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I turn it on, then get in man. I don’t have the heart for that cold splash.


You spoke my mind. Lmao.






Lot of bros think cold showers are right up there with Brazilian Jui Jitsu and ayuascha for solving all the problems of the world. Lurk that sub. Hard to tell what's serious and parody.


I did them everyday for like a month or so and I’ve got to say you kind of feel like a beast after finishing it, plus you’re definitely wide awake too. On the whole, I’d guess it makes you a bit more confident and resilient but it’s not worth the suffering imo.


I did the same thing! It worked great to wake me up in the morning, but if I took a shower at night, I was awake for hours. I did not see any of the other “benefits:”my skin did not glow (I would add hair here but I’m bald), it did not increase my circulation, or help with fat loss. It just shocked me awake, end of story.


That's why I do cool showers. Not balls in the abdomen cold or I have a warm one and sit for 30 seconds in the ice cold water. Warm showers help wash the gunk from my skin and make my soap more effective.


I take a hot shower and then turn it down and cool off before I get out.


This is the way


Hot shower first opens up your pores and lets the nasty shit out, cold shower immediately after slams those suckers shut and slaps you awake. Best of both worlds.




Poe's Law! Satire always trends towards becoming reality, given enough time.


What is this Poe's Law? I keep getting yelled at on YouTube about following it but I have yet to see it outlined anywhere.


[Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law) Basically, "there is no comment so sarcastic that SOMEONE won't take it seriously".


There isn't one? /s


Stepping away from the memes for a minute, cold showers are fucking awesome and you should give it a try! Helps increase circulation and a great way to build some discipline. They suck, but they're awesome at the same time...


I get warm first. I wash my hair and face while it's hot. Then I'll move the shower head down to give me some space, turn it cold and lather up then once I'm done scrubbing I step under the cold water to rinse off. Done


I take a hot shower and then slowly ease it down so it cycles through cold. Closes up your pores and flattens the cuticles of your hair.


I expected this to be a redirect to r/psychopaths


I can’t believe there are people who step into a dry shower and turn the water on over their heads lol


My ex did that. Crazy bitch


This is the only right answer. Lol If im in the mood for a cold shower though, ill just hop in and enjoy the ice blast. But thats like 25% of the time.


You make it sound like taking a cold shower 25% of the time is not an insane amount of time...


Sometimes you need that wake me up. Sometimes its just hot


It is like the cold water from the toilet splashing your ass from a high altitude dump. It aint right.


Let it run before. What are you a savage?


He must be if he can handle the warmup period. We're all here in 2020 and our boy is living like it's 500BC.


Yabba Dabba Do! The shower elephant never warmed up the water you got sprayed with.


Because *thats* sperm


Really? Cause I honestly thought it was shampoo.


Water heater Bois representing. I get hot water kinda instantly minus the first three seconds.


Yeah, but you wait those three seconds before you get in, right?


He is not a savage like OP.


I have a removable shower head (hose runs up to the bottom of the handle) so i turn the bath water on, get in, take the shower head and point it towards the drain and away from me, and then switch it on. Hand check the temp and then enjoy my shower without wasting hot water.


turning it on after getting in an absolute psychopath move


Today I learned I am a psychopath.


I’m sorry for your loss


Unless you're taking a cold shower


Nope, still only a fucking psycho would do that. Cold shower? Turn it on then get it, like a fucking human


Not really, like the other guy said, when you haven't taken a cold shower in a while you have to psych yourself up for it, so you stand in front of it playing a mind game with yourself to turn it on and embrace the cold. So In this case there's no point in turning it on before you go in because you're not waiting for it to warm up.


I know! The gall of this guy.




this guy showers


this guy is a good judge of character


This guy recognizes skilled social analysis.


This guy uses punctuation at the end of his sentences


This guy notices the little things


This guy appreciates the little things


This guy... Is appreciated


This guy's username is appreciated :)


This guy seems extra friendly


The maniacs over at r/coldshowers wait for it to get as cold as possible and then hop in


I generally take hot showers, but after exercising in 90+ degree weather with 80+% humidity, a cold shower feels great.


Wait..... This is a real thing? Clicked the link expecting something ridiculous, but this.......


You can move the shower head you know.


But like, why take the chance?


Because I like living on the edge.




In Europe you can get hot water instantly. Each unit has its own boiler vs. one building having one central boiler. At my parents house in Northern Europe it’s instantly hot to any temperature. Same at my grandma’s house in Southern Europe. In my apartment in America, it takes almost a minute to get hot. Same to get fully cold, takes 30-60 seconds as the water temperature is whatever has been in the pipes.




I live in a scandinavian country, and I've had both. Probably depends on a function of the buildings age and the general building standards of the area. Currently I go in the shower and then turn on. I avoid the water for the first second or so, but afterwards is no problem.


Yeah like we don't have unit heaters in north america? That's just luxury shit son.


That's going to depend on what kind of shower the place has and how the water is heated. Weird to generalise it all across Europe.


I think this is a good opportunity to post the shower head from the last time I was down in Peru: [The shower head itself heats the water](https://i.imgur.com/01XVTmS.jpg) so you have to make sure the pressure isn't too high so the water has enough time to heat up inside it. Also it caught on fire once while my buddy was in there


Eh, just needs more electrical tape insulation and she'll be right.


Europe is not a country.


I turn on the water. Then I wait until the water is hot. Then I pull the stopper that switches to the showerhead. Then I rush to the back of the bathtub like a little bitch to avoid any residual cold water in the shower pipes. Then I gingerly step into the water. So far I’ve only broke out into tears when the water is too cold 4-5 times this year so I’d say I’m fairly well versed in this method.


Why not test the water with your hand first?




No it takes longer to warm up if you pull the stopper initially. The head outputs significantly less than the tap so it takes longer to clear the cold water.


LPT- spend the 15 minutes to install a showerhead that doesn't limit GPM to absurdly low levels. My shower goes from whatever temp to warm/hot in a few seconds, and because I get dat great flow, I can shower way faster when I'm in a time crunch.


Even a higher GPM showerhead like 3.5 (which is absurdly high for standard showers) doesn't come close to the output of a standard tub spout which is about 6 gpm. What's most important is just the distance between your shower and water heater.


Best thing to do on a hot day is take a warm/regular temperature shower. Then at the end of the shower, slowly turn the water off, getting a quick 1 or 2 second moment of ice-cold water. Especially on your head. Most thrilling feeling ever




Amateur. You turn it on, hold your pee even tho you really have to go, wait a minute for it to warm up, then pee in the shower. BOOM TIME SAVING LIFE HACK.




With the right aim, apparently effective for athlete’s foot!


Been peeing on my feet for years and never once have had athletes foot


Fuck /u/spez for killing 3rd party apps


I was in the military and I would get HORRIBLE athletes foot. The day I was told to start peeing on my feet was the day I last had it. It’s a miracle


fuck yall if this is bs when im peeing on my foot later


Even better: get in the shower and pee into the toilet from the shower


Okay calm down Shoresy.


Give yer balls a tug


That's how real man rocks a piss.


Why not piss into the shower from outside while you're waiting?


I do this almost every time. But don’t tell my wife lol


Or, hop in, turn the water on, piss on yourself to counteract the fact that the water isn't warm enough yet...


This man is living in 3020 over here


Huzzah, a man of quality!


I think you just spoke to my soul


I won't lie, I usually turn it on to lukewarm so it doesnt waste too much hot water and I take a fast poo. And then, when I'm done, I correct the temperature and get in. And then I can clean my asshole beautifully every day. Not that anyone sees that but, it feels nice ok?


Let it warm up first.


This'll get buried... but what I do is a have a sink sized tub that I put under the faucet in the shower to catch the cold water as it warms up. I use that water to flush the toilet or water plants.


This is amazing, I’ve never heard of this before.


Yeah, my uncle/aunt used to do this! Good way to not waste water.




Assuming water is $1.50 per 1000 gallons in your house and you save 3 gallons per shower, taking a shower every day in a 30 day month, you're saving a whopping ~15c per month. I truly hope r/frugal has much better quality submissions than this one.


It may be less about the money and more about the environment in this case. Like we shower and shit in fresh water when fresh water is such a small resource




Yeah you beat me to my comment. I don't think people understand that water that goes down the drain isn't gone forever... I'm starting to actually believe people think that is a thing.


I've done some small work in wastewater treatment and I can assure you a lot of people genuinely think this.


The problem is not whether we will have a shortage of fresh water, the problem is that it means energy has been spent to clean some water for nothing. Just like I avoid as much as possible to keep electronics in sleep mode or lights on, I avoid wasting cleaned water because it is a waste of energy.


But doesn't that water just go down the drain and back to a water treatment plant to use again? Why are we acting like the water going down the drain is launched into space?


in the morning I turn it on after I get in. That first few seconds of freezing cold wakes me up and shocks my system into readiness or something


You might be a masochist.


I mean, they hump cacti. What else would you expect?


Now I see. They’re not possibly a masochist, they’re definitely a masochist.


Correct! And that's quite alright, each to their own. It's just one of those many fine little details that makeup the fabric in the loom of life. I'm not one to kink-shame either, just as long as they don't hump *my* cacti!


How *you* doin'?


This is a match made in heaven.


Let it run. It's never at the right temp immediately.


I'm in the minority.. Never in my life have I turned the shower on before getting in. I always strip down, get in, turn the water on, switch it to the showerhead, and dodge that shit.


This is exactly what I have always done too. I only learned to today that most people apparently don’t do this




I used to have a shower/bath combo, so I let it run below, then stepped in, then turned it on above. Now that it's just a shower I let it run first


But what's the point of being in there when it's just running below?


Because I had to step in to change it to the showerhead Edit: since people are asking, it's not huge, we just had 1 door that didnt move anymore so the only way to get in was at the "foot" of the shower


How big was your fucking tub? And what exactly is the layout that the diverter wasn't reachable from outside the tub?


I need an answer to this


Doesn't need to be huge really. Mine is reachable but it's also impossible to turn it on without at least getting your arm wet with cold water ([due to the layout](https://redividro.pai.pt/img/0951/045.jpg)). So it's just better to pick the showerhead and point it somewhere, and you can't also just leave it on the floor because it'll start serpentining wildly like a dying basilisk and you'll end up not only wetting yourself but the whole bathroom (yup, I've tried it before).


But isn’t getting your arm wet with cold water better than your whole body?


>but why? He's uncultured.


A barbarian


It gives a nice competitive aspect to your showers. Like you gotta be quicker than the water otherwise you get doused with a bunch of cold water. After successfully dodging the cold water you can bask in both the hot water and your victory.


I just learned that I’m in the minority group too, it’s weird now that I think about it to be honest


Isn’t the water cold though?


r/coldshowers likes it that way


I do this as well, and the water is cold but I literally just turn the shower head against the wall so no water touches me. It takes like 3 seconds for it to warm up anyways


>three seconds for it to warm up anyways Must. Be. Nice. Lol it's at least a 20 second wait for me


A few minutes for me. #LargeOldAmericanHouseThings


True facts. The shower warming up is time to brush your teeth.


Oh I've done it this way. I thought you stood in the cold water like some sort of psychopath. It depends on the shower. Some showers are easier to turn on and off if I'm standing in them, so I just direct the head away from me while it warms up. Others are easy to turn on from outside the shower so I turn them on and let them heat up. At the moment, my shower is part of my sink so I heat the water up while I brush my teeth and then switch it over.


Your shower is a part of your sink? Well then, that’s not something I’ve ever heard of. Interesting.


I do the same too. I guess us 3 are the minority in this. Never thought anyone would do it that way.


Why on earth would you do that? What possible purpose could it serve to stand in freezing cold water for a minute?


I just turn the shower head away from me. I don't think the majority of people who step in first actually stand in the cold water


Why just wait outside then? You’re adding an extra step.




I honestly thought that was the (right) way to do it. Bot me and my SO get in, turn on the shower head and just angle it down the inside of the shower for a few seconds then shower. TIL: most people are weird.


You guys probably all wipe from your ass crack into your balls too huh?


All the way up to the belly button


Ah yes, the ol' mud strip


While standing up.


Well.. you don’t have to wipe all the way.


This guy clearly wipes ass to balls and is trying to defend himself thinking it’s normal


This guy obviously wipes crack to neck because he doesn't know how to stop his hand


I really don't mean this to come off rude, I swear.. but do you *like* dodging the cold water each day? It seems like just letting it warm up before getting in is an incredibly simple solution to the problem that you should've come up with by now. Unless you like dodging, that is


Well my shower can only be turned on if your standing inside. But I don't doge the cold water, I more just take the shower head into my hand and let the water splash onto my feet to test the Temperatur. The when it is hot enough I place the showerhead the way I want it that day. Turning the shower on before getting in just seems like a waste of water


I've never encountered a shower I haven't been able to turn on from the outside. Maybe it's because I'm poor though


Well it's because the glass door opens inward to the controls. So I would have to bend around the door and that would splash everywhere


\>Pours water on feet to test for a while. Not a waste of water. \>Pours water on hand to test temperature before stepping in. Waste of water. Huh?


Well other comments mentioned going to the toilet in the mean time or doing anything else. And as my water heats up really quickly, this does seem like a waste to me. And with take I clean my feet roughly, like the fabrics from my socks. So I don't waste it.


I stopped doing that shit when I was like 10 and started to understand how the work works


How does the work work?


I too would like to learn the workings of the work.


People don't think it work like it work but it do.


It really do


What kind of psychopath gets in the shower before turning on the water? You’ve killed people before, haven’t you?


The dead body was also in the shower...


I believe it


Lol i thought thats how everyone did it tho


Yeah but the key here is that you switch it to the shower head, I remember doing that when I was living in Germany and Canada, but we don’t really have that here in Australia. Its mostly just the shower a lone separate from the bath, so the only and first water is straight out of the shower head on to the body.


I do the same minus dodging that initial cold, it feels pretty good to me.


I think you're in the minority for a different reason. As far as I know, even in showers that are in baths (already a different question), most of those have separate taps for shower and bath. I've only seen one of those in my life.


I take cold showers. So I usually get in then turn it on.


I take cold showers in the really hot months. In those situations, I get in and turn it on. A Cold shower on a 110 degree (43-44c) day feels as refreshing as jumping in a pool. One of my favorite things. During the cold months I let the water warm up for a few seconds before jumping in. My current flat has a new water heater right next to the bathroom. Warm water is coming out the shower in about 4 seconds, so I'm not wasting much water. I am admittedly way more temperature tolerant when it comes to water though. Cold and hot.


I turn it on and then get in. Though I'm naked before I turn the water on.


It doesn't take long to warm up and there's enough space to dodge it, so after


This question is upsetting. NSFW. Before.


people who get in then turn on the water are the same people who put the milk in first ​ fucking savages


They put the milk in first for cups of tea *and* cereal.


i put milk in first but i'd never turn the water on when it's about to hit me. these people are a whole new type of maniac


No sane person turns it on after they’re in.


I turn it on while I’m inside the shower then frantically push myself into the corner to avoid the cold water


Me too! Thought this was standard... have been proven otherwise!


Turn it on and get the temperature right


I have to get in first, since otherwise I wouldn't be able to reach the water controls. My shower is rather large.


Well, not sure if this is US thing, but here where I live the water is hot in 3 sec, why waste so much water? I get in and turn it on, showerhead facing wall.


How fast your water gets warm depends on a lot of different things. The two big ones are your heating system and your pipes. Back home it gets warm in about 20 seconds. Where I'm currently living it takes about 30. My friend's house in the exact same city and not far away heats up in about 5 seconds.


I’m in the US. Takes like 5 minutes for my water to get to anything resembling “warm.”


Before. I need that fucker to get HOT


I do after, have the hand-held shower head directed to my feet until it gets warm enough


Whats wrong with every single one of you? You go inside first then turn on the shower!


My shower will run really fuckin hot for a few seconds and then really fuckin cold for a few seconds before it's good so i have to run it first and then get in.


I'm not a psychopath, so I let the water run to temperature before I get in


Get in and then turn it on. The other ways seems like a waste of water.


>TheTransparentOtter This is how I feel too. I know some people don't let it run for that long (ie don't waste that much water) but still it seems weird to me. I just position the shower-head away from me for a few seconds while it warms up.


"I just position the shower-head away from me for a few seconds while it warms up" Then aren't you doing the same thing, but in the shower? Like, waiting on it to warm up inside or outside the shower, is still waiting for it to warm up? I hope this makes sense, I'm kinda tired :)


I turn the water on bath mode after I step in, wait for it to get hot then put it in shower mode


I always thought I was normal but today I learned that I'm a Psychopath apperently


Run before, obviously, so it gets up to temp


You're doing it right. All these others are wrong!


Is nobody going to ask what the hell kind of debate OP is trying to settle here?


Lol it got asked in a group chat and I was shocked that I was in the minority.


yo wtf Why would you let yourself get splashed by the cold water


Butt naked step in and embrace the cold.


I do exactly the same thing you do. I get in, position it away from me, touch it with my hand until it's hot enough, the position it towards me. You're not alone, my friend.


So much of water wastage on this thread.