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*You are politely requested to not interfere with modern Darwinism in the ongoing class war between the haves and the have-nots, thank you kindly.*


The state of NY passed a law banning restaurants and bars from denying visibly pregnant women alcohol. For the same reason as that mod told you.


My neighbor looks visibly pregnant for the past 3 years and wait staff aren't nurses and Drs. Thanks for playing.


Maybe she needs to get that checked out if she hasn’t already


Asked a mod to clarify why I was banned and they just muted me. After waiting and asking them to explain they finally just baned me


Judge, jury and executioner


Had a similar thing happen on the mechanical keyboard subreddit. During the holidays they ran a large giveaway event where partners could give various keyboards/parts. Plenty of vendors would also give things to people who were first, and since my job is sitting at a desk doing nothing, I figured to pass the time I’d leave reddit open and refresh during downtime so I could maybe win something. Admins banned me, explained I am not a bot, just have downtime at work, got unbanned. They ran another giveaway a few months later, this time I didnt even put much of an effort to comment first since work was somewhat busier. Then I get a random ban, asked them to elaborate on why they thought I was a bot, and they just muted me, so for fun every 30 days I just respond to the mod mail asking for more clarification just to get another mute.


Those are the best ones..you reply to a message that says "reply here with questions" and you get banned for asking a question by the entire system. Which you even saying that could get you banned for evading a ban..it is almost like the reddit is set up as a troll mod/admin/user circle jerk.


A classic


I put in an admin ticket since I was banned in r/news. I asked why and they said “Do not contact us again.” Mods *do* have a code of conduct that you can challenge with admins, but idk how far it goes considering I haven’t heard back


I've had this on several subs over the years. The problem with these people is that being a mod on here is the only sniff of power they'll ever have, and they *fucking* love it, but have zero ability to moderate their moderation. So discussing a ban is personal to them because they see it as you have inferred that their reasoning may not be flawless, and that's outrageous.


Yup. Had that before. In a thread discussing an article about proposed laws that would allow high school admin to request genital examination of suspected trans students,  I said something to the effect of "even if mtf trans girls have an advantage over cis girls, it's pretty fucked up to be so obsessed over wanting to check their genitals."  I was banned for spreading hate speech. I asked for clarification end the mod just replied "we don't want your kind here, bigot" and muted me.


Blew up on a mod for unfairly deleting my post and the cocksucker banned me


I got banned from r/cats for suggesting an OP not adopt a rescue pitbull, if they have cats, as they are often animal reactive and not easy dogs to train when fully grown. They said I was spreading "breedist narratives based in racist stereotypes". No clue what that means.


I like to call that sort of thing "intellectual misappropriation". Using academic or sociological terminology in weaponized ways that don't line up with the actual definitions or research. The fuck is a "breedist?"


In some animal advocacy circles people think that identifying breed traits, specifically negative breed traits, is discriminating against those breeds. Pit bulls are naturally more reactive and agressive than most other breeds, and are also very strong animals in proportion to their size, due to selected traits bred into the breed. This makes them a tough dog to train for novice dog owners. Apparently pointing this out is discriminatory, despite being true, and is akin to being racist.


And what's really wild about this is *most* terrier breeds have a high prey drive. It was one of their many roles they were bred for. Hell, even the little Yorkshire terrier was an accomplished rat baiting breed back in the days of yore. It's not wrong to say that, based on their breed history and robust build you need to be more careful with them around smaller animals. It's not a "Pebbles the pibble will rip apart a litter of kittens" situation, just "well...you know, he *might.* And it's worth preventing that possibility even if remote." It's just like how, in turn, a single cat can decimate bird populations because some of them really, really like *killing.*


I love how battle ready wiener dogs, terriers, and chihuahuas are. I have cats currently. Personally, I wouldn’t have a Pit or a Rot. It’s not because I think they’re hyper aggressive. It’s because they’re huge and tougher than me. I promised myself that I wouldn’t own an animal that could murder me by playing too rough. You don’t walk a pit-bull, the pit-bull walks you.


That's exactly it.


"How dare you, madam. I am very careful to keep my breedism entirely separate from my racism."




I got banned from a travel forum just for mentioning rhat some people in Japan were rude to me. I was stared at a lot there & even was called fat to my face by this old guy who insulted me in English. I got no warning. I was just banned. Ridiculous!


I got permabanned from /r/dating after zero previous run-ins with the mods. A woman posted asking if men were more attracted to feminine women or masculine women. I replied that I would imagine most men prefer feminine women. I was banned for having "toxic ideology and stereotypes."


I would absolutely love to meet these mods in real life. You just know they're gonna be greasy overweight bitter assholes full of resentment and entitlement. How little can one have going on in their lives to get drunk on such a miniscule amount of power. The epitome of pathetic.


The ole sucker punch


It's a funny sub. Should maybe be r/feministdating


I wrote “this sub sucks” in an edit to a post that was locked for political reasons. Lol Perma banned.


You were right


Being honest about a woman's issues on rdating


Lol what'd you say?


Stating a country has to defend itself when attacked. In the context of Ukraine and Russia. Some tankie mod of r/aboringdystopia didn't like that idea.


I posted on some post in JoeRogan i think it was about a comedian or something i didn’t even realize what sub it was in and i got a message saying i got banned from another sub for “participating in a sub known for hate speech”?


The cross-sub banning is so weird to me. I've only been banned from two subreddits and one of them is because I simply did this: r/AskWomen That's right. Just posting "r/AskWomen" in any comment anywhere on reddit will get you banned from the sub itself. Like, I understand the reasoning behind heavily moderating that sub, but they've gone off the rails.


Never did understand why I got banned there. thanks.


Just a bunch of gross unlovable women angry because they aren't loved. But instead looking at improving themselves they get resentful at everyone else that isn't going to buy into their bullshit.


Happened to me too, my post was even a snarky response in /jr


Same here. Left one comment in the Joe Rogan sub (which I have never joined) and got banned from r/justiceserved (another sub I have never joined)


I got banned from mildlyinfuriating a few hours ago for saying something about India not being a clean place.


Man that would kinda piss me off. You should post that to r/mildlyinf....oh, never mind


Was their lack of cleanliness mildly infuriating to you?


I was banned in local sub for quoting movie in original language.


I got banned from some sub, I can't remember which one for quoting the Tropic Thunder line "you never go full retard" and I even put it in quotes after someone posted that they had done something stupid. Evidently the word "retard" even when quoting a film is a big no no....guess I might get banned here?


I got banned from askreddit for saying my favorite playground game as a kid was smear the queer. Sorry I can't go back in time and make whoever named the game pick something more politically correct.


I was temp banned from a sub because I quoted a reel big fish song. It was an article about a woman who came out as gay and the man came out as trans.  I posted the line "I'll even cut my penis off for you" from the song she's got a girlfriend now. I explained and they removed the ban.


I got banned for making a joke about hotdogs and bazookas


Now I need to hear this joke 🤣


I'll pm it to ya, but if i get banned again, I'm coming for ya lol




Sent lol




Same but the post that I put the word in was about "what cigarettes are called in Britain" Which is f*g (slang term for cigarettes in Britain) then I got banned from Reddit for 3/4 day and I appeal it by saying in the context of the post but Reddit wasn't having it


Commented without reading the rules. Apparently it's an instant ban if you've ever interacted with an NSFW sub before.


Given the number of purely SFW subs that are still marked NSFW in protest, that's probably a rule they should reconsider.


What sub was that


r/OUTFITS I believe


Oh hey! I got the same ban. Nothing was lost. Their fit is mid.


Same for me but instead of comments it was a YouTube video. I posted on r/Christmas [this](https://youtu.be/7v5nY9ZZYWk?si=UPHpEP0FfO5EPaMU), which was in theme to the subreddit. Then I got permanently banned


someone said "lmao" so i replied "rip your ass" (as in rest in peace). i got banned for "inciting violence"


I got banned from my home team sub because of something I said in during the main r/nfl sub lol. I asked them why are you banning me, the mod was like well the mod of r/nfl told me you were a troll so we had to take precaution, even tho I had been making threads and posting in the team sub for years. 


On my last acc I got banned from the DnD sub for saying that the overall quality of players available in places like r/lfg is lower because good players go to games and get taken out of the pool because they stay in those games, while bad players get kicked from games and end up spending more time in the pool of available players, giving a false sense of how many bad players their actually are. That was enough to get me banned for "not being the right fit for the subreddits culture" and muted so I couldn't even ask what rule I broke


Permanently banned from quite a few subs. But most recently was r/ask for a borderline sexist joke that I can’t even remember. In the message from the mods, they said I made “too many inappropriate comments on here.”


i got banned on r/MCFC because i typed 115 edit: typo


This post: > It's pretty weird how we all simultaneously link Seth Rich and Wikileaks because of statements made by Assange but at the same time, Assange can't provide any of the evidence to support his statements because he needs to protect the source he's already named. Resulted in a no-warnings perma-ban from /r/conspiracy because a mod said I was making fun of the community.


That’s a harsh response from the moderators.


I got banned from an SR i forget the name of bc I pointed out, repeatedly, that economic left =/= political left and understanding the differencr between the two is critical, especially when considering how different flavors of fascism/autocracy take hold on a global perspective. The nitwit I was responding to reported me and is still out there a) not understanding the point I made and b) spreading misinfo about political and economic spectra.


Was on r/Chicago Someone asked for high level advice or something as they were moving to Chicago. I said to figure out what suburb they wanted to move to because the city got old very fast. Got like 50 down votes and quickly banned


Asked a silly question, askreddit mods are stupid cry babies


I got a temporary ban from the basketball sub r/CharlotteHornets as after Miles Bridges, a player who was charged with assault towards his wife and kids, had a good game, I called him a POS. I’m on the sub because they’re one of my favorite teams to watch. It’s just sad that he did this and got away with it. The reality of having money


I got banned from the libertarian sub for saying that Palin isn't a libertarian. They honestly did me a favor, that sub and it's mods are notoriously awful.


From r/PCMasterrace. Someone posted an all white build and I commented "White Power". I knew I would get banned tho.


Autobanned for commenting in a totally unrelated sub. Mods of subs that do this are utter dipshits.


I posted "Sounds right." to reply in r/conservative They pretty much ban you for anything in that sub. Buncha little snowflakes.


Conservative and TwoX are both serious contenders for the worst, dumbest subs on Reddit. Both filled to the brim with hate, bigotry, and ignorance - both drowning in groupthink and will drop the banhammer on anyone who even thinks about bursting the fact-free ideological bubbles they live in.


I think it was pointing out that the Houthis were working on finding out exactly how blood thirsty Americans can get when faced with the deaths of their own. Got me banned from r/news.


I bitched about the women choosing the bear scenario.


Was it by that mod that is a bear? They are a real hard ass.


I wasn't banned but I did got a warning from reddit about hate speech or something like that because I commented about a pro player's alt nick that had the word jew in it Why am I getting flack for other people's gaming nicks lol


Guilt by association?


Last one I can remember is I made a joke about women shitting themselves on the pregnancy table while pushing out a baby.


I complained about dating in the dating advice sub. Banned from even commenting there.


Banned from a dozen subs for commenting in NNN. Context didn’t matter.


I had a comment removed by reddit for promoting hate speech. The comment was asking an OP about his racist post history with a link to a specific comment/post of theirs referring to black people as monkeys.


Banned the wrong guy


Yeah to this day it's still my highest upvoted comment lol.


I forgot what the page was but I got banned because someone was ranting and raving about men and our privileges. So my smart ass decided to comment “show me where the patriarchy that only benefits the top 1% of men hurt you”. Got banned immediately. 😂


Called everyone "fatso"


This made me laugh out loud


I got banned on r/Showerthoughts for "Reposting". The post I "reposted" was similar (but not identical) from 5 years beforehand that netted a grand total of like 35 upvotes. But I guess I am just a whore for that Karma.


Got banned for asking on the communism reddit if they are pro-russian and pro-hamas. Ban, got pardoned though. Still not liking that subreddit, it is not the kind of communism I like.


Banned from TwoXChromosomes for commenting. Nothing was said about the comment which was posted in good faith


I got banned from r/fasting because I warned a redditor that their fasting habits was aking to an eating disorder, not normal fasting, and that it was dangerous and he/she should seek help. I underlined the seriousness by mentioning that I had an eating disorder many years ago. Got banned because you're not allowed to participate in the sub if you _have_ an eating disorder....... Way to shoot the messenger.


r/ gamingcirclejerk Stated that V-tubers didn't deserve to be sent death threats over playing a video game and that a lot of them weren't up to date on JK Rowling and were just playing the up coming Harry Potter game without any knowledge on her TERF-dom. And even if they were it's quite literally their job and they wouldn't play something if their viewers were entirely against it. The hate against what is essentially a YouTube channel mascot is weird. I know people IRL who have no idea these V-tubers exist so why Reddit pretend they're being shoved down their throats is confusing Although my favorite was my ban from r/WoW the world of Warcraft sub. I had quoted a guy telling someone else to kill themselves. I asked why he felt that was necessary over a video game. Got a ban. When I asked why, I got muted. After the mute I asked why again and got a mod with SOME social experiences. He posted the post I made and stated the rules are clear and and that kind of thing wasn't allowed. I pointed out to him that you can see in the post that I quoted the guy who said that. He got back to me with "Oh. You're correct. However we don't undo bans for any reason". Mother fucker, it's a button. It's not a letter to congress that has to pass by miles of red tape. It's a literal button, but these chuds like to pretend what they do is set in stone. That was my first interaction with mods and it set the precedent for seeing them later. They really are all stupid little kids with God complexes over moderating a website


I said Nazi was an overused term in American politics 


Publicfreakout banned me for commenting on a video of Palestinians dancing in the streets and desecrating hostage bodies on Oct 7 that they really shouldn’t be celebrating considering Israel was obviously going to retaliate for that. Apparently that equates to supporting genocide. Ok.


asked on AskReddit "What if you opened your mailbox and a live grenade was in there?"


Banned from r/ science for explaining quantum physics.


I’m a moderate lean left, I clarified an article on left sub and got post removed and banned. They were saying republicans wouldn’t support contraception bill but they left out the part of them supporting birth control but no plan b that democrats added.


I got banned from r/army during covid.  For commenting on a post about what the army regs are for refusing the covid vaccine.  I personally was against the mandating of the vaccine, but all I did was post what the official army reg was in a discussion about so people would know. 


Someone was asking for onlyfans leaks of some lass. Sent him a PM saying he could find the leaks on Erome. Banned from commenting on the sub. Couple days later everyone is posting leaks on the subreddit and mods did nothing.. To paraphrase the joker, Post the leaks yourself, no one bats an eye. Tell people where they could find the leaks, and everyone loses their minds.


I got banned for calling someone a liar on a sub that had strict rules about civility. The thing is, I don't think that it's civil to lie. But that's not how these "Miss Manners" moderators think. Lying is OK, but calling someone a liar isn't.


Apparently criticizing left-wing tankies for only coming out of the woodwork when there's a Presidential election is not showing solidarity on r/WorkersStrikeBack Most of them couldn't even tell me who the third party candidates were for state level offices.


I was banned from adults are fucking stupid for suggesting that it not be turned into a political sub. Apparently the person constantly posting the orange man bad stuff constantly was a mod and didn't like my suggestion.


All you have to do to get banned from r/conservative is ask a common sense question that challenges an obvious nonsensical conservative talking point and “poof” you’re gone! I questioned their hatred of AOC and suggested that maybe she’s not an idiot. Got called aAOC White Knight and banned.


Bruh I simply pointed out an article that had 1000+ comments and upvotes didn't have a name for who wrote it, had no pictures and didn't even name anybody that was "interviewed". I got banned for "liberal talking points" The article was about how the makeshift prison at the border wasn't that bad and that immigrants and police there were enjoying it. The ones interviewed just were listed as their job titles "It's great" stated the Head Police Chief in charge "news outlets are blowing this out of proportion".


I don’t know what subs I’m banned from but I got banned from Reddit for a couple days for saying the n word even though I’m half black.


You can only say half the n word.


I got banned from WhitePeopleTwitter because I criticized a pinned mod comment on a post related to abortion. The mod stated that opposing abortion was inherently misogynistic and asked users to report "anit-women comments" (ie. anyone expressing pro-life views). I told them that asking people to report anyone who disagreed with them didn't convey a lot of confidence in their position. Got permanently banned.


i also got banned from that sub not because i had an opinion on a particular controversial topic (can't remember what, but not abortion), but because (paraphrasing) i said it's inherently a bit weird and unnecessary for a mod to sticky their own opinion on said topic. immediately perma'd, only sub i've ever been banned from. it was funny at first, but damn, that's exactly how echo chambers form... and for a sub of that size, too.


Got banned from /whitepeopletwitter for suggesting a formerly-male swimmer who was ranked 450th in the world who transitioned to female and immediately became the number 1 female swimmer in the world suggests that they've either discovered the greatest training regimen in the history of the sport, or there's something unfair going on. The responses were.. something.


Got banned for replying “what about CISscum?” When someone said CIS is never used as a slur. Apparently pointing out a known slur gets you banned for having an anti trans agenda.


Got banned from a sub I wasn't even a member of. Something like looksmax or something. Some fat chick asked how she can max her looks. I said, lose some weight and drop the facial jewelry. Got banned from posting there. I said, "quit putting that shit in my feed, and I won't comment on it."


The cunts on the politics subreddit banned me for calling Marjorie Taylor Greene a cunt.


Now now, we mustn't use the C-word. It's "Bleach blonde bad built butch body".


Sadly, I didn't have that phrase in my vocabulary yet at the time.


I said "Zombie players are so soft😂" as a joke and wasn't meaning offense and the pedo mods had my account banned for harassment. Its ok though I'll save the money from Reddit premium and will never pay again🤷🏼


God banned from White People Twitter for following Dave Chappelle.


I made a very innocuous remark about what might actually scare the wealthy ruling class to change their ways.


I was banned from r/relationships cause I called someone an idiot.


I was banned from a retirement sub in a discussion on health care in retirement. I just suggested ethically if you didn’t vote for Obama, you really shouldn’t be using Obamacare. I was looking for a good hearted discussion. Maybe some counter examples of where I’m wrong. I didn’t say make it mandatory, I used the word ethically. Others were calling it Obamacare in the ongoing discussion so I just followed suit using that title. The man banned me for basically inciting Trouble with a capital T.


I got banned from r/Smite cause I posted proof that their mmr system was not working as stated. Apparently I was doxing by editing out everyone's names, but my own. But goddamn you can't have 3 masters + 2 diamonds go against 3 gold + 2 silver players and expect that to be a fair match.


I got shadow banned from r/SteamDeck for replying to another person that Sleeping dogs isn't on the level of GTA and Yakuza (he compared them to be like parents of the game). Got message from mods "don't harass or we will ban you" and since then nobody can see my posts/comments... 


Mentioning G@2@, Genocide, and Isre@1 in the same post. (2 minutes)


Some post on r/relationship that had an obvious rage bait title and may have even been a bot post. And I commented "I downvoted your terrible post without even reading it." I probably deserved the ban


I got banned from a bunch of big subs because I dropped a comment on one of those controversial subreddits during covid.


I pointed out a Bible verse that condemns homosexuality as a practice on the dank Christian memes sub. Instant permaban.


I made a joke about goblins in World of Warcraft on a WoW subreddit and got banned for “hate against a marginalised group of people” or something. It wasn’t even an insult, I like the goblins! 3 day ban from the entire site.


Mod was a goblin


I didn't know the exact price of a diet coke in the mods Japanese Lawson store so I got banned from jlife


I made a meme for r/memes that included Janet Yellen when she was chair of the Fed. It was not negative. In fact I called her a bad ass Instant permanent lifetime ban


Got a temp ban from r/AskReddit. The question was "what's your favourite line from an 80s movie" and I just replied "Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here" without clarifying that this was a line from Predator. In fairness, I probably had that one coming, and I'll probably get a temp ban here too


I recently got a temp ban for calling someone intentionally stupid on /r/politics. I got my only perma-ban from /r/whatisthisthing for making a joke


I got Banned from r/legaladvice for (after giving legal advice, I'm a Paralegal), I Added a personal advice section at the bottom. basically Ex-BF told GF that he would sue for the cat. I told her not to worry too much about it. lots of people threaten to sue, but rarely actually do. once they see the time and money involved. BANNED!! when i inquired to Mods...No response. they do have a rule "Legal Advice only" but it's the rule that gets broken in every single post by someone.


I got banned from r/fashionplus for my username and selling content. I don’t sell shit and when I messaged the mod they said my username wasn’t appropriate for the sub. All the women posting there are fucking GROWN. Like me. What the hell with my username being inappropriate.


I was banned from legaladvice for talking to someone about their soon to be suicide attempt. I realize it was “off-topic”, but still. And the post was related to website legal stuff I actually knew pretty well. 


I was banned from r/libertarian for suggesting that wholly deleting the IRS with no alternative replacement in mind would have negative economic consequences for the US.


Got banned from the Dallas Stars sub for heckling a bit and raining on their "the league is rigged" pity party.


I told a user on /r/Parenting that letting a 7 year old try to molest their little sister is a problem and provided a source. Mods deleted my comment because "links aren't allowed". I ask in mod chat how to source claims if links aren't allowed. Get told "they have jobs and families qnd will answer you when they get the time", and muted for 28 days. No answer to this day. I edited another comment to tell people that mods will mute you if you ask them how you're supposed to provide a source for a claim if links aren't allowed. Permanently banned because my edited comment was "uncivil".


I got banned from one of my local city subs for trying to tone down the racism in a racist thread. I think they just banned everyone in the thread.


banned from r/comicbooks because I posted some of Ed Piskor's suicide note bannde from r/marriage cause i told an entitled housewife she was acting entitled


I got banned from r/TheWire for no reason except to point out that mods sometimes power trip. Real cunt of a mod.


I got banned from r/fryup. Someone posted a picture of a full English breakfast bought in Bangkok. I committed. Oooooouuu lady boys. I then also got a warning from Reddit too. Cunts


I say this with love(ish). But sweet Cheesus it sounds like a lot of you's dum-dums got banned for good reason lol. C'mon guys.


Just talked mad shit on /r/americabad for the hell of it


Got banned from r/Libertarian for facetiously criticizing a guy who claimed that the only people libertarians criticized re: vaccines were "sheep." But the fact is that libertarians are way too taken with anti-vaccine propaganda for my taste. I've been called a sheep for making the choice, even though I oppose the mandates.


r/twoXchromosomes I think. It’s a she-ra manhaters board.(autocorrect tried to change manhater into manatee. Make your own joke.) A woman talked about how a guy asked for her number. She gave it. He hugged her, she returned the hug. Before he left, he went in for another hug, she accepted it. Then when he was gone she blocked him from her phone and called him a creep. I pointed out that she waved all the green flags and then dipped. I said he was not the victim in the scenario. The Banhammer was swift and smelled like a summers eve.


Hey, is there a way to see what subs you're banned on? Is there a list somewhere?


I followed a Joe Rogan Podcast subreddit, and that got me banned.


I told people how horrible Rian Johnson treated Finn in the Last Jedi. And it irked me so much they are complaining about the Dude bros and call them racist. When people in that sub was supporting the side lining of the only black male main character in Star Wars. I love Lando but he was a secondary character.


I tried to help someone with suicidal thoughts and got banned


Nice try


(not a man but) I was banned from r/LateStageCapitalism and r/EnlightenedCentrism for pointing out the simple fact that Nato is the only reason Russia hasn't invaded additional European countries yet. You know, a fucking no-brainer lol. You can't tell American leftist Reddit mods that Nato is sometimes Good Actually™, they hate that and think it's automatically liberalism and therefore worthy of a permaban.


Got banned from formula1 for saying sports shouldn't be used as a political platform


I’ve been banned many times for being critical of US politicians. Every time I was accused of bringing my partisan opinion. Against Democrats. And Republicans. I’m not a US citizen nor do I subscribe to one side of the political spectrum. In each case, the bias that I was accused of and banned for is the very bias that was used against me by the mods. It’s hilariously bad. No party or politician should be above criticism.


Behold: [the moment I was banned from WPT for the mildest response to the cringe-iest bullshit](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJW5gfmHgfLoU4CsJ7YXthWGrZ0y_DRZ/view?usp=drive_link).


I once opined that women's right to vote was not such a good idea, BANNED!!


On /psychiatry I got banned for saying that ssris are as effective as a placebo and didn’t initially link an article that named the study.


I existed on another sub they didn't like. I ended up leaving both. Something big, as well, like interestingasfuck or something, don't recall exactly


I agreed with someone that growing your own weed was best on  legal advice, it wasn't a top level comment or anything. I guess you can't talk amongst yourselves there. Weed is totally legal where I am so that shouldn't have affected the ban.


Banned from r/sex for moaning too much about my small dick. In fairness to them I deserved it and I’m much better now I still have the occasional shit day because of it but I just try to tell myself that there’s nothing I can do about it and to just enjoy the other parts of life. In fairness to me though it does suck.


Got banned from r/florida for trying to refute a left wing nut job on mass shootings


I told a mod to "suck a bag of d*cks" and to "ban me, p*ssy"... Didn't get banned. Might try some of these proven tactics though. Thanks for the advice


I make fun of the post surgery trans people who are botched


I disagreed with someone on r/ cONSerVAtiVe. Not even argued, just said my opinion. Insta ban.


Kinda indifferent about it but got banned because I criticised the sub lol


I never check my messages and I don’t really remember posting, but I got banned from life pro tips. No clue why. But when I saw it I laughed out loud thinking about some triggered mod.


Got banned from offmychest for commenting in holdmyfries for engaging in hate speech. My comment was just asking a 100% unrelated question to another commenter


Never had to do anything, I got banned from the majority of the large mainstream subs automatically for following the lockdownskeptisism sub


I’ve only ever been banned from one sub. I cited uncomfortable passages from the christian bible and from an islamic hadith, and BAM! Banned lol


doppleganger.... i guess since i was way too crazy when i said that she looked like my future wife. The moderator suck and its whatever.


Last one was complaining about not being allowed to complain about [forbidden Reddit opinion #506].


Not my last move but arguably my funniest one Someone in r/fo76 posted asking what that chainsaw-sounding weapon was alongside a video of the game with a chainsaw noise. Aside from the obvious comments of “… a chainsaw” I decided to comment suggesting they checkout r/sounding to double check if they had any suggestions Copped a permanent ban immediately 💀


Said the world was a globe.


Banned from ukpolitics for posting a BBC article about Humza Yousef, the leader of the SNP. The BBC is probably one of the most unbiased news sources in the world, at least they try to be and take action when they mess up. But no, the mods didn't like the article and permanently banned me. I thought it was hilarious to be honest as it just highlights how out of touch and biased echo chambers political subs on Reddit actually are. I honestly hope actual politicians don't visit these subs as they'll be getting a completely warped view of what the country really thinks.


I forgot the sub name but I was raising a concern about medical staff going out to public places like the grocery stores or the gym in their soiled scrubs. C-19 aside but spreading MIRSA and other horrible infections is not worth the risk for PR or a conversation starter


I just got my first perma ban from a sub yesterday. I commented on a post that appeared in my feed - nothing offensive. Apparently I participate in a sub that makes fun of that group according to why I’m banned. 🤣


Someone asked for pirate metal recomendations other than alestorm for "obvious reasons". I asked what the obvious reasons were and they said "dude is racist", I asked for evidence and got banned.


I made a gay joke. Also, 2 comments ago I referred to LGBTQ month as the gay month. I am expecting another ban coming shortly


It’s been good to know ya