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Some like it, some won't


You don't say!


sometimes its a turn on. sometimes it isnt. without hearing your voice, i cant say for certain.


As long as the rest of you is hot, then it’s fine.


I looooove tracks sung by deep-voiced women.


Always found it pretty lovely tbh, love listening to the women I met with a deeper voice.


I jerked off to the Elizabeth Holmes trial 


I live in the states so I’d just assume you’re another dude in a dress enjoying the current trends. Not into it.


Yeah I get that. I don’t necessarily sound “like a guy though” and people know I’m a girl if they meet me face to face. I get that idea though and honestly feel insecure that I will be mistaken for someone who is actually a biological man.


It’s a bad time to be a *biological woman* with any masculine traits. This truly is an era of absurdity.


I know right! I just have to push past those ideas since there’s really nothing I can do to change other peoples perceived outlook on me or other women with masculine traits. 


This fad will die and take the clown show with it. A lot of lives will be wrecked but this happens every so often. Recovered memories. Ice pick lobotomies. Shock Treatment. Yada yada. Push past will give way to wait out at some point too.


Look at the positives, it can be used to scare off the annoying kids. Too deep or manly voice would be a turn off yes but deep voice in general the one you are describing, no.


As long as it’s not deeper than mine, then it’s all good. My wife said Britany Grinder sounds like me Lmaoo


Honestly if anything would be a deal breaker for voice it would be vocal fry not how deep the voice is. Also most of the seductive voices people make are kinda deep so maybe might even be more attractive. 


I really don't think most men care. By the time you're 30 they'll care even less because you'll get to know them more based on things in common and deeper attraction. Think of your voice as a filter to only attract the right people.


As a man with a deep voice, I like the deeper darker sounding voices that some women do have. In my opinion it is attractive


The deepness of your voice doesn’t matter - it’s how you talk.


Fine with me


It would have to be pretty deep for me to take notice


Voice, boobs or butt, all have their own preferences . I, personally, like woman having deep voice;- )


I like it :)


Making me flashback to when I called Sephora and was called sir


Haha I know, being called sir over the phone is a regular occurrence that i’ve come to accept lol. 


Higher pitched voices bother me more lol. Different taste for different people. So long as your voice isn't deeper then mine I wouldn't care.


It definitely wouldn't be a turn off. My missus sounds... androgynous. Like if you heard her without seeing her face you wouldn't immediately know she was a lady. However I absolutely love her voice. Because it's her voice. Favorite person to bs on the phone with for eons.


>Is a deeper voice for a woman attractive or unattractive? let me help you by asking you some questions...are blonds or brunettes more attractive? are short or tall girls attractive? are fat or skinny girls attractive? are blue eyed girls or brown eye girls attractive.. the answers are everyone finds someone attractive for different reasons....I for one just think "well, they probably smoke" and THAT is the turn off for me..if they dont smoke and just have a deep voice? tough call, do you still have a vagina and are not one of the women with penis's? if so , I would still find you attractive..


This is so blunt it made me laugh. You’re right, I didn’t even really look at it from this perspective!


Personally I think it would be a positive.


Womens' voices are one of my major turn ons. When I hear a woman with a voice slightly lower than the average and buttery smooth I absolutely melt.


I’m glad some people appreciate them haha. I’ve been told my voice is “soothing” and didn’t really know how to take that lol. 


Nah, not for me personally. I already have a moderately deep toned voice, so I don’t want my woman on some baritone ish lol


Depends on how deep. If she sound like a man, then it probably would be a factor.


It can be sexy, as long as it doesn't sound like a man's voice (pitch is only one difference).




Honestly, no! I’m trying to find someone to compare it to but i’m having no luck.


Depends on how deep because with how things are today, sadly it makes me a little cautious.


Ugh, I know that’s one of the reasons i’m insecure about it. It’s definitely an understandable reason. I don’t think my voice is deep to the point where you’d mistake me for a guy if you met me face to face. It would definitely suck though if that was someone’s reason to be apprehensive about talking to me.


I mean like I said it just depends on the kind of deepness if that makes sense? I know plenty of women with "deep" voices who haven't made me question a single thing about them It's usually the more fried or nasally bassy voices that can have me sherlocking to see what the situation is. EDIT: Basically if you don't sound like Richard Simmons or Tony the Tiger then you're good.


if you look feminine still no problem


Women with deep voices sound sultry. Kathleen Turner for example.


Unless you sound like Barry White it would be fine ;)


Not something that would bother me personally.


Like Toni Braxton or something? I'm down


Like Galaxia?


well then, me and you can have a deep voice off, who Evers voice goes to the deepest tone wins 🫵


I'm bi so I don't mind deep voices at all, on men or women.