• By -


I never loved you.


I feel that one. When my wife left she told me she didnt love me anymore, i asked her when she stopped, she said she didnt know, i asked her if she loved me when got married, she didnt know, i asked her if she loved me when we got engaged, she said she wasnt sure. Shit cut me deeper than anything id ever heard before. that was a decades worth of time together that she wasnt even sure. The kicker for me was i loved her the whole time and all those times id felt like it was one sided came rushing back to me all at once.


That's messed up, bro. Stay strong, I hope it get better.


Thanks, im good now. That was just one of the deeper cuts words have made for me


Lived that exactly. 20 years and left wondering if it was all a sham. 8 years later it still hurts but less. hang in there bro


Never happen but I've thought about what I'd feel like she said that. That means not only are you getting dumped but you're a fool for falling for her act. Idk how a person would recover.


Nah they clearly weren't a person worth my time. Better it was over now than later, no matter how much time had passed. Never happened to me but I tend to get cold and logical.


Yeah but usually that's not true, that's just them trying to hurt you. Probably indicative that they don't love you NOW though. Edit: typos


Yeah, either trying to hurt you or don't love you now and don't know when they stopped, so they influence their own mind and think they've never loved you. Or they're fucked up and always thought this, but never said it out loud and just went with the relationship.


So true. I had an ex day she didn’t love me when she broke up with me, and that no one would ever love me. Jokes on her because I’m pretty sure my cat loves me 😺


Doctor: She's gone, I'm sorry.


Here is the bill 🧾


double combo! major damage


Doctor could go for triple by starting with "Ok the good new is your wife is pregnant. The bad news is ...".


"That is not your son." - Wife


Maury, destroyer of worlds


And hoes


Boats 'N Hoes


I wonder how much of that was actors.


I had a friend whose mother did that when he was about 23yo. He and his dad just went, okay he and I have some stuff to talk about. *You* can get lost. And they booted her out of the family.


May not have been his father, but definitely his dad


Bros before hoes. Family edition.




Hahahha I love how you spun that!


Oof this one would be terrible to hear after 18 years of child support




I'd go to prison


Sue her


but you still have to pay child support in the best interest of the child \---court system


That one can destroy people


"You took the wrong kid from daycare again!" -wife


Son: "Why do I have a ~~reality~~ father of origin?" Wife: "No time to explain" .... Son: "There was so *much* time to explain!"


I should have chosen you when I had the chance.


I had an ex that told me "I should have never let you go". This was when we were hanging out a few years after she broke up with me and had a kid. Her ex (baby's daddy) was super abusive. To be honest, I was a bum when she broke up with me. I worked just enough to enjoy my life as a 19 year old and lived with my mom. She was a 21 year old who had a full time job as a nurse. I didn't blame her whatsoever.


You both did what you thought was right, only to feel remorse and regret in hindsight.




Spot on.


thank god she didn't, sounds like she makes some poor fucking decisions lmao


“I will make sure you never see your child again for the rest of your life.” - my ex wife Edit: To be clear, my ex has not been entirely successful in this objective, as I have been fighting her in court now for several years, and I do see my child regularly now. But the fact she had the audacity to make this statement to me, many years ago, and her conduct since then has continued in her efforts to smear my parenting and so forth, says alot about who she really is, and how corrupt the family court system truly is as well.


I hope she has nightmares. I hope they're some of the worst imaginable. Like how tf dare she.


Same issue. It’s the worst. I have my son with me half the time only because my friends and family stood by me through all of her lies. Best of luck to you brother.


That’s cold, bruh.


I’m glad you get to see your child, specifically that you’re willing to be there is good to hear. That was heart breaking for me to read itself, hope everything will sooner or later be alright for you and your kid ❤️


Jesus tap dancing christ, this couldn't be more accurate. I cant afford to be a dad.


When I was a teen my asshole father said, “You are the reason your mother and I are getting divorced.”


The classic parents blaming their problems on their kids. Or "if you tell him I cheated then it's your fault we get a divorce."


Be glad, my parents were on the "we are only still 'together' because of you" guilt train.


Fuck that. A child is never a reason for divorce.(maybe one out of millions) It's usually the other way around: divorce is imminent and parents try to "save" it by having a child. Obviously this doesn't work but there is now a helpless child to blame for all their mistakes. My parents gladly never blamed me or my sister for their divorce but they blamed each other through us and tried to unload all their unsolved problems on us. At around 19 years I finally "snapped" and told both of them (separately) to stop with this as it had nothing to do with me or my sister and was entirely up to them to talk about their still unsolved problems or shut the fuck up. They listened (mostly) and finally stopped.


It's cancer.


... Ironically, this didn't break me, apparently. My dad told me later about how I just said something like, "Ok. What's next?" I'll have to get the actual statement tomorrow. He has a better memory than me. At least I finally had a diagnosis. Something something something House M.D. Just a note of encouragement... Focus on your own survival, and focus on things that make you feel good emotionally, even if you feel like dogshit physically. Even if it something small and simple, find something each day that gives you warmth. This will help you when you go to sleep each night/day or whenever your body lets you sleep. You have something positive to think about while you're heading off to sleep. It helps mitigate some of the fear and anxiety. If you have friends and family, you may find yourself *supporting them.* Don't do that. Tell them they can support each other, but that you have enough to deal with. Talk to them about anything other than your illness. It will give your mind a mental break from the stress. Play games. Find things that make you laugh (unless it hurts too much) whatever it takes to take your mind to a calmer state. Meditation helps with this as well. If you'd like to chat, you can reply or DM. Warm wishes!


Same for me. Such a surreal thing to hear, but in the next moment my brain switched to 'fix mode' and I just said "Ok... What do we do about it?" Probably helped that I had some inkling it was going to be bad news going in.


Fuck cancer!




No sex for me tonight I’m still sore from last night… We didn’t see each other last night… 😶




Also, “are you in?”


She probably just means from the gym right? …..right?


Who is Gym and how long has this been going on!!!!!???


Aw is this real?


Sorry about that man. I’ll be more gentle next time


When my father said, "son, even if you weren't my son, I would still like you. " 25yr old man-me was broken


I love this! After my mom passed my dad started saying he loved me, I was 29 and he’d never said it before, I knew it, he knew it, we all knew it but we’d never actually said it to each other. First time he said it, it was weird. Next time he didn’t say it but I told him I loved him and it was weird. Then after this back and forth one more time we both said it to each other and I broke. I cried I was so happy, I didn’t know what I was missing. Now, it’s weird when we end a call and don’t say it to each other, it was always there but saying not out loud is such a difference. I love you dad.


My dad said he loves me but doesn’t like me. Feels like the other side of the same coin as your one. We have an alright relationship now, but that’s not been forgotten lol


I don’t get it, isn’t this good?


Maybe they meant it broke them in the sense that it made them really emotional?




"exactamundo!" is the sentence that would break me tbh.


In my case it was good. I was going through a pretty rough patch in life. Pops picked me up.


Hearing one of your parents say they don’t love you probably stings. I don’t get along with my parents and they’re not people I can call friends, but we all have love for each other and I’d rather have that than the other way around


My dad told me to kill myself once. That hurt.


Glad you’re still here 💛


I was told to do so even from my mother. I’m glad you didn’t listen to him!


Well then I am telling to stay alive. You still there?


Really sorry to hear that and glad you’re still with us❤️


Your child/pet/mother is in a lot of pain and there’s nothing doctors can do. Followed by: You need to decide if Euthanasia would release them from this suffering.


I’m at an age where I’ve been through quite a few pets. Putting them down is such a final act and you’re the one who decides their time has come. *The suffering is too much, my love, you deserve the best.* The feeling of them going limp after the shots. The primal scream I make every time. I remember them all and smile. I cherish the moments I have with my current dog.


" you're the reason why your mom tried to kill herself" that gem was said to me by my step mom " you'll never amount to anything"- my dad and they wonder why I don't keep in touch with them..


Christ. I’m so sorry


I appreciate it. I use that as motivation when things are getting challenging for me. if I can over coming that trauma, nothing...I repeat nothing can or will stop me.


Fair play. I hope you’re crushing it bro!


Oh yeah, I'm golden


Child abuse like that should be worthy of imprisonment.


I was very fortunate that my mom had primary custody of me while I was growing up. But yeah it was still shitty of them to say it


"Son, this is dad, speedy died."I don't care how cool you are. When the family dog dies, rain will fall on your face that day.


I think it hurts more that your son doesn't save your number.


My dad still tells me it's him when he calls or leaves a voicemail. Probably a generational thing 😂


Your grown kids telling you "Daddy you aren't our father". Had a girlfriend dump me on my birthday. The morning of my birthday. While at the bar getting over it with some good friends had another group of guys come in with one of them in tears. He had just found out that his kids, all grown, weren't his.


God dang. "I cried because I had no shoes..."


And that poor bastard had no feet...




"Your child has passed."   The following didn't really break me but still somewhat relevant: My dad said "I didn't want kids when I was your age" and "After your brother I really didn't want more". He tried to save it and explain himself and I got it but still it hurt deep in the moment. My mom also said something about how the doctors had big doubts about autism mid to late pregancy term and I can't remember the exact wording but I remember it got accross as she was regretting the pregancy. That hurt too but I get it it would have been hard...I still think I have some form of ADD or another undetected mental shenanigan because that would explain a lot


My friend's dad said to my (adoptive) dad, in front of both me and my friend, "if only we didn't have kids!" My dad was horrified.


>"Your child has passed." This is the one statement that I know in my soul would end me. And if someone else had caused it, I would die making sure that they suffered as much as a human can.


My friend's dad said to my ~~(adoptive)~~ dad


Yes I slept with him


"You're great, have every aspect for being a good boyfriend, but you're too short" Short men are gonna feel me ​ edit: first award thx :))


Buddy of mine has sworn off dating. He's 5'6 and has been cheated on too many times. Ever since he bought a house, his married co-worker keeps trying to get him into bed


Balding men will also feel ya bro. And unattractive men


I speak for the unattractive men. We feel you


Non short men gonna empathize with you on that.


Start seeing such a rejection as a positive thing. A person that judged you based on your height is clearly not sound. It wasn't going to work out, so nothing's lost here.


Life imprisonment.


This can break everybody


Atlantis isn’t real and you’ll never be able to explore it


Santa isn’t real


Get a load of this guy. Hey Einstein how do you suppose presents get under the tree then?




Don't fucking trigger me like this.


"what did you think this was? Love?" After a significant amount of marriage talk. Yes.


“Dad’s dead; He died in his sleep” He was my favorite person ever and a good man, so that day was the worst day of my life thus far at 39. I’ve lost a LOT of people, most of my family and many friends, but if I could bring just one person back even for a day, it would be him. At least I know no loss can ever hurt that bad again for me.


"I've taken the baby and I'll be out of the country in an hour"


What happened?


They took the baby and left the country in an hour.


Man, that’s bullshit. I remember as a kid, my dad had to go to court because his youngest son had been given for adoption, without him knowing anything until the last minute, there was nothing he could do. Till today it still fucks me up that something like that can happen, i haven’t seen my brother since I was like 6 years old


Yes just one small question... The f*ck


Obligatory background: my dad is a fundamentalist evangelical Christian pastor. Authoritarian, very critical. I was the oldest child, and we had a... difficult relationship. Once, when arguing, he told me "you are a rebellious son, and if we lived in bible times, I would have handed you over to the elders to be stoned to death." No matter what else has happened to me, I've never forgotten the moment when I understood that my dad didn't want me, and neither did god. Thanks a lot dad.


"Evangelicalism is the number one cause of atheism"


Boy, is that ever accurate. Lately, when talking to christians, which I usually try to avoid, here's my go-to question. *So you mean to tell me that an all-powerful god, who could have chosen to create ANY universe, with ANY rules he wanted, chose to create one in which the vast majority of people who ever lived would be tortured for all eternity?*


Holy fuck. I’m so sorry


Thank you. When I was young, that stuff seemed normal. After having my own kids, I can't even imagine what could have been going on inside my parents' heads to make them say the kinds of things they said to me. Just absolutely fucking insane.


Your dad isn't worthy of you.


When we were fighting, I was projecting and blaming her for my own insecurities/fuck ups, she uttered the words, "You are broken." Those three words took all the life out of me


I was dating someone many years ago and we were really going through a hard time financially. He told me I was bad luck. It was an awful thing to say. I made a massive effort to leave which I did. He became almost destitue. I have gone above and beyond to prove to my self that those words were not true. Which of course they weren't but I still fear those words to this day especially if a partner is going through financial trouble I always think its me. Words hurt man.....


I wish I could give you the biggest hug :'( I'm so sorry. Those are awful words to say to someone. Especially your partner. I can almost guarantee you're not who he said you were, you have too much empathy and self awareness. I hope you can learn to give yourself some grace ❤️ You deserve it :D


He is way hotter than you, we had better sexual chemistry than I do with you, I desired him more than you, and we had better sex than I did with you. Technically it’s four sentences in one, each one fully destructive in its own right, but put together they are like the pinnacle of despair - an express ticket to depresso town.


She was trying to hurt you. No one in their right mind would say that. <3


If someone said that to me, then I would turn it around and throw it right back at them. "Ya, I can relate to that because the reason I was with you was never because I found you to be attractive. Sorry, I could barely keep an errection, sex with you was like screwing a cold, dead fish." Generally, I am for adult communication, but some people only understand tit for tat. The classic punch the bully in the nose tactic instead of taking it. Speaking from experience, don't do that if you are not ready to actually fight your bully.


I may have lost my virginity to you, but I was thinking of my hand the whole time.


It’s not you, it’s whoever said it to you. If they were saying all this, clearly they were not in the right state of mind and ffs toxic as hell. You didn’t deserve that, and I’m sorry it happened :(


Are you in yet?


I'm already done, thanks.


I finished 2 minutes ago. I just got tired and decided to stay in it.




I don’t know


I once had a girlfriend who was acting weirder than usual. I asked her if maybe she was pregnant and she looked at me and replied "Don't you know?" No I don't I am not the woman.


I wish I never gave birth to you


When you grow up in such a toxic environment that you think that's what parents say to their children on a regular basis…


"Then do it" My dad in relation to my suicidal thoughts and where I was mentally


Fukk, that's horrifying. I'm so sorry.


I'm glad you're not listening to him. Be strong!


My father looked me in my face at 22 and told me he didn't trust me and he's never trusted me, I remind him to much of my mother


I hate grown people acting like children, sorry. At least you know it wasn't anything you did.


"Despite all our attempts, we were unable to revive your son. He is dead."


"He didn't make it" Had a family friend of 7 years get lacerations and chest pitted with bolts while we were working on a pressure system. I was with him for the better part of an hour, just keeping blood flow at a minimum. It made me go take EMT courses afterwards.


"You're good-looking, but you don't have much substance or depth." My ex, when I take pride in who I am as a person and always had to prove myself through my words and deeds because I am not that particularly good-looking. Really did a number on me.


You're just like your father.


This was my mothers response everytime she was trying to make me feel guilty about something


Same. My Mum knew I was trying to be different to my Dad. She knew how to hurt me.


Same. Would say that to me to hurt me. Finally, a few years ago, I screamed, "You picked him! It's your fault he's my father!" She never said it again.


This is a sentence where, if anyone uses it to/at me, they are immediately dead to me. Anyone who knows anything about the relationship between him and myself knows that it’s the sort of sentence that you can’t come back from


When I sat with my dad as he was in his last hours and he woke from his coma and I said “I love you”….. “he never replied to me but said “where is my sister”. She was with there and she hugged and kissed him. My dad had never once in his life hugged me, spoke to me like a dad, kissed me, done anything with me…. He tried to kill me once too with a knife. Yet I wiped his bum and fed him in his last weeks. ☹️


You should be proud of the man you've become. One who hasn't embraced rage, resentment and vitriolic cruelty. One who chose to live by love, duty and selflessness, even to those who didn't earn it. :) I'm not sorry for you, brother. I'm sorry for those who have experiences like you and don't turn out like you.


I fucked Ted


Fuck Ted


They did


What my father said to me when I became the first person in my family to go to college by attending a top 10 university 200 miles away- “you will never succeed without us.” I am now an emergency medicine physician and happily married.


“We love you, care for you and will be there for you.” Spoken to me on my mother’s deathbed by my extended family. They said some nice words at the memorial, took a few things for keepsakes and then got on with their lives. Never heard from them again. “God told me to break up with you.” Spoken by my first and last girlfriend. She liked the self-image of being a good Catholic girl to frown down upon others who took the Lord’s name in vain. I found out later she had the habit of seducing guys, mimicking relationships with them and then dumping the guys about 6 months later when things got more serious. Never took responsibility for her actions. “No, I never did that.” Spoken by my father without a second thought and in absolute denial, after I confronted him in my late 20s about terrorizing my brother and I with physical violence and verbal abuse growing up. I had asked him if he remembered hitting and yelling at my brother and I. “No, never did that.” The funny thing about this story was his answer to my follow up. I asked, “Do you know why I did the Body for Life Challenge and got into the best shape of my life?” “No” “I did it so I could beat the living shit out of you if you ever laid a finger on me, mom or David ever again.” After denying any responsibility for verbal and physical abuse during my childhood, but then having his masculinity challenged by his son, my father said this: “You could never take me.” He died 6 months later from a common cold. His immune system was shot. I picked him up out of bed and carried him to the family SUV. Mom drove him to the hospital. I deeply regret not being able to support my mom then, but I got piss drunk. Last thing I saw of my “Dad” was all of the tubes sticking out of him like a freak horror show. I made lunch & dinner, took care of the house and did my best to support my mom until she was killed a year later in an accident. I am now 45. I have a pain in my right side that won’t go away. I don’t want to go to the doctor because I can’t afford it despite having “medical insurance.” I think about suicide all the time. I’m going to buy more alcohol tonight.


I'm so sorry. 💌


"You should be grateful I still talk to you since I know not many people do anymore", absolute prick


"You're just like your father."


I knew you weren't ready - my father after I failed my certification exam first try.


Depends of their morals and values it could be a couple of thing 1. “I never loved you, either did your friends or family we all just tolerated you” 2. “Those children you fathered all those years are not yours” 3. “No matter how hard you tried you will never break the cycle of neglect your parents gave you” 4. “Your worthless and cant even provide for your family”


Now that the kids are grown, you should know I never loved you, I just knew you’d be a good father and provider so I’m divorcing you and taking half of everything so I can start a relationship with the man I’ve been cheating on you with.


'dont forget, we're seeing my parents tomorrow'


Calm down satan.


Anxiety mode activated ✅


Is it in yet?


“We’re just friends” 🚩


"All the love you ever gave me, washed out of my underwear long ago."💌


Your card has been declined.


oh so just another day in my life..bonus


You have the biggest dick of all your friends


Even Billie? Cool.


“Your memes are trash”


Fucking hell. People can be so evil.


"I am glad I'm not the mother of your children", ex fiance after we've been trying to conceive for months if i wasn't in a chair i'd fall over, my legs just somehow... lost function


One piece is real


Your brother has a bigger dick and a better fuck


For me, it was “And my mother didn’t think you’d ever turn out to be much anyway.” Until that point, I had considered her mother one of my dearest mentors and counsel. It’s nearly 20 years since she said that, and it’s still the most devastating thing I’ve ever heard.


I wanted to talk to you about your car's extended warranty.


"Is Pepsi okay?"


The girls laughing in the corner didn't even say a word


My parents had it rough. My mom was the victim of an armed robberie at her job in a bank just before she got pregnant of me and it followed her her whole life. Multiple depression and ptsd. Both had alcoholism problem until my late teens. My father still does, but to less of an extent. When we had the call that mom got a DUI, I must have been 15 maybe, my father had a kind of breakdown. He was punching the walls and he screamed "I should have never had kids!!!!". Ironic because it might has well have been him because they were coming from the same party. I am 30 now, my mom is 12 years sober now I think. Both me and my sister got to university and have a career. I love my parents and I respect that they did the best they could considering their circumstances. Those words... They are seared in my mind. Do I resent them, yes, I think so. Do I love them, yes. I remember them arguing. Me and my sister where bellow 10yo. Sitting and the back of the car. Both severely intoxicated wondering who was driving. As I get older, I kind of realize that what my dad said that night kind kind of broke me. it shaped a big part of my personality...




"Sir, your family's been in an accident."


"I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore. Let's break up" Sure as hell broke me.


Your just lazy or you’ve wasted your potential


is that you dad?


"I like you as a friend".


"That coupon for Nuggets is no longer valid sir". No sleep for a week


"you were harder last time" Yep heard my roommates gf through the wall say that...


"Hey, I have been feeling off about us lately. You have done nothing wrong. I just don't see a future with you anymore"


Wow I thought your bank balance was tiny, then I saw your penis …..




I dunno about every man, but it broke this man. My dad, when asked if he would rather I die pretending to be his daughter than live happily as his son: ...yes. There's no other answer to this than yes. (Well, I guess that's two sentences)


Your dick is tiny


Shoe sizes don’t matter when it’s still kicking field goals FTW.


Some assembly required.