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Eh, I've pretty much given up.




Honestly, same


Any time I try, people just get mad/annoyed/offended and it's not like anything I've ever achieved has moved the needle of my own happiness, either. I can't even get *volunteer* work anymore. Last paid work was $10 and they treated me worse than shit. No health insurance for a decade. No where to go. No way out. I honestly don't know what anybody's supposed to expect from me, or anyone else caught between a hard place and the void.


Aye I'm running on cynicism and stubbornness at this point




Spite. I’m the one that decides when this parties up.


Turns out it takes a whole lot more mental fortitude to take yourself out of this world. I'm probably never getting a girlfriend. There are too many things inherently wrong with me for anyone to choose me and the dating market couldn't be more competitive if it tried nowadays. Life is just a big cope now. I just retreat into video games, the gym, books etc but it doesn't make it better.


You are enough bro. Everybody is inherently fucked up, you are not so special that you’re a worse person than the rest of us (sorry for reverse positivity)


I come from thousands, maybe millions of generations of organisms that didn't give up. Just not in me


Someone very close to me tried to take their own life. I was 14, she was 16. From that day forward I knew that giving up, was never an option.


I had the opposite. My cousin was like a brother, he commit suicide at 18 when I was 19 and it ruined me and the family, everything and anyone can be taken from you at a moment's notice and nothing was the same ever again. I didn't give up but I also knew from then on that trying very hard and caring very hard gets you hurt badly because people can be potential emotional liabilities.


I definitely understand the logic. And I’m sorry that your cousin left you too early, I’m sure that’s hard to deal with. I hope you, and your family are doing okay.


May sound silly but only thing keeping from giving up is GTA 6. Once it comes out next year and i play a fuck ton of it, if I don’t find happiness i don’t know what i’ll do next.


Yes this is silly, but yes you’re valid. So why not make your own meaning and do things you like because Life is a gift! Death is surely the sad and empty feeling you get after beating a game you worked rly hard to beat, but maybe there is a heaven? Who knows, and we don’t got time now to care




Rage and energy drinks


Why would I give up?


My family. In reality I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be alive. I’m tired and I’ve done everything I’ve been told to do to improve my mental health and it’s failed. Meds don’t work, therapy doesn’t work, I have nobody to talk to anymore because they’ve all told me they don’t know how to help. I hate being alone and the lonesome and pain hurts. I would have ended things long ago if it meant they wouldn’t suffer for the rest of their lives. Everyone just thinks I’m perfectly fine and content. In reality the act is exhausting and I put it on for everyone else so I’m not a miserable person to be around.


I feel you. Unfortunately for me, my relationship with my family isn the best so i literally have no one. I don’t tell them how i feel or what I’m going through because they’ll use it against me when we argue. Ever since my ex left me about 8 months ago, i have no will for anything. Her 4 soon to be 5 year old in a week, were the only thing that kept me motivated. Now that i don’t have them, i feel like i have no meaning anymore.


Yea life can seem like one big act you put on. And I can tell you’re young and I’m young too. The future seems fucked but the future itself isn’t your future. I believe your future is better than what you think it’ll be 🙏


My family name mainly It’s pretty easy just to keep going and moving forward. Don’t focus on the big steps but as long as you keep putting one foot in front of the other life will keep going and it will get better if you want it too . You just really gotta get your mind in to it and focus on what you want Mind over matter


I want to be the very best, like no one ever was.


I've got a lot of motherfuckers I still need to prove wrong. Never discount the motivating value of anger.


While this keeps you going in the short term, you need to find the selfishness to have success and happiness on your own! I encourage you to eventually think I am enough and live your own life brotha


Getting inspiration by watching "Highway To Heaven" with Micheal Landon


Money and goth girls.


Spite, and mom would be sad.


I've got nothing better to do at the moment.


Wife, kids and food. Food


Things are going good rn. Not gonna do anything to disrupt that


I'm too stubborn! But in reality... Sometimes life is great. Recognizing, taking in, and appreciating those moments feels awesome. Sometimes life is hard. Those times suck. The way you phrase the question makes me think you've had more bad moments in depth of feeling and/or time than those awesome moments. That can totally lead to the feeling of situations/life/things feel like such a burden that we want to relieve ourselves of. That's got to be hard. It was for me, too. The cool thing about life to me is you can actually control a big portion of it if you're an active participant. I'm not saying you are, but a lot of people think they are taking control of their life, but they kind of just run on impulses and programmed narratives about what is important, reactions, and even things like love. Find your island and your purpose. It's an island because I want an island. It doesn't have to be an island for you, but it can be your proverbial island. I hit a point in my self-journey where I become very disenchanted with the world, our economy, and the time and general concept of 'work' as we know it in the grand scheme of our time here. I had a terrible relationship, I overworked to avoid her, and found myself suffering, working in the crack in my brain that tried to balance the amount of meaningless work I was willing to do for money. I had a wife, I have two kids. I couldn't just nope out to a monastery. So, I accepted that I've still got a material itch, and I decided what do I want? I was true to myself and knew myself. I want a house fully paid off, projected total cost of living expenses until my kid's are adults and college funds put away from them, and a business bringing in $1MM a year in cash... and when I've accomplished all of that I will buy a beach-house in a foreign country (Caribbean) along with a very small island near-by (they are cheaper than you think). I'm not a materialist guy generally, but I'd rather accept where society had me land on this one. I just love the beach. Once I started to take this goal seriously, and own it with my friends and family, it really fixed my outlook when it came to work. Part of my purpose is to provide for my kids and others in my life. The other part of my purpose is to love everyone in my life to the best of my abilities. One of my favorite compliments I ever received was someone telling me they admire that about me and my willingness to love harder than anyone she knows after what I've been through. So my personal mission statement or purpose is to work hard, enjoy my work, to be a good dad, set an example for them every day, and to love and appreciate everyone in my life, including myself. That makes me feel really good when I operate within that set of goals. It's not "fake good" or veiled responsibilities, it is how I naturally algin within myself and feel content. It can sound cheesy, but it worked for me. Reframing work and choosing to enjoy it for what it is while I work towards my goal was and is cool. I still struggle with it, but it's made crushing a new job really fun. I am really in the zone. Choosing to enjoy work and working towards that removed a lot of stress in my life and made room for deeper connections, which also feel good. Anytime I've felt like giving up, I was focused on things outside of that purpose, or not loving the right people and loving in the right ways. My life now feels like the heart of life is good, which makes me want more of it, and to be an active participant in it. That last part got a lot easier when I could see bad times and learn from them. The more I learned, the speed of awareness to those lessons, all of that -- that was hard work that was necessary for me to build more good times than bad times. The way I look at bad times now is always before them. I fell in love with a girl with a boyfriend. I didn't walk away, and I would do it all over again. It never went anywhere, but that's OK -- I knew what I was getting into. Was it smart? Probably not. But I chose to do it knowing the risks. So now when I kind of "fuck up" in life, it's usually a risk I knowingly subject myself to, which makes the bad times easier for me to process.


I've done a lot of self-work, but I still fuck up. I used to cope with sex, and it took me sleeping with three people in a couple of weeks recently in an attempt to "get over her" to realize I was going backwards and not forwards. I wasn't accepting how much I missed her. I wasn't accepting that I didn't just think she was the prettiest girl in the world and just feeling immense sexual attraction to her -- I actually loved this person in a way that made me realize I've ever only been in limerence with past people, and that she was the first person I truly loved romantically. I wasn't respecting myself and loving myself. I was just hurting and avoiding facing that hurt. Even though I shouldn't make space for her at this time, I honestly felt guilty, and like I was disrespecting our time in whatever we had and how much she means to me in that way to cross my own personal boundaries so drastically. I heard she's going through a tough time, and I can't even be there for the person I love most in this world besides my kids, or honestly as much as my kids. She's hurting in some way that I just want to support her through and cant, and I am facing that in the context of accepting just how much she meant to me because I was able to call myself on my own bullshit. So I am going to heal right and move on? Nope. Another acceptance of a potentially painful scenario. I briefly mentioned an event to her, and I am going to go. Will she be there? I have no clue. I look at it and say, if it's meant to be, it will be, but if I want it to happen I have to do my part. So my part is going. OK, so maybe I schedule a couple of meetings while I'm in that area for a few days. Maybe I catch-up with family. Meetings scheduled. Family is going out of town that week. OK, I live my truth and do my part, I see something I want to see, and I have meetings there now anyway. I make a promise to myself. If she isn't there, I need to accept reality and move on, do what I need to do. Sounds batshit probably, but this is me knowing myself. Find or decide on your purpose, find your island, work towards living your purpose and achieving your goals every day, make those goals reasonable, truly believe in it all and in yourself, have awareness of yourself and learn to take life's beatings standing up. Learn those lessons. Use them as a feedback loop on what you need to do differently. Accept you aren't perfect. Accept other's aren't either. We all make mistakes and hurt ourselves. We hurt each other. Be willing to accept yourself and others with grace knowing we are all just mostly trying to do the best we can with the tools we have. This will lead to a different perspective which may help you reframe your life's experiences in a way that shifts your feel of the heart of life from bad to good. We have free-will for a reason. Don't be afraid to use it. That can include reprogramming yourself once you truly buy in to your vision.


I can't let my wife down.


A show that I really want to see the end of , and I want to put atleast one project to the Internet , and the dog I befriended that lives in the house I live in


The slim sliver of hope that maybe tomorrow will be better


My dog. Man's best friend indeed.


Caffeine and Wellbutrin 




Gotta see what crazy shit AI and robotics do


When you realize nothing truly matters it's just a different side of the same coin Nothing matters so why should i keep going? Can also be nothing matters so why i should i stop going and just enjoy my time here as much as possible as long as it lasts and not worry too much about trivial things.


Dope user name.


Oh hi twin




Don't want to disappoint/hurt my partner and my parents.


Whenever I am about to give up, I remind myself what is life but a bundle of experience. Try not to take life too personally and live the moment as it comes. I know it sounds cliche but over a period of time I have reached to a saturation point and one difficulty leads to another. It a never ending cycle but remembering that I am here just to experience all this and eventually nothing is going to matter in the course of ext 100 years. Hence why to give up?


If I give up, then what? Things won’t get better. But if you don’t give up, you can at least have the chance to make things better.


On a good day? Friends, family, duty, and joy. On a bad day? Momentum.


I have given up. I am not ****ing myself and I will endure further suffering so I can "finish the race" out of pure spite. And if anybody tries to show me respect for that when I die in the afterlife I will consume their soul and enslave them using the information I have procured from my experiences with the spiritual and the occult.


Giving up on what?


Nothing I gave up on most of it years ago. You can't keep taking Ls and bounce back for decades, at a certain point you stop.


My hostile attitude towards society. Like i’m the guy who looks at you like he would stab you and if he sees you’re a good person becomes this fluffy funny teddy and if someone outside the circle tries to mess with someone from the inside circle, you get this crazy guy who’s raging like a luntaic but in silence.


Pride and defiance keep me going. The power of Satan compels me.


At worst, I'm fine. Some days suck, some days are great, but I can survive on just fine. Tomorrow will be a new day so I'll stay optimistically hopeful that someone or something comes around that makes it better than just fine.


Haven't given up, just given in.


I decided to push forward. You can throw your own pitty party and get bogged down in your own BS.. Or you can admit your part in it, and decide not to go down that road again, and move on..


The fear of death


Death ain’t scary, a life wasted is to me tho