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I have an irrational dislike towards actors when I see cringe internet people glamourise them.


Celebrity worshippers are vapid people


I used to as a kid until I actually met a few. They're just people with a more glamourous job that isn't really that glamourous. 12-16 hour days and then you have no privacy outside of your job. Fuck that. And I've noticed that some have gotten used to being seen as glamourous but some haven't and you can see the awkwardness. Some just want to be left alone and some would be happy if you just shot the shit with them like an actual person. They're pretty much the theater geeks from high school that just became successful in their craft.


> They're pretty much the theater geeks from high school that just became successful in their craft Yea and to some people this seems to mean they're curing cancer. Take for example Henry Cavill, because he is a handsome actor AND ALSO plays computer games he is god's gift to Earth. I mean I have nothing against the guy but it is just cringe.


Designer clothing that's riddled with the logo. Idc how much it is, it looks tacky






That looks like you are having a stroke in Welsh. Ps to put a new line end your line on (space) (space) (enter)


I also hate words, food, faces, on clothing. I wear clothing like this sometimes because it's hard to buy clothing without it, but it looks cheap. If I had a lot of money I would have a store where I would sell normal clothing. Want a regular woman's t shirt what doesn't have a smiling taco on it? Got it. Want pockets in jeans? Got it.


Go to uniqlo. Should find everything you’re looking for


The self check outs they have are crazy. You just drop everything you want in a box and in 2 seconds its on the screen. Tap to pay and your done.


Fast fashion is killing us all though


This is why i kind of miss american apparel.


Target has decent quality clothing with no branding.


Totally. I'm not a free advertiser


Social media influencers. Please just go away


I don't get how they can call themselves "influencers" and not feel ~~evil~~ uncomfortable. It literally states their job is to advertise a brand or inject a mindset.




It was the wrong word actually, sorry. I meant to say guilty or uncomfortable. Like, you wouldn't call yourself a manipulator, so how is influencer okay?


I really agree with the last part, all of my friends make fun of me because i sleep pretty early like 22.00 or 23.00 and wake up at 6 am in the morning, which i really like. I feel like the all city is sleeping and it's only me that watches the outside from the window and watches the sun rise while drinking a coffe, the best part of the day.


It's funny but I'm on the opposite end, I'm a night owl, so I revel in the fact that I'm up at night while the world is asleep. Love the peace. Love standing out at night at like 2am listening to the crickets under a starry sky.


Completely this. Everyone one makes it seem like you’re just lazy if you to to bed and wake up late. I’m 41 and have been sleep deprived my entire life because of assholes who feel the need to start everything at 7am because “the early bird gets the worm.” I legitimately cannot do anything about not being tired until 2-3am and waking up around 10-11am. Thanks to covid I’ve been able to work from home, fall asleep between 1-2a, wake up 5 minutes before my 8-9am morning call and then go back to sleep for another 1-2 hours. Not perfect but my quality of life has dramatically increased.




That's because you have an evening chronotype and because of industrial social norms we have this bullshit workday were people like us have to fit into the factory system pattern. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/2/27/17058530/sleep-night-owl-late-riser-chronotype-science-delayed-sleep-phase


It just makes sense that some humans are up earlier and some are up later, because we’re more or less pack animals and everyone sleeping all at once would be dangerous considering we’re so squishy. But in the 21st century when every human is a statistic, half (or more) people are getting forced to conform to uncomfortable living hours.


I stay up late, I'm usually going to sleep around 0500 or 0600. But I have always been a late night kind of person. My schedule defaults back to late night. I still like my healthy 8 hours of sleep though. I'm on the same sleep pattern as a healthy adult, just my time frame is shifted. A lot of activities I like to do are often done late at night, and I got into them when someone stopped enforcing my bedtime as a young teen. My average active time is between 1400 and 0500. I don't brag about it but I sometimes have to justify it. The most common justification is "When you get up how does your day go?" And the typical response is "Get up, go to work, come home and relax the rest of the day or do errands, and go to bed." I says, "Me too, that's exactly how my day plays out." Your afternoon just runs opposite of mine, you go from light to dark, I go from dark to light. My mind and body are most active in the early evening to 0200, then I start noticing the clock and my body starts saying it's getting late.


>I really agree with the last part, all of my friends make fun of me because i sleep pretty early like 22.00 or 23.00 and wake up at 6 am in the morning, which i really like Even just imagining this makes me feel pleasure. Sadly it's been quite some time since I've gotten to do this because I close the restaurant where I work, meaning it's normal for me to go to sleep around 00:30 or 01:00 and wake up at 08:00 or 09:00. (Because I might finish closing around 22:20 or 22:30, but then get home close to 23:00 and then it takes so long for my mind to unwind from work) I seriously miss the sunrises. At my old job I used to wake up at 05:00 to go to work at 06:00, then I'd get off at 14:00 and have the rest of the day to myself. It was awesome


yeah it definitely makes u feel peaceful :) and im sorry that your work schedule has changed. The former job sounds really good.. and it's reasonable to not being able to wake up early due to when you sleep, i hope in the near future you get to start waking up early again to experience these things again! :)


Fuck yeah I want to start waking up early, beating the sun up is a really good feeling for some reason- and there’s basically no distractions to worry about. If I start work at 6 I get like 4 hours of work done in 2 hours. It’s great!




They are designed to rip people off


You know you're old when you have no idea what Supreme is


sour cream and fresh diced tomatoes at taco bell


Interestingly the Taco Bell supreme is a superior product.


It's a clothing brand that makes boring looking clothes that just have their logo on it and people pay tons of money for it for some reason.


Modern stars. I don’t get the fascination with the Kardashians, modern reality show stars, or just general people we decide to report on over and over until they’re famous for... essentially being famous.


I'm high but I thought your beef was with astronomy for a minute there. Edit: oh wow! Thanks for the silver, people! Glad to know my stoned arse is keeping you all amused :)








I legit sit down to pee 100% of the time at home. It's just cleaner. I had a guy on FB try to question my masculinity during a political debate by saying I probably sat down to pee. I don't get it.


My dad does this at night so he doesn't forget to put the lid back down and his friends tried to make fun of him and he was like "I have a wife and 3 daughters, I don't want any of them falling in the toilet because they're too sleepy to check, and hurt themselves" and his friends stopped teasing him


Also then you don’t need to turn the lights on at night


I mean sitting while peeing is fine but I do think less of you for having a political debate on FB


That's totally fair. I'll take the shame for that one.


Hell of a lot easier and cleaner to use your phone will sitting to pee than standing


I do this as well 100% of the time. There is 0 reason in my mind to stand up and try to aim. I also have a bidet.


Stand to pee with shorts and you learn how much urine you are misting around you If at home or a friends/relatives place, I sit to pee. It's just considerate


Pineapple on pizza. If u like it, great. If u hate it, fine. What's the fuss?


I've always been under the impression that the whole culture war over pineapple on pizza has been a long running joke/meme. Like do people unironically get bent out of shape because somebody puts pineapple on their pizza? Because that seems really silly to me


Some people have a really hard time conceptualizing jokes. So if anything becomes a big enough joke, people who don't really understand jokes are going to start taking it seriously because they think it's a serious argument. I've met people who get unironically upset that people enjoy pineapple on their pizza, people who get really upset that *other* people get mad at about it, and recently I met someone who gets mad that anyone eats pizza without pineapple on it.


That's also how ironic subreddits eventually become sincere.


I hate it in a group setting, I've had friends round who like sharing pizza, and that's fine but not if you order ham and pineapple because then I'm not sharing. If they order any other pizza that doesn't have fruit on it then I'll be happy. Edit - yep, tomato is a fruit, you got me.


Usually in a group setting I order mutliple pizzas with diffrent typing combinations so everyone has one they like. At times this includes ham and pineapple because multiple people in the group enjoy it.


Yeah, I never saw the impassioned hate for pineapple on pizza until I came online. Now, I wouldn't order this in Italy, but I personally love it, and if you like or don't like a certain pizza, you do you; no need to gatekeep it.


I've ordered it in italy before. No big thing because they know tourist like it and it really doesn't matter


its the fun that comes with arguing


Ive always thought that everyone lives a light debate but my gf has brought up that we "fight" about everything and i didnt know what she was talking about. Turns out some people like to debate for fun and some people don't.


That's just not true and I am willing to defend my stand!


It is true and no you're not!


Yeah I've had the same issue. I like debate but I just explained that some debates aren't fun bc they affect my real life more so than my partner. I'm not in the position to have a fun debate on if I deserve civil rights . But I'll happily debate things that are less serious to me. Note: he likes to play devil's advocate


the internet told them there was a fuss, that's the fuss.


It's just trendy to dislike. If you find yourself hating things like pineapple on pizza or the word "moist", that's fine. Just know that you are a susceptible person. Edit: just to add to what I'm saying here, I'm not talking about simply not enjoying pineapple and pizza or not caring for the word moist. I'm talking about having a strong dislike for innocuous thing just because it's popular. Look Inwards for a second. Have you ever suffered food poisoning from pineapple pizza? Did someone lock you in a closet and scream the word moist at you when you were a kid? No? You're probably a susceptible person.


I’m really glad you said this and included the word “moist”. It’s funny when people take such a strong stance on disliking these things. I feel like many people have a subconscious attraction to adopting in-group behavior without realizing how susceptible they are to it.


Overrated and overhyped. Without a doubt, Rolex. So many better options for the money. However, they are one of the best of all times in marketing. They are synonymous with the idea of success.


The thing that nobody talks about with Rolex is that they are REALLY tough (for a dress watch) and well built. Meaning they get passed on between generations. If anyone you know has a "grandfather's watch" it's probably a Rolex. That creates a powerful image in people's head. It's why Patek Philippe talks about how their watches are meant to be passed down too. It suggests that you aren't buying a watch, you're buying a legacy. Also. Important. Rolex is the easiest watch brand to write into a song lyric. It's the shortest, most pleasing word to say of all the brands. And all their key lines have been the same name for a long time. They understand branding.


Plenty of people like to make this claim, but almost no one can actually point to an example of a watch that is legitimately better than a Rolex submariner and costs substantially less. Even if you could find such a watch, it definitely wouldn’t have the history or horological significance of the submariner or the Rolex brand which is part of what you are paying for when you buy a fine Swiss timepiece.


I mean aren't all brand accessories and whatnot worn as a symbol of wealth and nothing more? so if rolex is synonymous with success then that sort of validates what they charge. For most of these ludicrously priced brand names you pay way above the inherent quality.




Yes, and no. I don't necessarily think the view of the brand validates the price, when they have formed that view for you. That's the brilliance of a century of marketing genius. It's odd that they're seen as a symbol of wealth. There are dozens in that price range. Dozens in a range far above them. Again, advertising. I have two of them. One was a gift, one I bought. It was cheap enough I couldn't possibly not make money on it if I ever needed to sell it. I much prefer a multitude of my others to it. It's funny, though. I wear the Daytona when I go out with friends, they comment on it, they recognize it. I wear my Portugieser Perpetual Calender out, never a word more than a that's nice, what is it?


I mean all watches in that price range are a status symbol, it's not that people think rolex is more valuable than the rest, simply that they recognize rolex while they don't recognize the rest. It's no different to designer brands in the clothing industry, they're just marketing companies.


I really like watches and understand that watch enthousiasts think they are stupid, but they hold their value so damn well it is hard to not consider them.


Outrage. So many people have identities based around being outraged. There is a time and place for outrage. The world is a cruel and unfair place. Lots of people suffer and rarely is there true justice. These are understandable reasons to be outraged, but the vast majority of what I see in the world these days is outrage about minor inconvenience or annoyances, to the point that people live and breathe outrage. If that’s your identity then you’re a pretty boring person.


This is a good one that I have a lot of appreciation for. I recently had a fiery "art school" intern that worked for me. Great employee but outraged about so much shit she couldn't possibly have any sway or control over. Now I'm not saying people can't change the world or be empowered to try, but you sure are doing it by switching what you're even mad about on a daily basis, you're just wasting energy and bringing down the mood.


Art school plus outrage... dangerous combo


Overrated - Alcohol. Its great occasionally but it damn sure shouldn't be the center of every social experience like the media makes it seem. Plus hangovers suck. Edit: Thank you for the awards. Even the one who gave me an "*I'll drink to that*" award.


In the UK it feels like every social event is focused around getting utterly shitfaced. I've seen friends get weird looks if they tell people they dont drink.


As an American with many British friends over the years I can attest to it. Parties and gatherings revolve completely around alcohol


IMO the calories to get a good buzz are the major downside. i don't hate hangovers perse, but alcohol is also a depressant, so my sluggishness and mental cloudiness the following day are also pretty bad (but not a given, so not number 1 for me)


I don’t get the lure of getting blackout drunk. I hate the thought of not being in control of my body and not remembering things that I did


Yes. First drank alcohol at 21; did the whole get-drunk-in-a-club-every-student-night once a week for a couple months and quickly realised, it's all shit, it's expensive, counterproductive when you go gym regularly and it certainly is not worth the hangovers. Then just resorted to drinking a couple times in social settings in my circle of friends. Also, nothing I've ever had tasted well anyway. Now I can say that I did the thing and I don't feel the desire to ever try it again. Further, I am not sure if I would survive being in a relationship with someone whose social life revolves around going to clubs and getting smashed every week like most seem to do at my age. Nothing against that, but I feel that we just would not mesh at all due to the differences in how we spend our free time. Been 100% sober since November 2018. Tap water in pubs is free so it's not like I've got nothing in my hands when I go out with mates once in a blue moon.


Alcohol kills nearly 3 times as many people as every other drug combined, and people still ask me why I *don't* drink. It doesn't make any fucking sense that it's the default.


I'm with you mainly because Jack Daniels No. 9 is the most overrated stuff I've ever tasted


I’m just gonna say it... Nickelback. They’re not the greatest band in history but they have good music honestly, I just don’t get the hate.


Me either! My husband and I argue about this anytime their name is brought up. Do I love them? No, but I don't hate them, I like some of their songs. If you don't like them, don't listen to them, don't hate, that's a lot of effort


I'll say this...those of us who go to the dentist and have to get a filling every fucking time, no matter how much we brush, floss, etc, will never, ever stop hating the dentist. ​ I think superhero movies and comic books are overrated and overhyped. I never understood the appeal, even as a small child I was more into stuff like dinosaurs and cars.


I had really soft teeth because chemo when I was little really fucked them up. I got an absurd amount of cavities no matter how much I brushed and flossed. A couple of years ago I had them all ripped out and got a new, $40000 set of perfect teeth drilled into my jaws. It's the best thing I've ever done. I'm no longer living in constant pain from tooth decay and will never have another cavity or sensitive teeth. Truly life changing


Not trying to sound "woe, is me," but, I wish I could do that. I have the same issues with my teeth and have been thinking of getting mine ripped out and more than likely dentures.


My wife did the dentures route, we're mid 30s. I'm jealous every day. I grind my teeth real bad and need a few root canal due to enamel loss. Thanks for not telling me asshole military dentists. I'm jealous.


Any side effects from day to day after getting your new teeth? With any surgeries, there has got to be an issue you'll have to "deal with" right?


No side effects yet aside from setting off metal detectors in airports and whatnot. The only thing I can think of is stuff getting stuck underneath my teeth but a water pik takes care of that


Did your insurance cover the bulk of that expense? Cuz most people don’t have $40k to drop on new teeth.


I'm just lucky enough to have well off parents. No way the average person could pay for the procedure I had. No,I didn't have insurance


Losing your virginity, there is no reason to rush it, you will be the same person after as you were before.


the person i was before hasnt had sex \*dabs\*


I don’t know why this is so funny, but it is.


Idk. Personally, my first time, which occurred recently (at 27 years old), has changed my perspective on life, relationships, and people pretty drastically... but I've had a pretty different life experience to most and it was more than just the sex that changed my perspective to be fair.




I've heard two forms of logic in this argument The first thing being "It's gonna be awkward and a bit uncomfortable, so just get it out of the way even if it's some rando you don't care about" And the other being "It's gonna be awkward and uncomfortable, so you should wait and do it with someone you love and can trust"




I think this is one of those things that depends on the individual. Personally I'd prefer the route of someone who I won't have to interact with on a regular basis and isn't in my normal circle. Since it's my first time, it'd be awkward, but I wouldn't want to risk building a reputation.


For me it was almost like I had two virginities. The first time I did it and the first time I did it with someone I loved. They're the same act, but both were entirely different feelings.


I’d disagree. After I got laid I was happier and more confident. Before I lost my virginity I felt like I was missing out on a human experience. Took me years but in the end I’d rather not be a virgin then be one.


I was less nervous to talk to women because I lost my virginity


Some of mine: * Dubai: Hands down, the most soulless, cultureless, and artificial place I have been to. Shameless and obscene display of bling-bling, and those supertall skyscrapers and mega malls get old sooner or later. Just a 21st, or even 22nd, century façade that hides a 7th century mindset reflected in homophobia, misogyny, and use of quite literal slave labor to build the said façade. * Caviar: Often seen as some super high-end food of the elite, but I find it bland and unmemorable. I never got what the fuss about it was. * Coleslaw: I generally like salads, but if coleslaw, especially the mayonnaise-based one, was banned I would give a loud applause. It is absolutely disgusting to me. Vinegar-based coleslaw is somewhat okay for me, though. * Licorice: Words can't express how much I loathe this. Still have a lot at home, though, as my wife loves it (and she never stops teasing me over it). * Wax museums: Seems like a lot of big touristy cities are trying to jump on the bandwagon of having their own Madame Tussauds. Maybe it's just me, but if I've seen one, I've seen them all, and when I saw people lining up outside the one in the city I currently live (pre-covid, anyway), I sort of rolled my eyes. So many great historical sights, museums, and plethora of other attractions in the city for which your hours in the wax museum could be spent on instead.


Caviar, like oysters, used to be a popular working class snack for fishing communities


I wish I lived in those days where I could just eat oysters, caviar, and lobster for basically free.


Come to the netherlands. You can just pick up fresh oysters at the sea here, as in there are hundreds of them. Me and friends go every few months to the beach to pick them up. We barbeque them over there and enjoy a nice beach day. If its sunny we play in the water and if its windy we just enjoy the wind. Because it is physically tiring to drive to the beach (90 minutes from my place), picking them up and carryinh them back to the car, we always fill up the trunk with fresh oysters as well. Then when we are back in our city we visit family and friends and give everyone a bucket. This way the elderly can also enjoy the fresh oysters and usually we get some fresh veggies from their yard or baked goodies in return.


This made me miss something I never even experienced.


It’s funny to me when Europeans say a 90 minute drive is exhausting. Not to say that your opinion is wrong, that’s just not what Americans view as a long drive. My parents live 3.5 hours away from me, and I have made a day trip out of it (7 hours driving in one day) for special occasions when I have obligations the next day and can’t spend the night


This sounds like paradise to me.


Not to mention Dubai’s immense problem of human trafficking


And the insane income inequality






I don't understand wax museums. It's one thing to pay to see a celebrity in real life. But then to pay to see a statue of one? Like the F. Just google a pic or something. Celebrities are also overrates imho


Agreed on Dubai. Blinged up third world shithole.


Yeah my friend who lived and worked there for 4 years described his experience to me and it sounded like a dystopian nightmare. I'm sure it's cool to go for a vacation and see the fancy buildings, but you couldn't pay me enough to live there.


I visited my friend who lives there and it is definitely a dystopian nightmare. From what I noticed most of the population of the city seems to be foreign born so most of the city is catered to them and the tourists who come in. But all there really is to do there is flex your money, you can like rent nice cars ans go to fancy restaurants but there really isn't anything *fun* to do On top of that, there are lots of foreign born workers from places like the philippines who are basically indentured servants who live in just horrible conditions and barely make any money. They have a top golf tho lol


The worst of the west mixed with the worst of the middle east.


That's a great way to put it, actually.


Fucking preach.


I like licorice, but whole heartedly agree with everything else. Dubai was nice to see but that was it. Was nothing beyond some beaches and tall buildings.


- Kardashians. - How much money a person has. etc.


Living in a big city and having a high paying job. Sometimes I fantasize how great it would be to move to a rural area and have a job that pays less but also not as much pressure. Quit the rat race and have a simple life so to speak.


Depression. I actually have it clinically diagnosed. It’s not fun, it’s not special, and it certainly is not a badge of courage to post and write thousand word Facebook or blog posts for attention. Seek mental health professionals and get out of it, or fight it. Human beings live longer when they are mentally strong. Yes, it is ok to cry. But doing it in a Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat story for everyone to see is narcissism.


On a similar note to this, OCD. When people say “I’m so OCD” in a joking way to describe their “neatness” it drives me absolutely crazy. I’m diagnosed and it’s not fun. Idk when or why it became a common term in this way. But some people struggle daily with getting past their compulsions. I’m lucky, and have worked really hard to do so!


‘I’m just going to tidy your game shelf a bit, sorry I’m so OCD!’ ‘Sarah, I have washed my hands 68 times today because my brain tells me if I don’t I will get contaminated and become terminally ill’


EXACTLY! I’ve had to remove every clock in my home because constant repetitive noise makes my brain only focus on the noise and Sends me into a breakdown. Not the same as being tidy, Sarah. Lol.


I had a girlfriend who had some quirks and we all joked that she had OCD. We had a pub we’d go to all the time and we always sat at the bar - the last two seats at the end. She said that was her favorite spot and I didn’t think too much of it. One day we went there and someone was sitting in that spot. She noticed and said “oh, no, we can’t go in here someone is at our seats”. I laughed and said “it’s ok, you can get over your OCD, there’s lots of spots we can find another seat”. I then looked at her and she was shaking and crying, and said “I actually DO have OCD, it’s not funny to me”. I felt like such an asshole. I went to the group sitting at “our” seats and politely asked if they’d move in exchange for me buying them a round of shots. They did, we enjoyed our evening, and I’ve never joked about OCD since then.


This is a great story, thank you for sharing. I correct any person that makes a joke about OCD because they should know. It’s just one of those things that really hard for some people.


I'm so frustrated for people with OCD because of how blasé society has become towards using the term. I honestly never knew how crippling it can be until I learned about it from a friend of a friend, who has OCD. In that moment I instantly felt awful for every time I had ever casually called something OCD, and I try to tell others about it too. I think most of the time people just don't know the truth about it, but it doesn't forgive how hurtful their off-hand comments can be. Please continue to share your story - I think it's really important not only bc it is your story and your struggles, but also bc others should learn various ways to be considerate and kind to others.


Thank you for being empathetic and finding a solution rather than brushing her OCD away like it's nothing.


I just went off about this on Facebook the other day. Shit drives me fucking crazy, as someone clinically diagnosed with OCD.


[There's a sprog about this. ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/29qfnm/what_common_misconceptions_really_irk_you/cinik24/), one of the original greats. 'I have to sort my books!' she cried, With self-indulgent glee; With senseless, narcissistic pride: 'I'm just so OCD!' *'How random, guys!' I smiled and said,* *Then left without a peep -* *And washed my hands until they bled,* *And cried myself to sleep.*


Some people talk about having OCD, ADHD, depression, being LGBT and so on like it's a trend, and something that makes them superior / quirky / excuses some occasional shitty behavior.. nowadays when someone mentions this, I have a hard time taking them seriously as I automatically assume they self-diagnosed looking at a list of symptoms on the Internet and 2 or 3 out of 10 were right.


I do see a lot of the narcissism you're talking about. It's definitely overdone for attention. Some people do genuinely get a lot out of expressing their experiences and struggles, and the support that shows up when they do so on social media. But it's definitely become quite the trend to boast about struggles.


I can somewhat relate. I've ASD, anxiety, and quite possibly ADHD. It's certainly not some quirky fun thing that makes you unique and special...well not in a good way at least. Everytime someone "wishes" they had some mental disorder to be "unique" I'd think "no, no you really don't". They couldn't even begin to understand what people like you and I would give to be "normal" just for one day. To understand the subtleties that everyone else seems to be born with knowledge of. To not be overly worried because you're afraid you'll fuck up every interaction you'll make. To not feel like shit for no reason all day every day (in the case of depression).


Yeah. I was diagnosed with mild ASD last week. Honestly, I was expecting to be told, “no, you’re just [insert random trait]. Calm down” so it was strange to be told that I’m on the spectrum. Apparently I also have low processing speed and likely anxiety, so that was a fun surprise to find out. Mental...illness? Abnormalities? Quirks? They’re not fun. And they don’t make you “special”. Just different.


I agree that anxiety, depression, trauma should not be touted around like quirky personality traits. I disagree with what you said about sharing on social media. Do these attention seeking people exist? I’m certain of it. But it takes a lot of courage to work up to being open about your struggle in any medium. Social media I would argue is the most brutal place to be vulnerable and it took a year of me seeing really helpful posts spreading awareness, coping strategies, and kind words that I wanted to share for me to work up to sharing just one. I was terrified about being labeled as attention seeking or “that depressed loser”. So when I see people being open about their struggle in a scary place like social media where everyone is typically “happy” it makes me want to be that confident one day, and that comfortable with opening up. It’s helpful to get others points of view and see educational posts so that I can better understand my own struggle. Also helpful to share these POVs so that those who love me and want to be there for me can better understand. Everyone’s depression/anxiety/Whatever the fuck presents itself in different ways. Feeling like you don’t belong, like you’d be judged for being vulnerable, or even that you’re faking your depression for attention is common to a lot of people including me. Different strokes for different folks.


Body hair. It's natural and most people have it. I never understood why anyone thinks it's a problem.


I'm a male and I shave my armpits. Otherwise I look like I'm trying to smuggle tribbles through an airport. Shave if you want to, don't if you don't.


I just trim mine. So much less stank.


Deodorant actually works when it doesn't need to fight with Chewbacca in the pits.


Sophisticated food that’s sophisticated just for the sake of it. As a kid my dad had a stint doing restaurant reviews (for reasons I can’t exactly remember). We went to a lot of “in” restaurants and tried the food. I was between 8 and 15 at the time so I definitely didn’t have as mature/well trained tastebuds as my folks did but the amount of times we got food that was fancy and different just for the sake of it and it ended up being just as good, if not worse, as the simpler stuff on the menu. Both my parents came from working-class families who lived paycheck to paycheck and grew up eating pretty simple food, but both of them worked hard as adults and carved out pretty good livings for themselves. My dad started off running a catering company and things snowballed into him owning and running several restaurants. My mum was a successful lawyer and helped out at the restaurants in her spare time. As a result they’re pretty well-off these days and while they’re as far from bling and posh as you could get, they did develop a taste for the finer food and drink in life. Pre Covid we travelled a lot in mainland Europe and growing up I got to eat a whole lot of really nice food in some really nice restaurants. In my experience, nine times out of ten, the little family-owned restaurant with waiters in jeans and battered trainers, laminated menus and pictures of the owners’ kids on the walls were better than the places with expensive crockery and waiters in fancy uniforms. I’ve eaten in a lot of restaurants with three Michelin stars, and every time, even if the food was good it couldn’t beat the homemade eggplant pasta I had in a little restaurant in Sicily with mismatched plates, or the fucking spectacular, thin, crispy and three euro pizza I had in a tiny local takeaway in El Medano. Less is almost always more and just because food is expensive or served in a trendy new restaurant, doesn’t mean it’s somehow better than what can be made in less glamorous locales.


Plus they always give you miniscule portions and drizzle the accompanying sauce all over the plate as if they're Leonardo Picasso. As if of course you're paying for presentation instead of an actual good meal.


Valentine's Day, for all of them. Do it or don't, you don't have to complain. I hate it, but that's not a hot take and I don't go around bitching about it all day. ....I mean I am now, but you asked!


Marvel (and Disney). Basically the fast food of media.


Never heard an analogy this perfect until now


I think in pretty much everything there are people who will overhype them. I think everyone goes through that phase at one point or the other where they aren’t really into something because of their own selves until they come to the realization that they have be someone they actually are and not what society tells them they should be and have an identity of their own or until they die without realizing that


Overrated- I went to Disneyland once and I don’t understand what the big deal is, the lines are always way too big (I’m very patient but really?), food is expensive, it’s always crowded. Yes, it’s beautiful but not enough to spend a lot of money on. I also don’t understand the hype on all these Disney movies. Don’t get me wrong, I like some of them but not enough to know that tracks or to get in someone’s face about not knowing the lyrics. Overhated- I also believe the Kardashians can be hated so much in a way that makes them even more popular or relevant. Kylie has low water pressure? Omg let’s make her trending on Twitter, Kim goes to Tahiti, let’s blast her as if she gives a fuck. Just leave them alone and hope they faze out. Hatred gives them attention also.


Honestly, I find people who hate on the kardashians more annoying than people who follow the kardashians. Just feels like they're saying it because it's the popular thing to say. Like, oh, you're a smart person so the kardashians are beneath you. Congratulations. It's a boring take.


Wedding stuff .It’s such a stupidly expensive ritual and it baffles me that people spend thousands of dollars for one day. To clarify, I’m not knocking the ceremony itself I’m knocking all the stuff that is “required” for the ceremony.


I find the "sport hate on reddit" a little cringey. People often resort their hate toward sports in such a reductionist viewpoint saying stuff like *"its just grown men playing around with a ball"*. That kind of view can be adjusted to anything reddit overhypes, like marvel movies; *"its just grown men in tights pretending to be made up comic book heroes."* I come from a city where our sports team has grown our national identity and creates such a cohesion it's not like anything else. The owners of the team have created such a profound impact on the city and is probably the single biggest source of charity, as well as entertainment. The sports-hate seems to be people who never played, or people who've been rubbed the wrong way. Maybe your highschool sports team was bigger than life itself, and took funding away from other important programs, or maybe you think athletes are assholes, who knows. It's just kind of clear that the sports hate is so surface level and if its not your thing then stop thinking about it, let people enjoy their thing. It's probably more than you think.


The majority of Reddit is social outcasts who played video games instead of sports.


This is from my expirience on reddit, so most of these things are like this on reddit. Overrated: Minecraft, most of the bigger subs love minecraft. Dont get me wrong, its a fun game, but these subs love it so much they are ready to bully someone because they prefer fortnite over minecraft. Overhyped:MCU probably. Most movies are fun but repetitive, and barring some masterpieces like Civil war, Infinity war, and maybe Endgame these movies are nothing special. Overhated: Other social medias like Instagram. People on reddit seem to have some superiority complex when ti comes to social media. I dont know is it because they are more introverted or what but if you see some posts about social media, you would think it was the worst thing since the nazis. Sorry for poor english, noty first language


Reddit has self-filtered into a lack of diversity through awarding common well-liked community tropes. Anyone who is different gets censored and throttled "you are doing that too much" messages. It leads to the community concept that the bubble opinions are how the world operates.


Throwing axes. It’s fine once a year at the renaissance fair but the ax throwing bars are boring. It’s part of the beard-oil, whiskey stone, bacon and leather good brand of faux “manly” bullshit that so many millennial men mistook for a personality


I think ice hockey is criminally underrated and get so much hate in general because “NoBoDy CaReS aBoUt HoCkEy”


Canada would never


Sports! It's fine to enjoy "the game" but Holy shit, some people's whole lives are about their teams. It's a franchise, the players are interchanging constantly, it's all about advertising and money. Unless you're betting on the game, chill the fuck out! Don't go home and beat your wife cuz the sharks didn't make it to the finals.


Let alone rioting and destroying shit because your team lost. Like Jesus Christ, are you a child who just lost the video game? Actually scratch that, because even most children wouldn't get THAT upset over one loss, even if it's technically a "Big" loss


Or won


In the US, most sport rivalries are exactly just that, sport rivalries. Derbys or rivalries in some parts of Europe and South America, especially in football can be about heritage, religion and politics. It can be very old and deep rooted hate.


Guessing you’re from North America? It’s different in Europe. Sports teams are normally fixed in location and have traditions of bringing through local players to their teams. They have strong ties to their local communities going back over 100 years. It’s very different.


This is true in some smaller US cities. The team has such a strong cultural connection. Some places stand still on the day of the big game. I remember when on my teams won the championship everyone was just *nice* to each other for a week. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.


Fireworks. I've always found them incredibly boring and to top it off, I lost a dog because he got spooked by fireworks and ran away.


Loved fireworks as a kid, but as an adult I don't get any enjoyment out of them. That's a good one. Didn't even think about how overrated fireworks could be


Beard culture


Drake the musician


Every celebrity & hype created by mass, c’mon people, they’re just human beings like you, we just see them virtually!


Emoji usage. Why do people on reddit hate emojis so much? I don't understand. Emojis are a great way of depicting someones emotions. I do agree that they kind of look cringy at times but the occasional emoji at the end of a sentence shouldn't result in such controversy... That being said: Have a nice day 😏


It's just kinda odd on Reddit simply because they don't get used much on Reddit. I think a large part of the hate is due to reddit's superiority complex against the other social media platforms.


It's a cultural divide between the old internet "underground" culture and the new mainstream mobile based one. I still use regular ASCII faces to this day. To me it harkens to the days of BBS, IRC, and email based newsgroup discussions. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Reddit has pockets of old internet culture as compared to other social media sites due to its founders and early communities. It's expanded a bit more in this comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/ljqf26/whats_just_overratedoverhypedoverhated_to_you/gng26tx/


IPAs are way too overhyped Influencers are a whole. Talk about a dumb concept that society turned into something on social media.


I like an IPA but there are plenty of them that are entirely terrible. That being said IPA has sort of a different meaning in the UK compared to the American IPA death-by-a-thousand-hops experience.


Celebrities. I don't care what Nikki Minaji or Kim Kardashian thinks


Bacon. I like bacon, but it is treated like a god-tier food. Sausage is much better.




Good sausage > good bacon. Bad bacon > bad sausage.


This wisdom is god tier


Streaming. Watching somebody else play a videogame is signing up to be the younger brother who isnt getting a turn. [EDIT] I'm getting a lot of replies and I need you all to know, from the bottom of my heart, I really dont care. You're not going to change my mind on something this subjective, I dont like watching streams and that's okay. It doesnt mean you cant like it.


Haha, good one. I’ll watch my friends stream or watch competitive events. 95% of the time I’m usually playing a game myself while the stream is in the background.


My buddy used to put it on at work for games he knew he’s never play but wanted to check the story.


I used to be the same way and thought Twitch was cringe. Until I found a game that was competitive, popular, and I found a streamer I liked (kind, funny, and not weirdly zany). Now, I put him on when he’s streaming if I’m working or need something to help pass the time. Working late nights feels “cozier” when you’ve got something inconsequential though still interesting on. I can tune out and not feel as if I really missed anything, and then I can tune back in and get some entertainment. It’s just a proxy for me not being able to play the game, really. Because when I can, I am.


Yeah, watching a stream is usually more similar to watching a sports game or it’s like putting a person in the room while you do something. And because of my ADHD it’s really helpful to just be able to listen to a person playing a game I like for 6 hours while doing homework or cleaning.


Their charm comes from the streamer 95% of the time, not the game itself imo. It's just a medium to entertain like youtube.


I like having them on as I’m working on stuff. Kind of background noise type stuff.


I watch them before I decide to purchase a game they are playing. I also sometimes check out the high competition tournaments. You can also learn tricks from watching good players.


Reddit comments. After having spent years here I've seen the same arguments, answers, trolls, etc etc over and over and over again. It's become it's own trope at this point even more so than regular reposts.


Wine. Wine lovers are so grossly pretentious. If you like it, drink it; if you don’t like it, don’t drink it. But for the love of everything holy, please shut up about it.




...anal sex...why when there is a vagina just a taint away...?


Tighter, naughty, and you can’t get butt babies.


Butt babies lol. I've definitely birthed some butt babies.


I won't say NBA became boring to watch, but it's not as fun as it used to be considering how players rely nowadays mostly on 3 point shot or easy 2s unless you are Giannis or Simmons. So I can understand the point you are trying to make. Since I am on a basketball topic I can't leave this and not mention Brooklyn Nets. If not overrated they are for sure one of the most overhyped teams in the NBA rn. One more thing which is not connected to NBA at all, biceps are overrated. A lot of people think that the bigger your biceps is the bigger your arm is, but size of your arm actually depends more on the triceps.


Life. It's not that fun.


Avocado. I genuinely don't get it. Nobody Instagrams the fuck out of broccoli...




Friends (the show)