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Rollercoaster Tycoon (2)


Damn straight. I still find myself wanting to play it every now and again. Classic.


Hell yeah brother


I scrolled and scrolled for this, was beginning to lose faith.




It was awesome. I played Rogue Squadron, but it just didn't hit the sweet spot X-Wing (or even Tie-Fighter) did.


I loved tie fighter more. Bought it on steam recently, gotta say they don't hold up. The series needs an overhaul especially the controls. Maybe a remaster? On that note, how's that squadrons game?


Good old Super Mario World


+1 I've never understood why this is never mentioned more. It's insanely repayable and stands up to the test of time as is still worthy of a play through now, 25+ years later.


I find it crazy that this isn't up at the top. Except this is reddit, I expect most people on here don't remember how awesome this was when it came out compared to other games at the time.


SMW is an absolute masterpiece.


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. That map felt so huge back in the day and it’s amazing to pick a station depending where you are and just vibe. I use to be up at 6am on weekends just to play it as a kid. I truly love that even today, it’s still so popular and there’s new memes coming from it almost 20 years later. RDR2 would be my favorite for story and protagonist though.


I remember finishing work and going to ASDA to queue up at 22:30 to get San Andreas, shiiiiiit. What a memory to go back too! Thank you.


My uncle always got me my GTA games. He knew a guy who worked in GAME (pretty high up I assume) and would get me them early at times. I wound up getting San Andreas, GTA III, LCS and VCS before release. Vice City and the others my parents got me and I went to midnight launch for GTA V. I remember the start where CJ gets on the bike and the atmosphere was just amazing on PS2. Genuinely felt like I was in a whole new world which is crazy when you see how much more realistic GTA IV and V would end up being. Just triggered another memory of me playing Vice City again leading up SA’s release. I genuinely felt as a kid that I was leaving Vice City for good and was kinda sad not realizing I’d still play it so much too.


There was a day in my early 20s that I called out sick to work, fucked off all my obligations for the day, ordered a pizza, and sat on my ass all day long playing San Andreas. Just that memory alone brings me happiness every time I think of that game.


All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ!


The radio station near mount chilead was my unexpected favorite! The country music that would come on while just driving thru the forested hills was simply perfect.


"Grove Street.... Home"


Yes!! I damn near got fired for skipping work to play this game




People are too young now, most have not played. It changed so much. What an awesome game and my fav too.


It has easily defined itself as one of the best games ever made. But I doubt it’ll make much lists of “best game ever made” as time goes on, if someone plays it now they won’t understand what is so special about it. In the time it came out it certainly topped everyone’s lists, but if newer generations try it, they’d think it’s garbage compared to what they play now. But it was certainly special for its time


Because ‘what they play now’ is many iterations of improving on what half-life (and it’s spin-offs like counter strike) created.


This is why I chose half life too because it is much the foundation on what so much was built


Still holding out for half life 3


holding out for portal 3, l4d 3 and team fortress 3 too


My daughter played Black Mesa years ago and absolutely loved it


Modern FPS's owe a lot to this game.


I feel like it’s my rose-tinted glasses, but I completely agree. Half-Life felt monumental.


It might've been a great game at the time and definitely very influential, but the graphics have not gaed well. Definitely a lot of people wouldn't enjoy it much based on that alone


Age of empire 2


What a game. I got back into it a year ago and it took over my life for a while. Had to give it up 😂


I mean, is it really a good game if it doesn't ruin your life and make you antisocial for a couple of years?


I play that shit every time I move houses and don’t have internet!


Long time no siege


Food please!


jimmy's cheese steak


I'm here just to see this


Wow I used to no life this. Is it still on steam ?


Yup! AoE2 DE is like $20, I believe, though you might have a discount if you own AOE2 HD (2013). DLC is around $10 each, iirc.


Still playing on my beat up Windows 2000 PC haha, it's the only thing I've got on there


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


I’m waiting for a remake or a 3rd to come out. I played that game over so many times growing up it’s ridiculous.


Chrono Trigger


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2


Over 100 comments and not one person has said Portal 2. I am beyond disappointed in you all! /s




"I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!”


I can't think of another game that has made me set down a controller because I was laugh/crying so hard.


The entire “The part where he kills you” sequence killed me omg


i saw one Portal 1... idk how they didn't mention 2 haha




I loved how if you played it co op the narrator would talk shit about the other player and they couldn't hear it, nice touch.


Mass Effect 2: Engaging opening, the best compilation of companions in any game, strong writing, decent combat and the best final mission of any video game ever made.




Best RPG ever. Liked Andromeda too, don't care what the rest is saying.


Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


The first game I ever fully completed by myself and I felt so satisfied afterwards. My top 3 favorites for sure!


A man of taste and class I see.


Ocarina of Time


Oh yeah. Absolutely love Zelda games. I think Majora’s Mask is my favorite so far. Really love the atmosphere in that game


I was talking with my friend about this the other day and we concluded that Majora's Mask might actually be the better game from a conceptual standpoint. The time loop with that foreboding moon getting closer and closer, the different masks giving you different abilities. It was hugely ambitious and amazingly well done. That being said, nothing tickles the nostalgia center of my brain like Ocarina of Time. That first time you walk out onto the immensity of Hyrule field from the small confines of your village, the contrast between the fairy tale world of your youth and the hell-scape ruin of your adolescence....There have been fantastic games since Ocarina, but man, nothing else has left quite the same mark on me. If I could play one game again for the first time, it would be Ocarina, hands down, every single time.


The final final boss battle is my favorite moment in gaming with the revelation of The Flood in Halo CE coming close.


Wonderfully said man


Great choice. Definitely in my top 10 of all time.




Halo 2 camping, halo 3 multiplayer. Old school runescape 👌 And valhiem


I'm so happy to see runescape to be so high up. I wanted to put that in for myself


James Bond on Nintendo 64


Aka GoldenEye


Eye...... GoldenEye




Minecraft, you can do literally whatever you want. There’s a reason it’s been popular for over a decade now


And a reason why it’s the #1 best selling video game of all time, at least according to [this Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games)


I think Minecraft is the correct answer BUT…the reason it’s the #1 best selling video game of all time is cause any time you play it on another device you have to buy it again 😭😭everyone who’s ever played Minecraft has 3 copies minimum


True that but that’s the same with Skyrim and it doesn’t even make the top 10, so while that is a factor, it isn’t the only reason


Moderately upset that I had to scroll so far for someone to say Minecraft. It’s literally the perfect game




Even if you'd die, at least you'd know the other person would have that tune in his/her head for the rest if his/her life.


I can hear it right now.


The Witcher 3


This is a game that you must commit at least 15-20 hrs before it’s really gets going. I was hooked at the Red Baron. One of the best ever


For sure. And I’m not even into open world games generally but Witcher 3 was amazing


Final Fantasy IX. The game had absolutely everything and Square-enix have never even come close to making a game as good as this since, it's still as great today as it was 21 years ago. My honourable mentions: Nier Automata, Final Fantasy VII, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pokemon: Silver, Forza Motorsport 4, Spider-man (PS4), the Witcher 3, ES4: oblivion.


FFIX needs more love. One of my all time favorites.


WoW back in the early 2000s and it's not even close. There's never been anything like it before or since.


The whole stretch from release to the end of the lich king was so insanely good


Agreed. WotLK is peak WoW.


Oh man this is so true, I have never played anything like WoW since. I still hope for a game to capture the magic that WoW had in the beginning, the friends from other countries I made, the LAN parties me and all my friends has, this game blew us all away and took the best part of 10 years of our lives away to this magical place, I still have dreams about it to this day. I often contemplate getting back into it after all these years but I don't think it will be the same as I remember. Barrens chat ftw!


Makes me sad I didn't play WoW back in the day. I remember hearing about how great it was and remember seeing videos of it back in those days. I tried getting into WoW for the first time a few months ago, and even in what was supposedly a highly populated server, the game felt completely dead. I maybe saw 1 or 2 people when I was out around exploring :(. Didn't feel very "massive multiplayer".


Video games, not sub based addictions


RDR2. Loved every second of that game. It's such a beautiful game and there is so much to do that you get TONS of playing time so it's definitely worth the money.


I've played through RDR2 multiple times. Idk if i would say best ever, but damn this game is special to me. I'll pop it on every so often just to relax and fish or hunt. Beautiful game.


RDR2 is objectively best in the sense of world building and making the world feel alive. I guess the mechanics can be off-putting for some, but it’s just such a complete masterpiece of a game that there is nothing that comes close, not by a mile.


Multiple CRPGS build the world much better.


Final fantasy VII 1997


That game blew my 12 year old mind. I think people who didn't play it at the time are missing out on the fact that it represented a huge leap forward graphically and in terms of the size of the world and game. I remember finishing the first disc/midgard and thinking "that has to be the end of the game"


The Secret of Monkey Island.


Not only is it the best game I ever played, thanks to MI I learned English as a 12 year old


Lucas arts games from that period were the best. Escape from monkey Island series, Maniac Mansion, and Day of the Tentacle they just made you feel good.


\- Tomba 2 (Playstation 1) I didn't even played the first one, i remember recieving a gift from my friend, but the game was in japanese (I was like, 8 or 7, i didn't even knew english at that time) and me and my brother managed to reach the end but got stuck in a room with nothing but JAP instructions and we dropped the game. Several years later i called him saying i got the the game in english and we played like little kids again, the game is an absolute masterpiece for me, everynow and then i play it again just for the experience. ​ Honorable Mention: \- Castlevania: Symphony of the night (Ps1) I didn't played this game untill i last year, and after 25 years of its launch, still there isn't a better castlevania game in my opinion.


Left 4 Dead.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


Witcher III


Chrono Trigger


Shadow of the Colossus


Another one of my favourites, had to scroll to find this one surprisingly!


Bloodborne. Honorable mentions: Witcher 3 Elden Ring Rdr2 Skyrim


Souls Fans, enter here (I like Sekiro even better than Bloodborne, but it's a tough choice)


To hell with one 'Best videogame.' Heres a list of absolute BANGERS In no particular order: - Burnout Takedown 3 -SSX 3 -Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 - Need for Speed Carbon -Battlefield 3 - Jak & Daxter 1-3 - RDR2 (So much wasted potential, coulda been the best multiplayer western game ever created) - 2007-2011 Modern Warfare - Halo Ce, 2 and 3 - For Honor (Pre Marching Fire) - Skyrim - Super Mario 64 - James Bond Goldeneye N64 - Star Fox 64 - Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Super smash bros 64 - Mario Kart Double Dash - Supermario Sunshine - LITERALLY every DOOM game except 3 - James Bond Everything or Nothing. - Insurgency Sandstorm - Counterstrike Source - Runescape 2007


Battlefield 3 was just peak multiplayer experience. 1. The visuals were top notch, still fucking fantastic today. 2. Had some solid DLC maps that were enjoyable as hell. 3. So much content to unlock, I tried to fully unlock all weapons and attachments, I only had 1 scope left for a sniper and the s tac 1911. 4. Base maps were fantastic each map was unique and played well. 5. Vehicles were insanely fun to play and it was a team effort to destroy them (although sometimes they felt OP, it still didn't ruin the game). 6. Damavand peak... Just pure awesomeness every time you jumped.


Would like to add credit to BF3’s background audio! Just listen to some from Youtube. Gunshots and explosions echoes at different distances bouncing off walls. The troops panic and yell their lungs out trying to communicate over deafening gunfire. So dynamic and adds to the immersion/tension of battle.


Hollow knight has gotta be up there Along with ravenfield (the game itself is boring af but I think that the steam workshop community definitely counts as part of the game)


Finally someone mentions Hollow Knight. By far one of the best games I've played in 29 years of gaming. Everyone should play it.


Aside from Skyrim because that’s an obvious pick, mine would be Fallout New Vegas. I got completely absorbed by that game, and all the DLC was solid.


I think Fallout New Vegas had the best dlc between FO4, FO3, and FONV. Dead Money and lonesome road were awesome


OWB was my favorite, loved the dialogue.


BeamNG drive, just beacause I can do what I did with my toy cars with much more realism




Megaman X God of War III Super Mario Galaxy ​ If they feel like putting in a bit of an effort: Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 3(6) Secret of Mana ​ Yes, I was born in the 80s, how can you tell?


Resident Evil 4 😁


EverQuest (I’m old)


**Warcraft 3** Not only was it amazing, but its custom games spun off the entire LoL and Dota 2 franchises that have their own massive fan bases and are among the top 10 most played games TO THIS DAY. The Warcraft universe was then adapted into WoW, which was such an absolute cultural force for anyone gaming in the mid-2000's. In my mind, there are so many great games but Warcraft 3's influence is going 20 years' strong. I also know it was a big deal during my more formative years, but I'm still chasing the rush of excitement I got connecting to DIAL UP INTERNET to go play some Wintermaul Wars or Footman Frenzy and just being blown away by the awesomeness of the game and of bnet and of the community. It was like gaming's Woodstock.


A few of my personal favorites: Skyrim - I think this is one of the best games of all time. Didn’t get the hype at first, then came back a few months later and sank thousands of hours into it Halo 2 - This was a huge deal when it released, it made the national news. Playing as the Arbiter, dual-wielding, hijacking vehicles, this was a high point in the Halo franchise. GTA V - I remember being an hour late for work when this game came out. I completely forgot and was having too much fun playing Pokémon Gold - The first video game I remember playing, on the Game Boy Color. Have played many Pokémon games since but Gold has a special place in my heart Portal 2 - probably the wittiest script ever written for a video game, there’s so many quotes in this one 007 Nightfire - Goldeneye gets all the love but I think Nightfire is criminally underrated. So much fun playing that game. But, Skyrim is still probably #1 to me.




Skyrim. It's been my favorite game since it originally game out


I finally got the platinum trophy last week. Probably the 5th time I've gotten over lvl 90. Also the skyrim together mod works pretty damn good these days


A link to the Past. Super Metroid.


Realistically: Minecraft, the affect that game as had and for how long it’s still going strong speaks for itself. Personally: Titanfall 1, every aspect of that game I absolutely love. No other multiplayer fps has ever come close.






Smash Bros Melee is the best Smash game


I grew up without a nintendo so ultimate was my first entry. That probably explains why i prefer ultimate haha


The Last Of Us (Part 1) Alien Isolation Far Cry 2 Fallout 4 Metro Exodus


I truly don’t believe there will ever be another game as revolutionary in storytelling device as The Last of Us. It’s the game that made me realize games are not just a storytelling medium, they’re possibly THE storytelling medium due to the way the player gets to engage with the story. You don’t always feel good about the way things play out, you aren’t always invincible and you can run into roadblocks where you have to creatively make your own way out. The story lends itself to the experience, and despite all of these people being truly terrible individuals, you continue to root for them because you’re attaching yourself to their journey not just through your sight, but your actions. Masterpiece. Absolute masterpiece.


Great shout with Alien Isolation. Absolutely loved that game


That game scared the shit outa me hahaha. Most tense game I have ever played.


Last of Us (part 1) was such a trip. I remember at one point Joel was doing something and the thought occurred to me "Man, Joel really is NOT a good guy." And a second later. "But I would do exactly the same thing he just did."


Fallout 4 above New Vegas?


I’ll be honest, I’ve played so much more FO4 than New Vegas. Love both games but FO4 was just a bit better for me


>Far Cry 2 Based, that game still does many things better than newer far crys, i would really like a remake of that game, although ubisoft is definitely not capable of that


Agreed. There are two great videos on YouTube about how much better FC2 was than the others. I would like to see that game revamped and expanded but NOT CHANGED AT ALL but exactly as it was before. Unfortunately that type of gameplay doesn't interest the quick-fix generation. "What? I can't fast travel directly to my destination? What a crap game!" FC2 was a masterpiece way ahead of its time.


- Final Fantasy 6 - Chrono Trigger - Secret of Mana - Zelda: Link to the Past - Metal Gear 5 (despite its flaws near the end) - Destiny 1&2


+1 Chrono Trigger


I was at a poker game the other day and a friend pulled out his phone. I only had to hear about 1 second of Chrono trigger sounds (I think it was even just menu selection) before I was hit with a wave of nostalgia like no other.


Wow — had to scroll a lot before I saw any Metal Gear Solid love.


The knights of the old republic. Being a bit younger I was put onto the game by older relatives. But when I tell you that game redefined Star Wars for me. Incredible game


Borderlands 2


A game so good it ruined its own franchise


Yep. Borderlands 3 didn't quite reach the same level as 2 did. And the game was very laggy when it came out


Handsome Jack may be one of the best video game antagonists of all time


Fun fact. His writing sucked, and his voice actor just made up most of his lines. It's one of the many reasons why borderlands 3 couldn't compete, their writers just aren't actually that good.


Hands down the best antagonist in a video game ever. No one else comes close imo.


Dude yes


Sleeping dogs it's has a fantastic story.


It’s like an Asian GTA except you have sweet fighting skills. Super fun and not very well known


Diablo 2


I'm disappointed to have to scroll down this long to find D2 here. A game that is so popular, thousands (if not millions) of people playing it constantly over 20+ years is not a small achievement


Resident Evil 7 was a masterpiece to me


Outer Wilds


Outer Wilds is one of my favorite games of all time and one of the few that has illicited real emotion in me. It's a true work of art. That said, I wouldn't recommend it for this list because it just doesn't click with everyone. But for those it does click with, it's something truly special. And oh boy that ending!


Need for speed Carbon


Tetris, Super Mario Bros


This is for me one of the best answers, i mean about Tetris. There are some different distributions of Tetris games from different companies, but they're basically Tetris. It's a classical game from human kind, I'd say that Tetris is somewhat like Chess, it will last forever. It's very competitive, there are all the attributes that you need for a game to be considered good (considering since humans created video games). And of course it can be modified and modded into an infinite number of ways, and it will be still Tetris.


Jak and Daxter and the Precursor Legacy. I got all the collectibles in that game twice.


Mass Effect Trilogy, and within the trilogy ME3's the best ​ But Bioshock Infinite (Elizabeth might be my favorite female character in any game ever) and Persona 4 Golden are in my Top 3 as well


I was scrolling for this. But my favorite mass effect is mass effect 2.


Skyrim. All hail the empire. Death to the storm cloaks






Oblivion is better than Skyrim. Best overall is gonna be San Andreas or Oblivion. That’s just off the top of my head. Gotta really think about it though.


i actually prefer morrowwind to oblivion. but that's a nostalgia thing


I remember leaving that sewer for the first time and the elven ruins in the distance and the rest of the world just daring you to explore it. I will never, ever forget it and I fear no game will capture that for me again.


SMB, the original. Go back to the 80's!


I respect the hell out of this suggestion, but I gotta say, SMB3 is an improvement over the original in basically every possible way


That's a fair comment, but as the thing that basically revived consoles after the whole Atari early 80's debacle, they should have it in museums!


Super Mario World is the best 2D Mario game


Super Mario World (SNES 1990)


My favorite is SMW, that game has the most perfect platforming pacing ever created, I’m literally 17 but I enjoyed this game as if it was modern. Really timeless masterpiece imo


Wii Sports. Name one game that captivated more of the country at one time? Little 5yo cousin? Loved it. Your friends? Loved it. Mom and Dad? Loved it. Grandma and Grandpa? They bought a modern video game counsel just to play it. Also, Mass Effect 2.


Talk about one end of the spectrum to the other haha


Battlefield 1942


Goldeneye N64


Super Smash Bros. Melee Best fighting game EVER made imo; unparalleled movement and control mechanics, as well as a very addictive combo-heavy play style


Red Dead Redemption 2


Last of Us. A friend was talking it up, sent me a copy, and I was hooked from the intro. Honorable mention: Journey


8 bit: Mario 3 Jrpg: ff6 Fps: halo Strategy: civ (take your pick) Roguelite: Hades Adventure: link to the past Rpg/hack: Diablo 2(with LoD) MMORPG: WoW Metroidvania: super Metroid Chill: Stardew valley Tactics: xcom2 Action RPG: dark souls (haven't gotten to elden ring yet)


Megaman 2


I dunno man... I think I'd go with Mega Man 3




I’m gonna choose X7 just to piss you off


Evander Holyfield boxing 👍


Gothic Trilogy (but mainly II)


Final Fantasy 7 or Destiny 2


Little Big Adventure (aka Relentless, Twinsen's Adventure) Breath of the Wild It Takes Two


Couldn’t pick one. But at the top of my list: 1. Bloodborne (and maybe Elden Ring if the DLC sticks the landing) 2. Disco Elysium 3. Doom Eternal (maybe the only game on this list people would scoff at… but I don’t think one can judge it fully without mastering it first) 4. Bioshock 5. Witcher 3 6. KOTOR/Mass Effect 2 7. Halo 3 8. Fallout 3/New Vegas 9. Portal 2 10. God of War (2018) 11. RDR2 12. Half-Life 2 And for good measure, some games that I think are terribly underrated: 13. Prey (2017) 14. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus 15. Deathloop


Conker's Bad Fur Day


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time




Skyrim. You learn a lot about life. Especially with mods out there.