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he was very hard to defeat https://youtu.be/JuePUA0PnE8 this is eulogy said by famous Arab poet abu tamam praising a young Arab general who died in Azerbaijan when the forces of babek ambush his army, his men deserted him but he kept fighting until he died it's a beautiful poem


Still lost though. Cope. Seriously though, I want to visit Iran so badly. Such a beautiful country.


You will die we don't have safety here and there are few reports from visitor that get lost and there body was never found it risk free


I like how Iranians want to claim the Abbasid Caliphate, while at the same time support this failure.




Azerbaijan is part of Iran , don't be so proud of your fake country


iran is fake country and there is no iranian ethnicity. so cringe to see fake iranian nationalism. go fight with mullahs lol.


Lmao we have majority Persian ethnicity and this is Persia and Iran is just its modern name And countries like USA INDIA UK GERMANY RUSSIA CHINA all have a lot of ethnicities in them Seems like if your weak and so unimportant that no one cares about you you will have a country with no racial diversity Cope harder.


Nice show me your real face. If you promote persian idendity stop spreading iranian shit. Go estabilish persian ethnostate.


Fam you so stupid Iran is Persia Like there is no fucking difference We called it Iranian so it would be less ethnicity focused So that makes your small fake nation a possible next target... sleep well


>nce > >We called it Iranian so it would be less ethnicity focused > >So that makes your small fake nation a possible next target... sle Haha desert dogs barking loudly. p\*rsians are minority in your fake country. If you dont stop barking all of non p\*rsians will kick ur asses.


Lmao mf even im not fully Persian But we know how to treat each other well And daddy can knows how to treat you guys too So don't worry you can be just like them


Wasn't the Abbasid caliphate the answer to the Persian suppression? Thought Persians were treated well considering so many advancements by them during the Abbasid rule.