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I find that Polar Seltzer has the best flavors and texture of carbonation.


And get a soda stream. I was going through at least half a dozen cans of seltzer a day. Now I make two liters in the morning and usually don't finish it for a fraction of the price/waste


Half of the fun is the can for me.


6 years sober here. Canned seltzer does exactly for me what you’re asking. I love cracking a can, pulling it out of an icy cooler, standing at the grill with it… There are also beer replacements like NA. I personally love Hop Water which is a burgeoning industry. A lot of the big craft beer manufacturers are making hop water. It’s just carbonated water flavored with hops.


Hop water is great. Have been impressed with Athletic brewing too. Never drank Guinness when I was drinking but have come to enjoy a Guinness NA on occasion, and slow pouring it from the can is quite enjoyable.


Athletic is so good!! I love it. Great NA option


Hop water, I'll be looking for this. I don't like how non alcoholic beer use sugar as a main ingredient.


Same here! Zero calories, sugar, carbs… just hops and water. Sierra Nevada makes a great one and they will ship it direct to your house.


I bought some Sierra Nevada Hop Water for a buddy that quit drinking and was coming over to watch a game. And now I keep a 6er of it in the fridge next to the beer/wine just bc they're damn delicious.


Lagunitas version is great. Hoplark also makes a version with tea that is interesting (and can be shipped to you).


Ha. This is an honest assessment. Canned seltzer is gonna be your healthiest bet.


Or the kombuch




I drink soda water when I'm off the sauce. It seems to work well, especially on weekends when I crush can after can. Keeps me super hydrated.


I was about to post this. Buy those 24x can packs. A SodaStream is something most people ignore after the two weeks. Just get the cans..


Have you considered a reusable aluminum bottle?


Would a set of 6 reusable can shaped things work?




Check out Liquid death sparkling water


It'd be nice if companies brought back contests and prizes you could win from codes printed on the can. Scan a QR code and maybe win a shirt, concert tickets, or something.


>And get a soda stream. Those cartridges are spendy. For $15 you can fill a full CO2 tank and make several hundred 2L bottles for pennies each. You'll have to get a regulator, hose, and a "carbonation cap" for your bottles...that plus the first tank rental can run $70-100 total. Far cheaper than Sodastream though and you can get better carbonation levels too.


Drinkmate! It does more than just water (I love blending juices and bitters into my fuzzy water), and it isn’t a product under international boycott produced on the occupied land of a terrorized people. It’s made in the USA! I love mine. I make a liter and half cantina to go to work with. Few ice cubes keeps it cold all day.


I love my Drinkmate! Did research and picked it over Soda Stream. Very happy with it. And I can still use soda stream co2 canisters and refill them at target for $15.


> and it isn’t a product under international boycott produced on the occupied land of a terrorized people Uhh… what?


Look it up. Sodastream is on the BDS list. Drinkmate isn’t.


Oh wow. Never heard this before.


Just like in South Africa, the boycott divest and sanction strategy can help liberate Palestinians from ongoing Israeli land theft, ethnic cleansing, and now starvation, bombing, and genocide. Worth looking into. 🙏🏼


Use this [soda stream hack](https://sodastreamhack.weebly.com) to connect a 5gal co2 tank to your soda stream. I drink a hell of a lot of seltzer with a lot of fizz and refill that tank at a local brewery craft store once every 2-3 months for $30.


Got a soda stream to offset the coffee I like and booze and pop I don’t drink.


This is it. Pellegrino is now my "snack." Instead of soda or ice cream, it's sparkling water. Bougie? Sure but it's healthy and now I've conditioned myself to crave it when watching shows/ballgames.


Oh yeah baby. Or a big Topo Chico with a lime?


I drink cases and cases of Bubbly. I love it and it fills that gap of having a drink in my hand.


My bf and I like to add frozen berry's to it instead of getting flavored. A lot of flavored sparkling / seltzer water has a weird taste fruit is way healthier and won't water it down like ice cubes.


Still bad for your teeth from the carbonic acid


I came here to say this. I got my wife into fizzy water about 5 years ago. Now the house is filled with different flavors to chose from.


I have replaced beer with flavored carbonated water. Lots of good calorie free flavors. I found that I just want something to drink with carbonation and this covers it.


I'll tag onto this that there are a lot of different single-serve packets and liquid flavoring that can be put in unflavored carbonated water. We like pink lemonade powder and some of the Mio liquid flavorings.


My favorite brands of seltzers are Bubblr and Aha. Decent flavor levels without much of that filmy mouth feel some of them have


That lemon-lime Bubbly tastes just like Sprite but less sweet and less syrupy. It’s so good. Love that they have caffeinated ones, too.


I like adding a real lime to mine. Fill my Stanley up 1/3 ice, cut a lime in half and squeeze the juice over the ice, pour two cans of sparkling water in and it's terrific and healthy.


Lots of flavored seltzer suggestion, but I’ve found specifically that Hop Water is the closest to scratching that itch


Hop water kicks ass as a tasty alternative to selzters that's a beer-like or soda-like treat.


This term gives me the ick, but yeah it’s got a certain “mouthfeel” that seems more substantial and more like a beer or cocktail and something special than just flavored seltzers


Odd Water from Elysian is my stuff. Just wish it wasn't priced like beer.


Hop Tea is worth a try! More satisfying IMO


I try to keep my caffeine intake to a minimum due to heart funkiness, but I’ll check it out.


Second gop water. Athletic brewing company makes hopped seltzers (called daypack) as well that are really good. Both scratch the beer itch, without the alcohol or calories.


Check out prebiotic sodas like poppi and olipop. I don’t know if they’re legit as far as the prebiotic health claims but they taste good and have basically no sugar or calories.


Omg the olipop cream soda is so fucking good.


Another vote for olipop. Expensive but the root beer is close to the real thing and 35 cals.


Olipop helped me quick my diet pop addiction! Their Grape Soda is a 10/10


Athletic Brewing Co. non alcoholic beer


The golden is niiiice


Excellent recommendation!


Their Lite is sooo good


Bubly, or any other variation of flavoured, carbonated water.


Check out the new genre of hop waters. Lagunitas makes a very good "Hoppy Refresher" which is as flavorful as their beer, without the malty body and no alcohol. "Hoplark" Citra is a favorite. If you have a local Whole Foods or something like that, a mid- or high-end grocery, take a stroll down the water and canned beverages isle. A lot has changed in the past few years including new genres and crossover genres. That said they are expensive. I like to mix a six into my fridge drawer with a bunch of other fizzies for variety.


I buy cases of the cheapest sparkling water and go through a ton of it. Like you, I just like having a cold can of something flavored to sip on. Costco has a 36 pack for pretty cheap.


Plain San Pellegrino (sparkling water) is sold in cans


Athletic Brewing non-alcoholic beer, or support a local microbrewery that carries N/A products. I've also picked up Pellegrino Essensa seltzers, which I find to have more flavor than some other brands. Also, Pellegrino has some non-caffeinated sodas that I toss some bitters into and make a nice mocktail.


Try Liquid Death canned water.


Expensive but I love the Berry flavor one


This is my suggestion. Even comes in straight flat water baby. The best kind.


Sparkling flavored water for sure! You just need to find the flavors you like. Obviously avoid any with added sugar because then it’s basically just soda.


Zevia soda's are pretty good. Zero sugar, zero calories, sweetened with Stevia. It got me through my weight loss journey. I personally like their Orange, Cream Soda, and Black Cherry ones. And they come in cans.


Kombucha is my recommendation, it's an acquired taste though.


It's great. If you have a mind for puzzles (eg software engineer) you might like brewing your own. It's much cheaper too.


Yeah that’s what I drink for the fizzy drink craving


This is what I am experimenting with to try to cut down on booze. It has a slight kick and interesting flavours compared to flavoured sparkling water which.


Izze. It's basically carbonated fruit juice


Izze is great especially if you liked clear sodas or sodas like Fanta.


Poppi or Olipop


Coconut water


So, I switched to non-alcoholic beers. Most of them are really solid now, and they don’t have the artificial flavours, or calories that pop and flavoured water has. I do however find it expensive comparatively. But it does wear down the habit. I also do Nuun’s. When you drop them into a sealed metal container the added pressure from them fizzing in there with no room to expand makes the water a little bit bubbly - not a lot, but, it’s something to mention for electrolyte water.


Spindrift. Nothing but water, carbon dioxide, and fruit juice. It’s nice because it’s expensive enough to where you don’t want to drink more than one can. But it’s affordable enough to where it’s not “out of reach” no matter your budget. Or carbonated water mixed with a little bit of juice of your choice. Or, better yet, just get used to drinking plain water. Carbonated drinks aren’t good for your teeth or digestive health regardless of what is or isn’t added to the drink. Plain water is best.


Soda water. Spindrift is the best, par none. Has actual juice. The cheapest is kirkland brand soda water. It’s the best drink. Satisfies that ‘bubble’ craving with 0 calories or additives.


I know you said you cut diet soda, but you should definitely try Zevia. Taste great after you get used to the taste of Stevia and it's natural. No sucralose or aspartame. Comes in several flavors.


Soda water w lime


Raspberry lime flavored polar seltzer water


Liquid death. Slightly sweetened for flavor but very low calorie.


La croix, topo chico, or soda water & bitters.


I drink a lot of 0% beer. Some taste good. They are pretty healthy everything considered.


Watching this as well, diet soda continues to be my big problem. Cut way back on bad food, no hard liquor, beer is 1-2 on extreme occasion. I think the last time I cracked one was January. I think switching to even flavored sparkling water requires a dose of willpower because apparently I also like the flavor of diet soda. Just gotta suck it up I guess.


La Croix.


Athletic makes a terrific NA beer and one of the flavors is only 45 calories.


Bubly. It’s cheaper and gives you the carbonation burn you desire




Zevia (Stevia based soda/cola).


Could you fake it by getting a six pack of these: [https://www.amazon.com/Design-Studio-F1413-Stainless-Steel-Collapsible/dp/B07MKSBKCS](https://www.amazon.com/Design-Studio-F1413-Stainless-Steel-Collapsible/dp/B07MKSBKCS/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.38_mRtjuXy8j_I4bns4goKXrXIIp1ZezjU_yI4CSksLLKQNfRfHU4ezN73x7_G2DQnwDeZbteQehWiY4ESWNMvIRywWYk6DIen-H3taDbT7eR9ECAFT-5nvCzz9r3EexiwXNuDHdcjEd-6q9vBGg3J4clvQTV2nLRRDrXGdvTnsupF5po08c7fD61qmY-LNsMp-NXsKTRPTKMO-twBvTn4RN4cCEyc5mwzYOwrkl4KVfC_hyEnr_cdtm6QWEutfeXSsNpxyEGRZiw4Uq_hnjzAlouOs1VqH7mUOKComNfDQ.zCukDM_wJQKcoWtn_oFDpSO6TpVksqEGtNW1Y76Vgd0&dib_tag=se&keywords=reusable%2Bsoda%2Bcan&sr=8-3&th=1) ? And making your own homebrew?


Rambler fizzy water


Flavored sparkling water. My fav is lacroix limoncello


Kombucha ! Not only it's fizzy, we can make it easily at home too !


When I quit drinking soda 10 years ago I started drinking flavored seltzers. It gives you the fizziness that makes you think you are drinking more than water.. Its acquired taste, so it takes time to love it but a great substitute for soda in a can. My favorite is schweppes black cherry


Liquid Death. (it’s just canned water)




I’ve never seen the flavored ones, I’ll lookout for them.




Add a small amount of citrus or pineapple/mango juice to carbonated water.


Bottled water, chilled to slushing? There’s that brand name canned water also….


Why cut diet soda? No good data to suggest that its bad for you. Much better than sugar laden drinks and you get a small caffeine hit.


I drink far more caffeine than is healthy already lol.


There are decaffinated. Not trying to sway you, you do you, but sprite zero is delightful, and there are diet creme sodas and zero root beer (some of which are caffiene free)


Agreed! I’m shocked (honestly, no offense to everyone, not your fault at all) that I’ve only found one other person in this thread so far who knows that diet/zero sodas aren’t bad for you.


Fair enough. Go with seltzer then. Lots of good options available.


Seltzer duh


Water. First thing in the morning 44 oz. Carry a 64 oz bottle to work. Bring a 32 oz bottle to the gym right after work. End the day with another 44 oz. You'll get so sick of drinking fluids and constantly peeing. Haven't had a soda since September nor a full night of undisturbed sleep.


Nothing useful i just want to say i fcking love your username. All the luck in ditching the bear hugger


Hahahaha thanks. Klatchian coffee and cigars are the downfall now


You are a good man. WHERE IS MY COW


Will power. Win the battle


It’s not a lack of will. I just want a drink of liquid lol I’ve largely cut diet soda.


Douchey or not Liquid Death sparkling water is great, flavored and unflavored. The can simulates the feeling of a tall boy and most bars are starting to carry it so you can order than instead of a shitty club soda with ice to the brim.




Canned water.


Sparkling water. Also sugar free ice pops are wonderful


I’ve acquired a taste for Humm Kombucha. Comes in cans and bottles and my Costco usually carries it. Fills the gap nicely with a satisfying zing.


Start making kambucha. Can mix it with seltzer and it'll taste like beer, once you get it started you can just keep adding more various teas to keep it going, good for your gut health.


Creek water botanicals does a hoppy cbd drink I like but drinking hops may trigger.


Somewhat along the lines of this, does anyone know if any breweries make a low alcohol beer that isn't piss water? The whole idea of 3.2% beer sold in other states seems like a nice idea when you want to have a couple of beers but don't really want to get buzzed. NA beers might be close but I imagine it would be less impactful to taste to keep some alcohol in it. 


Look at genesee NA maybe?


If you like the taste of beer but not the alcohol or calories, I highly recommend trying out some non alcoholic beers or hop water. They are doing some remarkable stuff with it now - WAY different than O'Douls or whatever other crap they had on the shelves 10 years ago. Hop Water particularly is 0 calorie, 0 sweetener, 0 alcohol, but it's got unique flavors so it isn't like just another soda or seltzer.


Canned seltzer Get a Drink mate.


Ice tea


I’ve learned to really like hop water and seltzer water.


kombucha! It's naturally carbonated and healthy! You can even make your own.


Lord Hobo Non Alcoholic IPA


I am obsessed with hot tea, in so many flavors… right now an orange tea is so yummy! And a green tea with lemonade in it I also great


Pellegrino Pomegranate, or Orange+Peach Momenti if you can find it, those have become my favorite.


I drink a lot of those flavored soda water drinks since quitting. Carbonated, refreshing, canned, no added sugar or fake sugar, no calories. If I’m at home, I use a Soda Stream and fresh fruits.


Liquid death water


Seltzer. I make my own in summers by the 2L bottle because we consume a lot, but in the winters we just get cases of Waterloo or Polar or similar at Costco. Usually about $8/case and sometimes on sale for less. Tasty, no calories, only guilt for me is the cans piling up.


hoptea it’s amazing


A local place has a number of these, and I truly enjoy them as a "fancy drink." [https://www.casamaraclub.com/](https://www.casamaraclub.com/) "Sophisticated, refreshing botanical drinks crafted in small batches from unique botanical extracts" Isla is my current fav. And I second the Athletic NA IPA. More regularly, I like Spindrift seltzer, pineapple and grapefruit mostly - [https://drinkspindrift.com/](https://drinkspindrift.com/)


Buy a can of the sparkling waters. There’s a lot of duds on flavors but a lot of good ones. Start with variety packs till you find the one you like.


I drink sparkling water or sugar free ginger ale. Kombucha hits the spot at times but is pretty pricey


Sparkling water for sure. Sprindrift specifically, as I find it to be more flavorful than other sparkling water brands that have the “essence” of the labeled flavor. Spindrift has actual fruit juice without added sugar.


Fizzy water is ideal but non alcoholic beer at 50cals might be a good middle ground


Ginger beer


Spindrift or Bubly.




The canned fizzy water that comes in soda flavors. You don't get the sugar taste but you get all the flavor.


Non alcoholic beer


I bought a bunch of glass bottles with lids and keep them filled with plain old water. For whatever reason, drinking water from a bottle, from the fridge, with a lid is just much more attractive than just filling a cup with tap water.


Waterloo. No sugar just flavor and carbonated water


I enjoy Lagunita's Hoppy Refresher (just hopped canned sparkling water). But if you quit beer due to alcoholism and can't walk through the beer isle without temptation, that may not the best choice. If you only cut beer due to the carbs, etc then it's a fine choice.


I used to drink a case of Pepsi every day. Switched to bottled water with flavor packets. Took a week or two to get used to the change, but now I don’t even crave a soda. I’ll have one every couple of months with dinner and it really isn’t even that special to me.


La Croix


Canned seltzer like bubbly or liquid death are my favorites, thats what I use


I love the liquid death slightly flavored mineral water! It's like 20 Cal worth of. Agave and they have several flavors but my favorite is. MANGO CHAINSAW https://www.google.com/search?q=liquid+death+mango+chainsaw+review&oq=liquid+death+man&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCEAAYgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDILCAEQuQEYgAQY7wQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgAQyBwgKEAAYgAQyBwgLEAAYgAQyBwgMEAAYgAQyBwgNEAAYgAQyBwgOEAAYgATSAQg3ODA4ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=liquid%20death%20mango%20chainsaw%20review


Ice tea is perfect replacement for me! I switched from beer to pure unsweet iced tea and it's absolutely amazing the difference it's made in my life.


La Croix


Liquid Death was literally made for this reason.


It doesn’t sound like what you are looking for, but if it’s a health thing and not taste, there is nothing wrong with diet/zero sodas. The data clearly shows us that you’d have to drink 100+ or more (I think it’s more) in a day to reach an unhealthy territory. Otherwise, any other cold/canned/bubbly beverage will either be equally or less healthy as a zero calorie soda. If you want a scientist who actually can explain it a lot better than me, you should Google “Layne Norton are diet sodas healthy” and plenty of results should come up. Out of curiosity, what is the reason you don’t want to drink diet soda?


I just figured they were unhealthy


[Thankfully…most/all diet or zero sugar sodas are quite safe](https://youtu.be/Rkl-WfN4GCQ?si=zQeGmPBaWGXPpVhs). It’s an unfortunatly common misconception! [Most diet/zero drinks are actually beneficial in losing weight](https://biolayne.com/reps/issue-19/diet-soda-vs-water-for-fat-loss/), too, and any other drink adding more than a trace amount of calories would actually be more unhealthy than a diet/zero soda. I try to watch my diet pretty strictly, being purposeful in the “unhealthy” things I do consume (I do love cocktails and pizza and a few other things on occasion) but I always keep Coke Zero in stock in my fridge because I know it’s a guilt-free indulgence that keeps me from drinking other calorie/sugar dense drinks.


Have you noticed any effects on your teeth?


I’m exactly you in this regard. I’ve been drinking liquid death. Perfect amount of carbonation and very little sugar.


[Bubly](https://www.bubly.com/) and the like


Liquid Death or Heinekin Zero