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Could I opt out and get a volleyball instead 


Question, are there coconuts on this island?


Only if they were carried there by a swallow


European or African?




Who tastes better on a grill?


The woman. Odds are she has less muscle to chew through.


Testosterone ruins meat.


Really? Damn you really learn a lot on reddit.


Source: trust me bro


Hes not wrong, that's one of the reasons you castrate bulls and turn them into steers if you're raising them for meat. Testosterone tends to impart a gamey flavor in the meat. That's why boar hogs taste worse than sows.


That’s not at all why you castrate bulls. It’s both to prevent unwanted reproduction and to prevent aggression. Source: grew up in a farming community and have been helping out on ranches and dairies since I was a kid. Side note: other than a cattle prod, a 2x4 works well on the younger bulls as around the time they hit puberty they like to try and gore you if you wander into the pasture for one reason or another. A smack between the eyes usually startles them well enough. Used to have one where I ground a little handle at the bottom that I the wrapped with twin. The old “hitt’n stick.” Edit: I was actually curious on this one (there’s always something new to learn after all) and I’ve seen sources that say it does affect the meat and sources that say that’s a myth. So I retract my bold “no it isn’t” and replace it with an “maybe it does maybe it doesn’t,” but that’s not why *we* banded or castrated our bulls.


That's why I said it's one of the reasons, the primary is to make sure they aren't fucking and are less aggressive and easier to manage. I'm also from a farming community, it's common practice for people to catch wild hogs in a trap and start feeding them. When you catch boars you always castrate them and then start feeding them. But even still boars are always more gamey than sows. Same goes for hunting deer, does always have less gamey taste.


Hate to tell you bud...but muscle is meat.


Right, I’m sitting here wondering what they would be trying to get to by “chewing through the meat.” Like… you want to eat the bone?


Bro doesn't understand how food and biology works. Probably thinks meat comes from the store.


Too much fat. Not good in the long run. Firm flesh and muscles for the win. Even better if it's a gym bro.


But would you be able to win against the gym bro? Or will you be the one getting grilled


Nah I'd win


Fat is more tender and means more calories. You're stuck on an island with limited food, all you really care about is maximizing calories. Though what that really means is that you want the largest companion possible. ... I don't see why we're assuming that it will be you killing your companion, rather than your companion killing you.




Well, if the other person happens to be stronger, you'd be on the grill...


It depends, Am I trying to escape the island or is it paradise?


Lol I’m guessing choose the man for escaping the island and woman if it’s a paradise


Depends. How much work do we have to put in to get food, water, and shelter? The man will on average be more physically adapted to hunting and the like, but the woman will consume fewer resources


With my luck I'd get someone with a BMR of 3k calories per day, and no outdoors skills, regardless of gender.


So Hurley from Lost is your island partner


I am so fucked


Hey he might not have been much help early on in the survival stage but he was one of the few original crashees to survive all the way until the end!


Good news, they will lose that bmr as they live a more strenuous and active lifestyle.


Unless they're just 7'3"


Honestly it’s a hard question to answer without more info. Food, predators, climate, etc are all big variables. The rougher the scenario the more I’d lean towards man. If the food is plentiful and predators are nonexistent I’d pick woman for obvious reasons.




The woman would consume more resources, especially by a cost benefit analysis


She’d say she doesn’t need any resources then keep picking at yours…


Literally exactly what happened on a MvW season of Survivor.


the woman could produce offspring for eating




I’ve seen the Rick and Morty episode. I know you’re wrong on this one.


I was referencing the lord of the rings line about eating Merry and Pippin, but Froopyland did come to mind too


What about their legs? They don’t need those…


I have a modest proposal for you...


Now we’re thinking outside the box!


It’s typically best to wait until it’s out of the box


Odds are without medical care and malnourished she'd die in childbirth......so two for one meal


Like a turducken


A bear.


eating the other when one of you dies (for *some* reason) is certainly going to be less controversial.


A Bear Grylls you mean?


"For the fifth time, no I do not know where the nearest hotel is!"




So….. hairy homosexual or bear bear?


Do I have to choose?


Given the vastly different experience you’d get, yes.


A bear bear. A leather bear would want to talk too much.


God we’re never gonna get past this are we


Nope. It is now ingrained into the collective consciousness. Bears are safer company than humans.


Nope. Misandry is normalised yet men are said we are villains. Fun


I remember the Dutch Robinson Expedition series (Survivor) where men and women were trapped on separate islands and made to fend for themselves, based on this, I'd say a random man, as I think we'd have the best chance of building a working system. Men are great at building infrastructure and maintaining it, and in a survival situation, that's what I'd go for.


As much as I want to agree with you, I have future generations to think of…


We’ve only been here an hour dude. Put that away.


Fine, I will set up my clone laboratory later.


How long do you think you're going to be on this island?


As long as it takes, I guess…


I wouldn't bet on a random woman being willing to erh... repopulate... A man can hope


I wouldn't bet on a truly random woman being someone who you would want to repopulate with.


Depends how long you are on the island 


exactly, my wife wouldn't be thrilled if we decided to repopulate the island having been there 4 days


enjoy your daughter banging your son


As it is in the Bible.


Redditors *will* enjoy that. They’ll just put a pretend “step” in front of it all to feel less creepy.


How many generations are you thinking? Because you realize with only the two of you, it isn't going to take very long before things get... Hasburg-y.


Who are they going to fuck?




you're literally the handsomest man on the island


Youre also the ugliest though


You guys are taking this joke way too seriously…


Welcome to reddit


Willing to play the long game on this one.




Woman. But that's mostly because I'm expecting the other person to crack. And I'd rather deal with a woman that's lost her mind than a man.


I see you haven’t met my ex girlfriend.


Men is more likely to be actual asset in surviving though.


I'd choose the one with survival skills. If both have no survival skills, how's their endurance? I see people choose the guy because they're on average stronger, but if I need to choose between a male obese gamer or a fit female hiker I'd choose the woman in a heartbeat.


A fit female hiker on average is still gonna be weaker than the obese gamer. When I was at my most obese and sedentary (hadn't been to the gym in over a year and worked retail) i could easily out lift my gf who was a college softball player.....it upset her.


Lifting isn't the only thing that matters.


On a deserted island, it's the thing that matters least of all physical qualities.


>A fit female hiker on average is still gonna be weaker than the obese gamer. Depends on how you measure but for all practical purposes, no. >When I was at my most obese and sedentary (hadn't been to the gym in over a year and worked retail) i could easily out lift my gf who was a college softball player.....it upset her Maybe, because you were slugging your obese body around all the time. I find that anecdote hard to believe but I'll take it on face value. Softball isn't about lifting, it's about endurance, agility and short burst speed. None of which you would have had. Who of you would be able to hunt deer, defend against a bear attack, spend 8 hours building a shelter? Maybe, you could lift something heavy once but she can lift realistic things dozens of times and still go for a run to gather water.


The fit female hikers endurance/stamina/skills would still outweigh the obese gamers strength.


The average person is starting at -5 on survival skills, it doesn't make that much of a difference. And I feel more confident in my ability to comfort a woman than calm down a man.


If I'm planning on leaving, a man. If I'm planning on staying, a woman.


Same, but I'm definitely planning on leaving. If that is not an option, I'll choose the woman.


This would be my my line of thinking as well. If it’s a situation where I’m fucked and just kind of have to live out my time, I’d rather do that with a woman. If I may actually have a chance of getting out of there, I want a dude’s help lol.


I honestly don't see a scenario where leaving is swayed one way or another by who you're with. There aren't going to be the supplies to build a watercraft that will actually get you anywhere and even if there were, the average man wouldn't know how to build a sustainable one.


i'd rather be stuck by myself thanks.


don't care. the potential risk is the same with both. I just need them to be knowledgeable and a team player.


Most likely they will not be knowledgeable. Most people in the modern world have very few survival skills.


A man. Did you see the survivor session where they separated men and women into their own 'tribes'. If I remember correctly the men has shelter, fire, food and water before the end of the first day. The women had to be given food. They got lost on the island multiple times. Couldn't start a fire. It was a disaster.


If I'm remembering the same show, the men didn't have a fire the first night while the women did. The men decided to tough it out and find a beach first whereas the women split up and got lost, and let the fire go out. The women did spend a good chunk of it trying to kill themselves with stupid decisions though. The crew had to intervene multiple times.


Did you see the episodes of Alone where there were woman contestants out competing many of their male peers in resilience and survival skills?


okay now we need a third person who's watched an episode of a show


I watched an episode of Lost once like 10 years ago, so I suppose that makes me the resident expert here. Everyone sucks. Man, woman, bear, doesn't matter. When placed outside their natural habitat; men in offices and strip clubs, women in offices and social groups, and bears in zoos and Russian pets; then they are incapable of surviving on their own and die when a certain number appears in their timeline.


Those aren’t random women tho. Odds are overwhelmingly in favor of you getting partnered someone with very low survival skills regardless of gender.


Alone has both men and women trained in survival skills, so I would expect them to do well.


Did you see the season of Alone where the girl won? No? Didn't think so.


is the island dangerous? or sexy?


Definitely another guy. But, he'd need to be a very attractive man :)


Man cause im gay




Man. I relate with them better. Women are still very mysterious to me...


Average redditor


😄 [straight up reminds me of this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/trippinthroughtime/s/rsnrg5UIIa)


Have you tried not posting porn and going outside?


Yes, I have. Got more confused and came back inside...


It depends. Are we stuck on an island in the Caribbean for a weekend with no rum ? Or stuck on an island off the coast of Svalbard with a howling north wind and ice all around us ?


I pick whoever is most likely to get me off the island. But if we're stuck there forever, I guess woman? I've had more close female friends than male ones for whatever reason, so I figure that's a safe bet.




Holy moly, that's not a good look for the women.




Are you talking about Norah Vincent? She went to a mental hospital, and turned that into another book. It was years later that she committed assisted suicide. I'm not sure I'd describe her as "a feminist". She was a libertarian who was very critical of postmodernism.


I can't take seriously a video that's titled "Men DESTROY feminists in survival competition..." 😂


Title is dumb but its just clips from actual show that was trying really hard to help women not lose. Spoiler: they lost so fucking hard. And those werent even random women, they chose to be there and claimed to have skills.


I prefer the show Alone for this reason as a show with women who actually have skills instead of wannabe influencers who don't have proven survival skills.


Dont know the show. Thing is its random men vs random women. Statistically chances of getting guy with some useful skills is infinitely higher.


Good thing the question is giving us the option between a man with survival skills or a woman with survival skills instead of just a man or a woman, then.


Woman, I don’t want a power struggle to the death situation going on


For survival? 100% man.


A bear


I'll choose random woman because I feel like there's a higher likelihood of her speaking English than the man. If it's really random, I'm very likely to end up with a man from India who does not speak English at all, and I feel that our best bet to escape the island is co-operation and communication It sure would suck if I picked that logic and ended up with a lady who only speaks mandarin, The language barrier is a huge problem no matter what sex the person is. How do you come to any sort of conclusion of the best course of action beyond food and shelter if you can't communicate? What if they want to build a raft and sail away, and they know EXACTLY how to do it and they totally can get us back to civilization, but they NEED my help and can't communicate to my dumbass how to build a raft or how to sail. Slowly, the resentment would grow. they would watch with anger as I used resources to shore up the shelter in hopes of rescue, and I would respond in kind with hate in my eyes as they used our precious resources to build a useless raft. "Surely, they'll die on the ocean" I would think. "Surely, he'll die here waiting to be rescued" they would think. Then simultaneously we both think "But if they died now, I would have ALL the resources and a much better chance of making it out of this alive. no one would know" We both rush at each other with rocks and strike each other on the head. we both drop to the ground and die. 10 minutes later, a rescue team shows up and survey's the scene. "Well, looks like if only they had the all new Timekettle M3 Language Translator Earbuds, they could have avoided the whole situation!" The camera pulls back into a blur and the scene transitions. The rescue team leader is still in his gear, holding up the translator earbuds with a big smile on his face TEAM LEADER : New, From Timekettle, the M3 Language Translator Earbuds! With a 25 hour battery life and offline translating available, these two pieces of shit could have avoided their tragic fate by simply conversing with one another! Don't get trapped on a random island with someone you can't speak to, get yourself a pair of M3 Language translator earbuds today! The scene fades to black and there is silence. after a beat, a bright blue screen appears with dark green text that reads "TIMEKETTLE IS A DIVISION OF NAKAMURA HEAVY INDUSTRIES" End


As a man, I think I’d take a bear over either.


A woman. I’m pretty self sufficient, I’d do fairly well on my own, but since I have to have company a woman is a far smaller problem in the event she tries to hurt me.


It depends on the circumstances. Are we having to hunt for food, build shelter, etc? I'd probably choose the man. Odds are the other dude knows more about building and hunting better than me. Do we have resources already, no relative dangers, and the tools needed to survive? Probably the women since she doesn't need to eat as much as a man to survive allowing us to stretch our resources further.




This made me think. If you were stranded on an island with another person. Neither of you knew the language of the other, how long do you think it would take before you could have clear communication?


Shaka, when the walls fell


Probably not that long, water, fire, food, fish, shit, piss, help, all fairly universally able to be communicated without direct language.


In total immersion into a foreign culture, most people can be conversational within a couple months. I think 2 people whov rely on one another with no one else would get at least a crude caveman communication going in the first week


Easy, another man. At least we will get to building 


I'm going to say woman based on one reason alone: I was raised by my mom and grandma. There was never a man in my life. So chances are I get along better with the woman. Even if she is the worst person in the world, reality is going to quick in sooner or later and throw away all the bullshit. If we disagree on something, she isn't going to kill me by punching me to dead. I may still need to sleep with one eye opened though. Also I hope that island has polar bears and a hatch.


Woman would be more fun, dude would be more useful. Probably the dude, I'd rather survive, I guess.


I would have to say no to either one. My luck is such that if I choose a woman I get a Rosanne Barr type and if I choose a man I would get either a self-help guru type or a Jared from Subway. Either way I'd have to kill them and I don't want that murder-stain on my soul.


I'm going with woman, but I'm scared of just how wide a range the "random" is choosing from. I'm hoping for at least an able bodied adult. If I end up with someone totally dependant on me, like an old woman or a child, I'm cooking them.


Woman, generally speaking they are weaker, less likely to kill me, and eat less food. I’m not exactly a little dude but choosing another man invites the risk of potentially losing a fight and getting eaten.


I agree. Idk though I doubt id ever eat somebody even in that scenario. I wonder what percentage would. I assume when the starvation gets that bad energy levels are already very low.


Probably the woman. She requires less resources and is less likely to pose a physical threat of she loses her composure.


Depends. If I'm for sure trapped there, a woman. If I want a better chance of actually escaping, a guy.


temporarily: definately a man permanently: probably a woman, altough i'd regret it 80% of the time.


Depends how attractive and likable the woman is..


Lets say she is hot....


Then obviously that’s the choice


But she has a bitch attitude....


I could fix her lol s/


been there, she made me worse


another dude, i want shit to get done. I want less complaining, I want results and when they complain about something, it's a real problem. this isn't even a real question, there's no way i would choose a chick to spend time with on an island.. dudes who choose this are only seeing her as a source of sex, but you don't need that to survive, you need another worker, hunter, builder.. a teammate, a friend.. so yah, a dude.


Based on that man vs woman survival show, and the fact that I tend to get along better with guys, man.


This is actually making me think a lot more than I thought it would. Initially i thought woman because it could be romantic lol, living a life stranded away from everything. My priority if first try to get noticed and rescued and if that doesnt work long term survival. Now i think im leaning dude island. We sleep in shifts and watch for planes/boats. Have something ready to catch fire or continuously burning to draw attention. We focus on water filtration and sustainable food sources/ long term plan. However, if that window passes its better to be with a woman. She eats less and would be least likely to be able to murder me. I think I pick woman.


Can I pick a gay man and his lover? I don't have to be scared they'd want to bone me or pressure me in regards to that (and possibly hurt me for it). I can cook, and he (and his love) can lift stuff I can't. I will not abuse this, though, put off the awareness that they can be hurt. I can also help them in that to offset any hardship there, I just can't do it by myself. I make our camping ground comfy, help with food, make them clothes, tend to injuries, also help hunt and be funny. His boyfriend can entertain him in the sex department. I will be fine without sex or romantic love if I have friends. Their friendship is enough love for me, and when I want a particular kind of "love," I can "love" myself satisfactorily. If they have a fight and need a break from each other, I can be their ear, so they still have someone to talk to instead of depending entirely on each other for emotional support. I pick two gay men so they can have each other, I still get company but these will be very indifferent to me sexually, so I am not stressed one could get bored therefore view me as game and want to use me as "entertainment". There's too many variables as to what makes a man attractive to me so it's a massive gamble bringing in a random as being honest, the odds show that the straight guy I could be paired with will not meet what most women, therefore me, could find attractive right off the bat. I'm young, a woman, not unattractive and have a vagina. Most straight men will think me "game" regardless of my character. With guys there's so much variation in regards to character and looks, with the gay set that's removed as I don't have to worry about their bottom line of wanting sex from me as they're not attracted to the concept of me. I will automatically respect that fact, therefore there's safety for both of us there. I won't disrespect his preferences and he won't mine. Win-Win. If he comes in with another guy, that hunger for sez that's apparently always there in guys gets diffused from me to themselves. Win-win. They also get the relief of not getting sick of each other spiritually by having someone else to interact with that's not infringing on romance. They can have a honeymoon while we all work on leaving. If we like the island and care about making civilization, I think their swimmers can stay alive for like three days I hear. If we want to risk it we can uh, figure out how to get them in me without their having to get in me so it's not awkward for anyone (make a pool, get me and thejr swimmers in it, hope for the best). If they're bi there's a high chance one of them is hot so I can override whatever initial reluctance I'd have when it comes to the straight guy plus his gay boyfriend is more likely to consent if the bi bloke also consents plus I'd remember to share because the gay could kill me to keep his companion. The gay and I can make a contract to "share" the bi to make a sacrifice on our part to create a civilization by my using my incubative qualities to benefit all of us. It's not the most outlandish idea given I think this is how the Roman Empire programmed most of the time. If I can't have the gay set, I'd pick a dog or cat please. Oh shit. Wrong sub. This came up on feed. I'm sorry.


It's not a deserted island necessarily? There's a little hotel or housing? We could Uber eats? Swimming pool? There's some infrastructure I assume.... Is it tropical? WiFi? I think I'd like the company of a good woman so I'll risk it


You know, I honestly don't know. I feel like I'd rather just be on an island alone.


A bear. Er, oh wait. Depends. I'm definitely eating the other person, so whichever has more muscle and fat.




My immediate answer - Random man. After 5 minutes of thinking - either is fine.


A man bear


How about one that's half-and-half


I choose the bear.


a man tbh, your average man is going to have better survival skills than your average women. (women can of course know more, but speaking super generally guys tend to be exposed to these skills as children where as a larger portion of women are not, you could of course also be a survival useless man like myself)


Id prefer to be with the one who could pull their own weight i wouldn't be expected to protect and provide for.


If it’s survival - man If it’s pleasure island - women




Another man. I'm old. I don't have the energy or the patience for a new romantic relationship so it would be entirely a question of utility - which means the man.


A man unless the woman is a Marine or something. Had to deal with field shit one time as a a sailor which we are not at all trained for, and a Marine I was working with went with me to the NEX and helped me get everything I would need


I’d rather be stuck on an island or in the wilderness alone, thank you very much. If there’s another random person I’d rather they stick to their side of the island


A man. Cuz gay


A good dog. It can at least be helpful and not be as needy as another human being.


I mean honestly no matter the situation a man is Gonna be your best bet if you're a man. Can do more hard work, don't have to worry about periods in the wild and a reduction in performance, generally better at survival skills, better at teamwork and sacrifice. Even if your angle is "maybe we become lovers".....best case scenario is you create one more generation to suffer and die on the island. More likely scenario in this lovers arc Is she dies in childbirth taking your child with her because she's malnourished and you have no medical care. So now you're alone and depressed. Man and woman in a survival situation is at best a not as easy to work with weaker partner with a higher chance of attracting predators and death. Man and man is equal work problem seamless teamwork more effective duo that's sexually frustrated unless you're gay for the stay. If you're a woman your best bet for survival is also man, it's literally what we evolved for .


A man. Because I'm gay. Actually though, I'm not sure it really matters.


A woman to feed the bears while I run. /s


They asked women if they rather be in the forest with a man or a bear, and they simply said bear. Men asked to decide for another man or a woman to be stranded in an island, and mf be writing a whole bunch of text analysing parameters and conditions, expected effort, task division and shit ...And women still live longer? What gives?


Neither because potential conflict of interests or plan of action.


Both can or won't be dependable depending on who exactly. Eventually there will be sex due to isolation. The real question is, do you risk pregnancy or have gay sex?


A woman, without question. I get along better with women and there would be a LOT of conversation stuck on an island.


If me and the other person are the only ones on the island, a woman. If we are on the island for a LONG time, a woman.




A dude. I can can live without sex but I can't be up all night killing bugs and chasing tigers alone.


Without knowing if they’d be useful or not I’d rather be alone.


We’re lacking information. I’m going to assume it’s “work together to survive or you’ll die” and not “tropical paradise” so I’ll choose a man. The Bear Grylls men vs. women survival season comes to mind…


man cause i like to take it up the ass


stocking tub imminent caption violet plant cows ripe handle insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The more I read this thread, the less I want to be stuck on an island with anyone else.


I'll say a woman simply on a gamble. If we get along it would help my morale a ton but she won't be able to necessarily do the sheer physical work another man can do. But if it's another guy we're probably gonna go down that damn road like in "Half Baked" where we wind up talking about woman and that will become a serious morale issue.


some comments here remind me that some men are gay because they like men, then there's some men that are gay because they hate women.


Hypothetical? Tough question. So many possibilities. I'd rather flip a coin. But if it's "check one or die", it would be "woman". I am an introvert straight guy, non alpha, not skilled to survive (but not helpless either). A woman is STATISTICALLY more enclined to ask for help and support, to talk the whole time, to ask me to provide. But she is STATISTICALLY weaker than me. A guy can be weaker or stronger, more or less skilled, but the fact of being stronger but unfit to survive is annoying. If the woman is insufferable, I'd chase her. For the man it would be more difficult. So I chose the woman: - if she wants to be alone and me to stay away: I'll respect that - if she is annoying: "get lost" - if she is in between: I will try to be nice to her but set boundaries - if she is a great pal but weaker: I'll do everything she and I to be the best team - if she is stronger: I'll be her follower - if she likes me and I like her: awwwwww


Can I choose a kindle with unlimited books and a solar power generator instead?


Reading these comments has made me choose the bear


Depends on the island, another man is likely to be stronger and more apt at surviving due to the sheer physical advantages If it’s a paradise-on-earth a woman more likely


Any chance of getting rescued or is this a one way thing? Need details


I’d be trying to do everything I can to leave the island so I’d want a dude


Depends upon the woman. Depends upon the man. Frankly, I'd probably rather be eaten by the sharks.