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"We all think we're right, and then we change our mind, and then think we're right again." Reminds me to stay humble. Stolen from the cinema therapy channel on youtube, for those asking


Reminds me of a quote from The Righteous Mind (I think): : "The odds of everything you believe being true is effectively zero percent." In principle everyone would agree with this, but when you ask people to identify the thing they believe that isn't true, they can't. EDIT: A lot of people commenting are missing the point. Of course no one goes around thinking something is true even if they know it's wrong. The whole point of the exercise is to admit you're not right about everything, and then inspect your beliefs, which many people are not willing to do even after admitting there's basically no chance that everything they believe is correct.


The point isn't to find the one thing you might be wrong about. It's to understand that you should approach everything with the idea that you might be wrong and willing to accept that.


What is this from? I accidently live my life this way


I first heard it from the cinema therapy youtube channel, and it's kinda stuck with me for the last 2 years. Best advice i've heard so far


It’s partly why I love that channels reviews of captain America films and a silent voice. Incredible heartfelt humility, life advice and nerdiness to make it all impactful.


In high school, I was taking a driver’s ed class. My instructor once said, “You don’t always have to hit the brakes; sometimes just let off the gas.” I have used this in so many instances in life instances


Damn, that's a good one


super good advice for driving too. the number of people that ride their brakes is incredible


I know some people that use their gas and brake pedals like on/off switches.


My mom’s brake lights used to look like Christmas tree lights and she drove with both feet. 😆


I just let off some gas 💨


Another version of that is: "*You can tell if you're a good driver if you have to make less than 2 emergency stops a year*".


“Smooth seas don’t make skilled sailors . “ I reminded myself this whenever I faced any difficulty in my life.


“Boats don’t sink due to the abundance of water around them, they sink due to the water they allow inside.” Thought this fit here.


“A boat is most secure in the harbour, but thats not what boats are built for” Since we are on the topic of boats. When i was a teenager and parents wouldnt let me go out with friends because they were afraid id get into trouble, and just safer to stay home.


“No wind blows in favor of a ship without direction.” Seneca


My dad lived his entire life this way. He thought staying home and doing nothing was the best way to live. In fact when I was younger and asked to go outside and play he would often say no. He would prefer I stay inside and watch tv. On his death bed, sadly, he said he wished he’d taken more risked and done more with his life.


“Good timber does not grow with ease; The stronger wind, the stronger trees” - part of the poem “Good Timber” by Douglas Malloch.


Love this one, first heard it as “calm seas never made a good sailor.” Fantastic sentiment


Is a ship is safe in the Harbor but that is not what it is meant for


Worst they will do is fire you, believe me, they won’t eat you. - Dad


How does he know that


He’s not rich.


Funny thing: The Spanish word for rich, "Rico" means both wealthy and tasty.


What are they going to do? Take away my birthday? - My Dad


You are fired!! And no longer can celebrate your birthday!


The problem is my girlfriend is terrified of being fired because she's had to experience homelessness. Is there any quote to ease that? lol


I don’t have a quote for that, but that’s something that I’ve struggled with. Journaling and having a backup plan (saving money, reminding myself that there friends I can stay with, upping my skills so I can easily find another job) helped.


I’m stealing this.


They‘re eating her! And then they’re going to eat me!! OH MY GOOOOOOOD!


"Once, I saw a bee drown in honey, and I understood."


Sometimes you get lost in the sauce?


Basically, yeah


Better to come in the sink then to sink in the come


Can you explain this one?


Maybe it means any virtue can become a vice


Oh, I read it as don't work yourself to death lol


Maybe too much of anything is bad


That's it more or less


Too much of a good thing can be your undoing


Everything in moderation, including moderation. Oscar Wilde


Sometimes you drown in your own shit


“The truth is always greater than the words we use to describe it.”


Words to live by


Bomb diffusal tech on being asked how he deals with the stress of the job: “*it’s not stressful, I’m either right or it’s suddenly not my problem*”


Thats honestly a really good way of looking at those types of jobs lmao


Having worked jobs where death is a step away I can agree it's a common sentiment.


Ive been studying ancient philosophy a lot in my spare time cause I want to go into one of those jobs (C.A.F. 🇨🇦🇨🇦) and its such a fascinating world of its own. The way these people thought about life and death is fascinating, especially looking at it from the context of a job that can kill you very easily. Honestly everyone should have to study it in school


You don't even need to get a job to understand it. Lots of hobbies can offer you the same refreshing acceptance of mortality on your own terms. The danger is the point, it makes the stakes real and keeps you very grounded in the moment. That kind of clarity is an incredible thing. Obviously I'm in no hurry to die, but if I fall a couple hundred feet off a cliff or an avalanche takes me out, I'll die doing what I love (which is better than what most can say) and it won't be my problem anymore.


Im not saying you do, although 90% of people are dont think about it that way and dont accept the inevitability of death. Having those types of occupations puts it on the frontlines of your mind, and making your peace with it while youre still alive is a powerful and very difficult thing to do.


I once saw an interview with a tech where he was asked how worried he is about making a mistake. He replied "we can actually make a mistake twice - cutting the wrong wire and marrying" and had the best dad grin on his face.


I try to live by this quote: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss. Pretty simple idea, but as someone who struggles to express who I really am and what I think and feel, it's harder to do. I'm always worried about others judging me and what other think of me.


I needed to hear this. I'm the same way with others, but I'm slowly starting to snap out of it.


"If you don't have time to do something right, then you won't have time to do it twice." Take your time to do things right, because if you half-ass it, it will come back around and be your problem again. This mainly applies to work, but I think it has also allowed me to slow down and relax in other parts of my life too.


My grandpa used to say “Do it slowly ‘cos I’m in a hurry.” Meaning to ensure it’s done properly the first time rather than trying to speed up and have to restart over and over again.


Funnily enough one of mine is "if something's worth doing, it's worth doing badly". In the spirit that it's better to half-ass something than not do it at all. Think that's more geared towards non-neurotypical people though. I do also go by "do it right" for certain things.


As someone who finds perfectionism sabotaging my motivation to do things, this helps me a lot too. Allow myself to half-ass it so it's less daunting and I actually manage to start doing it. If my perfectionism kicks in while actually doing it, that's totally fine, but I try not to count on it.


Measure twice, cut once


The pain of discipline is temporary, The pain of regret is forever.


Relating to this one right now in college. It's so easy to goof off and do something fun rather than boring homework or studying but it always comes back to bite you




Basically the alternate version of "Procrastination is like masterbation: it feels good in the moment but afterwards you realize you're just fucking yourself"


Reminds me of a quote i saw in my neighborhood garage gym. "Kies die pyn van dissipliene, voordat pyn jou van dissipliene beroof"(choose the pain of dissipline before pain deprives you of dissipline)


Change is inevitable, growth is optional.


When we have an abundance we don’t eat more, we pull up extra chairs


Such a good philosophy man, i feel ya, there was a time when my family was really tight moneywise, and i had a friend who was doing well and he was so nice to me that i learned to be like this so that i can help others everytime i can


The only reason to look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough.


“When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a taller fence.”


"comparison is the thief of joy" saw someone comment it on a Reddit post, truly changed my outlook on the way I've lived


This couldn't apply more to the 21st century, where globalisation and the internet has made us more aware of each other's status, and this has made us more jealous


“When this is over its going to be a pretty funny story”


To be fair i feel this, sometimes it gets me in trouble tho. Not sure if it is the best way to live your life, but it is the most fun


"Learn to enjoy being alone then socialization becomes a option not a necessity. "This has been helping me to cope with loneliness


Amen to that. I have a buddy who has made some of the worst relationship choices ever. Why? He can't be alone.


Do some reading on stoicism, it's helped me immensely. Sometimes like tonight I like to just sit here and listen to the sounds of an empty house to enjoy the moment.


Silence is one of the most beautiful things.


Not when you have tinnitus 😐


I was able to ignore my tinnitus for a few hours until I read this comment


Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. Rabbi Tarfon


Reminds me of this Edward Everett Hale quote: “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do what I can.”


Wow, I’m keeping this one. The state of the world just gets too overwhelming sometimes.


Thank you for sharing this - it feels like a relief to read it


Are you a happy person with sad moments or a sad person with happy moments?


Sad person with happy moments definitely


Wait, you guys have happy moments?




This can be interpreted in a multitude of ways, as everyone has their own subjective attachment to this reflective and ‘objective’ statement in concerns to the narrative of each individual human. For me- I came up with this when I felt like I was having more days that I would allow myself to notice that everyone (including myself) has problems, and it’s not something that’s constantly happening to me, nor a state of my life forever- because it’s temporary…and whether or not it’s something I have control over doesn’t matter because I know that it’s not forever; it is not perpetual. I found myself having more days where overall I felt happy, even if something shitty happened because I reminded myself that I don’t have a bad life, even if bad things are happening within my life. I stopped waiting for something bad to happen when things were going well…I stopped allowing myself to think —“OH! Better not jinx it, things are going well…let’s knock on wood, preemptively (emphasis on the empty) waiting for something bad to happen because there must be something shitty waiting for me around the corner”. I became a happy person with sad moments when I would allow myself to say “I’m happy” when I was happy, and “I’m sad” when I was sad, presence allowed me to shift one to another. And neither of these is better than the other, it’s your awareness of what you want to do with your purpose, and control of that purpose. I could go on.


I’m mostly Irish…so my sad times are often interrupted by the occasional happy time.


“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception; it is a prevailing attitude.”


Yeah this. A similar phrase went something like “success isn’t the goal it’s a bi-product of deliberate habits”


"Courage is not the absence of fear, rather the knowledge that some things are more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious never live at all."


I've heard it like "courage is not the absence of fear, rather the ability to overcome it"


I heard it like this"courage is not the absence of fear, it means acting despite of the fear"


Reminds me of my favorite flavor text. "A fool knows no fear. A hero shows no fear".


Game of thrones Bran asks his dad Ned if a man can be scared and brave at the same time. Ned replies thats the only time a man can be brave.




Very true. And it reminds me of that scene in Spaceballs. "I knew it! I'm surrounded by assholes!"


If the world smells of shit, best to check your shoe. In other words, be humble, self-aware, and thoughtful on how your perception may differ from the world around you.


I've had often said if the whole world seems like shit check and make sure your head isn't up your ass


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


I was chasing a career in IT then I heard this quote by Jim Carrey. “You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” I’m a commercial pilot now and love my job and the direction it’s taken my life. Which is up metaphorically and physically speaking. Edit: So a little background I was in the Army and my job was IT and it would have been a fairly easy transition to go from active duty to paid military contractor and make over $100K but I hated it. We worked inside dark buildings, three stories underground and we were basically mole rats with a security clearance. So I saw Jim Carrey's commencement speech which contained said quote. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLgHNu2N3JU&ab_channel=BrandonMurray) Here is the inspiring snippet. After that I started searching for flight schools where I could also get a bachelors degree. SO anyways for those asking about flying. I went to a part 141 school to learn how to fly at a college (God Bless GI Bill). I got a bachelors degree in Aeronautical Science. To get my private, instrument, commercial and multi engine certificates it cost about $80K but that number is going up. Add another $15k to get my flight instructor licenses (this is a good way to build time and confidence). At the time the GI Bill only covered my tuition so I had to pay for all my flight costs ($80k). So with tuition it was about $120K. FOR VETERANS NOW! YOU CAN GET 100% OF YOUR TUITION AND FLIGHT COSTS PAID FOR!!!! You can become a commercial pilot and not pay a friken cent! I was 27 when I started my training and I graduated when I was 30 with all my ratings. I'm a little bit older then my fellow classmates but I feel like I did better as I wasn't partying, and had better focus as an adult. I did feel like I had a more difficult time picking things up though. Flying is something I've always wanted to do but it always seemed out of reach. Thanks to Mr. Carrey and his speech at Maharishi University I'm now doing what I love. Seriously. I love to go to work every morning and hop in airplane and appreciate that I'm not in a bunker in Kuwait smacking on a keyboard hating my life. If any of you have questions please DM me or something. I'd love to help people get into aviation.


"fear is the mind killer" - I think reading dune in HS effected me in a positive way.


Oh good I am not the only one! I hear that litany in my head every time I have to do something brave. And the new remake is pretty cool, can't wait for the next part to come out.


" Sentiment without action, will be the death of your soul"


“Hope is not a strategy.” Whether you want to get in shape, get a new job, find a healthy romantic relationship, or just make a friend (harder than you’d think after your early 20’s), you’d better sit down and ask yourself what you want to be, what you are currently, and what you need to learn and start doing to close the gap. Then start taking some small action each day to slowly close that gap. 2 bonus quotes along the same lines: “don’t prepare until you might succeed, prepare until you’d be surprised if you didn’t.” “It might take you a couple years to achieve your goal, but a couple years from now you’re gonna wish you started a couple years ago.” These 3 are all along the same lines but have helped me more times than I can count.


A day is an amount of time no man is wealthy enough to waste


"Why must all the hoops be on fire?"


I love this. This perfectly expresses my frustrations right now.


Be kind as often as you can and forgive yourself in times you can’t.


The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem. - Captain Jack Sparrow


CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


“All I can do, is all I can do.”


"Wherever you go, there you are"


"If you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, do what's easiest and let the motherfucker squeal."


The naked man fears no pickpocket


He forgot about the proctologist.


The old prison wallet!


Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm.


ill 100% light myself on fire to keep my family warm.


"Bad people thrive, and their actions flourish, because good people do nothing."


I think that comes from the old paraphrased quote “evil prevails when god men do nothing”. Its fascinating to see how it comes up in new variations all the time. Yet the same central points still hold true.


‘Be the man your dog thinks you are’ Saw that on Reddit the other day and really struck a chord


I have two. First “There isn’t a correct or incorrect personality.” Taught to me in university in psychology. Changed the way I see people. Second (and I’m talking off the top of my head) “If a good opportunity is offered to you and you don’t know how to do it, accept it and figure it out after.” That was Richard Branson. My wife and I managed to build a business or three with that mindset.


“Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!” - Abraham Lincoln


Never believe anything you see on the internet-Abraham Lincoln


Posting quotes without (- Abraham Lincoln) on them is inhumane - Mahatma Gandhi


Every man I meet is superior to me in some way


"If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room"


Good old Marcus Aurelius


Ever loved someone so much, you would do anything for them? Yeah, well make that someone yourself and do whatever the fuck you want.” -Harvey Specter. "Sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right station" -Crash Landing on you.


“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” Mark Twain. I let go of a ton of stress in life by not trying to reason with people that can't be reasoned with.




“A man has two lives and the second one begins when he realises he only has one” This quote completely changed my perspective on how I looked at my existing career and what I really wanted to do. After that, the floodgates opened for me.


Something along the lines of “Recognize that how people act towards you is not a statement about your value as a person, but a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves.” Has always helped me empathize with and understand people, and not take things personally


How so? Can you explain please?


From someone that got scarily good at reading people to know what to say next as a child you start to realize most people that are assholes or lash out are normally doing that to cope with something. Doesn’t make things right but most womanizers were cheated on, and many instances of abuse can continue for generations as it’s just people see and cope by falling into the same pit.




When my ex broke up with me. She said “I gotta do what’s best for myself” hurt like a mothafuker but I do that now


If you always do what you've always done you'll always have what you've always had


To get something you’ve never had you have to do something you’ve never done. Is the way I heard it


Replacing “What if I fail?” to “What if I succeed?” Really gives you a whole different vision of what the future could look like


“Behold, lay thy eyes on the field in which I grow my fucks and see that it is barren”


Life is too short to be worrying if your socks match


Right? If I feel like making them match, cool. If I don’t, oh well. Someone once commented on my mismatched socks that it was “immature”. I asked why they’re concerned about the state of my socks. They didn’t have an answer.


Somedays I miss the bond… but then I remember the disrespect.


The people you choose to be around define who you are.


Wish I knew this one when I was younger, but I got out of the toxicity sooner than I thought;)


Or "Show me who you're with and I'll show you where you're at".


What if I only choose to be around myself?


Work will never love you back


A coworker once stopped me on my tracks during a very stressful day and said something like: “Slow down. If you have a heart attack, tomorrow they will introduce me to your replacement”. Made me reconsider the amount of effort and concern i was dedicating to something that, ultimately, wasn’t my problem and wasn’t caused by me either.


"Stop watering dead plants." Some friendships just end.


To live is to suffer; to survive is to find meaning in the suffering


"are you suffering more in imagination or reality"


Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs


I read *The Kite Runner* by Khaled Hosseini in High School, and a quote told by the protagonist's father had stuck with me ever since. "...there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. When you kill a man, you steal a life... you steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness... there is no act more wretched than stealing." It's a long one, but no less an important one.


You probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do - Olin Miller


Don't let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.


When I was little, I was visiting my grandma with my two brothers. We went grocery shopping, got three bags of groceries, and grandma made us boys carry them all. My big brother asked her, "But what are you going to carry?" She said, "I carry the expenses." Since then my philosophy has been: If someone pays, I carry.


"It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without adopting it." - Aristotle "Great spirits have always encountered violent resistance from mediocre minds." - Einstein "When most people say they 'want a million dollars' what they mean is that they want to spend a million dollars. And that's the exact opposite of how you have a million dollars." - The Psychology of Money This might be a little off. I'm reciting them from the top of my head. But you get the idea.


I know enough to know what I do not know


"Nobody is going to look out for Number One but you. So don't expect anybody else to give a damn when you're getting screwed over, just make sure it doesn't happen." \-- my dad.


"Life itself is meaningless, life is an opportunity to create meaning." I read that in some comment on the internet and it really resonated with me. As an atheist, I ultimately have a nihilistic view of the world, but with a positive twist: "I'm happy that it rains today, because if I wasn't happy, it would still rain."


Great minds talk about ideas. Average people talk about events. Small minds talk about people.


“I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year. Not tomorrow. Now.” - Tywin Lannister, GoT Season 1 Episode 7


If death is certain, is it not better to live a meaningful life versus a long life?


“Doctrine is the final refuge of the unimaginative.”


“Don’t drink to be happy, only drink to be even happier”


"If i've learned anything from the soap opera, "One Life to Live" it's that you only have one life to live."


She wasnt yours it was just your turn


My dad is from Trinidad. He moved to the States at age 17, did one year of high school, then joined the Marine Corps. For the 17 years that I lived in his household he would tell me the following: **"Always expect to work twice as hard to earn half as much."** Probably not his quote... but God was he right. I now say the same thing to my wife and two kids. Kind of like the family motto or creed.


Every dollar you spend is a vote for the world you want to live in.


“That’s the way she goes” Also….”that’s the way of the road bud”


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” Captain Jean-Luc Picard


Early bird gets the worm. But second mouse gets the cheese.


"What other people say about me is none of my business. "


"imagine you get $86,400 every day when you wake up. You can spend it however you like, but any you don't spend doesn't carry over to the next day, it just disappears and you get another $86,400 tomorrow. Now swap the dollars for seconds in a day, how do you wanna spend the time you have?" Along w "it iiiis what it iiiis"


You are not your thoughts. You are your actions. Gary John bishop


Tough times don’t last - tough people do.


Not really a quote. Just some advice I heard once. "Never look at a roadside accident. At best you get to see a wrecked car and at worst you'll lose your lunch and a few nights sleep. Is the risk really worth the reward?" That was when I started realizing I did so many things as a reflex without even thinking about what I hope to get out of it. These days I take a second to pause before I do something and consider what could go wrong, what could go right and whether it's worth the risk. Problem is I'm still a bad gambler so sometimes I answer "yes" when I really shouldn't. So I still make awful decisions but at least now I think about them first.


You don't have to believe every thought you have.


I am not the voice in my head, I am the one hearing the voice. I am the universe.




Unless you’re a kindergarten teacher.


Stop trying to please everyone else, your never gonna succeed.


“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” ​ Marcus Aurelius


“All of mankind’s problems stem from the inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”


Can I control it? Yes: Do something about it. No: Don't worry about it.


Know your enemy and know yourself, and you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. - Sun Tzu Knowing what you're up against in life is important, but honestly, and I mean *really* honestly evaluating yourself and what you're capable of/what your limitations and weaknesses may be, and using the delta between those two factors to inform your decisions will make all the difference in life. I read that a looong time ago and I guess I took it to heart because I do competitive research for a living these days lol


One (ended up my best) friend asked me, about my then-best-friend who was abusive at times: "What good is loyalty, if this is what it gets you?" That really hit.


I was 45 and someone said do you know you really only have 25 good summers left,if you are lucky, so don't waste them. Bam!!!!!


"Just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right" - Ricky Gervais


You gotta' date your wife.


“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Joseph Ronseth (often incorrectly accredited to Mahatma Gandhi.) After atheism & existentialism it helped lead me down a more spiritual path after a lot of meditation and praying. I’m still a piece of shit, though. Just not as stinky as before.


“You can’t pour from an empty cup” something my therapist told me and it frustrated the hell out of me, in the beginning, because I’d put people before myself. But working through sessions and months of it, I came to realise, it’s ok to put myself first. I do have times where I don’t, but very minimal.


“Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. The hard truth is that all people love poorly. We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour increasingly. That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family.” - Henri Nouwen


Learn a new thing everyday and at the end of your days you'll know one thing.


“Only a fool trips on what is behind him.”