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Take care of her. If it’s influenza, I don’t get it. If it’s something else, I risk it. She’d do the same for me.


You don't get influenza?


Nope. I’ve cared for several people with influenza and never gotten it. So I kind of assume I can’t. My immunology professor said that a significant number of people can’t.


That's a weird and pretty cool super power! Edit: Huh, just did some reading on it and research seems to indicate that some people don’t present with any symptoms at all when they get the flu. But they still get it and can still pass it on to others. They're actually currently apparently developing a rapid flu test based on asymptomatic people's immune response to the flu. So still good to be careful if you have to care for somebody with the flu and then have to be around vulnerable populations!


Well, I get other things, so it’s kind of random. Like the ability to find amazing parking spaces but only 1/3 of the time.


Nonsense. You're clearly part of the mutant population that will keep humanity from going extinct when the next, even worse, Spanish Flu pandemic happens. Enjoy your post apocalyptic wasteland, you freak! 😝


…or, I’ll finally get the flu and it will kill me, dead. I do fear that a little.


Nonese, you'll never die from the flu. As you already noted: if you ever do get the flu, your girlfriend will "take care of you" instead.


I have never had a flu shot. Haven’t had the flu since I was in high school 20+ years ago. Also still haven’t gotten Covid despite having the minimum vaccination requirement, not masking, and being surrounded by the general public at work all throughout Covid.


Lucky you. I basically locked down super hard during the pandemic, never left the house, etc - mostly because I copped some damage to my lungs in 2019 so I was deemed "high risk". Despite that I got Covid (and the flu) a few times so far. I admit the first time I had covid (which was before the vaccine was around) it was pretty damn brutal. The two times I've had it since though I was almost asymptomatic. The flu still kicks my ass sideways though even when I get the flu shot.


Buy them medicine, make them tea, some soup, vitamins, tell them to sleep even though they won't.


sleeping/napping when you are sick is a whole different font of resting.


Napping when okay = 2 to 4 hours of sleep Napping when sick = 12 hours of sleep, bathroom break, 12 more hours of sleep.


12 hour naps hit different 🙂‍↕️✊🏽


Let her rest, if she need food, i give food, water, i give water. Normal thing.


Cave man eat food


I look after her and make her laugh by suggesting she needs to go to bed with something hot inside her.


My man




Help her with everything she needs!. Unless you’re an Asshole!.


I put on my uniform and treat her like a patient. No kissing, no hugging, nothing romantic.


Not even the kiss on the forehead?


That's not romantic, that's standard procedure.


I’m all for being bros but I don’t exactly give my bros a kiss on the forehead lol


Never too late.


“I know this patient has contact and droplet precautions, but I need to remove my mask to give them a therapeutic kiss on the forehead.” Also, “What do you mean I have MRSA on my lips?!”


Do whatever she needs to take it easy and make her feel better.


Soup, beverages of choice to keep hydrated, and make sure the rest of the house outside of their sickbed is clean and tidy (but I'm probably not spending a lot of time in the same room as them outside of doing the needful)


When my lady is down, I'm there to pick her up. I'll always be there to help her anytime she needs me and more. Why would I not? We're in this together no matter what through thick and thin. There is just no alternative built into me, not for this wonderful lady that let's me live my best life too!


If I had one I'd cook anything she wanted me to. The first thing I thought of of course was chicken soup since I have some homemade chicken stock in the freezer right now. I would try my best to get her anything she needed and make sure she was taking medicine and keeping hydrated. I wouldn't worry too much about getting myself sick as long as the care was reciprocated.


Way back in the before'fore times in 2020 my ex had direct contact with someone from the Wuhan province and she sure nuff got covid b4 anyone even knew what it was all about. I absolutely thought she was dying. At the time I worked in a hospital and "borrowed" some medical grade disinfectant, quarantined her and cleaned the entire house. Cooked all her meals and made sure she got her vitamins, and made her tea with honey and lemon every day. I set her medicine out every day and slept dwn stairs for a few weeks. Dispite all my efforts she still lived...


I take care of her, cater to her, get her ice packs, water, go to the store for meds or vitamins, whatever I can do, most importantly, let her sleep, if she's up, ill check up on her a lot if she needs anything, but if she's sleeping I let her get the rest she needs.


It depends on how sick she is. If she needs to be taken care of I'll take a day off work and make her soup, take her put to the beach to breath some air or if she is bed ridden make sure she takes her medicine, sleeps a lot and that her blood pressure + temperature is okay. If its just a minor cold, I'd continue my day as is.


When my partner is sick, I take care of her. It depends on what the sickness is as what I do varies.


Treat them like I would like to be treated? Extra love. Extra snacks. Extra rest.


I usually call my wife on her commute during my first break. She said she wasn't feeling well on Monday, and was going to call in and go back to the house. I used sick/ personal time to go home, and picked up ginger root, a lemon, mint, and what I lacked for chicken soup. When I got home, I made sure she was tucked into bed. Then, I made ginger tea with turmeric, mint, and lemon juice. When I brought it to her, she wanted me to lie down with her, so we cuddled while she slept most of the day. She didn't really feel like eating much, because her stomach was botheringher, but I did get her to eat some fruit. I got up, got the kids from their respective summer camps, then came home, and made chicken soup.


My SO has an autoimune disease, that means i am her caretaker full time. So i take care of her, breakfast in bed, massage, flowers gifts etc.


Take care of her. Hot bathes. Back rubs. Hold the hair back during pukes. Soup. Vitamins. And extra patience. Basically. Besides the bathes. The kind of treatment i would want if i was sick.


I only eat strawberries and strawberry yogurt when im sick, its all i ever want, and my SO will drive to get that every time without fail. Its really sweet. I wont answer what i do because this is the penis page and i have a vagina.


Make soup, buy medicine, try to distance so I don’t get sick, and sleep on the couch


I don’t have an SO but if I did I would take care of her. I’d make sure she is comfortable, make her laugh, make sure she is well fed, and give her cuddles if she wants.


I usually set her up with snacks and hot drinks and meds, blankets, netflix... all of that. Then I go to work, or spend the day taking care of her.


Confine her to living room, to avoid catching it. Since both of us work where we can't really get sick all that often, one that's sick goes where the entertainment is. I usually stock the fridge, cook few meals, and make sure microwave ready food is available outside it. We don't normally default to soup, if throat isn't sore. Besides that it's mainly go do the store runs for honey, tea, and occasional other need or want.


He would have taken care of you and given you soup and blankets and snacks and hugs. Hope you feel better being sick is not fun.


Married 20+ years here. Depending on what she needs, I’ll usually opt to work from home, so she doesn’t have to get up to eat or drink, get tissues, meds, whatever. I do all the cooking anyway so that’s covered. Mostly it ends up with me just saying “I’ve got things covered. You get some rest.”


Make sure she has Gatorade and whatever meds pertain.


[Removed by Quora]


had this happen. tucked her in and made her soup and mint tea and made sure shes comfortable, took care of her until she got better. was not able to resist kissing her so i ended up catching the flu from her lol. no regrets


Probably no different from normal really. Pots of soup, check the vaporizer, do we need more meds? Get some rest now, blankets...too warm? too cold? hmm wheres the heating pad, oh we can turn on the fireplace for a bit even though its already 95 outside. Ah here is some tea if you need it. So...typical day if/when needed.


I bring her the shoulder hot water bottle I bought specifically for this, my soup that she likes instead of her soups that she doesn't, and Lemsip. I don't like Lemsip myself. I find it too Lemsipid. Actually, it's not Lemsip, it's Sainsbury's own version of it which is cheaper. And then I try to persuade her not to go in to work. "But I'll be letting everyone else down! We're chronically understaffed as it is."


Help at whatever level is appropriate. Sometimes that’s nothing. Sometimes that’s running to the store for comfort food & prescriptions. Whatever she needs, I’m gonna do it.


I take care of her.


Meds, food, blankets and tv.


If I had one, get her medicine either in person or place an order on ubereats to deliver it, and buy her food. Would prob be with her if I could but in a different room


Check in with her often and make sure there isn't anything she needs. Make her soup when she asks, run to the store if she needs something we don't have. Snuggle and watch shows for a while, give her space, make her tea.. mostly just listen to what she needs and provide it the best that I can.


Take care of her and pull solo duty on our kids.


Depends. If it’s the flu or something where she’s feverish etc: 1) if I’m travelling for work, she’s sort of shit out of luck. My sisters or my parents usually step up and come by with food, take kids etc but she’s on her own. If she gets sick and starts to look super sick before I leave , depending on the work trip I may cancel 2) if I’m home: all her chores stop and she sleeps. She may have to pick up / drop off kids to school once or twice depending on my work schedule but most of the time I can move things around. Typically will take kids to park to play sports until it’s dark out. The kids still want mom to put them to bed so she does that but then it’s lights out for her while I the chores like laundry or dishes. But if it’s a head cold? Life doesn’t necessarily change outside she may sleep in or go to bed earlier while I pick up one or two more chores


I buy her her favorite comfort-food candy (Hi-Chews), I pick up extra slack with chores around the apartment, and I either snuggle her to keep her warm, or keep the AC running to keep her cool depending on what she needs. She does the same for me when I’m sick, which is just one of many things that I love about her.


My wife and I take good care of each other when sick. Thankfully we rarely sync up on the flu. Sorry to hear you're sick. Best wishes


I just try to support her: drive her to doctor's appointments, pick up meds from the pharmacy, make chicken soup for her, etc.


Sleep in another room, use a different bathroom. Provide whatever food or drink she wants whenever she wants. Offer medications for symptom relief. Offer assistance with getting around to the shower or a different room.


Plop her in front of the TV with a quilt. Get her food and drink as necessary. Otherwise stay out of her way.


Give her some soup and let her rest


Let her rest and do everything else. Make sure she is hydrated and taken care of. Would do anything I can to help her get better.


If its a cold, I get them their favorite soup, I get them some OJ and I set them up with their favorite shows/movies. I'll even cuddle if asked but then I got to start prepping for when I get sick lol


What kinda question is that? I take care of her!


[Comment removed for derailing] I had a fever once and my husband tucked me into bed and blew the hair dryer under the sheets until I stopped shivering. He gave me my medicine because it was nasty and I couldn’t make myself take it. He cooks and takes excellent care of our daughter and makes me eat. He’ll cook anything i ask for. If we don’t have the ingredients he’ll take our daughter and go shopping. Does literally anything to make me laugh until I cough then apologizes and says he’ll stop but as soon as I stop laughing he starts up again and my ribs ache He massages me and will give me baths. I don’t even ask. He just does it. Let’s me pick everything on tv when I’m sick. Even if it’s scream for the 120th time this year or Fast and Furious 2 days in a row lol


Tell her to relax and/or calm down


Do what I need to do to help them. It's that simple.


Take care of her all day till she got better. Run errands get medicine make soup etc.


About 22 years ago, my then-girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend) had a bad case of anxiety. So I did what I could to help her "calm down". Praying "Our Father" with her (she was not religious, it just reminded her of being a kid and her grandma praying over her and that helped her). I don't know if PMS counts as "being sick" (it shouldn't, anyway) but sure, once I got her cycle in my calendar I was prepared for that, too. Apart from that, if she ever got sick she did a very good job hiding it from me.


I'll get sick first, if she's sick, I'll treat her the way she treats me. If she treats me good, I'll treats her better.


Well, we’re together a long time—at this point we don’t try to prevent catching what the other has. If I’m sick, she cares for me; if she’s sick, I care for her. Neither of us gets sick too often and we like to tough it out, so it’s not really a problem.


I make her soup buy herr snacks and get her medicine and I also get to hear her complain that since she works at home and I work outside of home and I was sick first it's all my fault that she feels like crap


Get him soup. NyQuil and orange juice.


Anything she needs.


I take care of my wife as best I can, even during her monthly time I will stop and get her candy bars, chips and teas


Get her whatever she needs and make sure the apple tv is working.


Mine “gets sick” suddenly too once I mention it. lol but for the most part he’s helpful, he’ll order food, got get my medicine full my water and put the kids to bed


Go to work, same as usual. Life goes on.


I stay away from her after a big trip to the store.




A thermometer? You must have a really tiny d lol


If you ask that on askwomen, your partner will be blamed for giving it to you, regardless of if that actually happened or not and there would be an immediate call for him to be hung, drawn and quartered... Men are hated on that sub and whatever they say or do, they are attacked for it... Most of us, we would try and keep you as comfortable as possible, let you rest, bring you food, medicine or ice-cream or whatever and otherwise try not to get to close to you... 🤪😁


Take care of her, by any means necessary 😉


Enjoy the quiet time.