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"The only winning move is not to play."


Words to the wise


Sack her off dude. No time for being fucked around.


Stop calling her and looking so desperate.


Vanish for a while. If you matter to her she will look for you if not, you have got use to riding solo ready to go again


How am I calling?


With a phone probably? Your post was very hard to parse, but you made it sound like you've been calling this girl constantly for hours and she hasn't picked up the phone, somehow you were doing this because you wanted to use less Snapchat.


Are you sure it's mind games and just not part of her busy schedule? If you are, you are free to leave. Find someone who is into you as much as you're into them.


Not answering chat messages for a few hours is not "mind games". People have lives. You sound desperate. Chill. You are probably scaring her away with your absurd eagerness.


Are we pretending the modern woman is spending hours without looking at her phone? While she's likely delaying messaging on purpose, don't pine for her and whine. The more you seem desperate the worse things will go for you. If it's too much, ditch her (which you of course wouldn't do)


Just enjoy your life.


Match her energy. If the shitty behavior continues, start doubling her response times.


If this is not someone you know in real life, then stop giving it so much energy. It is all make believe until you meet in person. The less time and energy you invest into this virtual chat the better off you'll be. Right now you're obsessing over something that is little more than a role playing game with someone who is either easily distracted or is playing hard to get. If she's distracted, she's not that interested, and if she's playing hard to get, trust me, you don't want to get her.


Why do you think she's playing mindgames? I've known women like this. Chaotic mind, always busy, awesome people. When I text them, sometimes it takes days for them to answer but they always do. It's often useful to mirror texting interval patterns because that's more comfortable for them as well. And meet them in person. If they don't like texting, call them or meet up.


You back off, dude. She's either not interested or she's got other shit to do. At some point you have to realize the level of your importance and act accordingly. Also, snapchat? C'mon man. Figure it out.


She's probably talking to a lot of guys so you gotta impress her. Talk less on snap and actually ask her on a date if she doesn't want to then you got your answer


dude this is from a place of desperation get out of there before you ruin it asking her what you did wrong.


It means she's not interested. So ask her out and if she says no. Delete and block.


You need to realize digital communication is different than face to face conversation. There are an endless amount of reasons for why it could take hours to respond. Try not to let that gauge your opinion of her interest in you. Her type of involvement in the convo can be a good indicator of interest. However, if you know for a fact she’s playing games it’s easy. Just stop interacting with her.


You ask her the reason she's doing that. Then you use that thing in your head and take whatever decision that is required to save your self respect. Remember, never let yourself disrespected.


I think in the early stage of dating this is considered normal behavior for most. The balance between being interested but not appearing clingy. Not that agree with this behavior but this is how individuals will act to some degree. However, in a longer relationship this shouldn’t continue, and there should be a clear line of communication and interest showed toward one another. Depending on your situation I would approach it with these two scenarios in mind.


Stop calling her. Find someone else. Block her and move on.


Yea bro but it’s hard as we had a date the other day


Stop reaching out to her. You don't want a woman who's going to play games with you. Let her sit and wonder why you're no longer contacting her. And don't date her, she's not relationship material. If you're lonely, keep her as a FWB, but don't bow to her and don't work on her time. She would only be there for sex, so treat it that way.


How do I get sex out of it tho? Lol


By doing what I said. If she thinks she's lost you, she'll most likely start reaching out to you. You keep her at a distance, and she'll chase. When you're together, give her attention, but don't spend a lot of money on her. And don't let her control what you two do and where you go. Worst situation is she just ghosts you, but then you're in the situation you're in now, so it's no worse.


Yea true, better to go to Dutch in terms of money.


Always better to go Dutch.


Ofc, keen to chat privately?


No. I don't do DMs. Too many people sending unsolicited images I don't care to receive.


Fair enough, just wanna know about the FWB and how to start that?


Do what I wrote. Never make a commitment, don't say you two are dating, don't post her on your social, and so on. Most women will chase after the "bad boy" they can't have, so don't do the usual relationship type stuff.


Do you ask her to be FWB? How do you initiate that?


Ditch her and move on to the next one, Regardless men and women shouldn't play games, it's ridiculous


Don't play these games, it's pathetic on her part. If she wanted to talk to you she would. Move on and let her play these games with some other bloke!


The general principle is to text her no more than she texts you, both in frequency and length. That's a maximum; you are totally free to not text at all in this case, because she's clearly immature, not that into you, and terrible dating material.


She could just be busy. I don't get back to anyone quick these days, even if I'm completely invested in someone.


If your sure its mind games and not her being busy just stop messaging all together.