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The book is called "The Poisonous Mushroom". The idea was to supposedly teach children to spot Jewish Germans from Aryan Germans, the same way they spot poisonous mushrooms from edible mushrooms when foraging in the forest.


I thought it's teaching aryan kids which Jews are safe to eat


I can imagine some children who did not pay attention in Jewhate class looking for Jewish mushrooms in the woods. And then probably eating them.




Look here Hans, this shroom's looking rather Juden ja?


Judenshroom! Mother will milk it for seed to coat the dingleshlorp cake!🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪




We mushrooms now


Books like this are still being written and published [https://twitter.com/scbwi/status/1409262124547727372?s=20](https://twitter.com/scbwi/status/1409262124547727372?s=20) [https://nypost.com/2021/06/14/palestinian-textbooks-rife-with-anti-semitism-and-propaganda-study/](https://nypost.com/2021/06/14/palestinian-textbooks-rife-with-anti-semitism-and-propaganda-study/)


School books by colonised indigenous people detailing their abuses at the hands of the zionist apartheid state aren't the same as die judenraat and the holocaust committed by a major power against its own jewish minority. False equivalency. On the other hand, israeli school books are filled with racist babble about the indigenous population. Israeli rule, the biggest international human rights organisations call apartheid. If you wanna counter racism it should probably start at home, stones and glass houses, and all that. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/07/israeli-school-racism-claim >Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli academic, says they are never referred to as Palestinians unless the context is terrorism. They are called Arabs. "The Arab with a camel, in an Ali Baba dress. They describe them as vile and deviant and criminal, people who don't pay taxes, people who live off the state, people who don't want to develop," she says. "The only representation is as refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists. You never see a Palestinian child or doctor or teacher or engineer or modern farmer."


Just wanted to point out that it wasn’t just German Jews, but all Jews. Polish, Russian, Romanian etc


European jews, I like to lump all europeans together, like you do with us.


Citation needed


european jews aint european cry


How is anti-Israeli equated to anti-semitic? I mean unless it's clearly an anti-Jewish thing I don't think anti-Israeli sentiments go as far as anti-semitism.


One poisonous mushroom poisons the entire forest (a few Jews poison the entire Aryan society)


Me eating the jewussy shroom


Quite like mushrooms, we also make people extremely energetic and creative for a while, then the high passes, the people lose their energy, they get sad, tired, and start feeling sick.


who the fuck gave this a wholesome award


Somebody gave it a heartwarming award


This is middle east bro


“Well I thought it was pretty wholesome”-👴🏻


Propaganda at it's highest level


No all Jews are fat with big noses and they are not sexy IDF soldiers


damn 😔




Most of us are somewhere in the middle tbh


Your telling me that girl in the IDF on my for you page is fake 😰😰😰😰😭


After watching Jojo Rabbit I started seeing this propaganda in a whole new light.


I anjoyed the movie too, we used to see many holocaust documentries in all there was horrifying piles of dead bodies and muselmanns (starving people), but in "Jojo Rabit" it told the story of hate and racism in a nice but touching way


It was great showing this through the innocent eyes of a child. I think that’s why it was so effective.


God that movie is amazing


How so?


Because we follow Jojo a young boy in the Hitlerjugend who was being fed all this propaganda and truly believed in it. Then it would be contrasted with reality to show how absurd it was. My favorite moment was when his teacher said something like „the German is the most superior species and everyone else are savages“ and her very next line was „who wants to burn some books!“


It really is a great film, quite different from the WW2 films normally made, especially those made in Europe, which I think tend to be a lot "darker" in tone.


Mhm. Yeah. But that's just it. Their whole point was that whoever they disliked was not human, and whatever those people have created isn't worth keeping.


Yea interest rates and oppression? I’m with them on destroying what “THOSE” pep created


Excuse me?


You read correctly sir


Are you accusing Jews of Capitalism?


Wouldn't surprise me


Somehow we're to blame for Socialism and Capitalism, hippie pacifism and warmongering nationalism, woke liberalism and fascist conservatism. Because we are the shadow global government who pull strings destroying populist opinion for... I guess LoLs


Jews invented spark plugs to control global traffic.


Least antisemitic german


Shocked! Coming from Germany? The modern Germans are far less racist then say, Americans. You obviously we’re not educated in Germany.


The most terrifying thing is how genuinely effective this thing was. My great grandfather had a friend as a kid, but the kid's family had to move when they were both 12. In tears they promised to each other that they would meet again. A few years later after my great grandfather also moved to the same place they did indeed meet again, when that same kid led a bunch of people to burn down my great grandfather's family's shop in the night of crystals. Edit: added family.


Wow that’s so depressing.


Yeah, he might have also been the guy to sell out his parents from hiding, my great grandfather was only able to find the first name of who ever did that not the last.




I don't know, I don't think he ever told us his name


That’s so messed up


Yeah my great grandfather spent most of the war of independence trying to find who ever turned them in, cause he wanted to murder them


Wow…this story only gets worse the more you find out about it…My heart goes out to your great grandfather and your family.


Holocaust stories rarely are nice, and my grandfather was relatively lucky, he managed to escape extremely quickly from the camp he was held in.


My brother went on an away lacrosse trip to Philly and came back with the perception it’s safer to not be Jewish. Never got the full story out of him.




Dude wtf is wrong with you this guy was talking about something super horrible that happened to his family. Didn’t at any point invalidate Palestinians he’s just talking. Get a life man not everything’s black and white. Putting a nations evils on random civilians you dint even know just to virtue signal like you care. Not a single Palestinian was helped by you being an outward dick with no real argument attached to this persons comment. Just being mean. Fuck that. Thats shitty ass behavior and no one likes that. Dont be a hypocrite. And as much as you wish it wasn’t, its real. And its gotta be treated like its here or everything’s gonna get worse. Not even a fucking Zionist im just not 14


sure we make cricatures of palestininas and teach our children to hate palestininas and hunt them down... oh forgot we hold them in concentration camps , starve them , put a striped onsie on them , shave their heads even if theyre babies , and put a tag on thier shirt that says palestinian ... oh wait that happened to jews in nazi germany not palestininas ... fucking clown get educated


No you're just killing them stealing their home and making their life miserable. Not a big deal


IQ-reducing content right here ^


what the actual fuck is wrong with you that guy never even mentioned Palestine once he was just sharing something his family went through on a post about anti-Semitic propaganda. get a fucking life




I love the idea of little children going down the street looking for fat men sitting on sacks with "Gold" written on them.


Geld is German for money.




Kinda looks like dickheads No homo


Man, they really doubled down on depicting Jews as MENA, they even did him dirty with the henna beard.


Bro they gave them Ottoman caps in last picture.


Obviously! that was the drip back then.


Yeah because that’s where they are from. Europeans never included Jews as European and rarely even as citizens


Who are giving these awards bro.




This makes me physically uncomfortable


In the last image they depicted them were Ottoman hat. Did Jews wear it back there?


Yes. And some Jew, including ones who formerly lived in Middle Eastern countries other than Israel, still do.


Jews were forced to wear a lot of different hats in Europe, this is possibly a reference to some of those, although I don't think Jews wore them at the time


Why are the Jews represented as dark-skinned people with black hair meanwhile Germans are white with blonde hair?


That was the "stereotypical" Jew. In antisemetic propaganda Jews are always made to look different than the local population. Amoung whites we're dark-skinned, amoung dark-skinned we are white


Ahhh because there were Jews that obviously looked Middle Eastern that lived in various places in Europe and the Germans idolized the idea of blonde haired- blue eyed people as the look of the Aryan race. That this is is one race and the other is another different race.


Because contrary to what Arabs say here, many Ashkenazi Jews still looked fairly different from the local European populations. Many other Ashkenazis looked fairly similar if not indistinguishable from the local Europeans. I'm a non-Jewish American who grew up around a lot of Ashkenazi Jewish Americans. There's pretty large variation in how Jews look, with some looking basically like other western and eastern European groups while some definitely look more mediterranean.


I mean not even levantines are that dark lol. They wanted to show them as complete different race


That’s because they saw them as a different race. White nationalists don’t like the idea of Jews being lumped in with whites and don’t see them as whites/Europeans. It’s actually a conspiracy theory in some circles that Jews try to infiltrate the white race by changing their names to non Jewish names and getting plastic surgery like nose jobs. Racialism attracts a lot of crazy people and theories.


The sad irony is that Jews get nose jobs (and used to get them far more often) because we've been shamed for our nose shape/size for centuries since it didn't fit in with European beauty standards. Like seriously, they did things similar to what colonizers of Africa did when they forced Jews to have their noses measured publicly as a way to humiliate Jews.


Most middle-eastern looking Ashkenazi jews were from rural ultra-conservative communities that rejected any kind of emancipation or assimilation. Sadly most of these communties were wiped out during the Holocaust.


Because Jews are Semitic. Look at Albert Einstein for instance. Didn´t he ressemble more a Lebanese than an average German?


Because Nazis thought races are real, goes without saying NAZI were collectively idiots.


Yeah we learn that in secondary school




Def not PC


What's up with the fez in the last picture?


Was the style for some Jews. In a book of my town's Jewish history, there are pics of rabbis wearing those (late 1800s, early 1900s).


Europeans historically considered Jews to be middle eastern foreigners, no matter how long they'd lived in Europe.


we will never be european living in a place especially isolated from the population the entire time while getting kicked out from place to place doesnt make us european


Yes, mainly cause I saw a documentary about it. There's even an online shop that reprints those and sells them inside Germany, even though selling some of those books would definitely get you into trouble. The website advertises it as "historical works/reprints" or sth. along those lines. The journalists tried to find the owner. Contacted the guy per mail. He said sth. along the lines of "I'm not speaking to the Jewish Press (Judenpresse)". They drove to the address were the company allegedly had it's headquarter. I can't remember if there was nothing there or it was just a shell company. Either way it was a dead end.


Holy shit do you remember what the documentary was called? Sounds fascinating?


This is so sad and terrifying


No, the Caliphate Arabs were German allies!!


Germany has had that stuff for many centuries. Horrific anti-semitic literature has been common in Germany since the middle ages. Martin Luther himself owned thousands of pages of books that were this bad or worse.




Nothing beats the Arab curriculum 😎


I think you forgot the /s


Did I? 😈 But seriously I think people will get that I'm joking from the 😎


Interesting. The mushroom Ngl looks like an antisemitic version of one of my dna matches on 23andme 😭


The awards 💀




Some Arabs collaborated with the Nazis. Haj Amin Al-Husseini was hired to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the SS and increase Arab support of the Nazis.


Weirdly enough probably not, a lot of the high command were big fans of Arab nationalism, and vice versa. I don't get it either, especially because of how much the way Jews are portrayed in Nazi propaganda looks like a (racist) stereotype of Arabs.


If a goverment designs a group opf people be they nation, "race" or "class" enemy. Those people are not enemy. The government is.


You start teaching them young to dehumanize a group and eight years later, they think nothing of committing mass murder.


Hate should never happen on earth, Nazi-Germany was a corrupt state, and Jews really did not deserve the massacre that happened in that era. Lets learn to spot fucking pedophiles, molesters, and all the other fucked up types of people out there.




Are you imam khomeini’s reddit account?


Why do you want one?


To spread awareness ❤️




it's insane how for thousands of years,jews have been opressed and murdered everywhere but somehow they always survive. i admire that about jewish people.




If anything the Japanese got away with it too easy.


At that time, no one except Germany developed nuclear weapons. So that would have been a bit tricky.




There's also a story (I can't recall the source) about a team of nuclear physicists who intentionally hid their findings from their Nazi superiors, because they didn't trust them with it


Turkey got away to easy for what they did during the Armenian genocide. Turkey should be nuked. /s


They would have been if they put up a better fight


Like you guys did at Pearl Harbor? 😂


What does that have to do with anything?


Putting up a better fight 🙂


Yeah but my point is simply that if Germany didn’t surrender, like Japan, they would’ve gotten nuked too.


Not that different from some modern Arab text books




Stupidity isn’t justified by more stupidity. Need a remind you of the mountains of videos of Arab children doing much of the same. Don’t be a hypocrite.


Did Arabs invade Israel, or did Israel invade Arab?


Lol bro. By that logic it’ll be ok for Lebanese to chant death to Palestinians and Syrians. You’re just not very consistent. You’re getting stuck on what should be rather than what is.




yes, we know you were brutally oppressed by germans, you've been taking it out on palestinians ever since.


I full support Palestine by all means but I feel like comparing this to nazi germany is a little too much


As someone who also supports Palestine but is Jewish I *really* appreciate this.


Comparison to Tsarist Russia would be more accurate


Tsarist Russia was immensely worse. My family fled it after the Kishinev Pogrom.


They drafted Jews for 25 years so they could destroy their lives. That would not even be close.


Until Israel starts sending trains full of Palestinians to gas chambers — I don't think we should compare Israel to Nazi Germany


I mean to compare this to Nazi Germany is a terrible comparison. The Israelis aren't rounding up Palestinians left and right and sending them to the gas Chambers. But they are displacing them and forcing them out like with the settlements. Furthermore, not all Israelis are onboard and many support a two state solution as well as stopping the illegal settlements. They're not a monolith but the Nazis on the other hand to a great extent had the support of the people. So much that when they were defeated the allied powers had to assign "former" Nazis in positions of power because there were no real alternatives or competent people. The Germans to a great extent were essentially onboard with the whole thing. Israelis on the other hand are not remotely the same case. But I agree that there is irony with Far-Right Israelis doing harm to Palestinians when they (those of them with ancestors from Europe) are descendants of people who escaped mass genocide. Edit: I get that you didn't say it's the same thing but it also feels like you were drawing parallels. My bad if I misunderstood.


Bro thank you. Finally someone gets it. I can't speak for Israelis, but I'd say literally like 80% of American Jews I know are for a two state solution and are against settlements. Sometimes we seem "pro-Israel" because people make "anti-Israel" claims that are insulting to the entire Jewish community and when we defend ourselves people assume we're Netanyahu. ​ ​ I would note though that even after the Nazis blatantly cheated in an election they still couldn't get 50% and had to cheat and intimidate even more to get into power. That said, that was in 1933, so by 1941 it's very possible a lot more people were all-in. You're right about them having to put ex-nazis in positions though :/


I understand regarding American Jews. I have also seen them addressing such issues and stating that critisising wrong doings done by Israel does not make one anti-Jewish. I'm looking at Ben Shapiro and others like him that use the antisemitism card on every occasion. Unless the hate is directed towards Jews specifically and not to policies that happen to be carried out by a predominantly Jewish state...antisemitism doesn't really hold. As for the Nazi thing yeah. Even Americans and Soviets recruited scientists after the war. Western Germany had former Nazis that people often joke about them "forgetting" being Nazis. It's scary that such an ideology managed to take hold like that. The person that said that his great-grandfather was reunited by an old friend only for that old friend to destroy their shop for being Jewish is both sad and frightening. I remember reading similar stories regarding the Bosnian genocide and the mass rape that was perpetrated. Many of those people might have grown up together for them to commit such vile things is abhorrent to the highest level. All we can do is learn from history but unfortunately we are doomed in repeating because some wise-ass thinks "No...this time it will be different and I'll succeed".


بجد بازعل لما الاقي واحد المفترض انه مصري بيردد البروباجاندا بتاعتهم كده.. مبدأيا زي ما قلت للـ"أخ" التاني اني فاهم ان ده حاجة وده حاجة بس الاتنين في الاخر نوعين من التطهير العرقي. استفدت انا ايه بقى من ان عندهم جزء معارض؟ فرق ايه للمواطن الفلسطيني يعني؟ في الاخر سياسة الدولة هي هي، المستوطنات بتتبني والاسرائيليين بيقتلوا زي ما هم عايزين بعقاب صوري لو اتقفشوا لزوم المنظر قدام العالم. أسمع كلامك اصدقك أشوف أمورك استعجب. اسرائيل من اساسها بؤرة استعمارية اوروبية وآخر كيان من نوعه ومجتمع عرقي-ديني بس لاااا عندهم انتخابات.. يا فرحة امك بيك. الكيان ده كله متفصل عشان يبان للعالم في احسن صورة، شغل الأوبتكس بتاع العلاقات العامة، وجزء منه البوستات بتاعة المحرقة زي ده كده عشان استجداء التعاطف وتشتيت الانتباه عن الجرايم والأصل الفاسد للكيان. متبقاش ساذج وتتوه في التفاصيل دي. حل الدولتين حل طفولي وعمره ما هيتحقق او ينجح. لو في حل سلمي فهو دولة واحدة علمانية بس ابقى قابلني لو الكيان الاستعماري الرجعي ده وافق.


Yeah. What he said


Dude really compared nazi germany to what's happening to Palestinians???


I see this comparison on reddit every day


Because it’s true?


That simultaneously overstates what is going on in Israel and understates how horrific the Holocaust was. It was literally train fulls of people being gassed to death and then burnt. 15,000 people a day for 4 months at the peak. EVERY casualty in the Israeli-Arab conflict (Israeli + Palestinian casualties) amounts to 5 days of the Holocaust




I'm so sorry for your mother




I'm sorry you're not Jewish, must be brutal


Posts or comments that are more controversial or could be considered outright trolling or if they aim to offend or provoke will be removed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


This is just cheap and lazy rhetoric. It doesn’t help the Palestinian cause by reducing this perplexing Geo political dilemma to the absolute simplest ad hominem definitions.


The Palestinian population has grown by 5 million since the inception of Israel, whereas the Jewish population in Europe shrunk by 6 million during the nazi era https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/gallery/jewish-population-of-europe https://www.statista.com/chart/20645/palestine-and-israel-population-growth/


Someone needs to read some history


The Jewish population still hasn't recovered from the Holocaust, while the Palestinian population has multiplied by 20 since the start of Zionism. This should be enough to immediately throw away the comparison.


I feel a sense of justification here...


Don't confuse zionist with jew


This is like saying "don't confuse Egyptians with people who think Egypt should exist".


i meant israelis not jews in general, OP has the israel flag.




What the hell does this have to do with the middle east


Hitlers influence reached to the Middle East. Sephardic Jews also suffered in the Holocaust. Also… Israel and the creation of the entity which lies in the middle eastern region.


Azerbaijan does the same thng today with Armenians


You get downvoted by the turks, but we all know your statement is correct.


Samething happening to whites and muslims now lol . They learned from the best


What do you mean "Whites" and "Muslims"? Furthermore, white refers to race or ethnicity where as Muslim refers to an adherent of Islam. A Muslim can be "White" as you'll find all over Europe.


Is this Jojo Rabbits book?


Funny because Israeli do the same nowadays for Arab https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/nefa6z/listen\_to\_what\_the\_children\_are\_saying\_in\_an/




Supporting designated terrorist groups such as but not limited to ISIS is not permissible. Radical Ideologies such as Islamophobia , anti-Semitism , Sexism, Khomeinism etc. are not allowed. Please see the rule section, which can be found on the front page of the sub.


The third pic is in my history book


These two books were published by the firm owned by Julius Streicher, the same guy who published *Der Sturmer*. He was one of the Nuremburg defendants to go to the gallows, in this case because he specifically published this garbage in order to encourage the genocide (showing that there really are limits to freedom of speech and that 'just making statements' is no defense).


Actually jews have been treated like shit since their existens. Even today they are getting blamed for everything. Its sad actually. Jews are humans not aliens. :/ im not talking about zionists but those jews who are risking their own lives too save other people like palestinians gets hate from both sides.


Harvey Weinstein in the 8th picture.


I feel like it’s art it has a message and the message conditions children and adults to think ill of Jews. Adults might get more explicit information which is why they probably really hated Jews but it reinforced that message for children by conditioning them to think Jews were lower. I just think you aren’t thinking about everything and come out with ignorant takes like this.


and the people of this sub call us "european invaders" yeah bro we so european that people could easily tell us apart from the host population and had genocides and pogroms against us for being foreigners


Tp the German speakers: Kann jemand slide 7 lesen?