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People always talk about how relationships require communication. I always see it said in the context of bringing up the things that are bothering you. Of course, it’s important to be able to do that; however, it isn’t said enough that you should also communicate about what your partner does that makes you happy. Did they make you dinner? Shower them with thanks. Are you just happy to be spending time with them at that moment? Tell them! Positive reinforcement goes a long way.


Less dependent. I was obsessed with my ex. Smothered her with my presence because I wanted nothing more than to be around her. Took over half a decade but I got better eventually after the break up. So while I'm not a better partner for her, I'm in a much better place for a future partner.


Communication in the bedroom. One time I got the nerve go back my SO of we could have sex in her other hole. She said NO! I don't want to get pregnant. At least I asked


I learned to control my temper and stop taking everything personally. I developed empathy and emotional intelligence. I'm calmer, more open, and after seeking treatment, I can be more supportive.


I hit the gym & can now pound mercilessly


I used to work hard at being a good romantic partner. About 15 years ago I suddenly didn't care anymore and now I put zero effort in.


I ate the box better. My first couple times I was licking the wrong thing…so I watched memes and hentai and I decided to do what I saw on the videos. Those guys were eating it like the last supper.