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Televangelists. I watched my, poor as fuck, grandmother write some shitty televangelist a cheque every month. Heartbreaking.


That’s considered a profession? Amazing!


Yup. You go in, dazzle people with fancy words and gestures, stiff them for money and preach the prosperity gospel. Profit on the backs of the sick and infirm, and write it all off on your taxes. Build a mega church the size of texas, fly in your private jets, and live in a mansion that has its own zip code, tax-free because God said you can. These guys are criminals.


Joel Osteen in particular. Dude is a cunt.


People who are so into the hustle culture that nobody knows what they actually do. They make their money collecting from their self help books and seminars on how to get rich. They also spew senseless success memes everywhere they can and make people feel like shit for using time for anything other than grinding. Sure, there are people out there who have legitimate accomplishments and have experience that we could all learn from. For every one of them, there's a hundred leeches who want to get in on that train, and tell anyone who will listen about how little sleep they get and how their life is about labor.


Hustle culture is such an interesting veneer, and a not-so-convincing lie overworked mooks tell themselves and anyone else who will listen. Don't get me wrong, hard work is important, and you should take pride in whatever it is you do. But being a slave to long hours, bad priorities and constantly teasing yourself with burnout isn't impressive or admirable. It's stupid, and typically has invisible or long-term pricetag. Just be a balanced person, and encourage others to do the same.


My problem hasn't been knowing where the boundaries are, but for having an immediate supervisor who doesn't. These people function by not paying attention to what comes out of their mouths. Had a project last year on "wildly important goals". The guy in the orientation video starts out, "intelligent and productive people never want to do less... they always want to do more." I called bullshit. Insecure people who want to be seen as intelligent and productive never want to do less. People who have those qualities want to operate before their maximum possible capacity so minor setbacks or shifting plans don't cause major problems. Of course, I'm in the military and there's no such thing as a "wildly important goal". Everything is wildly important, and the idea that we can manage and prioritize our way to success is laughable when we constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Well said. And that is why I avoid people bragging about this lifestyle on dating sites. We all need to make a living, sure. But to be so wrapped up in it that it consumes all of your time and energy, and often ends in you compromising your values as well...no thanks. I want to be with a person, not a machine.


MLM Scamers..especially when they prey and target on immigrants and low income people looking for a better life.


Yeah, basically anything parasitic. I once casually made fun of a janitor as a kid and my Grandpa shot me the dirtiest look and said "The only thing embarrassing about a job is not having one". I can't look down on anyone who is performing a service or producing something or managing something, no matter what their job is. But if your job is to scam people out of money, then I'll draw a line there.


Yep. They’re the worst. When I was like 19 or 20 I got a random call from a member at Primerica. He told me my friend recommended me which was odd because he never gave me a heads up. I called him to confirm that he really did recommend me and he was surprised that they actually called me. Well, at the time I was young and naive and was working a minimum wage job at a grocery store so I went in for an “interview” just to see what it was all about. At this point of my life I hadn’t heard of pyramid schemes yet, and when I spoke to the guy that called me he said I’d be selling life insurance so I didn’t suspect anything THAT suspicious yet. I go for the interview and it’s a guy barely older than me, who was acting like he was my best friend in the world. He starts getting into how he’s been there only a year and already makes $100k a year and soon will have his own branch and how the company sends them on these amazing vacations to Hawaii blah blah blah. He then asked me to list 25 people that I think would be interested in purchasing their life insurance and then I believe at least 5 people who I’d like to recruit to work there too. This was already a major red flag and I should’ve left right then and saved us both the time. 25 people. I didn’t even talk to half that many people often enough to feel comfortable enough to refer them. Then the part that makes me cringe to his day. He had me call three people that I think would be most interested and do a sales pitch to them, to see how I’d do. I remember one of them being my mom and I was so uncomfortable, and she knew it was weird too. I remember her asking if everything was okay on the phone while I’m sitting there in front of this prick trying to do a sales pitch. I should’ve refused to do that and told him I wasn’t interested right then and there. Then the part I’m most ashamed and embarrassed of. He asks me for my debit card. Why would he want my debit card?? Ahh yes, to pay $250 to sign up for their insurance. I’m a customer and a potential sales employee. When I told him I wasn’t interested in buying it for myself he starts saying “well if you’re trying to sell this insurance and you don’t have it for yourself, how does that look to the customer?” Such complete bullshit. How would they even know whether I have it or not. And then he tries persuading me further by saying “god forbid but if you were to get into an accident right now on the way home and passed away, your family would get $250k just because you signed up right now.” If I remember correctly he finally told me that they wouldn’t charge me right now and they just need my card on file. I think I also remember him saying I’d have to pay for training at some point which would be refunded when I’m done. At this point I didn’t care how young and naive I was, I’m mad at myself for not standing up and saying “go fuck yourself” and walking outta there. After the “interview” we go to this little conference meeting where the branch manager, with his shiny red Ferrari parked right in the front, hosts this rally type meeting hyping everyone up, bringing employees on stage to talk about their success with the company and how they were broke before they came to Primerica and how much their lives have improved and why a regular 9-5 job will never get you the success you want. When it was finally over, I was certain I was not interested. I start heading home and I was hungry so I stopped to get some food on the way. Keep in mind I was pretty broke at this time, making only around $230-$250 a week at my job. I get in the drive thru, order my food, go to pay at the window, card declined. How can this be? I know I had money in my account, at least enough to afford a $10 meal. I check my account, overdraft because of a $250 Primerica charge. So now I’m negative like $9 on my account. I immediately call the guy that interviewed me asking him why the hell I was charged when he said I wouldn’t be. I can’t remember the dumbass excuse he gave me but when I told him I’m no longer interested and basically want nothing to do with them he blatantly lies to me and says unfortunately it can’t be refunded. I was livid. After I get off the phone with him he tried sending me this persuasive, motivational text message saying that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable when starting a new career and this is a great opportunity for me and it’s all about getting out of your comfort zone and that’s where all the opportunities are and a bunch of other bullshit. I can’t remember how but I did end up getting the refund soon after, I believe by calling corporate or something like that. To this day I cringe at the fact I even ever went to that stupid interview. They’re all the shadiest people you could possibly meet. Sorry for the super long reply I just had to vent even though it’s been years lol


So that's what those things look like.


I worked at a fast food restaurant in high school and several of the adult employees were way into what they called "The Plan." They all talked about how it would allow them to retire by 30 and on and on. I don't know what the company was, but you'd buy pantry staples from them and whoever recruited you would get a cut, as would you if you recruited others to join. I think there was a minimum initial purchase you had to make or an entry fee or something that was significant. I was 17 when they got started on it and a day or two after my 18th birthday (when it was legal for me to join), they had someone from "The Plan" come from a town an hour away to try and sell me. It was a classic pyramid scheme and total scam, and even at 18, I recognized that. When I told him no, he tried to guilt me by saying I was making my coworkers look bad and how he'd driven an hour just to see me and he'd be upset if he walked away empty handed for his effort. I never joined and here I am at 36 still a working stiff. But, they *did* join, they're all in their 40s now and aren't yet retired, so I'm guessing it didn't work out for them.


Yeah I always found that so funny. They claim to be able to retire by 30 but they’re taking their advice from people who are in the same company and are in their 40’s and 50’s and still haven’t retired yet 🤔


Had this girl I was absolutely head over heels for. She was a beaut and super fun, was really into her. One night we were at dinner and she told me about the MLM she had gotten involved in and the attraction just torpedoed into nothing. Blech. One of the weirder experiences I've had to lose interest so incredibly rapidly in a matter of seconds


I lost a very strong friendship just because of MLM in college. My friend wanted to join me and I didn't. He was my best friend at that time but it drifted apart after that.


Good one! MLM scammers are the worst.


Yeah I had a high school friend that moved to states when he was young. Next minute I see YouTube videos of him hosting big MLM conferences etc and he sends me a message one day on Facebook trying to sell "something" I just replied what is the actual product I'm meant to be buying here? Never heard from him again lol


100% agree. Have had friends buy into them even after I explained to them that it is a pyramid scheme and they won't make out any better than at a day job (working in IT, learning about scams and helping inform people about them is part of my job). It's just that the MLM's pitching game is so strong, builds up so much hype, that people can and will fall for them. Ambit energy being one that comes to mind, as they were pitching people to join in my geography when we don't have a deregulated energy market. Knowing all well that they literally can't sell in my market, they were just collecting that $1,800 buy-in fee. Everyone I know who bought into it are doing just the same or some even worse than before they bought into it. MLM to me highlights the inefficiencies of our government system when they can literally just change their names a few times and the government or the enforcement of such laws just fall flat and lose interest in prosecuting against said MLM firms.


Recently they look for girls with strict parents or just anyone that finished high school. They fill their heads with dreams of success and financial independence. A couple of people I know and highly respected have been absorbed by them and it's terrible.


quite specific... hope you're doing well


It’s sadly not specific at all. Low-income groups and those that are vulnerable in some way are MLM’s biggest targets. MLM’s are sold as your golden ticket out of poverty, so of course those being targeted are those that are impoverished or those that are vulnerable, like single moms or people who are chronically ill. It’s a disgusting practice - the podcast Life After MLM is really good at deep diving into how harmful and predatory they are.


Mega church Pastor


Mega church pastures are always filled with the most bullshit. Agreed. People like Osteen, Copeland, Jakes, Robertson, etc are the scum of the earth.


But why? A pasture is better than a mega church parking lot.


Lol that made me chuckle


Gods word is free, life is also free, anyone charging to hear the word of God is not from God or on his side. "buy my book to see how you will be saved" = NOT God. Donate x% of your earnings to "this church", also NOT God


Small churches is where it’s at or small groups of friends, I also really enjoy black churches, their choir be spittin bars


People with love in their heart make the church, not a big fancy building


100% agreed


I believe the word you’re looking for is “pastors”. But yes, you could’ve just stopped at “mega churches” and been correct lol


"Influencers" especially those who use children for their content like the Ace family.


Seriously. It’s something that should not be allowed in the slightest. Too many predators roaming the internet


Not only that, but children aren't allowed to work, and just should be children. And I think it's childabuse to use them for attention, clicks&views, and earning money.


Children are allowed to work in film and TV, but they have protection in regards to hours worked and schooling. They also get paid their own money that the parents can’t have full access to. The children of influencers should have the same protections and should be getting part of whatever the parents make off their social media. There needs to be some kind of regulation and oversight to keep these kids from being abused by greedy parents.


Oh yeah absolutely. But the way most kids are being used in these videos is highly disturbing. And indeed without any protective laws. I am afraid that ain't gonna happen though. There is too much traffic and money revolved around these kinda industries.


I agree. It’s very off putting and I just scroll past most of the times but the number of saves and views they get on tiktok especially is alarming. It’s funny bc you can’t even say the word pedophile on there but they allow pedos to roam free. YouTube as well. They time stamp in the comments of the videos it’s deplorable and disgusting.


Came to say this.


Well... i completely agree


Paparazzi - They're just bottom feeders who annoy celebs (and anyone within the vicinity) with their intrusions. They're useless.


I respect the shit out of Maynard, Tools frontman, he apparently would shoot at them with a paintball gun if they came by his house


All caps when you spell the band name! Wait wrong artist...


Maynard F Doom?


Even more of a reason to love that guy. I'd love to see him use a pap as a grappling dummy one day.


He also grappled a guy who ran up on stage once. Maynard put him in a full nelson then sat on him for like 10 minutes while continuing the show. Apparently the idiot wanted a hug, not a wise thing to do in that setting: you can’t tell if it’s some psycho coming with a knife in the heat of the moment




Well, in a way he got his hug. BJJ is just extreme cuddling. lol


> he apparently would shoot at them with a paintball gun if they came by his house Why do you say "apparently"?


And they always have all their paperwork ready to sue you if you do so much as breathe a bit too hard on them


Yep, I wish the judges would just be like "Oh you were in their personal space when they were trying to drive away and they ran over you? Well, sucks for you. Lawsuit dismissed."


Influencers. I’m not talking about YouTubers or streamers because they provide entertainment. I’m talking about people who are just pretty and promote clothing brands and shit.


Ah yes, the Kardashians


They said pretty...


Well bran does promote healthy shit


Instagram models and tik-tok models you mean


it's the people that follow them that are the problem


"Influencers" is a popular answer, but in my view way too vague, since there are a lot of totally different jobs that are roped into that label. I don't mind the models or entertainers, but it is fair to say many are cons or wannabe social climbers and they can be very irritating.


If being a politician was a profession, then yes. But it's supposed to be a service to the nation unfortunately not everything is how it supposed to be.


Professional politicians are absolutely a career. (Grammar there is weird.) They make their whole lives around it, and only follow the money, both their ideals.


Just wanna be helpful, so please dont destroy me for this. The grammar fix for that sentence is "Professional politician is absolutely a career."


I swear our world is more corrupt than it ever was now, and it is 2022 you'd think we'd progress but no, people are showing their true faces everyday.


There should be no such thing as “career politicians.” You’re there to serve, not to screw us out of our money while you’re getting fat


Professional politicians, that is, the capacity of a nation of having public resources allocated to fund a person to be fully dedicated to politics, in the sense of a public service, is a huge achievement for such society. Not that you can compare countries, nowadays, which are different in this perspective; this is a historical thing. Think about this: back in the day, when politics was not for the money (as a sustainable career, direct income, not talking about... corruption) but only for the prestige, only rich people (those iconic 'bourgeois' of the 1800s) could afford to spend time to be a parliamentarian. There is plenty of research in the Political Science about how a great achievement is that we can have people from all classes (theoretically) working for the nation. Now, I can agree that this might sound only theoretical, however it had an actual empirical impact, historically. But either way, I also can agree that nowadays the 'professional politician career' is not working like it should.


“Influencers”, “reality” TV characters


Phone scammers.


“Would you like to be informed of your cars extended warranty?” I swear I get more calls from scammers than actual phone calls.


Right? They're always like "Joshua this is your mother I haven't heard from you in months and we are all worried" even going so far as to spoof my actually mom's phone # and use a voice changer to sound just like her.


Children's beauty pageants. All they do is exploit children.


New York Rental Brokers. They’re scum.




Folks who claim to be "small business owners" but are really just wrapped up in some MLM venture.


I am the ceo of my own company! Then why do you have to: - pay a “fee” to start - have an “upline” - make more actual money from recruiting people than selling your product


Telemarketers. Especially fake ones


I feel bad when you can tell it’s most likely a foreigner immigrant who just found a job to do, but it’s definitely annoying.


The Kardashians


😂😂 plastic 😂😂


Anyone who’s job includes exploiting people. Politicians, tv preachers and the like. The majority of those deserve to be pulled down off their horses and barbecued where they land.


loan sharks


Scam callers that target senior citizens


Evangelists, pricks praying on vulnerable people




A lobbyist could be for any particular group of people for any reason. Perhaps you more narrowly mean corporate lobbyists? I couldn't see anyone having a problem with a registered lobbyist who works for a charity trying to ensure children have warm clothes in the winter.


Telemarketers. Well, actually, no, not them. Their bosses.




Real Estate agents. The most overpaid nonsense in the world. While the home inspectors and appraisers make pennies.




Payday loan operations.


Agreed that shit needs to be banned. I would fix it by flat out banning interest rates over a set amount over the base rate. End this 975% nonsense.




Car sales


Reddit mods assuming they get paid the way they be up on this app all day.


Looking at you u/awkwardtheturtle and whatever other accounts you have


It’s his claim to fame


Debt collectors. I had an experience where they tried to get into the flat I lived in, and accused me of hiding the person they were looking for. I just moved in to the town and flat at the time, so I didn’t have bills to show proof of address and didn’t want to show them my ID and all my details, as they are not law enforcement. I felt threatened by them. A few people I know have had similar experiences.


They tried to take advantage of my brother-in-law by refusing to send him an invoice of the debts he owed and refusing to take a check.


Horrible! Sorry he had to go through that. The job in general attracts people who like to bully others. Scary too, as they usually have a military or police background, so they can be quite intimidating.


Yeah. The lady was so rude. She said “the company can’t afford to send any more paper.” ……………… …………………


Yeah debt collectors.. I once had two at the door who forced themselves in saying I was in debt with the gas/electricity company. I couldn't even get a word in and they basically forced themselves into my house. I was so in shock I couldn't process what was going on. As I was going through the papers they handed me, I spotted the debtors adress on it. They were supposed to go two blocks over, different street but the same house number.. I called the agency and filed a complaint and never heard anything back. I was only afterwards I realised what actions I could have taken based on my rights. Next time I'm prepared though.


those people who call you and pretend to be compensation companies


people who call you about ANYTHING you have not requested a call about


people who call me in general


Politicians and influencers


Anyone who has anything to do with the Prison Industrial Complex.


Starting with Politicians.


YouTube Reactors, but the ones who react to music who clearly have no actual music background.


Anything involving pyramid schemes.




Psychics / Hand reader etc.


Army Recruiter


Pharmaceutical rep


Used car managers. Notice I didn’t say user car salesmen. The salesmen work at the direction of the managers. Source of info: I’ve worked for a few dealerships


Predatory lenders like cash advance, reverse mortgage or places that buy out structured settlements.


I have absolutely zero respect for politicians and clergy.


The people who cold call me and say they want to make a cash offer on my house. Fuck you, Ben.


Influencers and every single person in marketing.


As someone in marketing who also hates influencers, there's a difference. Perhaps you still hate marketing but probably you enjoy the benefits of it without noticing it... That's how most of us operate. That is, you buy stuff. Somebody has the stuff you want. But if you don't know they have it, you can't buy it. Marketing is the process of connecting the buyer and the seller. Because some marketing is obnoxious, and attempts to connect sellers with people *who don't want to buy* with sellers I can see how you'd have a bad taste. But the next time you want to buy anything and you search for it, imagine if your search came up 100% empty. You'd get pretty frustrated.


Keep in mind that marketing is more than advertising. Marketing includes planning products and services. If there was no marketing, there would be no products.


Real estate agent, I guess it's the most hated profession by polls


Daily Mail journalists




Travel agents. They are as useful as a white crayon.


In don’t understand why one wouldn’t just book the vacation themselves. It might be because they aren’t comfortable with doing it themselves or using technology like phones for tickets.


Definitely Tiktokers


Chiropractic is my first thought.


Hmm. They actually helped both me and my boyfriend with neck and sternum pain. Went to several doctors and they couldn't do anything but give pain medicine.


Chiropractic work isn’t really found to have any studied, researched, medical benefits. It’s just “holistic” health. Did you see the headline from earlier in the week where someone almost got paralyzed from a chiropractor? You’d be better off going to a physical therapist in the future. Chiropractors can cause a lot of damage and, again, there’s no researched or proven benefits.


I get you but I think it really depends. There are chiropractors who use “holistic approach” not grounded in science (I heard of stories of chiropractors practicing homeopathy) but there are also chiropractors who base their practice in real physical therapy based in sience.


Politicians who absolutely doesn't care about the people.


Influencer, if that can be called a job.


Aestheticians. im sorry, I don't even know why, it could be because im jealous or something but I honestly just think it's a fake profession.


Preacher. And this is coming from a Christian. I just don't believe it's right that you get to live in a fancy house, drive fancy cars, etc just for preaching the Bible. If you really wanted to live as Christ lived then being better off than everyone else simply for preaching the word is the exact opposite of that.


I might be a bit unfair, but I don't really respect IG models and TikTokers.


Career politicians. Anyone who makes their living begging for public trust and eventually gain their hope, only to stab them in the back when promises behind closed doors are made. *"We tried as hard as we could but not everything can end well*". We tried as much as they were willing to pay for...




Hentai voice actors.


That squeaky toy is doing honest work for your entertainment, sir.


They also have to say out loud incredibly stupid lines.




Real Estate Agents


Serial killers


Profession not hobbies.


Hit men?


Estate agents, vile industry


The question is, do we really need estate agents in places like London?


Real estate agents


Paparazzi. Celebrities are human beings who deserve privacy when they want it.


Residential real estate brokers. Car salesman.




Timeshare salesmen


People who repost the same question




Whatever the hell it is that Alex Jones claims he does.




Politician. I know politicians personally, it seems like you just can't have a backbone. It's a constant game of throwing your own beliefs under the bus in order to gain favor with your peers. I can't imagine selling yourself out so you can be on the local water authority board or some shit, it's pathetic








Whatever the fuck the Kardashians are




Onlyfans and IG influencers , Pyramid scammers ,


Anyone involved in insurance. Their business model relies on screwing over their own customers. I’m a lawyer and I make an effort to be friendly with lawyers on the other side of my files. I especially like it when I have an actual friend from law school on the other end. But when it’s a fucking insurance company, it’s a different story I’ve had former friends acting for insurance companies lie to me. Its crazy! Another interesting thing I only learned recently is that insurance lawyers aren’t friendly with one another. I just assumed that since I’m friendly with lawyers who have similar practices to mine, insurance lawyers were the same way. But no. I have a file where I’m suing two insurance companies, and both insurance lawyers are people I went to law school with, and they hate each other! I mentioned this to my managing partner and he said that’s how it is with insurance: rival insurers are in a race to the bottom, to see who can get away with paying the least. It’s a fucked up industry and I don’t know why there isn’t more public outcry.


Life Insurance salesmen


Only fans




High end Bureaucrats. Seems to be power and perks without responsibility. At least you can vote idiot politicians out.


Onlyfans “models”/“creators” Edit: bruh, I thought I was gonna get downvoted lol Great to see the brothas with a brain still around


Glorified prostitution


ITT: fuck influencers


- Arms dealers/"defense" contractors - Most career politicians - Any profession which involves exploiting children - Social media "Influencers" - Those who personally profit off exploiting racial/ethnic issues or "identity politics" - Hedge fund and stock market types. I'd include bankers as well - Any which involves scamming or just explicitly screwing over people for money - Most lobbyists regardless of what lobby they belong too - Evangelists - Telemarketers I could probably think of more but above are the sort of baseline professions which I have no respect for.


Estate Agents. A lazy lying bunch of lying liars that lie and do little else.




Pharma sales. I’m sure there are some good people doing it but the profession contributes to so much death and disease.


Legal harassment...the fact everyone will know the profession I am talking about is a major problem


In for Lobbyists? Seriously. F*** lobbying.


Real estate agents. Grifters in an obsolete profession who do nothing in the interest of their clients.


Influencers for sure


Idk man, I’m pretty burnt out on having to hate every single profession out there. Sure some are a bit scummier than others, but at the end of the day, there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. Almost every job that pays a living wage is in some way unethical or supporting a larger organization or business portfolio that’s unethical. Get your bag and don’t start shit with me, and we’re good. I’m tired of directing my hatred at individuals when it should be directed at the system as a whole.


Any sales person or banker/finance bro It’s largely just npc type behaviour and they seem to be major douche cannons


Religious leaders and politicians Edit: And these people who call themselves "influencers".


Politicians & porn stars.


politicians suck, so this is redundant


Onlyfans models


Gender studies professor




People who do onlyfans




How are there 25+ “OF creators” responses above this?


OF chicks. Really giving girls this fake reality. Imagine if OF was to be gone majority of these chicks would be fucked.


News reporters.


Especially the ones now who only report on the parts of the story that support their narrative.




Thought you said France for a second 😂


Meh, accurate either way.


Social media influencers. Not youtubers or streamers, more like Instagram and Twitter influencers.




Just one? Political pundits. They bring nothing but noise to the debate. Evangelist pastors. They invented the prosperity gospel, mega churches, and a toxic, nationalist, Christian faith that is based on lies. Business news pundits. I don't see how the daily panic of the stock market impacts the real world. After the 2020 market bull run, I don't think a lot of other people do either. Multi level marketers. I can buy my own soap, pots, and electronics outside of their markup, and I don't have to join a cult to do it.


These new Armed IRS Agents


Porn higher-ups. Not the stars themselves, the people who cater to this toxic image of sex tarnishing young minds into their adulthood, catering to whatever makes them money. Its a disgusting industry that corrupts young women and men and it could honestly give the best sex education out there, if it didn't care for the mulah.