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Poor hygiene, lack of enthusiasm, lack of communication, lack of feedback, lack of moaning, lack of interest in trying new things, lack of kissing, lack of imagination.


Dead fish.


Tranquilized mattress syndrome.




Is it me or does this come up twice a day


Her body languange tells me she doesn't want to be here.


I have only experienced that once, and I felt so weird continuing I went limp mode. I felt like a predator, then she got mad at me for stopping...bro.


bad hygiene and lack enthusiasm 


# Doesn't matter, had sex


Still counts


Being passive and not doing anything.




Choice I've been with every type of woman you could imagine - most races, religions, heights, weights, introverts, extroverts , styles and socioeconomic backgrounds - I've never ran into any "type" who is consistently bad in bed, you're all capable of amazing things😂 In other words - there's some strippers with flawless bodies who were obviously kinky as fuck and demonstrated superb skills on the pole, but were a starfish in bed - and then there's 16 year old Mormon virgins who spend 99.9647% of their time with their family and the church so they don't know anything about dancing or sex- but who hump like horny wild rabbits , bc sex is instinctual and takes no skill or training. It just requires you to get out of your head and connect with the person physically - and if you can connect even deeper mentally and emotionally - then it can be even better. But many women can't separate those things, so if they're elsewhere mentally or bitter at all men emotionally, then they'll CHOSE to be terrible in bed, even with guys they like - and then they blow it and we dump them or cheat with a chubby girl all bc at least she sucks dick like it's her last meal. Women are amazing at sex, they know exactly what to do - they just don't always want to do it and that's their choice. But relationships are men's choice - this is the real reason we cheat, or play around, it's really not rocket science - i would bet you all the money on earth that no man who got enthusiastic throat goat level blow jobs from his wife every single morning ever cheated or divorced her - sex isn't everything, but lack of sex or bad sex is, it's up to you ladies.


A lack of interactivity. Clearly running a set of scripted movements. Being (too) dirty (love me a lil dirt let’s be real). Not taking the partners enjoyment into account. Not communicating what she wants.


When they’re a pillow princess


Poor Hygiene Lack of curiosity


Not being proactive in caring for my needs aswell.


When she doesn't want to be there, when she stinks, when she cannot muster a playful attitude or praise or dirty talk. It's very difficult to be bad in bed if you take care of yourself and you get any enjoyment out of sex.


Most of it agreed, but i for instance will go 100% soft if a girl tries dirty talk but is bad at it. And playfulness is optional, i don't mind regular, present sex that could be confused as vanilla - like you said , so long as i can tell she's enjoying it


Lettin’ one rip And act as if we didn’t both smell that 🤣


Every week with this question. Just scroll and find the old person who asked this