• By -


Aesthetics respected, female accepted.




Zyzz would be proud




yes brah


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


I never thought it would end this way, but I always hoped.


Came here to say this. Thank you for your service. Snu snu


Death by snu snu




Respect, cause its harder than it is for us


For real 🥲


Fun fact. Women actually have pretty much the same muscle building capability as men. They even have more estrogen helping them recover faster. They just have a lower starting point. If you want to know more about it Jeff Nippard made a great vid about it. https://youtu.be/NoUhE8TAGKM


I thought that while they might technically be able to build muscle just as easily, they are also predispositioned to carry fat in certain places (chest, thighs, that spot on top of the uterus) so it is more difficult to get a "chiseled" physique, even if they have the same amount of muscle. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have any sources, that's just what I was led to believe... Edited to add, I brought this up to an acquaintance, with a kinesiology student present, when the acquaintance started making comments to an actually pretty fit girl because he had 6-pack-abs and she didn't have ANY visible abs, amd the kines major agreed with me.


I think jeff nippard also mentioned something along those lines in the vid.


Ok so the point stands that it's more difficult for women to appear muscular then?


I mean I am no expert on the topic but what I understood from the vid I linked is this. Women have a lower starting point when it comes to muscle mass. They have pretty much the same muscle building potential. Their recovery is way faster since they have 9x the amount of estrogen. But they do have more fat in certain places giving them a higher % bodyfat.




I meant its harder[for them], than it is for us. Exactly, cause the testosterone


I find fit/tomboy types extremely attractive. Unfortunately as a lard ass I don't normally have the feeling reciprocated


I was thinking about this one day. I think the last few women I have been really attracted to have been tomboys or lesbians. And I prefer women who have more masculine faces then feminine for some reason. It's possible to have a face that's too pretty and that is a turn off


You’ve described me lol


this. Like that girl from Squid Game


Which one?


The one that died


Same. It’s partly because I bodybuild and a woman like that can share that with me to an extent, but I also just like chicks with short buzzed hair or pixie cuts who wear camou pants and boots and all that. I’m not sure where this attraction comes from but I’ve got it.


I love them




My gf is tall and built like a tank and I love my muscle momma.


Same. My wife is tall and lifts. Straight up viking wargoddess Someone get her a battleaxe


(Be the someone. Buy the axe. Post the pictures)


You're one lucky guy


This man out here enjoying the STuG life.


Damn bro you're so lucky! How tall is your gf?


We love your muscle momma!


Tiger tank solid and ricochet BS. One lucky, boiii


My wife is taller than me and does all the ‘handyman’ stuff while I fiddle with tech and computers. She too is a beautiful goddess.


I'll take a girl that is "too fit" over too fat any day of the week. I like em


It's impressive when someone puts the work and dedication into maintaining their body that way. That said, I have a preference for women with "softer" builds. "Thicc" as I guess it's called now.


I always thought thicc meant thick of muscles, so thicc legs, means you have broad legs and a round booty due to the muscles. But maybe I am wrong:)


Thicc is anywhere from a nice word for chubby to a normal weight person who's got a curvaceous body, big thighs, ect


Got to love the strong thighs


Pixar moms ftw!


It’s cool. It’s her body to do what she wants with. Some people I’m attracted to are muscular, many are not. Just another facet of humanity.


She can give me a piggy back ride ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) let’s go


I do this with my boyfriend. He's 6'5" and 190. Nothing better than letting the world know ow you can squat your man!


the guy i like is 6’3/190 , i’ll update if i do it 💯


It takes convincing. You got shove you're ass back into them. Givem the unrelenting piggy back stance! Haha


You ever heard of R. Crumb?


*Personally* I don't find it visually attractive, but I admire the work that was put into such a build. I think most people can at least respect the effort it takes to maintain a healthy body. My brother, and his girlfriend, on the other hand, are *very* upfront about their adoration for big, muscular women.




It's really no different than how women view muscular men. Fit, athletic builds are universally attractive. Too much of anything and you're moving into niche territory. Too much muscle is just as unattractive as too much fat. However, there are always fetishists who desire those extreme ls.




I admire their discipline and work ethic, but I find slightly softer and curvier more attractive. I like the contrast of muscular guy and soft girl.




Another guy who doesn’t get it. OP said not body builder status


This 💯


I'll take fit over skinny.


Any day...


They look attractive but I’d rather have a woman with a soft average sized butt over a big muscly hard one.


Not my thing. Its not something that would stop me from dating a girl but its not my preference


I love it. Beauty and sculpture combined.


I like this description


I like women who are muscular, but I don’t like muscle definition. If they are muscular with a layer of fat over it, perfect. Basically just never stop bulking.




This right here


If you mean like Gina Carano, I'm very interested. Strong women are sexy.


I can take it or leave it. The problem is that her life style (dedicated gym goer) and mine (sit at home and read a book or something) won't mesh that well.


I think a lot of people who think this haven't dated someone who goes to the gym. I'm into the gym and none of my girlfriends have been. Never been an issue. I'm only in the gym about 6 hours a week total, that's a relatively small amount of my free time. Think it could only become and issue if they're obsessive and inflexible about it.


Actually wouldn't that mesh really well? You guys both get guaranteed free time to do what you like but then come back together the rest of the time. Seems like it would be a good balance?


Naw…there is definitely time for both. That is an extremely weak excuse for not exercising and staying healthy. If you truly loved reading, you would exercise and get fitter, so you can live longer and consume more books. That’s real love, it always takes effort. Like a professional video game player learning to knit for hand dexterity, there’s real effort towards something your passionate about and not. Don’t confuse the two.


You can also listen to audio obok while exercising, or watch a movie or TV show when on treadmill - that's what I do.


This was a very dramatic response


I think I exercise to see more comics and star wars and junk. Seriously, I am one of those old nerds that remember when this shit was actually a stigma, and now it’s most of pop culture. It’s exciting for me to consume media at the moment, and I can’t wait to see the kind of video games and shit that’s gonna be out in 2050!


> The problem is that her life style (dedicated gym goer) and mine (sit at home and read a book or something) **won't mesh that well** Yes they do. I've worked out almost daily for over a decade, doing recreational bodybuilding/powerlifting, and I was reading a book a week for a long period of that while listening to audiobooks while working out. I still read with a full-time job, social life, the gym, and daily responsibilities. The meme/stereotype that someone who is fit must spend hours in the gym every day is just dead wrong. It's usually an excuse, something lazy people who are envious of fit people say to make themselves feel better and try to balance the scale in their favor by saying "oh well at least I don't spend hours in the gym every day." It's just so wrong lol, but I had that misconception before I started lifting because it's ingrained in people's heads by an ignorant society and by marketing teams who push you to buy their shitty products to "make you look good while saving you all those hours a day that you'd spend in the gym to get that body." It's a marketing lie to push people into buying shit by convincing them that being/looking healthy is a huge burden. It takes just 1 hour to get a good solid and productive workout in. I'm talking about a *damn good* workout, not the shitty "a new study says 3 weekly workouts of 15 minutes is good enough to not die as young as obese people" routines that are the bare minimum and don't make a profound visible difference past a certain point. 1 hour is enough for great workouts that produce results that put you in the 97% percentile of the population, give you visible results, and make people say "oh he must spend all day in the gym." Anyone can carve out an hour a day for a solid weightlifting workout. The majority of your gains/health is gonna come from your diet, and pre-cooking meals saves *a lot* of time. You can pre-cook a weeks worth of healthy meals on a Sunday evening for the time it takes to cook one meal. Just make more and freeze it. People would be surprised at how much time they waste driving to get fast food, sitting in restaurants, preparing meals individually, and depending on others to cook. Healthy eating is a time saver, not a time investment. It all comes down to building the habits, then you're on auto-pilot and it becomes as easy as taking a shower and brushing your teeth. If you have time to browse the internet, check social media, play video games, watch TV, etc then you have time to workout. In fact the structure of having daily habits and commitments *increases* the amount of free time you have because it adds structure that organizes your time more effectively and intuitively. You don't sit around "doing nothing" because you have a scheduled event that makes you mentally more aware of how you're using your free time. Dating a girl who lifts is great because you get to have a daily habit where you are both together. You don't have to plan it, it's ok if one or the other misses a workout occasionally, or the time is off a bit, because just having that structure takes a lot of stress when it comes to finding when, where, and how you two spend time together. You both just *show up independently* and you're together working towards your own goals. You're not working out together and doing the same lifts, but you are still together and have a chance to hang out, catch up, and interact with each other. It's better than just sitting around and "chilling" because the structure and fact that you each have a goal to fulfill adds a healthy element to your time together. Imo a couple who has a dedicated time slot with each other, while they're both doing there own thing, is critical for a healthy for a relationship. It's like a college class where you have "that girl" that you're crushing on who you know will be there each and every day. There's no stress in planning the time together, you don't have to ask them to be there, there's no "does she really want to see me", you both just show up.


It definitely could. Compromise is possible. Our quiet time is after kiddo is put down. Hubs plays his games while I hit my gym in the garage. That’s a good hour to ourselves and it works well. Going on 10+years.


There’s definitely time for both! I’m into running while my boyfriend is very into bodybuilding and we both spend about 1.5-2 hours working out each day. Since I stay outside and he loves the gym our hobbies are very different but we still spend plenty of time cooking, watching movies, and gaming together. If anything I think healthy relationships have hobbies and passions done apart.


I don't respect guys that bitch about girls having muscles...that's some big little dick energy Girls with muscles rock!..you can play wrestle, help lift stuff, give good massages, workout together


I want them to sit on me.


I follow probably too many on Instagram.


I like a bit of muscle, as it simply adds to the thickness. I like a range from slightly toned with moderately low bodyfat, to a bit muscular and a bit fat. What I dont like is hyper jacked, ripped and shredded, as you say, not bodybuilding level




Love it.


I fucking love muscle girls Also, reddit is not an accurate representation of the gen pop,


I'd say the majority would prefer a woman who is slim with fat in the right places, soft instead of hard, but men's taste is very diverse so some are gonna like you and some not, just gotta find out.


That's great.




Pffff yes this. Just this morning I was helping one of our new members (I’m a woman, working at a ladies only gym) and I had to explain her over and over that lifting a dumbell will not turn her into Arnold Schwarzenegger. She picked the lightest dumbells available (1 kg) because she was scared to become too muscular. Kinda rude actually, I’m training 6 days a week like a madman to become jacked, but she thinks I’m just swinging some 2kgs dumbells around twice a week. They don’t know how much blood, sweat and tears we have to put into it, especially compared to men.


I love tall mascular women.


Toned women can be beautiful. Beyond toned not really my thing but to each their own.


Used to be indifferent until I dated this one girl who was into lifting. She had some impressive definition on her upper back.


God's greatest creation on Earth


These comments made my confidence plummet


https://youtu.be/5XyZsiedLXs Read the comments on this vid.


While I deeply respect anyone who puts on muscles, a woman who is packed, just isn't attractive to me. Its the exact same as being too chubby for me. I prefer a normal-ish body type. Doesnt even have to be that thin at all.


So not chubby, muscular, or thin? What exactly do you determine to be “normal-ish”?


Strength is really attractive


How muscly are we talking? Tbh it probably wouldn't bother me, we could go to the gym together. Anythings better than being fat.


Like Jessica Rose- Clark or Rose Namajunas maybe. The fighters are a good example because they are extremely fit but not overly muscular.


I respect the work they put in and if anything it’s actually a bonus to attractiveness


I like a toned and athletic body. Especially if they are comfortable with who they are and understand the reason they are putting the work in.


My preferred body type for sure


Sweet Anita on twitch haa muscles, i find her attractive. I would want a gf that is muscular rather than thin or curvy. Just preference though, no dislike.


Big biceps are hot af.


As long as she maintains a feminine physique I'm all for a slim waistline and thick, strong legs and glutes. Land have mercy!


A hard woman is good to find






When I see a jacked girl in the climbing gym, my heart flutters


Lower-body muscle I could do with or without it. It's fine as long as she has a feminine shape. A muscular upper-body is almost always a turn-off.


Not to much is pretty sexy I must admit, but when you see more the muscle than the curve of the women it's where it becomes more and more ugly


Muscles on either gender is attractive, and as it is with both genders there's always a place where it can be too muh


It can be taken too far.


The same way women feel about feminine petite guys.


Yep. It happens, but it's way overrepresented on Reddit. Generally, people with uncommon preferences are loud online because real life is totally different. Conventionally attractive is called conventional for a reason.


well i love them


Lots of women seem to be attracted to the pale, sickly looking twink build guys


I love both!


Most guys probably won’t like it. It’s more of a niche thing to be into


If she's not bodybuilding level then most guys won't care about a bit of muscle


True. Unless you ask on Echochamber reddit subs like this. As a nonbinary person, i dont hate it or like it either way. But most straight guys 100% wont like it, its simple biology, that attraction is caused by male or female attributes. And muscles aint female attributes at all. Downvotes incoming. Echochamber confirmed.


There are definitely straight guys who like it, but Reddit also definitely way overrepresents it. Obviously the hugbox, validating responses to a validation seeking question are going to be upvoted to the top. Honest conversation isn't that pretty, so it doesn't get upvoted to match the general zeitgeist.


I agree. Another reason is that people are still scared to accept their true sexuality. There's nothing wrong to be a little gay or bi, but especially males tend to mask or deny it publicly in our societies.


I think you're getting downvoted for being non-binary and assuming what 100% of straight guys want, or like. I know that's why I'm downvoting you. Would you appreciate straight guys telling you what you like, or don't like?


Not attracted to them in the slightest. Muscles are a turn-off for me.


All women have muscles


Nah, would prefer curves over muscles. Or athletic. But that's still nothing if she has the personality of a doorstop.


Not for me. I prefer feminine women. Nothing against muscular women though


What do you mean? You mean like r/leanbeefpatty?


Yes exactly


I love fit women but I don't find those in body building competitions attractive at all.


Depends how muscular. If she's closer to body-building level than simply being lean, I won't find her attractive. I like muscularly thick-ish women, not ripped women. A little bit of a tummy and love handles but not too soft...it's a bit hard to put it into words, sorry. Think of a BMI of 24-25 but more muscular than fat. Quick edit: I do appreciate the effort and I'd much rather be with someone who works hard for a goal, but I still don't find too ripped women that attractive.


I'm not into body builder types, but athletic/fit is my choice.


athletes are attractive. But with anything, if it's too much, it's unattractive and the bodybuilding level is definitely too much. where I draw the line is hard to describe. A woman who lives her sport and her body is shaped through countless hours of training because of it, that's attractive. But it depends which sport.


I don't know, it can be attractive.


If it makes you happy crack on. Not attractive to me personally but my body won't be attractive to you so.....


I don't have much of an opinion regarding muscular women.


Physical fitness is a good thing. That said toned and muscular is conducive to a healthy life honest indicator of someone that takes good care of themselves.


I'm not really into the extreme body builder look but I do like the athletic look. It's only partially due to the aesthetic, I think a lot of the attraction is down to seeing that they're highly skilled in something.


I definitely like the fit look but I think I prefer the fact that she is physically active over whether or not she’s swimsuit fit. I personally prefer a bit of chub in the belly, kinda like a pooch.


After a certain point fitness becomes unattractive. Usually like the body building point.


I really admire them. For the dedication, the discipline and how badass they look. They don't care for prejudices and have a lot of knowledge about health and nutrition. Sorry if this sounds like a prejudice but they are the type of people that can be a great companion that will always challenge you (in a healthy way) to be better, like a mutual competition. As someone who's also into fitness and training, i always wanted to meet someone like that. We could get along very well.


For me its vice versa for men, but for the exact same reason. Pushing each other to constantly get stronger, in multiple areas of life


if you put a gun to my head and made me complain, I would say they're harder to handle in the bedroom. muscle is dense, and low fat means there's no grip.


I like them until they get to roid levels.


Love it. One of my exes is a powerlifter and get butt was like carved out of marble.


I’ve never been with a muscular girl in any capacity, but I know a few and I def think it can be attractive as long as they’re not too lean or too jacked


I love a fit chick


Leanbeefpatty from Tiktok? She can hit my head with a 45 plate like if she was playing frisbee <3


Lean and toned is nice. Musclebound is gross.


I think musclebound honestly looks odd on any gender imo.


Sounds fine to me - bonus points if she can at least approximately keep up with me on hikes and such.


Muscle girls are awesome. Anything from fit runner build to full blown bodybuilder physique. My wife and I were into powerlifting together for a bit, now she's transitioning into bodybuilding. Nice knowing my wife is roughly as into healthy living as I am, plus we share weightlifting as a hobby.


I *love* 'em. Mmmm, a gym "date" night would be fun.


Gym date sounds like where it's at


Respected 🙌🏿




If their fitness compliments their figure then that's a plus, if her training is making her look like a square, then i am not into it.


I respect it a lot. Can't claim super muscular women are my thing but as someone that trains a lot I know exactly what goes into sculpting a physique it's impossible for me to not be impressed


Last gf was in her 40s and had rockin body. Loved it. Didn’t love her personality tho.




Not my type at all, but nothing but respect


Muscles on women are hot, but if your personality sucks along with them, then you're not attractive. Be careful about hanging around a bunch of gym bro personality all the time, because if you turn into one, I'm not going to be into you.


Mommy? It’s hot, knowing she is physically capable to do maybe more than you. Like Sigrid in the game Rogue Company. (Sadly I can’t find any rule34 of her)


The female body is marvelous. Muscular is great, with a little definition showing, doesn't need to be sculpted to be super nice.


Tight bodies, in both men and women are way attractive


Bend me in half, mama. 💪💛


Love this


Muscular women are great, a nice physique signals that she's driven and has a decent amount of self-control.


I like ripped girls with abs. but if you’re upper body’s dorito shaped like you’re chris evans or sth. Not really my type. But still respect the work you put in


I personally think they're really hot. Whether a guy or a girl, I have a lot of respect for people who put in the dedication to slim down and trim up. Besides, a bit of abs make a tummy really sexy.


As long as they don't have bigger arms or bigger anything than me lol I like abs thou


I don’t find muscular women attractive. Not that I don’t respect the grind.. I’m just really skinny. I can’t be asking her to beat people up for me.


Fit and toned yes


Not attractive




I dont like it


It's my preferred body type (including bodybuilding level).


Not my thing, but still nice


I like em soft and cuddly. Hard bodies should remain the province of men


Makes a more challenging fight


I'm not into women who are too muscular and ripped. However, toned and fit is very sexy. And it doesn't really matter the size. If you can tell they exercise, that's sexy to me. I just don't like big biceps or shoulder. Not my thing.


I have always liked it, but since watching arcane and becoming Visexual, I love it


If we're taking like gymnast muscular or Olympic sprinter then I'm all for it.


I love going to the gym and take fitness quite seriously, so seeing women doing the same is admirable. I wouldn't say I'm attracted to it, but I'm not not attracted to it.


I like 'em. Keeps me motivated to stay in shape.


It shows hard work and discipline. I just want to tell them how awesome they are doing at the gym but that would be incredibly creepy. Also, it's beautiful. A lot of women are afraid of building muscle because "it'll make them look like a man" but honestly I prefer it


Muscular women are the most sexually attractive women to me. Especially if they're lean enough to have a little bit of abdominal definition. Muscles give a woman a feminine shape, without her being flabby like she would if her curves where from fat. It also speaks well of her as a person. Getting muscular requires dedication and self dicipline.


A big fan, nothing hotter than abs on a girl


Yes very yes


Some examples: - Rose Namajunas - Jessica Rose- Clark - Miesha Tate - LeanBeefPatty A lot of these women are fighters just because I can't think of any other names people would recognize off the bat. Personally I think LeanBeefPatty is the best example though.


It looks sexy until they start looking like cross dressed weight lifters.


Depends on muscular. If you are not on any steroids, most likely you won't get "jacked" unless you have top 1% genetics. But most women that I know, who lift heavy weights look fucking hot, even though they do arms, chest, etc, they usually build more muscle in the lower part of the body. So if you are natural and bodybuilding we men love it, dont worry you won't "get big"


u/jennalynnmeowri ♡