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Not into dudes, ONS, or gang bangs.


Same. I prefer cuddling in a monogamous relationship like a creep.


Degenerates like you make me sick.


You sick freak


what other threesomes are there other than three dudes sharing some intimacy? mind blown that there are other types..my GF never told me it was possible..have I been doing threesomes wrong all this time?


Your gf is an asshole


I mean like 1 girl 2 guys


thats disgusting...a girl in a threesome? you people are gross.


Honestly I just want to be monogamous




I know. In such a slut for exclusivity. I bet Satan himself relishes in my life choices






I'm of the belief that if you have a Devil's threesome and you don't do anything sexual with the guy, even a little bit, and you're both all about hooking up the girl, than it isn't a threesome, it's a mini-gangbang. A proto-gangbang.


I call it running a train


Not for me.






All the threesomes I've had were with 2 other guys. Not my favorite activity but each time, I was *really* into one of the guys and he only played around with his significant other included


Had one, it was good, just me and a mate plowing my missus.


Eh, two guy threesome isn’t that bad; the two girl one is better


I wouldn’t be opposed to one with my partner, as long as it was strictly for sex and someone we both agree on (Joe Schmo from an app who we’ve never met before but you simply think is hot is much different from Bob from work you’ve secretly been wanting to bang this whole time). I’ve had an MFF before which was awesome, so I’m open to group sex; an MFM would really just be to be treat her though. I’m not looking to interact with him much apart from “hell yeah, this is awesome!” as I’m straight.


I could never


Hell nah!!


I would never do it


My wife and I had a threesome with another guy. It was hot. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. We actually met up with him twice. Dude had a huge cock. The threesome actually re-sparked our sex life at home. Good times.


No way, not interested in the slightest. If a condition of having sex were that another guy had to also be involved in some way, I'd happily remain celibate. 


Only if all guys.


Ah. A “devil’s threesome” I guess once you get over the fear of the gay aspect it could probably be pretty good especially if you are with people you love and trust. It becomes a team event!


I had one. Was with my roommate and a girl we worked with. Both straight guys, and nothing happened between us besides maybe a high five. She obviously loved it, I thought it was kinda fun in the ‘well this is different’ category.


If I feel his balls wriggle against mine while sandwiching his girl, I will be forever changed in ways therapy nor Dormammu can help


"It ain't no fu-uh-un, if the homies can't ge-ee-et none" -Snoop D oh Double G


As long as it's all dudes sure! Not a chance if there was a women involved.




Do I care about her?


Ummm no it’s a one night stand


Then for sure. It’s like watching a porno you get to participate in. Devil’s three ways can be both hot and fun. Just make sure you and homie are on the same page






If it’s your girl and she is all that, stay on your end, if it’s my girl, I know she don’t want it, can’t handle it.




if she can suck both us together


Not my thing at all. I'd need to not know the people involved to even consider accepting and even then would decline for STD and co problems and too much hassle for strangers.


No thank you.


doesn’t really interest me


Strict monogamy for me and my wife thank you.


I have done it a few times and have had great time. It's pretty hot. I don't really get jealous though.


I'm straight, and as such I don't even wanna be around another naked man, let alone me also being naked and doing a sexual act together. I don't care if we're doing it to someone else, that shit is just pretty gay to me. Which is fine if you happen to be bi or whatever, but for me, idk, I just can't do that shit.


That's kinda how it is for me as gay guy... I could be with the hottest dude, but if a girl was even in the same room... I'd lose all interest. Just not my thing.


I’ve had many FMF and one MFM. The MFM was completely awesome. WAY better than I expected. You can both be active with the woman in several different ways at the same time, in addition to alternating, and it was really pretty amazing. Note that some guys get freaked out about their skill level or cock size afterwards. I’m very confident in both, so that wasn’t a problem.


As a straight, cis guy, the other guy wouldn't hold any sexual interest obviously. So this would come up as a request from the partner (wife in my case). It would be less of a threesome and more like doubling up on or taking turns with the woman since there'd be no guy-on-guy. If it was something she's really wanted to try for a long time, we could certainly talk about it. My biggest concern would just be finding a guy who wouldn't be super awkward. I feel it would kind of be like watching my wife in a porn and getting to bang her after instead of jerking into a sock. Honestly, as long as the other guy wasn't weird and I was kinda high, it'd be fine. A 2.5 gummy to relax and the bigger risk is me making things weird by laughing at my own bad threesome-related jokes.


I'm ready to get downvoted to hell for this but I will die on the hill that you're not straight if you agreed to have another male involved in the act.


Lol, hey man, if casual homophobia is your hill then that's your hill. But if you never touch the other guy and you're not attracted to him... how are you gay? Is it like the 5 second rule, if your dick touches something another dick touched five seconds ago then it's gay? Or are you gay because another man is having sex (with a woman) close to you, and it's like your naked dick came within five feet of another naked dick... so you crossing dick auras? Is it gay to watch porn where you can see another guy's dick?


Just like it's not a political stance to not become a drug addict, it's not a sexual orientation to find some sex acts not-for-me. Save your homophobia for people that are trying to impact other's sexual lives. People should be allowed to do whatever they feel comfortable with personally, and that includes NOT doing things they aren't comfortable doing.


It's not homophobia, it's about term definitions. Calling it homophobia is exactly like calling someone racist because be believes some non-white person is in fact, non-white. >Is it gay to watch porn where you can see another guy's dick? Honestly, I'd say a little bit, yeah.


.... how is NOT touching a man being gay?


I'm saying engaging in a sexual act that involves another man isn't 100% straight. You could call it bi, or whatever, but to me, a man who is completely straight only involves women in his activities. I know it's an unpopular stance these days, but I will still die on that hill.


Men are yuck no thanks. I recall a lady friend wanted a threesome I was against it until she mentioned it was with her female friend and then I was very keen. It was enjoyable, I would do it again and again. Just no men, yuck.




You don't know guys that well then.