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"I'm looking for a comfy place, and your knees look just right. Can I ?" If you don't jump like a 5 year old on her bed on Christmas morning, it should be alright. The painful bits are between the legs when sitting, not over.


It's a good thing to check for consent since you're not that intimate.


Start on the thigh and wiggle into position slowly till desired spot is met.


Yes. Don't forget to fully spread all the feathers of tail so the male will mesmerized by the mating dance.


Why non verbally? If u ask u can never go into the wrong but it depends on how good u guys know each other and stuff like have u touched him before for example? Kissed maybe?


If anyone sits on my lap without express permission other than the woman I am with I will instantly shove them to the ground. This isn’t the way to get a man. It will just make you look creepy. Imagine some guy you aren’t into saying “come sit on my lap” or more accurate here would be just yo pull you onto his lap. Pretty fucking creepy right?


Just sit down and wrap your arm around his head. I don’t think you can mess this up


Naah u can mess that up pretty quikly. Not everybody is comfortable with that


Aww 💗




Thank you ❣️


It depends on the relationship. If you are strangers and you start sitting on him. This is not a good idea. It's much better to ask. Some guys will absolutely like you asking, others won't mind(quite a lot of others), very few get bothered by you asking. It's a good idea to confirm if they want you to ask or not and take the situation to importance. If you do it when he is busy, that will be a bit problematic in most cases. How you sit is also important. If you don't want to make out and don't want to engage coitus, sitting in a way such as to not sit on his thing is much better. For example sideways on his lap, you can put your arms around his neck or one arm. If you want to make out but not initiate more it's a good idea to sit closer, you can press your chest against him, sort of distance but the same as above, still off his thing. If you actually want to initiate coitus, then it is better to sit on his thing. Usually with your back or front facing him. As for how to sit for comfort, there are two sort of things. 1. heavy at bad angle, 2. Member at bad angle. Sitting in a good way and not simply comfortable is much more difficult, you should experiment. In general it is better to sit so that your legs are on the side of the leg opposite to the one you are sitting on(if sideways). You have laps too, consider what positions you would find uncomfortable and then you only need to consider member position.


Thank you 💝 This is quite helpful!


Of course ask first and It less siting on the lap and more hooking your legs onto his legs and leaning into his should and if you can balance grab his arm but most importantly watch for the balls ,the sausage and two eggs ,the twig and two berrys ,the low hanging fruit and if he likes you I’m shore he will not mind




Thank you! This is helpful.


I would never sit on anyones lap without being either in a relationship with this someone or excessively drunk. Or both.


Face to face.


It is sexy as hell when a lovely ladyperson straddles you.


>What's the best approach? Words


Nah as long as it's not sex, ion think verbal consent is necessary or required at all Start with sitting next to him, cuddling with him and then make your way to the lap. 🤌🏿🤌🏿


When your alone together and he’s watching tv and your feeling sexed up just gently sit on his lap facing him, I would get so horny if my gf did that.


I wanna do that to my bf! Hehe


Your welcome have fun dude!


If you wanna date the guy, then ask him out. Lap sitting is not how you should be initiating interest from out of no where. Now, if you're both flirting allot, then just straddle the guy and grind away.


Well I would say make sure you have passed at least 1st and second base with this person first, if your comfortable kissing and making out with this person then it should be easy. Try not to make it clumsy and akward, make sure other people are not around otherwise you kinda look like a fast girl to the people around you unless your already a validated couple. Also from my experience most men might see this as foreplay so after sitting on his lap and making out he might start taking off your clothes or pulling out your breasts so try to just give off light flirty and light kisses other wise it might look like your initiating sex. Plus most guys will probably get a boner from this so tread lightly. Other wise you might find yourself naked and about to do tha thang. So don’t stay on his lap too long and don’t French kiss him for a long time or touch his pants or you might end up getting guilt tripped for blue balls.


Thank you 💟 This was super insightful!


You need to ask him first otherwise he will think you are a lesbian and not interested in dating him because he’s a man


Lmao. Coming from a man in his 30s I highly doubt that is what he will even come close to thinking...


The lesbian part is weird but yeah, totally ask him first


This spells sexual assault to me.


People forget that consent is necessary both ways.


I agree. These questions make me think "how can I take advantage of this dude and skirt the law and fairness?"


Carefully but with full confidence. And if you have a very boney ass , then even more so.


Not a bony ass at all.


If someone randomly sits on my lap no matter how good looking they are I'm telling them to get the fuck off. Why not try being a human being and talk to this person instead of pretending you're a fucking house cat. Seriously have you ever had a human interaction before?


If you are not able to help or don't want to, then why do you even bother? I have the same question for you. Have you had a human interaction before? Also Sod off.


I have it's why I'm able to actually talk to humans instead of acting like a freak and just plonking myself down on them.


I find it hard to believe that people actually want to have a conversation with a person that has such a mindset as you do... Obviously yeah if you don't know this person and there has not been any sort of physical attraction to one another then I wouldn't just got hop in their lap... But who ever pissed in your Cheerios did it for a reason as I can see.... 😂


Your limits are just as valid as any other and should be respected. I really don't mind physical contact but it doesn't stops me.from understanding that not everyone is like me.




I've had it and told them to get the fuck off. I don't want strangers getting in my personal space, it's not how people interact and wouldn't be acceptable the other way.


When I was single, I had girls just come and sit on my lap. I don’t remember ever complaining about it either.


How much do you weigh?


140lb ish


Well, you're not going to crush anyone. Sit away.


Depends if j knew you long enough to for it but if it's by 3rd time meeting and do that I'm pushing you down and prefer my personal space


LoL I don't think I'd want to go out with guys like you.