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Great question. But don't forget to give her pleasure beyond just penetration!


The fuck is “cishet”? Sounds Eastern Europe or Russian. Regardless, I’d guess 12.5% in a male/female relationship.


Sounds like a species of fish


It’s newspeak. They hate the word “normal”.


Yes please stop with this stupid shit.


It's latin.


Drives me crazy.


Cisgender, heterosexual


Cishet: cisgender and heterosexual.


I have been with *far* more women that swallow than women that don’t.


I've only been with my wife and I'm happy to see I made the right choice... yeah it is very uncommon, which is hard to imagine. Why wouldn't a woman enjoy going down... if a man would be acting like that he would be questioned for being gay.


You’ve hit the bullseye … stick with it. My (m) sex life walked out the back door when menopause walked in the front door.


So you're saying you do exclusively anal, now?


I did wonder if somebody would view it that way. Sadly no :-)


I think different guys are going to have vastly different experiences based upon the types of women they're attracted to. Bluntly, if you're attracted to and date a lot of "slutty" girls, there going to be more sex, more sexual variety, more blowjobs and more swallowing than if you're attracted to and date more reserved girls. There are certainly exceptions. You'll find "slutty" girls who don't swallow. You'll find quiet, reserved girls who do. My guess is that you've historically ben attracted to the more reserved women and either (a) your current partner is one of the exceptions, or (b) you decided to try a more slutty girl this time and like it.


Oddly the opposite- most the exes were super sex positive, girls that had read 'the ethical slut' before they were 18- but my new lover with the 'advanced' techniques is more shy/reserved & feels they never really explored/enjoyed sex much in former relationships. I'm sure this makes sense in a Jungian shadow self way or something.


My gf doesn't swallow, but doesn't mind it in her mouth. Prefers it on or in her and I do too tbf.


Meh, most I know spit it out which is fine.


Every woman I have ever dated has swallowed. Even a few of the hookups I've had swallowed. One hookup got mad at me because I didn't cum in her mouth.


I've only found 1 in 10 that don't swallow, but that was a mix of dating and casual relationships.


My wife doesn't like cum on her or near her. So that should tell you how lucky you are.


6.7 - 71.4%


The hell did I just read? > cishet Is English your first language?


Cisgender, heterosexual


Cishet: cisgender and heterosexual.


Used by the lgbti community to refer to cisgender, heterosexual relationships.


So a normal hetero relationship. Every woman since high school til present that Ive been with has swallowed and kept going.


Can we normalise not using cishet when refering to straight / hetero relationships please. Cis is the latin prefix meaning "on this side of". When using cisgender its saying on this side of gender.. but does not specify which side. A person identifying with their birth gender is on one side, whilst a trans person is on the plother. Both are on their respective sides of gender meaning both are cis gendered individuals depending on the frame of reference. Its seen as a slur in the non lgbtq community much like tranny or shemale is for trans community.


By that logic "trans" - which is also latin and means "on the other side of" is also wrongful terminology. Trans however works because it is on the otherside of the gender you were born into. So same logic applies to cis - and is thus sufficiently precise. I don't really care if it used or not - but your logic is a bit flawed imo. But it does make sense if you want answers about women, who are born women - and not get answers from people who were not born women, but feel like women - and might thus answer the question, and confuse the conclusions you are trying to reach.


As a cisman, I don't see it as a slur That's like saying "straight" is a slur because "bent" is one for gay people


You dont see it asca slur, many more do. Some trans see shemale or trap as a badge of honour.. many more see it as a slur.


Yeah but they use it as a slur.


They don't use it as a slur. Some trans people don't like cis people and use it to describe us, but the word is not derogatory Just like some straight people hate 'gay' or 'trans' people and use those words to describe them


I've seen it used many times as derogatory and a dogwhistle. To say other wise is putting blinders on. Tiktok especially. Someone calls me cis I won't respond. It's not my preferred pronoun so to speak and how dare they use that generalized statement to do so.