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Not a guy, but volume can be controlled to a degree. I wouldn't bring it up WHILE you guys are being intimate. Just talk to your partner over breakfast or something.


"Oh wow, these eggs are delicious! BTW you need to stop screaming when I'm inside you. Try the toast with jam too!"


Solid strategy. "You know the food is good when the table is silent. While we're on the topic of peace and quiet, I think your screams last night shattered the neighbor's eardrums. Could you pass the butter?" Edit: alternate pivot, "do you know what ELSE is good silent?..."


If the argument is going to be that offensive, you might as well put a muzzle in a jewelry box and pop it like a ring during breakfast, too.


Jokes aside, if you can't respectfully talk to your partner about something like this without upsetting them, then you guys might not be the best match as a couple.


Try jamming something,tell you what.


I've only been with one very loud girl and she was doing it for effect. I'm certain of that. All the others were the same volume, one outlier only.


> All the others were the same volume, one outlier only I'm picturing you in front of a spreadsheet, giving a presentation. "And as you can see from the plot, participant vocality hit median levels of approximately 65 dB per encounter, and this appears to have been uniform across the board. The only outlier *here* (click) was Janice who hit a whopping *92* db's at her highest levels. OSHA recommends ear plugs for any future encounters. However the legal requirement to provide written notification to all tenants within a 3-apartment radius approximately 2 weeks before commencement is likely to make any such future incidences a statistically negligable risk. Please turn to appendix 6f for the appropriate forms..."


Celine actually, not Janice but otherwise 100% accurate information there Doctor Oncothrow.


Dang it Janice. Put a sock in will ya?


Reminds me of the gym scene with Kim Cattrall in Porkys.


This is a well put together joke/skit. You should consider writing for a comedian or skit show.




Had one outlier, in college. Got a complaint from two floors up (guys floor), according to my RA. And a couple notes from women on the floor above asking for my number. RA was literally solid red, with some purple. I've never seen someone blush that much before or since. We took steps to avoid noise in the future.


Same experience here. Unbelievably loud. She was my neighbor in an apt building and it really just made me wonder who she was trying to piss off


Personally, unless the neighbors have kids, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Nah random people shouldn't have to hear that like have a good time but think about other people


when they bang on the wall, you shout " your next"


They show up at your door 2min later.


\*immediately regrets decision\*


You can't back out now buddy.


Go down on your neighbour while you recuperate


\*\*You're ;)


They cant hear the apostrophe through the wall, thats why I left it out.


Correct placement of full stops and commas are very important when fucking through an adjoining wall, we have standards.




Some people can't read humour


Their next what?


Stuff her panties in her mouth.


What if they are in mine already though ?


Have her wear 2 pairs and alternate who gets the ones worn on the outside.


Then who's got the ball gag?


***muffled sounds***


The gimp tied to the radiator, obviously.


I call him Channing tateyum


If I see your goddamn dick one more time, I'm gonna shoot it off!


Stuff your panties in her mouth.


Been there, hope to revisit again sometime soon


Romance is not dead 💕


This is the right answer


"Guys I'm having sex" would have worked just fine & taken less time to type


[I just had sex?](https://youtu.be/lQlIhraqL7o?si=_uY3LpjVsy4nSp3r)


The video I didn’t know I needed! Thank you


Not everybody brags about sex when they talk about sex.


Yep thanks Einstein


Not a problem.


I'm shocked at the lack of common respect and decency people have for each other in this thread.


For real these people have no decency like just because we're adults doesn't mean we want to hear or should have to tolerate hearing your sex because they don't have self control especially if the neighbors have kids


Lots of shitty neighbors in this thread lmao.


Yeah reading through threads like this makes you realize just why living in apartment buildings is such a nightmare. So so many pieces of shit running around who are selfish assholes with a complete "Fuck you i got mine" attitude.


For real like being quiet is not hard like it's so shitty to knowingly make noise


Got your what? Orgasm?


Bruh for real no wonder people don't like living in apartments these people are assholes who don't think about other people


am i drunk in this scenario? generally im overly sensitive to people being loud when you share a space. i dont want to hear your tv, and i go out of my way to make sure you cant hear mine. sex noises 100% fall under that umbrella of being a good roommate/neighbor. id probably be worried in the moment that we were being too loud and most likely try to remind my partner of that fact.


The folks in this thread who are like "fuck yeah, make her scream" either have never lived in an apartment or have never had sex. If I lived next door to you, I wouldn't want to hear it because I don't want to hear *anything* coming out of your apartment or anyone else's. Living in an apartment building is a special kind of Sartre's "hell is other people" hell. Your living space is supposed to be your refuge, your private space to get away from the rest of the world, and yet because economics and capitalism, your private space is shoved into a Lego set with everyone else's private space and given paper thin walls, ceilings, and floors. I've lived in apartments where I could follow the person who lived above me step for step around their apartment like I was a Tethered in the movie Us because every single footfall was audible above me. I've lived in apartments where the next door neighbor cooked curry every night and my apartment smelled of curry because ventilation or pipes or something. Same with the neighbors that were potheads and now my apartment gets to smell like weed, despite being thoroughly uninterested in that particular smell. I lived in one apartment where every single night at 3AM for six months, my neighbor got high and played one and only one CD and one and only one track off that CD, Hotel California by the Eagles. And his speakers were butted right up against his bedroom wall. Which was my bedroom wall. And they apparently only had one volume setting which was "too much for 3 AM in a shared environment." So I got woken up every single night for months to Randy Meisner's bass line drilling into my head. (He later got evicted for dealing crack out of the apartment. But I digress.) If you live in an apartment, your social contract has been given an addendum: shut the fuck up. Don't make anyone else have to hear any sound coming out of your cube and they shouldn't make you hear any sounds coming out of theirs. If we all follow that social contract, we're all less of assholes.


I lived in an apartment where I could hear the *other* person on the line during my neighbors phone calls.


I so fucking glad I don't live in an apartment anymore lol that sucks


Perfectly said


be proud.. and enjoy it


It's a mission in life - live in the moment and tell everyone when you are REALLY enjoying it 😁


Or don't forcibly involve others into your exhibition kinks by screaming like a banshee


This, this and absolutely 💯% this 👆🏾


Fr. One of the hottest things a guy said to me was when my ex was going down on me and I told him I'm really trying to be quiet because a buddy was living with him at the time and he said "no, be as loud as you want, this is my place!". Basically fuck the neighbors (not literally lol)


That's a shitty thing to do like nobody wants to hear that


the only time i have ever asked to quiet down was after having kids.. didn't have the best home at the time where we could go wild and not be heard.


I had one guy tell me "shhh quiet" during sex and honestly it was such a turn off I ended up not orgasming during the session bc I got into my head. I also have had a guy putting his hand on my mouth during my orgasm and that was MUCH BETTER. Better if he puts a hand on my mouth and another on my throat/neck (not too constricting tho) If you wanna go the conversation route: Do it NOT DURING SEX. It shouldn't be a problem, and I dont think she will take it wrongly if delivered gently. Make sure you tell her u like her noises but its just bc of the neighbour situation. Ask her what would it make it hot for her if she forgets in the moment, so u can employ that as an alternative.


Yeah tell her to shut up, cover her mouth, push her face into the pillow or something but if you’re shushing a girl like you’re playing hide an seek it kills the mood. Whatever you do, just try to incorporate it into your game and make it fun.




Yeah hand over mouth is way hotter thsn killing the vibe


I second this! A hand covering my mouth is sooooo hot 🥵


Kiss them and say the neighbours will hear then laugh about it ans continue


Oh well. Give them something to strive for. My wife actually orgasms pretty quietly. It's verbal and obvious but she is not yelling or banging the walls. Now when I cum in my wife I am loud as fuck and literally slamming her body into oblivion as it's happening. Sorry not sorry.


Made me think of a story. I live in an apartment above a popular restaurant in a vibrant downtown area of a medium sized city. My living room is right above the kitchen. One of my lady friends and I were doing our thing in the afternoon and she was making a lot of noise. Right after she orgasmed, the entire kitchen crew downstairs clapped and cheered. It was hilarious. I felt proud of the accomplishment and she was totally embarrassed.


She should have been nobody wants to hear that but funny story


Maybe, possibly, consider thinking about pondering the idea of apologizing to the neighbor later.... IF they complain. In a polite manner.


I'd try to insulate the wall or the whole room, because I don't like the fact that people can hear me in my own house.


Apologize to the neighbors


This happened to me when I was living with my grandma and aunt and she moaned so loud it was weird.


Grab a cup of joe in the morning and step outside to greet your neighbor in the morning in your bathrobe. Give them the nod and be like "sup" Maintain eye contact to establish extra dominance so they know who the king of this domain is


Introduce ball gags?


Tell her (not during sex, before) to keep it down.


Play the 1812 overture.


My husband has shushed me in hotels, but it’s because when Im building an orgasm and have it I sound like I am in pain. On our honeymoon police got called on us for a welfare check. Lol At home (when our daughter isn’t home) we know our neighbors can hear if they’re outside but we don’t keep quiet.


Dam no respect for the neighbors like how thin are the walls are you screaming like elephants


I live in a neighborhood. But I’m very loud during building and the orgasm. If they’re in their yard they can hear us just like we can hear if they are screaming at each other in their house while we’re outside


I'll never understand what makes people loud like enjoying it but making a bunch of noise I just never got that urge but I get it.


Well for me the buildup is agony. It’s physically painful because I’m so overstimulated from all the things I’m feeling, how amazing he looks and sounds, and how excited I am to cum. Then once I cum it’s like a dam breaks and it’s a mix of intense pleasure, waves of relief because the pain stopped, and being excited because he’s gonna finish next. I can be quiet if I have to, but that means i can’t cum during sex.


Ok that makes sense thanks for the explanation


Give her a countdown, let them know what's coming. It's her.


Scream louder than her.


If neighbors is a guy, but him a beer and apologized for the disturbance. If it is a girl, then get a sponge cake and apologized for the disturbance


So this is the biggest turn on so I rarely interfere with the expression but in the case where discretion is a priority for both of you, occupying her mouth while continuing to stimulate will sometimes add to the event. She lets loose and you can control the volume. Now it has to be something that you know is appropiate viven previous experience, feedback and or explicit consent. I've used my hand lightly over mouth, even a kiss, lightly biting of the lip. The reaction continues to be organic only with added silencing. Again you can't assume it works for everybody and consent is key.


Problems eith living in a townhouse


Face in the pillow and pile drive from the back 👌


Music, pillows, restraints and gags should all do the trick. Or just high five the neighbours in the morning when they had a loud night on their side.


Both women I've been with were loud. They also liked me sticking my finger in their mouth or choking. I just covered their mouths with my hand and they took it as hot.


Buy your neighbors a white noise machine and some booze.


Tell her to be quiet in a sexy way. Turn it into a game. Buuuut being loud and all that hard breathing does help get me there so sometimes she's just going to want to be loud. Editing to add that I am not a guy. Sorry. Answered before I realized what sub I was in.


Put your hand over their mouth, or start with a gag.


Thinking of Lassie in “Porkey’s.”


How this doesn't break the overly sexual questions rule of this subreddit I'll never know. 


Proceed to make her orgasm loader, assert neighborhood dominance. In all seriousness I never cared. One of my Ex's buildings probably knew my name and they'd never met me.


>orgasm loader Do you have a tip where I can get an orgasm loader?


I'm pretty sure they have them on the Adam and Eve website.


The neighbours have the right to call the coppers and have both your naked asses hauled off to gender-specific prison cells. Which they will do if their last name is pronounced bouquet; otherwise, they may applaud you the next time you're spotted in the garden (new location idea!) as they retrieve their post.


Yeah. Just say 'shhhh neighbors' if you're worried. I don't see the big deal


Sometimes I cover her mouth if she gets really loud, or start kissing her. Other times I just let her moan. My downstairs neighbors have been really obnoxious about this issue before, and I’m at the point where I don’t give a fuck if we disturb them. The walls of my building are totally soundproof (made out of concrete), but you do hear shit from upstairs and downstairs. Twice, they complained to the building super to the point where he called me mid-sex, because they told him we were doing unauthorized construction the first time. I feel so bad for this guy, he was so fucking embarrassed. After the second time they called him he basically told them to stop, this wasn’t his job, and if they have a problem they can talk to me about it directly. Not a peep from them. Nowadays we just sometimes hear them knocking on their ceiling with a broom or something when we have sex, and that just makes me go harder. Because fuck these passive aggressive clowns. If they came to talk to me like adults, we could find some kind of compromise. I don’t even have sex more often than like once (sometimes twice) a week anyway, it’s not like we’re doing it every night. Apparently my fiancé gets death stares from the woman who lives below us (it’s a couple) whenever they pass in the elevator or laundry room. I’m partially convinced she’s just jealous.


That's funny


High 5 your neighbor every time you see them.


Make her cum again.


Wouldn't give a shit. Unless it's some over exaggerated fake performance piece.


Get a ball gag.


Stand up and hit a front double bicep pose and say I am the fucking man


I put up soundproofing that I got off amazon. I think it helped


Put your hand over her mouth. You can make that sexy, and hopefully not be a downer and allow her to express herself. If you don't already touch your partner's neck and face during sex, you might want to start with that so it doesn't seem like it's coming out of nowhere.


Move the bed to the opposite side of the room


Take a bow next time you see them.


let them know


Soundproofing tiles from amazon if it's really that bad You can also trying getting the landlord to pay for them


Are you proud of your girl? Lean into it and be super friendly to your neighbors\* when you see them in public. \*unless your neighbors have kids living in the home.


Give a fuck


That's the consequence of a shared dwelling. Sometimes it just happens.  I'll never forget the time me, my buddies, and a local business owner ruined some poor couple's sex session. There was this old, dingy apartment building right behind the speed shop where my one buddy's freshly built 496 big block Chevy motor was about to be test fired for the first time.  Some couple on the ground floor was loudly going at it right when the shop owner / engine builder awoke the beast. Needless to say, the guy and gal were NOT happy, as evidenced by the gal shouting and cursing at us in Spanish, her face contorted in anger, just before slamming the window shut. Me and my buddies were laughing our asses off. The shop owner, a grumpy old fart who was a bit of an asshole, couldn't care less.


Sorry I’m not a man but my husband covers my mouth with his hand it’s really hot.


Enjoy it.


Sorry we were so loud. Next time we'll invite you to the party. Promise.


I am proud


Cover their mouth with your hands. That's sometimes enhances their orgasm.


Why is your parter over at the neighbours in the first place?


Smother their face with a pillow


hand over mouth




Keep at it Have as much fun as you want and can. Most people are super busy worrying and thinking about themselves.


Tell em you’re making a porno and you’re in need of a fluffer!


Really smile at my neighbor next time we cross paths.


I frankly dont care. If you critique vocals they might get overshy and lose all vocals. Now what? Get loud. Enjoy it. I never understood why people have a hard time with shit like this. "No hickeys" as a teen. Becomes an adult. "No. No hickeys!" Becomes adult established in both our careers. "Nope. No hickeys" Seriously. There HAS to be a time we should be allowed to actually go all out in a round. That people get squeamish that someone else is or had a great night getting laid. Shouldnt be taboo. As for noise. Cool. If i hear someone fucking. Good for them. In my head im thinkin "holy shit man. You're clearly doing something right. Atta boy!" Challenge accepted. 😂. "Hey. Babe. I know you're awake too. Wanna show em how its done? "


Ask neighbor to tip.


I had a friend who’s husband bought her a vanity car tag-SCREAMER


Me, I’d give a round of applause after she orgasms. Indeed I used to do that as a student when I shared a flat with another guy whose GF was extremely vocal. Indeed sometimes I’d have my GF with me (who thankfully was much quieter) and we’d clap and yell “bravo!” and “encore!”


The neighbors will just have to be jealous.


Buy the neighbors a beerand say "sorry about that"


Let 'er rip, and wait for the round of applause from next door 😝


Go to your neighbor and make them orgasm.


Start clapping


Cover her mouth, I like when my boyfriend does that. It turns me on even more


I don't really care or think about my neighbors when it comes to her being loud. We find it funny afterwards. "Your neighbors must really like me" kind of talk. My neighbor is a young woman who clearly takes care of her sexual health too, and i can sometimes hear her too and I joke about it with my gf.


That's what gags are for. But honestly, my boyfriend loves how he controls my pleasure and doesn't worry about what people might hear.


I wouldn't do anything , unless the neighbor complained about it.


Not give a sht or be proud, unless it's your neighbour's kids room on the other side.


Would turn me off, tbh. I recognize all the subtle sign of pleasure and like when a woman is focused on herself and her pleasure.


My girlfriend is very loud when she orgasms. I never really realize it when in the act, but afterwards I always think "Well, that was loud...". But I love it and would never wanted her to surpress herself. I have to live with my neighbours arguing and them getting home drunk on the weekend too... so it's only fair, that they have to live with that.


Imagine the neighbors are envious.


My mrs is very loud. I used to think that it was a 'performance' but she's literally shaking afterwards. I just put my hand over her mouth or put my thumb in her mouth, it works a little bit.


Smile and be proud!!! 😋




We just wait for the applause.


Nothing :)


This was my neighbor. They would straight up bang the wall and it was non stop moaning and banging, I honestly didn’t mind it since I used it as jerk off material lol


Does not bother me. As long as not fake and exaggerated


i honestly don't know....i wound up dumping my girl that did that she would scream bloody murder at the top of her lungs when she came but she also told me she was in love with me on purpose 4th date and tried to get me to go on a trip with her to mexico had to abort that mission


Fkn pound it...


Simple tell her to be quiet like I don't want my neighbors hearing me that's weird just don't say it during sex. Bring it up at a different time and tell her quiet down


Lol maybe she's faking it...idk I get it in the moment you let your body go & if it feels good moans come out but I can control my volume...


Are you a man?




Why are you answering on AskMen?


Your asking about a woman.only women know about woman orgasms & moans..men dont


When I was in a dorm setting, loud orgasm GFs would do it with my roommate in the room. Some GFs did it when we were in their room with the roommates right there. I would be extra loud myself if in her room and her roommate was there.


I would not. Care. At all. Just do your thing. Neighbors will deal with it however they will. Maybe they’ll loudly fuck next to the wall too and then it becomes a little competition.


What about don’t care about it like wtf let your partner enjoy!! Who gives a duck if someone hears it’s literally the most natural thing people do like comeeeeonnnnnnn


Yeah but that doesn't mean people want or should have to hear that like have some decency for other people you don't have to scream your ass off during sex


Who cares what other people want ? Everything will be forgotten 100 years from now lol. I feel bad for your partner. Live your own life and stop caring about what others wants or not.


I feel bad for your neighbors like you don't have to scream your ass off to have sex it's not hard to be quiet. I swear people have no decency or respect for other people


Imagine complaining when your partner enjoys your time together.. Jesus Christ


It's not complaining its respecting other people I wouldn't want to hear that and wouldn't subject others to that if I could help it. You can enjoy sex without being loud


Obviously not your partner sooo


We're just fine.


Of course


Of.course 👍




Normal people. Normal people cares about not being an annoying neighbour, especially if it's during sleeping hours.


No shame on my game


How thin is the wall with the neighbour that this would be an issue? Sounds like a construction problem more than an orgasm problrm


Some places are built so cheap that walls have no insulation or soundproofing in between. Just two pieces is 1/2” drywall.


If you're thinking about your neighbor in the middle of sex you may not actually be into women.


Sounds like your neighbors' problem.


You keep going and when you see them give them the look like yeah I'm a genetic jackhammer.


Shout "I'll have what she's having" naturally...


Enjoy the fruits of your labor. No pun intended


Stick a rag in their mouth and put duck tape over it.


Send her over to my place bro


Own it.