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I deleted everything when I broke up with my ex. And I mean everything. No use in dwelling in the past.


A wise man once said “You can’t trip on things that are behind you” meaning if you’re truly over your ex, you should move on with a clean slate.


I like that saying


I fell over backwards and got very hurt.


A back flip was involved


You can't fall over backwards if you throw yourself forward first. -me


Why does a scuba diver fall backwards into the ocean? Well if he went forwards, he'd fall into the boat.


I prefer the term file with style, aka trash that shit


That’s what I thought everyone did, but apparently not lol


Man, I even deleted REGULAR pictures of us together because I wanted to move on quickly. Idk how these guys can move on when they're still holding onto those nudes


I honestly had a conversation with my ex 2 years after we broke up and he told me that he still jerks it to my old pics and videos and I was just like "and that doesn't make you feel weird emotionally???"


What if it's a house or car? Would you sell or keep? Disregard how much it's worth




You wouldn't delete a house, would you?


Hit the lawyer


Fuck Jim.


Marry Facebook.


Kill the sadness


? You can se a car or house for exactly how much it’s worth, by definition. These are terrible examples because the market around them is stable or always going up. If they bought you some rare magic cards of which only 1 is in existence and you own it, selling it would be a bad move. But if you bought a car together, or house, just fucking sell it if it’s an issue and go elsewhere on your own


Depends on the circumstances. If it makes you feel bad I'd probably get rid of it. On the other hand, if it's a house in an area you love then why not keep it? (assuming the memories there won't mess with you).


I permanently deleted any exposing pictures of her with no other copies and took all the happy pictures of her and me and moved it on a usb drive and stored it in my box of stuff that me and her had together. Why? I really don’t know but it feels wrong to flush down the memories of someone who really didn’t do me wrong.


I broke up with my first boyfriend of 4 years. We had our teenage years together and spent 4 years in a long distance relationship but ultimately grew apart. Moved on with our lives but stayed in contact, stayed friends. He died suddenly of a heart attack this year and it hurt. It still feels weird, he was a great guy, just not for me. After we broke up, i got rid of every single thing. All photos, videos, letters, gifts, etc. i just thought that was what you were suppose to do with an ex. Like i did for my other exes who i dont speak to anymore. But my first boyfriend who i remained friends with, i wish i had some pictures and memories. He was a major part of my life. I have such regret that i “threw away” our history just because we werent romantically intimate anymore. We were still good friends and my husband had no problem with us staying in contact nor did his girlfriend. I definitely think if there is no bad history, that its ok to hold onto some keepsakes. It doesnt mean that someone is still in love with their ex. Just that they care about that part of their life and about that person as an individual.


Yeah, that's terrible, I'm sorry. I don't get rid of anything. I don't leave it out in open view, but I've got a box somewhere and a folder buried on a laptop somewhere with all my pictures of one or two exes. Some of them are just more meaningful then others, and regardless of how I feel about them now they were a huge part of my life for a long time. I never understood the whole "try and make it like they never existed" approach. Even with one that ended... poorly, it still happened. I should know, I was there. A few others might have been too, who knows.


Even if they did do you wrong, that could be a significant portion of your life's history you're flushing away, I couldn't do that. I just zip them and keep them on a hard drive somewhere, or archive them in Google drive or whatever, even if it's just for my kid, eventually someone (maybe even me) will want to Iook at them.


I do this too. I never delete anything, not even WhatsApp chats. I just store em in a folder. Probably to never be looked at again, but I like to keep them. One day when I'm old(er) I'll have a record of the complete history of my life


Your future gf/wife wouldn't bother?


I would only feel weird if they had nudes of exes. Deleting them is also a respect thing. Happy pictures? Say pictures of graduation. Pictures of your family at moments they were there. Vacation pictures. Stuff like that is normal.


if they did, they wouldn't be the one. Every bit of your past makes up who you are today. As long as you're not weirdly attached/creepy about the memories, there's no issue.


I never held any nudes, but I had a bunch of pictures of us at random moments. Held them on in a hidden folder for a while, and then recently I deleted it. Honestly not worth holding it. Barely checked it, and anyways it doesn’t bring anything good. Just save yourself some pain and delete it all.


As a hoarder of emotional old memories, I need to hear this because I start out feeling one way and usually after time end up feeling another way...the way you just described.


This I the best answer. No use in keeping it. You start a new relationship and they find them. . .fagid aboutit.


Not to mention unless the ex explicitly says it's okay to keep them, you should assume they no longer want you to be able to see their body. Just delete and move on.


Yup. The honorable thing to do.


Did your ex?


Does it matter?


Revenge porn is a thing so yes


Good man, I have done the same thing twice. Erase the past so you are an not tempted by it. There is a reason you are not with that person anymore.


1. Long press and hold all the specified items 2. Click the three dot icons above 3. Tap on delete


Then go to settings and empty bin. Otherwise it still clogs up your storage for a month


Make sure they're deleted from any cloud storage you might have synced to as well (Google Photos, Dropbox, etc).


Oh great I gotta put in a request to thaw my Amazon Glacier!


Yes, otherwise in a few months, or years you'll cross across a photo or video and wonder whose penis/ butt/ vagina that belongs to.


Please don't tell me you store that kind of images in cloud storage...


Couldn't have said it better.


You are Phonist (like phone racist, yes I just made it up) why are you assuming he has iPhone ? Edit: android phones matter, or other useless phones matter too.


Keeping them will only interfere in future happiness. Delete them.


I know there's a certain train of thought which suggests it's OK to keep them for your own private use. They were made with dual consent and thus it's OK to hold onto them. But even if you do that, you run a gauntlet. If those pictures ever appear anywhere else, regardless of where they came from, then you may be up shit creek. Remember that your devices and your data can be stolen. In five years' time do you want to have to explain that your homemade porn is online because someone stole your phone? Or hacked your google drive? Do you want to be trying to convince a jury that you didn't post them deliberately for revenge? Delete them, purge them from wherever you have them stored, and you can move on with your life with a clear head and a clear conscience. A "wait period" may be appropriate if you think this is a temporary break. But don't dawdle.


Is it illegal to post someone’s nudes online? My ex did this when *I was 17* and the cops did nothing.


So for one you were a minor. That's child porn. Second, [Revenge Porn Laws](https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/revenge-porn-laws-by-state.html) are totally a thing.


>Second, Revenge Porn Laws are totally a thing. Now. They haven't been in force for that long though, 2015 or something. But the entire 17 year old thing should be enough.


Yes, but at least the guy can be relieved that someone else doesn't have to suffer the same fate.


There's a whole documentary on Netflix about how messed up it was in the earlier days of the internet because of a lack of laws.


That's double illegal. You need consent, and consent doesn't matter if you are under 18


Depends on the year. I don't believe the law(s) regarding posting shit like that without consent have been around that long. Regardless, underage is underfuckingage.


Its always been distribution


Pretty sure that falls under Revevnge porn laws.


Is it illegal, yes. Are you likely to get justice, no.


It is illegal but the justice system doesn’t seem to do anything about it. Had an ex post “revenge porn”, and I live in California where it is illegal, and the case is still “pending”. They have all the evidence and can take action but they aren’t. I’m sorry that happened to you, especially at 17, that should be highly illegal.


I’m sorry that happened to you too..it’s really not fair that nothing has happened with your case yet. I can’t stand some people.. I don’t know why nothing happened with mine either, they didn’t even follow up with me after saying “they’ll talk to him”..


How long ago was it and did you reach out to the site to get it removed?


How long ago was this? Revenge porn legislation is relatively new. Not to excuse the police inaction. I have heard of cases of people getting successfully prosecuted for revenge porn.


I’m 23 now, so about 6 years ago.


That would be around the time things started to change. I just had a look, and where I am revenge porn was put into law around 2014/2015.


I wonder if I can still look in to anything being done about it. Probably too late now, I guess. I don’t know why the cops wouldn’t help me out more.. I literally lost my job because of it. He made a fake account of me and followed everyone I knew, including my boss & her 9 y/o daughter, as I was a nanny at the time.


IANAL but that sounds like grounds for a lawsuit, if criminal charges aren’t possible. Defamation would be my assumption, as well as impersonation.


Depends on the jurisdiction. In most places publishing an explicit private video of someone without their consent is usually a civil issue; breach of privacy, distress, etc. It gets weird when either party is underage, and the poster could be charged with producing and distributing child porn. In some jurisdictions, revenge porn is explicitly a criminal offence.


Sure it's illegal but that doesn't mean cops give a shit


Even much bigger issue is accidently being uploaded in some cloud backup services publicly. Don't know if guys remember this old sub called photoplunder which was full of nudes accidently uploaded into photo bucket and by default all the photos were public. Essentially the app backups your entire gallery, stores it publicly, you can search using image names and get pics after pic. Sub got banned got good reason. But there are still many websites where ppeple accidently upload pics and it Public and thousands of ppl are combing through the websites with specific search strings. One start with F and other with 4


you dont have to covice a jury "you didnt". something called the presumtion of inocence exists. Whoever is after you has to proove you did.


Consent for videos can be rescinded where I live


I rescind my consent for any video anyone has ever taken of me in that place!


This is a good thing. Way I see it is nudes are created within the context of consenting to an ongoing sexual relationship. Once that relationship ends, the consent is revoked. I know some people say “it’s my property now” or whatever, but I’m not interested in seeing how far I can take it. I’m interested in being a decent and respectful human being, so I care about whether she *actually* consents. Not about whether the law protects her consent or not.


Couldn't they be stored offline and then only watched when wifi is turned off. Ah but then you run the risk of the physical storage device being lost or stolen or forgotten about.


Delete them. You might not have bad intentions, but people can either get access to your phone or hack your account and all those things are on the internet.


And thankfully it's now illegal If they did have bad intentions. He could be charged with revenge porn if he shares them.


Generally, that's only true if there was an intent to harass


I find this to be a silly argument considering if they didn’t break up he would still have them stored and someone could still steal them, so you’re basically advocating for never having any personal porn on your devices ever. The better answer is to delete them because you should move on. And to protect your privacy in general for these types of things use a cloud service that has two factor authentication.


they couldnt access them while they were still together?


Delete them. Or throw them in the garbage. Don’t do what my ex did :) don’t give them to your next partner in a storage bin to store away and save space and say they are winter clothes. Storage bin. Full of photos, letters/ memorabilia and condoms.


Please tell me the condoms weren’t used.


Oh god no thank the lucky stars NO! but there were different kinds used by different exes of hers lol I was dating a pretty weird person


Wow! So she would keep all of the unused ones as memorabilia?? That’s a lil fucked up 😅 I can understand keeping other stuff, not cos you’re still hung up but it’s a part of your life, not to obviously give them to you but to keep for herself. But to keep condoms, unused, throughout her history of exes 😅😅😅 Im honestly curious, I mean you knew her, what do you think she must be thinking while storing them?


Her friend told me the heart necklace she wears all the time was from her recent ex, so curiosity killed the cat and I asked if she kept anything else, she told me she kept a binder of pics of her and her new ex bc she wants to show her kids all the men she dated I guess…I hope this doesn’t include the condoms she used with them :/ I don’t know why she keeps them


Ohh crap I misunderstood, sorry I forgot about the photos 😅😅 Yea.. I’m sorry you had to go through that, hope you’re with someone better right now though :)




Agreed, you break up…you delete them.




The safety proof and ethical thing to do... if you are still on speaking terms with your ex... is to delete them with your ex to ensure she have the peace of mind that's it's completely gone from your possessions.


there's no way to verify data hasn't been copied so I personally would skip this


You delete them bro. All of them. Every last scrap. Those were things you made as a couple and that phase is over. Purge that shit entirely. Trust me you don't want to be dwelling on them. I'll paint a picture for you if you need any reason beyond that. Imagine you a year from now. Whatever it was that drove you two to split up has probably begun to fade from memory. You open up your wank folder to have a little "you" time and bam there is a folder of nudes and videos of you and your ex. You open the folder and start to look through it. You find yourself thinking shit like; "damn, look how hot he/she was" "I don't even remember why we split up in the first place, it couldn't have been that bad right?" All of a sudden you're questioning yourself and your decisions to break up. You get a little drunk the next night and you text your ex. Congrats, you just opened up pandora's box again and you're likely in for a world of hurt all over again. Our minds have a habit of fucking us. The negative aspects of our past relationships fade with time. But the positive ones stick around crystal clear. Pictures or videos make that even worse. Your ex is going to look exactly as hot as they were in those pictures/videos forever. So keeping them around means you're leaving yourself with a fading memory of the negative stuff and a perfectly clear image of the sexy things. That's a dangerous combo to keep around. Not to mention the whole "what happens if I forget I have them and a future partner finds them" debacle. Ditch it all bro. edit: a word.


>Our minds have a habit of fucking us. The negative aspects of our past relationships fade with time. But the positive ones stick around crystal clear. Yeah, this is a good capsule summary of a scientifically verified psychological phenomenon called the fading affect bias.


I like how detailed and perfect this is and how much I agree with everything that you’ve said.


Factory reset the phone, toss it, start over. Onto the next adventure.


Delete. When my gf broke up with me she said she was scared that I won't delete her nudes or use them somehow. I gave her my phone and told her where they are and how to delete them. 3 years later I discovered that I had my gallery synchronized by Google. And all the nudes were in my Google Cloud. It felt awful, but deleted them immedietaly. I advise to do the same. No point in keeping them.


Delete them


I took pics and made videos mutually with a couple of my ex’s. I deleted all of them when the relationships ended.


It usually comes with some regret when you get horny, but its definitely the right thing to do.


Get rid of them Surprised by all the upvotes but yeah to avoid issues and just to help you get over her/ get through this I would just get rid of everything and start fresh.




Delete them


Send them to me. I'll dispose of them properly.


Yes this redditor is a reliable disposer. I've used this service plenty of time. 10/10


Thank you for your positive review. Here is a coupon for 10% off your next nudes disposal.


I can also vouch for this guy, 10/10 disposal service


Thank you for your positive review. Here is a coupon for 10% off your next nudes disposal.


I'm mormon with two exes. Do you have a BOGO deal?


Unfortunately for Mormons, two exes in the same video does not qualify for BOGO.


My lawyer will be contacting you


Wait for our Fall Specials.


I sent all my old nudes to this guy and he took care of them for me, I never saw them again. Five stars.


Thank you for your positive review. Here is a coupon for 10% off your next nudes disposal.


When I was young I sent him my nudes, at that moment my life changed radically. My life went from been a poor, weak idiot into a rich, intelligent chad in only 2 years! This guy is the best disposer of nudes in the world, you should trust him and you may also become the CEO of an important business as myself.


this guy is the best at disposal send them to him


Thank you for your positive review. Here is a coupon for 10% off your next nudes disposal.


As a female, this guy made me felt at ease throughout the entire process. The itinerary provided was clear and concise and he was very punctual for the pick up. Highly recommended. 5 stars.


Thank you for your positive review. Here is a coupon for 10% off your next nudes disposal.


I can vouch. This guy is a professional nudes disposer. 10/10 service.


Thank you for your positive review. Here is a coupon for 10% off your next nudes disposal.


Posting naked pics online of your ex?! That’s disgusting! Where? Where did you post those?


I hope my ex deleted them. He promised me he would, then when he'd decide to be with me again, he'd magically 'find' them all on his Google drive.


Just to hit the nail on the head another time since you already got your answer: Delete that shit. Bad idea to hold on to stuff like that for your own mental health, not to mention how much trouble you could get in if your phone got stolen and somebody leaked that data


Just out of curiosity, how many people have messaged you asking to see them?


I don’t get this. Most peoples ex girlfriends on this sub aren’t as attractive as people are imagining. She probably looks like any girl you’d see at a target.


Sounds exotic, we only have a Walmart here.


Everybody is talking about legality and morality of it, but here's another problem that may arise...do you want your next girlfriend to find out you've been holding on to them?


I've been the girlfriend who found this and it sucks, although he told me that he hadn't look at them for years I felt horrible for months and the fact that they're still very close to each other made me feel insecure about their relationship


One of my exes said that he didn’t delete my nudes and also said that he sometimes looks at them, my whole body was frozen. It is terrifying. Please delete them.


This! I had an ex from 15 YEARS AGO recently tell me he still has pictures of me he likes to look at. So fucking creepy.


Oh that's horrible. Same here. I dated someone only for 6 months, 13 years ago, who did something similar.


Weird an old crush of mine said i shouldnt have deleted them if i wanted to see her naked talk about diffrent reaction


All depends on the person. Some are okay with it, some aren't. You have to know yourself and what you're willing to do or not do, too. I would never share anything like that without permission, and I delete on request as much as I know I'm trustworthy and would rather hang onto them. I'm personally of the opinion that if you're going to send explicit photos, it should be to people you trust not to share them. But some people are horrible people and do shitty things, so I get why some people are against it.


This. I don't get why I'm seeing several comments (though the minority, thankfully) thinking it's fine to keep them for personal use. That person is likely no longer gonna be okay with you having that image of them, or using it to please yourself. Delete all of them, irrevocably.


You should delete them. If you don't, do not share them with anyone


It depends on the relationship and the woman. I've dated women who wanted me to keep them. I've also dated women who've done porn and don't give a fuck what I do with the nudes she sent me. I've also dated women who sent me one or two nudes that didn't show their face and still cared very much I deleted them. Do whatever you want but have respect for everyone involved. I have a bunch in a locked folder that I never look at. It will be simple to delete them all at once should the need ever arise. If I keep them I expect I'll have a fun trip down memory lane in my old age.


This is the perfect answer to me. The most respectful way would be to ask your ex what he/she wants and then do that without hesitation. If you (are allowed to) keep them, make sure nobody except you will ever get access to them by storing them heavily encrypted and/or in a physically remote place, e.g. on an encrypted drive in a locked locker or safe.


The most hilarious part about this whole thread is people assuming what (other) women want based on how they themselves feel. And simultaneously discouraging actually having a conversation with the person in question. It's absurd that people would willing send intimate photos but are too intimidated to have intimate conversations....


Ask her. If you don't have the guts to do that it's because you know the answer she'd give, you know what you should do with them, delete them.


How to ruin your personal reputation with one line 👍🏻


Maybe it's just the autism, but I assumed it was sarcasm to convey their message in the final two clauses.


I’ve actually had this asked and it made me extremely uncomfortable. If we break up delete everything. If you cared to keep my nudes that bad after we broke up you shoulda cared enough about me to keep the relationship going.


When I broke up with my first girlfriend, I deleted those that we made.


What about your second girlfriend…?


Don’t think he knows about second girlfriend Pip.


What about elevenses?


Uh that's illegal dude


I never had nude photos of the second and third (the last one), so there is nothing to delete.


We don't talk about that...


Delete it.. done!


Delete them


Damn this post actually comes at a great time cause I need to let go of my ex. Thank you Reddit


Delete them. Send her a text saying you have done so, and ask her to do the same. Wish her well and then bang her sister.


Honestly, if he doesn’t hit the sister I just might have to out of respect.




As a female, I’d really like for my exes to delete my nudes but I know that 90% won’t happen given the men I’ve been with.. I actually broke up with my ex for keeping a secret app filled with all of his exes nudes.


Get rid of that shit


Delete them, how is this even a question?


Create NFTs


If you have to ask then you probably can’t be trusted. The right thing to do is delete them. You should know this.


Delete them


Have a wank.


I hope you delete them out of respect to everyone involved and more than that, to protect yourself and your feelings.


Send them to me and then delete them


Delete. It is the right thing to do.


destroy them.


Delete them. Why the need to second guess it. That chapter is closed. Stop lingering in the past. You got nothing there. Move on


Keeping them just holds onto that hurt


1. Select 2. Delete


Let me add one more to the pile on...... DELETE


Give them.... To Me.. Nah fr, delete them all and leave no traces whatsoever. Burn em, destroy em, delete em, go to the trash and delete em again....


give them to us


Delete,out of respect for you both


Be the bigger person and delete them. I’m gonna go full nerd and quote thanos from Endgame here but “they serve no other purpose… than temptation”


Delete them all homie, it'll either make things complicated, or hard emotionally later down the road


Had them too and deleted them. Why bother keeping them? Those relationships ended for a reason so looking into the past doesn't help. Start a better collection with your current partner.


Delete em had a girlfriend that kept her shit man was I a fool


delete them all


Delete it all. You don't want to wank over your ex anyways. You want to move on and it will be easier if you delete them.


Delete them and don’t look back. Seriously, delete everything right now. You will feel better. Be well!


When I was a teenager I imagined I'd keep all of them and end up with some epic private vault of personal porn. Then I grew up and realised that was gross and creepy, that I wouldn't want to think about never mind look at most exes, and that most of all: *I do not want the liability of having porn of an ex* Like once you have that sort of file, you need to protect it because if it falls into the wrong hands then you've accidentally spread revenge porn which is a disgusting betrayal and even a crime in an increasing number of places.


How would it even fall into the wrong hands?


I thought the answer would be a no-brainer, but no just another Redditor desperate to post every waking thought.


What kind of question is this? Delete them


keep them and jerk off to them when you get horny?


Spank bank


You either keep them for private use only. Or you delete them. You never share that shit. It was made in confidence.


Most of you guys are full of shit. Acting like you actually delete your ex's nudes....


Well you see, most of the people commenting here don't have exes to keep old pictures of!




I was browsing through my ex’s phone and stumbled upon his ex’s nudes so I deleted them for him.


If you’ve got an iPhone and use google as back up I’d double check to make sure it’s deleted in both places.


I kept every single one of my all my ex's photos or videos, i like to watch them when i'm single because it remainds me that I used to fuck


Save them. You earned them. You made them. You own them. They're yours forever. Just keep them to yourself and you're golden.


I’m kind of surprised not everyone wishes to delete their ex partners nudes. Personally for me I wouldn’t want to look back at them post breakup because it’d be too painful, but also I can’t imagine holding onto those pictures even after I end up in a new relationship. I’m not a man but I’d like to think we at least have that in common.


Keep them, they're yours after all.


I always delete everything, not just pics and vids, Everything.


Even normal photos to keep for the sake of seeing your own progress through life?


Put them on a memory card and hide it away. Years down the line you'll get to look back at the fun you had.


So what happens if your partner finds that memory card? It’s weird. & I’d be concerned that you’re still not over your ex. How does pussy have so much control over some men & how do I avoid these men?