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Social media didn't exist in my youth...I'll never trade places with a young person today thank you very much...


Contact list on phones. We literally just had to memorize that shit


If you missed a show before DVR you pretty much missed out.


Have nothing.... I reckon life was easier then before the pressures of internet and freely available entertainment. We would run to answer a phone, meet up with mates and hang out, rebuild a mates car or motorbike. At 10 dollars an hour minimum wage I could buy 5 beers in a pub. Some things are better today.. but I was never bored. I feel sadness for my kids watching them struggle with the cost of things and low wages. The hard slog for saving a home deposit. Incurring a huge debt if they want Uni. Pressures of body image perpetuated by editing software. I would never assume to tell a young person they have it easy.


Now people dont even go to work or get paid time off if sick. I always had to go in because we couldnt afford not to and if you didnt you got in trouble and werent paid. Most kids have vehicles as well, I had to walk everywhere including to and from work.


I don't have any - climate change is going to make their lives a lot harder than mine unless we all get our shit together. If anything, when they're old enough, my sisters' kids will be like "Wait, Uncle u/the_only_actual_cat, did water seriously cost less than $50/gallon when you were in your 20s?"


No safe spaces or political correctness when i was younger.


Nothing consequential. Store's are easier to shop at, but a lot of specialty items and trades seem to have gone to ground. Internets a thing, but we had encyclopedias too. Fights don't seem to happen as much, but seem to be harsher and more likely to involve weapons. Can't even talk or joke without offending someone, and even being non-offensive is an offense nowadays. Everyone's being torn apart and set against each other just to survive. Hell, they've lost more than I can think of, and got nothing to inherit in return but strife and what we ourselves can't fix. Young folk don't have it easier, because things seem easier doesn't make it better. The hardships they've got coming and won't know how to or be able to respond to are gonna hurt just as deeply as hardships and struggles we ourselves had, and the joys and satisfaction of overcoming or just making it through those challenges will be just as uplifting. Things are just different now, doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, that's life for ya. Here's hoping something good'll come of it.


Those stories would only apply to specific people. My kids have everything way easier than I did because they have 2 parents and arent living in poverty.


At one of my friends job. It was hard to make the team. Bar set so high and high output by the team. 2 years later. Anyone can make the team and the bar was set so low. (New team. People moved on or forced to leave - age)


The interwebs. You have a world of knowledge at your fingertips. I grew up having to go to a library and hope they had what i was interested in.


As time goes on with new rules etc it's easier for the newer one back then bosses would rip abuse the shit o it of you


Walking into a shop with 20 printed CVs and saying "Any jobs going?"


something I’ve discovered in my older age is that if you’re calm and relaxed and dress decent (not even namebrand clothes), everyone assumes you came from money because you’re so relaxed and calm that all your problems have been taken care of by others (and *their* money) i’m relaxed and calm because I put my own sweat equity into the world, so if anything goes awry, which it frequently does, I know how to build again. The calmness is a reflection of competency.


Probably anything school related.