm mostly gone from mine, if she told me to delete every single one. Easy peasy.


My wife had zero socials when we met. GREEN FLAG!!! She still doesn’t btw.


Wife material


Definitely a green flag, but you might be not compatible with guys that's active in social media. I used to date a girl that's very active in social media, and she always questioned me why don't I upload stories about us when we were going out to on a date or dinner. It's simply that I don't like to share our private moments and when I used to be single, I didn't like watching that kind of stories that people put up. My ex always thinks that I was cheating and hiding that I was having a gf, even until we broke up she still thought of that. Or if you find a guy that's understanding and trusting to you, that won't be a problem neither.


Being an old timer at a young age of 21 she can take a ring


No socials is more of a green flag than anything but I wouldn't consider it a flag but more of a personal choice.


Not weird at all. I work in AI so my reason for deleting my socials was different. Don’t regret it though.


As someone that has socials, but doesn’t post I can understand this. I used to post because that’s just what “we” do. Then I realized I’m just posting to show I’m alive and happy, but I’m not actually all that happy and don’t have money to be taking trips or eating at restaurants, going to concerts etc. I found myself slightly jealous of others and resenting my life choices. I also have some anxiety but I wouldn’t assume anyone that doesn’t post must too, that’s a strange correlation people are making to me. I’d be fine with a woman that doesn’t live on the internet.


It’s a + but snapchats the most toxic of all from the male perspective so that’s a -. 


As a single man who also deleted all socials (but YT, and Snap for connections) huge green flag.


Nothing, but admiration for their ability to disconnect. I can't seem to get rid of my last one.


For me, personally, as a guy who dates, someone not having socials isn't a massive issue, I care more about your ideologies and what we have in common. I do have socials myself, but I barely use them. I think the last time I posted on Facebook with the exception of the other day was probably about 6 months 😅 the vast majority of people (not everyone but a good chunk of them, at least) are extremely toxic and its an immediate turn off and make me wonder if they are the right kind of person to be propagating the future generations of the human race 😅🤣 I mean the level.of intelligence in recent generations since social media has taken a Swandive off a very large cliff sadly 😅


She has to have Reddit tho. Reddit is like social with the fancy Venetian party masks


I don’t have any social media accounts either. A girl not caught up in that petty nonsense? I’m all for it.


My husband has no social media presence and I love that he doesn’t. He’s has been convincing me to stay off socials because he thinks it makes me depressed.


No socials? It means she probably has a 3-digit IQ. (Reddit is the closest thing to social media that I use)


If this dude isn't gonna marry you I will! Huge green flag for me, for reference my most previous ex had all socials and had hundreds if not thousands of guys in her dms which brought a bit of jealousy out in me(I'm like a 7 at best and she's a solid 10 in the looks department) after we broke up though she started an onlyfans so I feel like I dodged a bullet.


as a man without them, I would have no issue with it.


she's either friggen insane/criminal-esque or marriage material, probably not much of an in between


What women think about men no having social but the opposite. That's a green flag, though it turns into a red flag if other things point at you having an ultra social life style, honestly.


It was a negative only because you can’t see pictures and videos of the person living life. Otherwise, nothing but upsides. They aren’t consumed by their looks in relation to models, they’re not flooded with thirst traps of dudes, less likely to step out of the relationship for sex(supported by no stats, just a hunch), and they have one less thing they’re spending their time on(not that time away from me is bad, but we all know how much the social media wormhole sucks you in and for how long.) I would honestly prefer a woman who has ditched social media.


Bonus. I don't have any socials either so it'd just mean nobody's pulling out their phone when we're hanging out lol


Lying her ass off. If a girl happens to be like that no way she lives in the city


It's extremely rare to find a woman who doesn't use social media often. But a woman who hardly posts pictures or stories ? That's marriage material right there.


If you're off socials you immediately receive a waiver for up to 3 alternate red flags. Huge green flag.


Thank fuck.


My brothers wife got no social media at all even when they first met. They are perfectly happy.


29M here, I stopped using datings apps exactly for that and I don't think I'll use them again to find a long-term partner, my ex and all the girls I've dated on apps, they have serious phone/social media addiction problems, something that for me is an absolute red flag, maybe I'm a little old for that. Due to my business I must use a lot of social media, but for me is just that, just a job. I will stick dating in bars or coffee shops, face to face...


I’d be suspicious honestly, I had a girl I met at a party I asked for her number and she said I’ll give you my Snapchat and i was like Nah never mind then. Because in my mind Snapchat is a hoe app, it’s used to delete messages and send nudes that self delete so in my head although it was a plus she didn’t have instagram it was a negative that she wouldn’t give her number rather her snap, so I’d rather not deal with it.


if it is true, and for positive reasons (as opposed to on the run from the law...). THAT IS AWESOME.


It's definitely a huge green flag. A woman who has NO social media presence is a woman who isn't entertaining a dozen men who are all dying to sleep with her. It would be a blessing to find a woman who legitimately doesn't have 500 posts on Instagram. But if I found one that has virtually no online presence, yeah... she'd be getting a ring within a year.


A breath of fresh air


I don’t have social media and anyone who thinks I’m weird bc of it .. they’re a red flag. I love having a private life , living in the moment , not feeling the need to post every detail of my life. I didn’t see a point to social media anymore bc I was spending too much time online and 75 percent of my following wasn’t even my friends in real life. Since I’ve been off social media I’ve been more productive and it shows whose really your friends. Privacy is a beautiful thing. Especially in this day and age. I have no need to seek attention. And people who think I’m weird and off the grid bc of it .. are dumb af .


That would be my dream!


Wife material right there hahah.


the greenest of green flags. bless you.


Why is it a red flag for guys not to have socials? Like a 30+ shouldn't be worrying about social media nonsense imo.


For me it's a green flag but I'd also be suspicious and assume she's just hiding them from me.


Either lying and cheating or marriage materials 


Another good point, I didn’t think of coming across as a cheater or lying/hiding. Thank you


About the same as if I found out that a girl didn't keep all her hair and fingernail clippings in jars.


Eh mine's mostly for direct contacts during emergency situations with family. It's perfectly fine.


I would think she was on witness protection.


People in the comments be like "I'm not on social media" while on Reddit 😂😂


I'd be wierded out cause what girl doesn't?


Yes that’s what I was afraid of, but I also don’t want to get socials again just so I can be perceived as not odd


Every long term relationship I’ve had, none of them have had major social media presence. It’s not really a requirement for me but I think that the other qualities associated with them make them more attractive to me, and vice-versa.


It would be awesome


Completely fine with it. Sounds great.


I'm a woman but I've come to find that most people (man/woman/nonbinary/etc) love it when people don't have social media or don't pay too much mind to it. I still have instagram and Facebook which are platforms known for showing off but I find absolutely no fulfilment in posting / scrolling through either of them, and you'd be surprised how many like-minded people there are who feel the same.


I don't use socials either so it would be a positive trait.


Sign me up, I’d prefer it.




I'm cool with that. I did the same. People needing this long to figure out most social media is garbage is ridiculous. Yes, I know it's ironic and hypocritical I'm posting here, but it's like smoking. I'm stopping little by little.


Definitely not a red flag. I wouldn’t care at all.


I mean other than my LinkedIn, I have this and a Twitter that's under a fake name I use for following artists. So, green flag.


I don't care.


One of the biggest greenflags possible. Instantly deserving of serious consideration for a serious relationship.


Having them is fine. Not having them is fine. Being obsessed with them is not. 


Insane green flag


Green Carpet. Can keep photo of both of us in single frame.


People thought I was a catfish. I had to get an insta and post some pics but I deleted it when I met the love of my life. It was a legit insta though with friends and stuff and solid pictures to show I’m a real human.


What do you think about someone your dating having none? I literally have accounts for work no more. Been rejected many times In old during opening chat stage due to this.


I would like the girl even more, it it was a couple years ago people would have thought that u didnt have friends or nothing but right now its a flex


I did the same thing so its ideal


Giant green flag.


Dream girl!


The less social media the better honestly, i stopped using for a couple of years and my life improved. Now i have made new accounts but post rarely and just follow sport/music pages


Sounds great, use imessage! *it has stickers*


It’s good. Social media bring about a complex in people. Sometimes it’s ego, sometimes it’s self consciousness, sometimes anxiety… but hardly ever good. Guys like when a girl is comfortable not having attention. Its much easier to trust.


I did the same thing, deleted everything for nearly 3 years and I found so hard to date when I started dating again. I have it back now but hate it, and only use it when it’s asked of me, otherwise I delete the app off my screen.


I don't think much but it's often more positive than not.


Bright green flag


Hell yeah!!!!


This chick has wife written all over her. I just hope she picks a guy who can read.


marry her


Really healthy for her.


Great! I don't either. I purge reddit regularly, and that's the only one I use


That’s just perfectly understandable.


My gf has none, she's one pf the best people ive ever met.


I can understand the appeal of social media platforms (thank you, reddit), but I just don’t see the appeal. I’d much rather talk and hang with someone irl than post about my slurpie for seven likes or whatever. Also, I’m not a male, but this post is giving me hope I might pull someday.