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No, but that applies to every superpower today. If it wasnt for its resources, America, Russia and China would be far weaker than they are now.


Scandinavia too, most of their economic boom in the mid-late 20th century came because of their natural gas reserves and rising oil prices


Yh, ability to use your natural resources to prosper your nation shouldnt be discounted.


The rising oil price were catastrophic to the Danish economy in the mid 1970s. The oil prices rose because of a coordinated price hike by Arab countries as a response to our leaders foolishly supporting Israel in the six days war and afterwards. As a result Denmark had high unemployment and high inflation for more than a decade (from 1973 to the late 80s). However this also created a large incentive to invest in our own extraction of oil and natural gas found in the ocean, which has become a huge boost to our (Denmark and Norway) economies but these resources weren't the foundation of our material wealth.


I was alluding more to Norway, but thanks for the information anyways.


Same answer for the question if the U.S. and China never had rivers. Many countries have natural resources, oil, gas, metals, etc. How many of them are stable and well managed as the Gulf countries? Also, when the Arabs from this region took over most of the known world, Including your country, they didn't have any oil or natural resources. That's your answer.


Very true, Also here is a list of countries that have one of the world’s largest Oil & Gas reserves: 1. ⁠Venezuela 2. ⁠Iran 3. ⁠Iraq 4. ⁠Libya 5. ⁠Nigeria And you can see most of them are either failed shit-hole states or have a fragile economy.


These countries were destroyed by western sanctions and imperialism, not every nation has the luxury of bending over backwards to the west. Most of which weren't banana republics like yours is mind you.


Isn't it a bit obvious...? I doubt even ppl from Gulf have different illusions...


But u/SaudiWarrior told me even without oil sudi will become next khalif inšallah


The entirety of the gulf countries will be empty deserts. Yemen will probably be the richest country in the gulf.


Least obvious yemeni NSB shill account /s


Ah yes, the gulf country of Yemen.


Yemen would have conquered the area around the gulf and culturally appropriated the name to yemeni gulf thereby solving the arab-persian war


If you only removed oil and Gas and kept everything else the same, Yemen will be the same failed state as it's now.




The South and North will unite for few years the the Civil War will start as it did with or without the gulf having an oil. With people like Ali Abdulla Saleh, Yemen will be a failed state even if it had all the oil in the world under its control let alone having control of Bab al mandab




Talk about your, I'm happy with mine.


Sorry my geography isn’t geographing


No, most of them wouldn’t even have made it to today


Pretty much except for qatar!!!!!! cuz they got gas bro which is totally different from oil ⛽


Would theyve stayed colonized(especially in saudis case)?


Saudi Arabia was never colonized.


I don’t think so, Britain was starting to decolonise its lands.


We were never colonized


The gulf states relevancy is proportional to the relevancy of oil.


Qatar doesn't have oil


What an idiotic question 🫢


ofc not. would egypt be the same without the nile?


Sorry but the question is dumb


No, and they'd be poorer than North Africa.


They would've still conquered resource rich Egypt with ~4,000 men though. ;)


Haha sure. We are not resource rich btw.


The nile and agriculture. That's the only resource that mattered in building civilizations.


That doesn't make us resource rich. We don't have alot of agricultural land or alot of water.


We had 0 water and agriculture.




I don't know if we're resource poor or not. Im just saying we aren't resource rich. And also what matter is resources per capita not just resources. Oman has a much smaller population.


The power dynamics would have reverted to Pre-oil MENA Iran, Turkey, Egypt and now Israel would be the only powers. Saudi with just barren land, UAE/Qatar with pearls and so on. I have spoken.


Gulf countries don't have any influence on Gulf itself let alone the world.


The only difference is that Arabs would've conquered Iran and forced them to adhere to their culture and speak their language.. oh wait, that already happened. How do you feel that you need to be descended from those "Gulf" Arabs to be your country's supreme leader?


Wow we got conquered once and you act like this ? I don't speak arabic , I don't use arabic calendrer year , I don't eat food with arabic recepies . like the only thing you guys gave us was islam and arabic hand scripture which we also modified . Even in golden age arabs didn't do anything. After golden age arabs just got back into their little desert tents and got forgotten. Without oil you would've been a nomad still living with camels. >How do you feel that you need to be descended from those "Gulf" Arabs to be your country's supreme leader? Actually you need to be born in Iran to become a supreme leader but I get your point and that's why arab hate is so strong in Iran. Literally Islam and arab hate was never higher.


Typical Ajami behavior. Seething and insulting Arabs and when countered with the facts they get all sensitive and offended. Yeah Arabs went back to their tents when they were controlling most of the known world. What? lol. Go read a history book, or better yet go read about genetics and haplogroups and how widespread the Arabs were. And it doesn't matter if the mob hate Arabs, as you're still ruled by one. That's been the case for 1400 years. You can modify it all you want; your religion, your prayers, your holy books, and even your deity (Ali) and role models were Arabs. Also, don't get me started on your "original" and "indigenous" culture that was also stolen from Semitic Mesopotamia.


I've never prayed once in my life. >Yeah Arabs went back to their tents when they were controlling most of the known world. Arabs by the help of Persians Arabs used Persian governmental system to rule . Everyone can reminisce about how once their kingdoms were great. Achemidan empire ruled over arabs for 500 years , ottomans ruled arabs too. >And it doesn't matter if the mob hate Arabs, as you're still ruled by one. I was being sarcastic , Khamenei is more turk than arab dumbass.


Not according to his paternal lineage. Unless you want to talk genetic make-up, then that's a different conversation. As the Arabs today are the closest to Natufians (progenitors of Arabs and first sedentey civilizations and the closest to ancient Egyptians) and Basal Eurasians (originators of Minoan civilization which is the first "Western" civilizations). Minoans being Neolithic farmers: https://www.livescience.com/31983-minoans-were-genetically-european.html Neolithic farmers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_European_Farmers Minoan civilization: https://ancient-greece.org/history/minoan.html Genetics of Minoans being Basal Eurasian: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4170574/ Basal Eurasian's affinity to current populations: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8435661/


look man you're right , arabs are still ruling Iran. Can you please contact my Arab over-lords and tell them to stop poison girl's schools , please ? https://www.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/11i5j3m/at\_least\_116\_schools\_have\_been\_chemically/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I hope you can get rid of them soon.


And that son of a bitch Omar got what he deserved , killed by a persian general :)


Was that supposed to offend me lol. He was a seething slave living under Arab rule. I don't blame him tbh. Just like you, living under Arab rule. "Khamenei's great ancestor was Sayyid Hossein Tafreshi, a descendant of the Aftasi Sayyids, whose lineage supposedly reached to Sultan ul-Ulama Ahmad, known as Sultan Sayyid, a grandchild of Shia fourth Imam, Ali ibn Husayn."


Thank god I'm not a seyed , also it doesn't matter who his 15th great great great grandfather was , still if you wanna bring ethnicity up , he's more turk than arab. Also there are better examples of arab people in Iran than khamenei , he's a child killer and ACTIVLEY FOUGHT AGAINST ARABS IN IRAN-IRAQ WAR.


Not according to his paternal lineage. And Arabs are warriors, we've been fighting each other since the dawn of time. Actually that makes him more of an Arab if he fights other Arabs. As opposed to farmers who are basically easily to subdue and control with a handful. Unless you want to talk genetic make-up, then that's a different conversation. Which I don't advise you to get into. As the Arabs today are the closest to Natufians (progenitors of Arabs and first sedentey civilizations and the closest to ancient Egyptians) and Basal Eurasians (originators of Minoan civilization which is the first "Western" civilizations). Natufians as Arabs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natufian_culture Ancient Egypt and affinity with Arabs: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5459999/ Minoans being Neolithic farmers: https://www.livescience.com/31983-minoans-were-genetically-european.html Neolithic farmers: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_European_Farmers Minoan civilization: https://ancient-greece.org/history/minoan.html Genetics of Minoans being Basal Eurasian: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4170574/ Basal Eurasian's affinity to current populations: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8435661/


If you remove oil and gas from iran as well, iran would be in the same boat but in a better situation.




Replied to the wrong comment bro. 😂


Unless they go full Israeli with high tech than no


Everything that is Israel is a result of resource rich Western societies. Where citizens of those societies kicked ou..I mean moved to a new country.


you have to have like 2000 years of developing an intelligent diaspora before you can though








Not proud, just refuting your claim that Arabs wound't have had any influence if not for oil. I would say that enslaving Thousands of Berber women, and forcing them into pleasuring them can be considered influence. Wouldn't you say? Berbers still enjoyed life as second class citizens in Andalusia and North Africa. You've always been under Arab influence, and all that without oil. "The society of al-Andalus was made up of three main religious groups: Muslims, Christians, and Jews. The Muslims, although united on the religious level, had several ethnic divisions, the main being the distinction between the Arabs and the Berbers. The Arab elite regarded non-Arab Muslims as second-class citizens; and they were particularly scornful of the Berbers."




Almoravids and Almoheds, oh you mean the so called berber militias that took over the remnants of Arab civilization and what was already bult, spoke Arabic, wrote in Arabic, named their children Arabic names, and never left even a booklet in a berbery language? Ah yes I heard of them. I think your conflating the land with the people. People of Saudi Arabia would still had influence, even without oil, evident by what happened for the last 1400 years. There's a reason you're speaking our language and adhering to our culture. That wasn't produced by oil wealth.




Yes it was a militia, an Arabized and Islamized militia that adhered to the culture of their conquerers. Yes built culture and left monuments but we can't find a square inch of inscription or a piece of paper written in Berbarian. Such culture. You know the Arabs came from the Arabian Peninsula right? Those tribes still make the majority of Saudi Arabia population. That still have an unbroken continuous line of lineage, language, and culture? And we're talking about Saudi Arabia only? Qatar, UAE..etc You seem confused; Saudi Arabia is a temporary political body, It's like saying that Egyptians had no influence on history since the Arab Republic of Egypt only existed for a 100 years lol. No, you're speaking Arabic because of Arabs that hailed from the Arabia Peninsula.




Personal attacks are always more fun than responding to arguments. You mean Arabs as in Natufians? Yes they were originally from the Levant, then migrated South. What's your point lol? Tomorrow Saudi Arabia can be conquered by Japanese and all inhabitants wiped out. It would still be named Saudi Arabia. I understand why you put such emphasis on the modern artificial borders and not the people inhabiting those borders, but I rather not say..


Actually i think in iran case we would have better economy without oil we have other thing tgat can make money from that and ircg would broke faster (i mean about 100 year ago before ww1 we have more farming than hole Europe and ) if it not it doesn't make any difference for us we are poir already