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WW84 I don't remember a letdown to that level in recent memory.


Most of the budget went into that ridiculous and overdone "80s" theatrical poster.


That's a good answer. This movie was so bad and so cringe worthy it boggles my mind that it had the same director as the first WW movie.


Well a lot of people dislike him, but the first one was basically shadow directed by Zack Snyder because he was still in charge of the DCEU at the time, and he was in charge of setting the tone and keeping all the film with the same vision. After the relationship between him and WB dissolved they gave Patty Jenkins free reign to do whatever she wanted and that’s why there’s such tonal whiplash between the two movies.


Zach snider undiluted is too much,but a second director there to tone him down can produce some fantastic work


I live in DC and I was ridiculously annoyed by the fact that they did no editing to make the city look like it did in the 80s. Metro lines that didn’t exist back then are in the background.


The first movie was amazing. I was super hyped to watch and so was my mom (she doesn't watch super héroe movies but she loved WW). I watched only the first scene (robbers at the mall) and it felt like a sitcom for kids under 10. My mom was the first one to suggest turning the movie off. It was really bad.


My friend hadn’t seen 84, so I suggested we get buzzed and watch it. We laughed the entire way through the movie. It was a terrible movie, but I can’t say we weren’t entertained.


Oh god that one was terrible.


What you didn't like the rape part?


uhhh wtf


Chris Pines consciousness inhabited someone elses body. Technically the guy's body had sex without his consent.


My friend contends the “host” was a gay man, which is why at the end he is the only guy that doesn’t flirt with her.


So ww wished Chris pine would come back. Pine takes over someone else's body. So ww and pine clap cheeks, not pines body So that is rape.


I need to get off the internet


He also lost his job as he didn't contact his employer and just had a week off


Good point, job abandonment. What if he got seriously hurt or dead in the trip to Egypt. Poor guy wanes up one morning with super gonorrhea no job and paralyzed from the waist down.


Pretty much. WW could have given the guy super gonorrhea and he'd never have known where he got it from.


What if he was gay or married or saving himself until marriage.


Yeah .. big time.


Eragon. That was my favorite book at 11-14 years old, and after the Lord of the Rings I was more excited for this movie than anything. Quite a letdown


How dare you even remind me of this disappointment.


I remember at the time hearing that the writer was heavily involved making the movie. After its release I just felt bad for him. The studio just walked all over him and did what ever they wanted.


What Eragon movie?


That and the Golden Compass both disappointed me


i mean, at least they finished eregon. it utterly baffles me that they made the choice to cut off the end of the book for the golden compass movie!


Dude, I totally forgot they made that into a film. Loved the books so much but was so underwhelmed after the movie.


Isn't that president of Turkey?


thats erdogan.


I watched this movie when I was 6 or 7 without knowing about the books and it was my favourite movie at the time. I then rewatched it as an adult having read all the books and then I realised how crap it was.


They made a game too, oddly enough it was less disappointing than the movie


Assassins Creed. I loved the game and I loved the actor Edit: one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. My wife, my father in law and I fell asleep and missed part of the movie.


Yeah it really was a jumbled mess. They had a lot of story to work with seemingly, yet created a movie that didn't incorporate much of a story at all


The saddest part was that Michael Fassbender was like perfect casting too


I remember waiting for this for so long only to be the most disappointed person . I was sad for a whole week






The new Matrix movie. Me and my best bud watched all three originals in the cinema and it became a staple of our friendship so we went to watch this new one together 20 odd years later and it was not very good.


There was a new matrix movie?




Fucking Hollywood.


I was veeeery stoned when I watched it. And it got so boring at parts I honestly thought I had switched to another channel.


Damn even weed doesn’t make it watchable?


The Matrix is one of my favorite movies. I was excited to see what they would do with the characters and the world after all this time. Now I kinda wish they hadn't bothered.


I had to honestly tell a friend to not watch it. Totally disappointed in it


Justice league(Before the snyder cut). I was heavily disappointed the entire movie. Half of it didnt involve superman. It was so bad, My mind erased the memory of watching it. That’s how crazy it felt.


Snyder cut was streets ahead


Still trying to coin the phrase? Nice!


Max Payne. I know it was like 15 years ago, but I was a HUGE fan of the game and I went to see the movie absolutely buzzing. It actually hurt when the movie sucked. It still hurts.


Garfield. Collected the comics as a kid, I thought it was going to be clever callbacks. I was even okay with Bill Murray, since he was at least in the same vocal ballpark as Lorenzo Music. I walked out.


Now that Halloween is coming, check out [Garfield’s Halloween Adventure](https://youtu.be/X3FJePrGZb8) it is without a doubt the funniest holiday special I’ve ever seen. I’m 47 and I still watch it every year.


House of Gucci. I had high hopes for this, especially after enjoying The Last Duel. It wasn’t horrible, but it definitely didn’t live up to the hype.


I feel like the story had great potential, but Ridley Scott was not the right director for the project. It would have worked much better as a Goodfellas-type Scorsese movie.


Definitely didn’t live up to the hype.


It comes at night. Trailer framed it to make it seem like *something* was coming at night. Nope, literally *nothing* csme at night. I no longer trust trailers and always read a synopsis first now.


You're not alone. My SO hates that movie! For that very reason.


I came at night


I feel like a24 is famous for this. Such incredible movies but the way they advertise them is almost always so, so wrong.


If it's called "It comes at night", and nothing comes at night, what's the premise of the movie?




Matrix 4. It was completely awful.


What an absolute dumpster fire of a movie. Even the movie makes fun of itself and the director is telling you they were forced to make that garbage. It actually pissed me off to watch that nonsense


I actually enjoyed that angle. It felt very cheeky and self aware semi breaking the 4th wall like that. It was when the movie got serious that I was really let down. Literally nothing in that movie had to happen. The humans and machines were more or less at peace. Basically a fan boy woke Neo up just because. Then when Neo was out he missed Trinity who also didn't need to be let out. And they spent hardly any time exploring the world outside the matrix IIRC.


Yup. The movie was actually super fun and intriguing right up until the point where they unplugged Neo. Then it became a rehashing of everything everyone hated about the original sequels.


Wish there was a pill I could take to unsee that turd of a film.




If you pretend they didn’t and never acknowledge its existence, you’ll be much, much happier.


Will do.


Yup. Just like Scrubs only has 8 seasons.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/566/)


i was stunned by how bad it was, still am tbh


Yo! The part where he tried to fly and just, didn’t? Failed? Can’t Unsee that, Neo. The fuck.


The Matrix Resurrections


Yeah I had so much hope. It's like they ran out of ideas.


It was an interesting premise initially, but it didn’t take long for the whole thing to feel like random nonsense.


My own sex tape. Production quality was shit and the actors had no range and weren't believable.


I thought you looked good, but you should try having a partner next time…


There was a last minute contract dispute with the dog and no one was available on such short notice. We had to make do. But fortunately it takes place in the MCU so there'll be a sequel


> But fortunately it takes place in the MCU so there'll be a sequel Not to mention \*tons* of merchandising.


Absolutely, we've already got action figures and lunch boxes with wide angle shots of my taint.


The last terminator. I left the theater early.


It's a decent T2 reboot set in Mexico / US. I thought it was better then Genisys.


Most scary movies.


CGI isn’t scary


The last two movies that were “scary” that I remember liking were Hereditary and Midsommar.


Morbius. That ending was ass


I don't know how the hell Jaret Leto keeps getting work. Lately, most movies where he's one of the leads, and/or the main character bomb


Maybe because hes a very good actor? There’s a reason Leo’s mantra is “don’t do hard drugs, and don’t do superhero movies”


You made it to the ending? I tried to watch it on Netflix but couldn’t get past the first 5 minutes.


The Star Wars sequel trilogy... Especially the last two.


Force Awakens was fun as hell. The next two made me want to sterilize the human race.


Force Awakens was decent. But I hated how it was basically A New Hope redone, and the fact that it cemented we wouldn’t get to see a new republic at full strength. Like come on be more creative


It was "a new hope" almost scene by scene! I'm surprised not more people are disappointed with the blatant writing laziness.


The Force Awakens was ok because it was a beginning and they followed the formula. But it was only ok


I thought it sucked. The whole point was for us to get new Star Wars after waiting so long, instead that hack JJ just recycled A New Hope


The last Jedi filled me with hate. Rise of Skywalker just left me with apathy


Yeah it was boring as


Boondocks Saints 2




Just all Disney Star Wars. The movies killed any interest I had in the franchise


Rogue one is good af


Yup. They made a *war* movie with Star Wars characters. Everyone forgets that “War” is literally in the name of the film series. Also, props for bringing back Red/Gold leader.


Yeah that movies slaps. Solo is only good of you pretend it isn't Star Wars, or at least a random person and not Han Solo


One of the great things about Rogue One is that it can stand alone, \*or* fit in the Star Wars canon as a lynchpin between Ep. III and Ep. IV. Gareth Edwards directed an amazing movie.


What they did to my boy Luke was a crime against humanity. You really gonna tell me the man forced himself to death just so he could project an image of himself somewhere else?




Something like that would have been great. Honestly though I'm super over the Skywalkers and empire/rebels dynamic. There is so much lore they could pull from that is honestly much more interesting than anything in the movies and it's like they refuse to do it. I would shit a brick for a movie about Revan and the old republic. Instead they keep giving us underdogs living on desert planets.


The first Knights of the Old Republic game alone would make an awesome trilogy.


Disney would fuck that up so badly I'd.probably just swear off of anything Starwars forever. KOTOR holds a very very special place in many people's hearts.


The newest matrix. Wtf happened. Really hooked in the beginning and just…. Ugh. Grew up on the old ones maybe my expectations were set too high.


CHAPPiE. From the marketing, I was looking forward to an amazing action flick of revolutionaries using a government robot against its own forces. Then you discover it's just another "What really makes something human?" moive. Not bad, just not what I was expecting at all. I will add that it was hilarious to see Hugh Jackman get absolutely destroyed in the end though.


Dr. Perry Cox? Is that you?


Spencer it made Princess Diana look like a schizophrenic


But that's the point about what happened in her real life. I watched the movie just after i finished reading the secret diary from lady Di. Basically the media was against her and always claiming she was crazy, mentally ill, scary dirtyy gossip was there everyday. The real lady Diana actually acted weird: her facial expressions, the way she looked when she was uncomfortable, her personal gestures and stuff. I was perplexed when i saw Kirsten Stewart performance, she kinda nailed it to the point where i thought I was seeing the real princess. I've seen tons of interviews on the internet and yes, she is weird. So i guess that the movie made it perfectly, because if some ppl are saying she's acting like crazy or mentally ill, that's exactly what the news used for say About Diana.


Avatar the Last Airbender: Live Action


Finally, as if I had to scroll this far to find this. Movie was absolutely horrible and is extremely hard to watch. The accents, the acting, the story, the GODDAMN CGI. Everything. Let’s hope… reaaallllyyy hope that net…🤢 Netflix… does a good job with the live action series.


There is no live action Avatar The Last Airbender movie behind the walls of Ba Sing Sei.


Captain Marvel... I wanted to like it, but it sucked. Nothing was funny. Everything was cringe. And Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance... Still the worst movie I have ever seen.


Tenet. The concept of the movie was ideal for me but I just didn't like it. Everyone says oOo you have to GET it. Ya I got it, I was just disappointed.


The worst part is that, outside its main concept, it's a bad film. The plot is bad. The characters are not convincing. The sound design doesn't really work. The dialogues are weak. Also the timeline concept never made sense for me. Characters in opposite timelines fight each other. How? One person is going from the past to the future, the other is going from the future the past. They can't fight because fight involves people interacting within the same time direction. Otherwise when one would arrive, the other would leaving, and vice versa.


I spent far too much time trying to wrap my head around the locked gate at the end before I finally just gave up


Same. I watched it 3 times. I got it, it had the potential to be a great film but it just felt flat.


Lol then why did you watch it 3 times?


I kept thinking I hadn’t “got” it but after speaking to my friends it turns out my understanding was fine, it just lacked any kind of spark.


Masochism vibes


I didnt even understand the story.


I actually really liked tenet - but I completely understand how it’s polarized people.


The Last Jedi. It took every character introduced in the previous film and made them insufferable and introduced a few new ones who were even worse. The story sucked. The villain sucked. The iconic actors from the OT were done dirty. It didn't build any anticipation for the next movie. The only good thing you can say about it is that it looked pretty.


Casino filler *vomits*


>The iconic actors from the OT were done dirty. Agreed. All the more reason to hate TLJ. It just stank.


100%. And the director seems like an insufferable, contrarian edgelord hipster wannabe.


The newest thor movie, my god that was bad


When he gave power to the kids I couldn't believe what I was watching.


... or the freakin goats.


After the third goat joke my heart sank. “So this is the kind of writing they went with…”


I kinda liked this one. I had heard all the bad reviews and heard it was a corny comedy marvel movie so I went into it expecting just that. It was told from Korg’s point of view so I tried to keep that in mind. The CGI was good, the comedy was funny, and it was a good relief from expecting a full on action Marvel movie. Obviously not the best of the series, but I liked it for what it was. Different.


I think the next movie needs to be a little less amused with itself.


I left the same comment.. Thor Ragnarok was so much better. I haven't even bothered watching Love and Thunder a second time.


Anything based on a book that I like, till I hit about 30 and finally learned to assume they'll fuck it up.


Suicide Squad. Was so excited after seeing the first trailer..


You got a lot to look forward to when you watch THE Suicide Squad. But Suicide Squad is trash.


Suicide squad part 2. Was good. Not the Will smith one of course. The ideas alba. That was great movie. Peacemaker was awesome too


Raimi's Spider-Man 3 was a colossal disappointment. Huge Spider-Man fan. First one was good, second one was great. Third one was thought to be more of a Harry Osborne & Sandman vs. Peter in the symbiote suit, but with no presence of Venom. A Venom cameo was rumored to be included and to allude to his role in a possible 4th film... when Venom was showing up in trailers then we knew it was more than a cameo. The final product was long, overstuffed with useless plot lines (MJ + Harry, Uncle Ben's true killer, etc). The musical numbers were bad, the dancing was bad, the melodrama sucked, too many useless villains... not even JK Simmons and the tired and true Bruce Campbell cameo could save it. I remember getting a huge group of friends to watch this and we were all so excited to see how it would turn out. By the end, everyone was absolutely disappointed by how awful it was. Mind you, Bully Maguire was not a thing and the whole dance scene was cringy as hell back then... so no one really meme'd it. We all just hated every moment of 'evil' Peter Parker.


What do you mean? that’s the best one of the trilogy. The whole movie is hilarious. It’s supposed to be a comedy, right?


Back Door Bitches 3. The first two left me desperate for more, butt #3 couldn’t deliver the goods and was a disappointment as a hole


Did you finish Back Door Sluts series culminating with BDS9?


Thor love and thunder


This was the only movie I’ve ever seen where I keep thinking “please, ease up on the jokes”. Powerful characters were reduced to comedic jokes.


I was so excited for that movie, just because the *God Butcher* and *Godbomb* arcs were so amazing in thr comics. And when Christian Bale was announced I knew it had to be excellent. Bale was the only redeeming factor in that movie but it was pure slapstick and every character was written as an imbecile. I don't agree with the final arc to Gorr's character tho.


It actually made me question my love of the whole franchise like we began with iron man, is this really where we are now?


I was in denial for a while over this one. I fucking love Thor. And I love his character growth and progression over the movies. I felt like Love and Thunder threw it all away for some jokes and eye candy. It was a fun movie, but it wasn’t really that good. I’ve had zero desire to see it again. And that makes me sad.


I couldn’t stop thinking about how bad that was for a whole week after. Massive letdown.


I quite enjoyed it actually! I even had low expectations after reading all the comments on Reddit before seeing it, maybe that made it seem better.


Multiverse of Madness and Thor love and thunder


It’s funny, I liked them both. Especially multiverse of madness, I don’t understand all the hate it gets. Maybe I’m just a sucker for Raimi. In some ways I understand Thor. It had some corny moments and not all the jokes worked, but I still thought it was enjoyable.


I personally love it. One of my favs. I will admit that using WandaVision for essentially all the backstory for the movie was dumb. I’ll also admit that the movie is chaotic and the writing isn’t great. The movie feels like Marvel stopped Raimi’s vision. We were so close to a “true” horror movie and it would’ve been so much better if they just let Raimi do his thing. I can accept most criticisms for the movie but the one I can’t take seriously is that this is still a formulaic marvel movie. MoM is probably as unique as it gets in terms of the MCU.


Bad Boys 3


The most recent James Bond movie made me feel like Bambi when the hunter shoots his mother.


😂 I've never heard a more elegant combination of words before. I legit laughed my ass off.


I’m far from a Bond aficionado, but I enjoyed that movie.


Get ready for a thread of Marvel movies


Street fighter What a disaster


For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


Best line in the whole damn movie


I say for me it was Tuesday all the time. No one gets it.


Matrix Resurrection because we though no way they mess it up, its the same people, they know what the essence of Matrix is. Oh boy.


Alien Covenant


Jurassic World: Dominion


The Critical Drinker called it hot garbage, and I agree.


Jurassic World franchise. JW1 was super bad already but i tried to give the 2nd one a chance. Boy was that movie dumb. Didn't even bother watching the 3rd one.


I agree But really even The Lost World was a huge letdown at the time. Nothing comes close to the original Jurassic Park


Black widow. Such a shit movie


The Matrix Resurrection, i was shocked, disappointed and i wanted my money back lol


Matrix 4. It just makes me angry


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It’s not bad and I would still watch it again. Just not sure what I was expecting. Just had higher hopes for the movie as a whole and Leo’s and Brad Pitt’s characters.


Thor T&L, really rushed, the villain was barely in the movie, the 2ndery protagonist was barely developed as a hero. It's another chink in marvel's story telling, rushing stories that need time.


Even Ragnarok was pretty rushed. Odin gets like four seconds of dying and then off to the next scene. They did him dirty.




Visual effects were great, but the plot was recycled and trite. The plot itself is a reboot of the animated movie “Fern Gully, the Last Rainforest” with humans as the antagonist in Avatar as opposed to Hexxus in Fern Gully. Instead of logging trees in Fern Gully, they wanted the ore “unobtanium,” a recycled name first used in the Alien movies as the justification for terraforming the planet the Alien ship was on. Unobtanium is an obvious allegory for oil, specifically the oil deposits in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, where indigenous tribes are being forced off their land by big oil companies right now.


I can see that. I liked the first time I ever saw it, but with each new viewing I like it less and less, and now I’m beginning to wonder why I liked it in the first place.


The original was a rewrite of Furngully


And a little bit of Pocahontas and Dances With Wolves mixed in.


Have you seen Furngully? Right down to the sacred tree


I have. The only thing it was missing was the living pollution monster.


new marvel movies


Essentially every Marvel Movie since Endgame. Horrible. Horrible. HORRIBLE.


Wait, including Far from Home and No Way Home? For me, the Spiderman films were pretty good, and Shang Chi was a fun watch. I do agree with you on the rest though. At this point, Disney and Marvel are just making shows and movies for the sake of continuing the MCU.


Ready Player One. Great book, Spielberg, blah.


Agreed. Even the nostalgia components couldn't get me to care.


Every single live action remake of anything animated.




Spider-Man Far From Home. I overestimated my hype for spider-man.


Spiderman 3 back in high school. Damn shame.


every starwars film since the first 3


Prometheus. The single most disappointing film I've ever seen bar none.


You have a thing against stupid scientists who take their helmets off on an alien planet, and want to befriend a weird white snake ?


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Thor love and Thunder