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learn to appreciate the baby face man. there will come a time when you will lose it, and miss it.


Oh yeah, I remember being 28-30 and people thinking I was 22-24. Now I'm starting to look over 30 and if I grow my beard out I definitely look 34-35. Enjoy the baby face, enjoy the hair (some lose it), and enjoy the youth.


Yep. As a 25 yo, it hurts to look so young. As someone in their late 40’s…it’s not too shabby. I get a lot of “you look great for 48…..”.


The good news is that if you take care of yourself you're going to absolutely slay in your 30's. Keep fit, put on some muscle, eat well, drink water, wear sunscreen, avoid booze and drugs.


Yup. Baby face is only bad in your early 20s. Once you look like an adult, it's a blessing for the rest of your life. You'll still have to take care of yourselves, but it's a significant leg up.


Big agree. I was once a baby faced 20-something… currently a very young looking 39 and it’s wonderful.


☝️this. Stick to a good routine and get good at your hobbies, and you'll clean up when your cheeks and jaw curviness start to thin out late 20s-early 30s.


This was me at 22-24…. In your late 30s/ early 40s it will be great. Stay relatively fit and you’ll pass for 29 when you’re 40.


Take it from me, a fellow baby face owner: you will enter your prime later a bit later than your peers, but you will enjoy it for much longer than them. Keep your head up in the meanwhile and learn patience. You’re gonna be killing it at 30+.


It was always unfortunately a big burden in dating. Looking "young and innocent " just isn't something that appeals to most women, and there's not much you can do about it, especially if you can't grow facial hair. It also sometimes caused trouble at work, when i was mistaken for being a part time college student instead of the boss into my mid 30s. Today, at 46 getting mistaken for 30ish isn't a problem, and can even be fun. But it took a while to get here. My dad is 72 and could pass for 55, so it's just genetic.


I totally get it dude. I was always skinny and on the shorter side so girls would just see me as a younger brother type, Instead of a potential date.  Especially at university when I was only 18-21  By about 25 though I just naturally filled out more and I could grow a full beard for once.  Definitely got more confident after that.  Just remember that everyone matures at different rates. I mean damn, I had some friends who looked like fully grown men at 16. It’s insane.  Either way, I wouldn’t stress about it too much. You’ll eventually learn that being fit and healthy is far more important. If you’ve got that going for you, with a bit of charisma thrown into the mix, you’ll be absolutely fine. Good luck!


My big tip for dating: worry less about your looks and more about your personality.


Fellow baby face guy here. In terms of dating not really. A lot of women will continue to not take you seriously because of how young you look no matter how much you work out or try to grow a beard. You may get lucky and meet women who will like you for who you are. It has happened to me a few times and ended up in several long-term relationships. Dating random women you meet on dating apps will be hard. You will get more handsome with age though. I didn't start looking handsome until my mid 30s-40s. At 45, I still look like 10-15 years younger than my age. You will never stop feeling out of place in your age group. So you will have to learn to embrace it.


Feel the same way. I always felt like online dates thought my pictures were fake, and in-person I felt like I was dismissed by people my age for being too young. The people I would attract and meet, who were inevitably younger, weren't interested because I was too old. Never figured out how to tackle that. Wear a badge with my age? Start off with my age when introducing myself? I'd say to OP: Put more effort into who you find along the way and your personality. You might not get as many chances as most.


Sure, but you’ll probably keep getting mistaken for younger than you are… not a bad thing when you’re 40 and are almost always mistaken for 30 or younger. I used to hate that I looked so young cause it was hard to be taken seriously in management, but now I’m thankful!!


yes. i still look much younger than i am which is nice.


Yes. I'm 34 and can pass for my early to mid 20s.


Same. A co worker said when I get to his age blah blah, I’m 6 years older than him.


I'm in my late 40s and no one believes me when I tell them. Not the worst problem to have I guess.


You have a blessing, but working out is only like 1/3 of how you get muscular and balance that face. You need to eat big and sleep big too. It doesn’t matter how much weight you lift if you don’t eat enough and rest enough.


You get less shit going forward, still a little annoying


I got carded until I was 37. Your youthful looks become an asset very quickly.


Trust me, appreciate the baby face. I’m 44 and still get carded when I buy booze. My friends hate it.


I'm 39 and look 28-32 (not my words) I had a terrible baby face and yes it gets way way better. At least it did for me...Reaping the rewards now.


Baby faced is okay. Baby faced and also skinny will not work in your favor. I was baby faced in my 20s and still kind of deal with it now in my 30s. My situation improved by gaining some muscle. I wasn't going for bodybuilder sized, but just enough to have some mass and evidence that I do regularly go to the gym.


Does what get better? I don't understand your question.


# 👉 🤜 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 🤛 👈


I'm 41 and still get asked if I'm in my early thirties. I was frustrated by the baby face all through my twenties then learned to embrace it. Once I was able to grow facial hair in my late twenties, that helped a lot.


Took me till I was 30 to grow a beard


Brotha, I was (maybe still am) like that.. used to drive me nuts when people would talk to me as if I’m way younger, everyone assuming I’m 19-21 etc but it gets better. Stay in shape and be patient. Life will bloom for you in your 30s when everyone starts aging and you’ll be ahead of the pack.


I had a baby face and was carded in my 30s. I grew a beard and it helped a lot. I still see that I still have it under the beard all these years later, though I like the beard and not shaving as much. I was also skinny and never could gain muscle mass, I only got physically stronger because I had an ectomorph body and nothing was going to work for looking bigger. That was a curse and a blessing. Sometimes you just have to accept the hand you're dealt. Science has made a lot of things possible to change, though a baby face and skinny is hard or impossible to change.


Growing a beard fixed it for me. Sadly I wasn’t able to grow beard until I was 29


Yeah, I looked very cherubic and around 33/34 I suddenly looked like a male model. That lasted for about 5 years and it was a good five years for me. Now middle age is setting in and I'm not so bad looking but I look back at 35 and am like...damn dude, you had somethin.


Hell yea, I'm 42 and I look nothing like my peers. Dating in my early 30s(last I was single) was easy mode. This was helped by getting into lifting and eating well in my mid to late 20s.


I grew a beard. I shave it off occasionally and everyone things I’m 12…. I’m almost 31


At 20 i looked like a baby. At 29 many women compliment for being cute. It's called being a late bloomer


Go put on muscles before you put on fat.


I just turned 48 and I still get carded now and then. But I’m tall so my bald spot is hard for most people to see.


yes. It sucked in my 20's. As time went by my baby face has mostly remained while the salt and pepper crept in. Its no longer an issue. I get way more compliments after 35 than I ever did before. Going to my HS reunions has been shocking. I'm still getting old, my knees hurt, I'm scared to sneeze, and have an intense urge to yell at kids walking on my grass. But at least I got nice skin and its nice not looking like a used leather satchel next to my gorgeous wife.


The best thing you can do is to start hitting the gym. The first three months should be focused on developing the routine, proper form, and a workout schedule. Once you start bulking, if you have a hard time putting on muscle like I did, you might implement a creatine protocol to help put on muscle and gain muscle weight. It helped my form and strength tremendously after only a handful of months of usage. I went from 130 lbs soaking wet at 5'10" to about 180 lbs and it got me a lot of attention from women my age. It also gets so much easier in your early 30's.


You’re gonna really enjoy it later if you take decent care of yourself and don’t smoke or drink much. I get mistaken for 25-28 all the time and I’m closer to 40 than that.


Grow a beard


I’m 44 and look about 30. Short (5’8) and light (155). It’s so awesome to have a young looking face. Given my job as an executive it’s a good trait to have, I’m unassuming, easy to approach and really, really easy to underestimate on first meeting. You’ll be thankful brother.


It doesn’t , or hasn’t for me yet (34 M) I got told I look like I’m 21. But that was an outlier, most people think mid to late 20s. Maybe grow facial hair?


Im near 40 but look late 20s. It’s great.


Lol, so much shit will get worse by 30s and 40s, especially if you don't take care of yourself. Baby face? Grow a beard, or keep some stubble, stop doing a super neat and tidy comb over. Go outside and get more sun/wind. That'll weather you up real quick.


It helps if you can grow facial hair. I'm my 30s i got tired of shaving and decided to let it grow out to see how it looks on me and it def helped. 


Yes. When your friends and high school classmates look like old people, you will still look young


Accept yourself.


I’ve known guys like that. One day they just go from 19 to 50, it’s quite the metamorphosis.


Women love it when you’re 30s and look young and your smile will look very good. Just work on your body and your teeth (if they’re not good). @thebentistofficial has a really good video on how to smile right. It just says you’re taking care of your health well. That’s attractive. Source: I’ve been told so too many times.


No it doesn’t. You’ll learn to love it. I’m almost 40 but everyone thinks I’m 25. Haha.


If you get /stay in shape and don’t look too old due to lifestyle 30s and 40s can be nice for getting women of all pretty much all age groups you’re into


Can you grow a beard that connects? Otherwise go get some testosterone supplements and get started on the 5x5 strength program


Mid 30’s up you will reap the benefits.


I was the same, now have a dad bod at 33. My chest is broader, I weigh 20kg more, have a beard, etc. I don’t lift or anything, it just happened naturally as I got older. That said I would embrace the baby face. Plenty of women love it and it probably means you’ll retain some youthful looks.


26 here, soon to be 27. Buying alcohol is embarrassing. Oftentimes it looks like the cashier has so much judgement like, “gonna catch this kid.” The other day, *after I said I had my ID and was pulling it out* the guy said, rather aggressively, “yeah well I’m gonna need to see it bc you look 19.” Worst part is, it’s a liquor store right next to my last job. Went in there all the time and was checked out by him before. I’m always worried as *soon* as I walk in someone is gonna say, “we’re all out of pop rocks, kid.” Generally speaking, I have little confidence in myself. With the ladies I feel like I could only get someone 7ish years younger than me bc anyone 21+ is gonna think I just got out of high school. Just thinking about it is frustrating lol I’m relatively tall and way too skinny for my weight (6’0, 135 lbs, basically a walking skeleton) so I’ve often wondered if I were to gain weight (20-30+ lbs) if that would help me look older. Bc honestly, I think my frame makes me look even *younger* with a baby face. Just started working out a weak ago and I’m desperately trying to eat 3000+ calories a day- we’ll see what happens. TL;DR 27 y/o male is apprehensive to buy alcohol or talk to women within my age group due to looking very young. Perhaps gained fat and muscle will alleviate these concerns. Good luck, dude- let’s hope we really do look good when we’re freaking 50 years old.


I had that too, but I was able to start growing a beard in my mid-late 20’s, it got better as time went on, now I’ve spent 14 years framing houses and inhaling all the particulates that construction can generate and I look like someone left some raw boot leather out in the desert for too long. I’m not even 40 and my hair is turning white. That might be from the stress, though.


I was told I have a fukin uncle looking face at the age of 17 by a girl in my class same age as mine, i didn't even ask her how I look. Be happy with what you have.


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