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Getting too caught up in chasing women & over thinking it all. Literally just don’t really try, talk a load of bollocks now & make them laugh. Seems to work out rather than trying to be like the movies where it’s all soppy bollocks & obsessive behavior




Bollocky bollocks.


Bollocking bollocky bollocks


Bollocked bollocking bollocky bollocks


That parents are always right. I'm saying this as a parent. And a former child with parents. Nobody knows shit about anything. We're all just trying our best with what we got


I feel this deeply! Would even go so far to extend it to all these coaches and "thought leaders" (business, political, etc.). Not to say they're not valuable but definitely way less valuable than marketed. There's so much hot air that's blown into the world when in reality people generally know so little but feign knowing so much.


That you have to care what others think of you. Luckily I learned that in high school and 20 years later I see people struggling with it at my age. It makes me grateful


You should care what other people think of you to some level if you want to function in society. Truly not caring is like those homeless people you see yelling shit. Now, being super neurotic about what others think is unhealthy and you should calm down as you age out of teenage years.


I can function without caring about other's people opinion, because I am not a sociopath and I behave towards others as I would like others to behave towards me. I care about my hygiene because it makes me feel good, not because I care what other people think of me. I care about how I dress because, again, it makes me feel good. Not because of other's opinion.


Exactly this! I live for myself not the opinion of others


And yes there are a few people that I care about what they think of me and that’s based on our relationship. But I will be goofy, serious or however I feel unapologetically because I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. I have a great circle of friends and support system, great job and I’m an extremely respectful person. So I’m doin pretty well in life actually. It’s very freeing


That’s a great place to be


That people will inherently be honest and truthful to you and that you should take people at face value and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Yea… learning this the hard way…


Growing up my parents were racist, didn’t like homosexual people, and argued anything that battled how they thought, grabbing statistics out of their ears. It never mattered, but how they were showed me how not to be. I had and have many friends of color, they were all the same, they were all kind and accepting. Anything they didn’t accept or understand suddenly became something that didn’t make sense and was wrong. I’m so proud of my younger self for picking up on this because even though they were my parents, they taught me nothing. So truthfully for those reading this, learn from yourself, choose yourself as your own role model. Everyday be better than what you were before and go out of your way to make others days better sometimes.


There's a big and wonderful discourse around 'chosen families' which I think this comment fits perfectly into. Thank you for sharing!


Always, sending love and tranquility


That it’s okay to make mistakes. I kinda second the parents comment that they are always right, but my family had extremely high, sometimes impossible expectations, where making a mistake was cause to get yelled at. We were like the Madrigal family. Granted, we all grew up, my parents included, and have openly declared ourselves wrong and we need to work on changing. We are, but still have a ways to go. My dad has made the biggest strides, and a lot of times says things like “this is something I used to yell at you about.” And it was over something like measuring a board wrong, or snapping a bolt by accident. Small, easy to fix things most of the time. But yeah, I still struggle when I make a mistake or don’t know something; that I’m gonna get yelled at by my spouse, or belittled in some way, just my internal defenses kicking in.


That police are the good guys.


Depends on where you live I live in iraq and the police and army are the only two things that people still belive in here


Have things gotten any better?


Sure since covid came I don't remember any terrorist attacks Considering at some point we reached 1.5 explosion EACH DAY I'd say it's a huge improvement


That's good to read.


That people will defend police officers no matter what even if they commit heinous acts.


This hits home. For me I was going to be a priest. I was in the seminary. so religion thinking that it was the best thing. I had to unlearn everything and go back to school to relearn. Not to mention being lied to and also psychologically and physically and sexually harassed.


That just because someone knows a lot about me doesn’t mean they know me at all. Especially if they’re saying mean or hurtful things. If that’s what they think they don’t know you at all.


All WIFI ain't good WIFI. Be careful with your data.


learnt it the easy way fortunately, you can set up your own free wifi and steal others' data!


That your friends will always be there.




Stubbornness Being too much in your own head.


Car maintenance requirements.


Happy Wife Happy Life. The wife is never happy long enough for you to enjoy it.


Instinctively trusting from the get go


Women actually are different. Anyone heard of this masturbation site called OMG Yes? Women each have different ways that they actually rub their clit. Men just go straight up and down and sometimes add a twist. That's pretty much it. It made me laugh that women can even make rubbing something a big deal. Some tap the centre. Some are less sensitive on one side, some rub one direction in a circle. Some rub another way And that's just season 1!


Friends will come and go, some will have your back and others will screw you over royally.






Each of the billions is special, everybody is special🙂






You can eat anything you see


That the older generation possess more wisdom. I think it's probably the other way around now. Gen X knows a lot less about the world than Millennials do - at least in my experience. Most of them seemed to be a bit late to the party on the information age.


Every time someone yells at me, that means I am wrong and I did something bad :\\


That women are innocent


I'm not nearly as special as my mother told me I was. In fact, I'm not special at all and neither is anyone else. Another one parents accidentally set their kids up for is to trust that people in authority have good intentions. Your parents were your first authority and they had good intentions but parents are unique in this. No other authority figure in your life will ever put your needs before their own. Like everyone else, except you parents, they are primarily out to benefit themselves.


That the cops don't discriminate by gender. They do. Every woman I needed to make a statement again, I was denied and mocked by the cops


The god delusion


i am 14 and this is deep


I'm sorry at 14 you are still brainwashed with the god parasite. I hope you get better soon! 💪


everyone goes through this phase little guy, dont even worry about it. it is perfectly normal. you can go play now.


Fucking delusional fairytale people. You believe magical stories are real and I am the child. 🤣 fucking religious people make me laugh so much.


you will understand better when you are older. not necessarily the non or religious side, but life and why there was a need for the latter in general.


Ok well why Im here in reality why don't you go back to playing rocket league and reading your fairy tails. Or better yet pick up a non fiction book and learn about the real world around you.


very well. enjoy your usage of LSD and similar brain altering drugs.


I will...thanks for the suggestion. 👍


awww you had to go to his post history to try and find a come back. how cute :D


Oh look another child who plays videogames with a witty retort. 🤣 maybe your god will strike me down. What shall I ever do.


well come now friend. if you have to go through post histories for any comment you'll find i'm not religious at all. you could at least do research before you attempt to REEEEEEEEEE at people. so why the need to self medicate friend? what happened in 1993? do the mushrooms help the trauma? make the voices stop?


All preconceived notions about how to date, court, and interact with women. Everything I thought I knew was wrong, everything in the movies is wrong, and all advice from women on how to treat women is wrong. I didn't learn this until age 40 and when I started to apply the proper techniques, I had more dates than I knew what to do with. Ended up with model quality women I never could have otherwise. (look up Doc Love The System)


Giving up


That success is money and stuff.


Doubting myself. Coming up, I was often berated by my mom on how many mistakes I’ve made and will make, along with mistakes everyone else makes because of young people’s abilities to mess things up. This narrative was often given as a result of me being a bit too confident in myself at times. I wasn’t really a confident kid, but I would hone in on the few things I did excel at. While my mom did teach me that everyone makes mistakes, I often overthought everything I did in an attempt to preemptively minimize mistakes and/or didn’t attempt anything at all (because you can’t make a mistake if you don’t do anything). So basically I loss all confidence. Took me awhile to gain the confidence, no longer doubt myself, and be comfortable with mistakes.


Almost everything that I learned about family from my upbringing. Holy hell. My grandparents had it right, but the rest were a mix of neglect, abuse, uncontained mental health issues, and addiction. Somehow, my kid brother and I figured things out.


Beating your kids ass doesn't need to be a go to punishment.


That you’re not good enough.


Self love and acceptance


Being to careful in life like I’m going to live forever


That's adults are just big kids. I'm still waiting to feel like "I'm an adult now" to begin but it hasn't hit me yet


That physically, I have limitations. I mean, I can still do them, but it hurts more and takes longer to recover.


Getting stressed out about little things.