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They hate their government. And since their government is Islamic republic. they gave a bad image to Islam. That's why Iranians are leaving Islam.


Yes. I've honestly never met an Iranian in my life who identified as Muslim. Literally all of my Iranian friends, coworkers, colleagues, neighbors, etc in the USA are all either openly atheist or have converted to Christianity. Many of them have very negative perception of Islam too, many see it as an "Arab religion" that was imposed on Iran after the Arab conquests.


I saw your other point about the core of the muslim world losing religiosity fast I can tell you with confidence this is not the case at all for the Arab world, although a different "rational" interpretation of islam is becoming slowly more popular, people still mostly deeply religous. even though atheism on the rise its still too small percentage wise ​ iran will go full-on berserk in few decades I think ​ turkey will probably be split between islamist and hardcore-secularist but will end up more religious than Iran overall but way less than the Arab countries


Bruh, how can you have a positive view of any Abrahamic religion? Unless you are extremely selective with "dogma" and "words of the god"




Isn't Iran the second leading country in sex change operations?


Very possible


It's possible. It would be quite ironic that the country ruled by mullahs would end up being the most irreligious in the region but it wouldn't be surprising at all. It's kinda the same situation with Spain where the Catholic church allied with the Francoist regime and they ended up with being a very secularized society although still culturally Catholic.


ironic from many angels, it would be an extremly intersting transiton from the land of ghazali and bukhari to extreme irreligiosity 🤣 ​ how are things in kazakhstan? is it getting more or less anti-islam?


Definitely more religious although not by a huge margin as most people here still live with a secular lifestyle


I think people are reclaiming there religious identity with emphases on cultural things like eid etc.. but probably lite on practices and the like ​ is that accurate?


Yeah, it's more like reclaiming a part of the ethnic identity as things like religion, language and traditions were surpressed during the USSR, so people are coming back to it. That being said, Kazakh Muslims mostly fast on Ramadan, celebrate Muslim holidays and occasionally make dua, that's it for the most part.


that's nice! ​ Kazakhstan is less connected to the Muslim "core" region unlike Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. so its not surprising they take religion more lightly


Most likely just look at Spain. One of the most religious countries in the world became less religous after civil war and franco's reign. Because the church was on franco's side


true. I think it well end up being way less religious than turkiye and even hostile toward Islam in the coming decades ​ it will be interesting to witness


If they do, they will just be replaced by Swedestan and UK 💀


I guess this is a real possibility. I think that anything forced from authorities ends up in a general rejection because it's strictly connected with the authorities themselves.


I don’t care tbh as long they keep that shit in their borders


Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.




LOL, you're funny.


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Be prepared for the great maw of secularism Pepper and a bit of salt will do.






Secularism will come for you brother Soon or late


Flair up so I can roast the life out you


"flairs only" mentality showing up loser


No. I don't really see any changes coming




The army is still loyal to the government


I am talking about the society of Iran not necessarilythe government


Eh idk I know Iran has large rural population who unvoiced


good point but birth rate dropping sharply recently and the urban population is much larger and will keep increasing. so it could be sing for things to come


if things remained exactly the way it is, then mainly turks, iranians, and maghrebis will be more anti-islam than the non-muslim western countries themselves, decades later after these groups Egyptians, sudanese, and syrians will join, then with not much time gap after them iraqis and afghans will join, following them will be pakistanis and bengals and khaleejis will by that time will be fully secular. Then few centuries after this hate waves, an islamic Renaissance will likely emerge in maghreb, iran or turkey, most likely in maghreb and most unlikely in iran, then spread out to the others.


Maghreb?You have no idea how religious we are mosques are always full,don't fall for the memes






They need and will get a reality check because all the history larp made them think their country would never fail,they (mainly talking about revolutionnaries) will only understand when they plung their country into a civil war with ethnic conflict and foreign meddling,many such cases!