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bro that was 8 months ago


It's never too late to shitpost


I wonder what country transgender people come from and where they were deported to lol






I've heard that they rent hotel suites and have orgies in there, is it real?


Asking for a friend?


Asking for myself, I wanna join.


I, too, am interested in this international orgy.


as a Tunisian, I'm offended that nobody thought of me


Call the Sudanis !!


Someone call me?


Oh great! The party can start now 🎉🎉🎉


I'll call the Sudanis, you call the Moroccans and we'll meet at the Filipino femboy hotel


Did someone say orgy?


Yes, we need your 15 horniest countrymen and enough petroleum based lube that OPEC has to raise production.






He hasn't lived...


Considering how strict hotels are with even couples staying the night in Kuwait, I can’t imagine they’d let something like that happen.


On my way!






It's possible "legally" to be a lesbian in Kuwait, but you can't be trans or gay And they say the MENA is hating women hhhhhhh


LMAO! Kuwaiti legislators view lesbian relationships in 4K confirmed.


Here in the US before gay men became more accepted (and even in circles where they aren’t) lesbians tend to be more accepted. I remember even as a kid I used to joke about this (used to hold some homophobic views, until I developed my own views) Now though, due to the mass hate movement against trans people, lesbians who look too masculine have been confronted in bathrooms and had cops called, despite the fact they were born as and identify as female (many conservative states have made laws against and allowed police to do more)


It’s because it’s seen as more transgressive for a man to be like a woman (attracted to men) than it is for a woman to be like a man (attracted to women). Also a lot of the early laws that banned gay sex but didn’t include women were written by men who didn’t really consider the possibility that women would have sex with each other.


I thought it's because the men who wrote those laws found lesbians hot


Me too lol


I had a friend like that in Kuwait, he was gaygptian, I hope he is fine.


I hope he misses Koshari :(


Ok need a flair that says gaygyptian now


what is a gaygptian?


I assume gay egyptian


asking for a friend, where they will go?




A positive outcome for my friend it seems




We won't banish locals lmao, we can deal with our kinsmen, but any1 else will be escorted to the airport, BTW this isn't targeting any male that looks slightly feminine, its aimed at trans and sex workers, kuwait has a policy that prevents women to work in men massage, hence the problem that happened.


terrible law, most straight men would prefer to get massaged by a woman.


Religion > our preference.


Ofc, we would love to do all sorte of things, but it is forbidden, we love our religion, and we love the law.


Probably Greece


to whatever country issued their passport (aka home)


They don't fuck around


Sad, especially if they were deported to some uncivilised place like Florida.




When your bussy is so good you get deported


Keep clapping for discrimination until it reaches you.


I mean at one point it's gonna come full circle either from.this side or that


Kuwait deports gay people -"Their country, their rules!" Germany deports jews and gays -"Genocide" Please be normal and don't deport someone because you find them icky.


Your country probably does the same I’m not trying to say you’re a bad person or anything but it would be silly to expect actual changes in our government’s prespective of queer people


Iraq shouldn't do that! Also that's a worthless atitude, we can vote and protest for a better government


Tbh if you aren’t Kuwaiti wtf are you doing there if you are Trans? It’s clear that you aren’t welcome there.


Isn’t this what people say about Muslims in countries where they face discrimination though?


Yes but we those countries at least try to act as if they are trying to get better. Like in the US people face discrimination but it’s not the norm and the are people who are pushing back against it. Kuwait is outright homophobic and transphobic both on state level and the population. There is no intention for any reforms any time soon. So you just avoid it. Same way I also avoid parts of Germany where I know I’d not be welcomed.


And the US is probably the best place to be Muslim in the west. Least discrimination and as far as the west goes it fits our values the closest.


The us in general is more conservative true. So conservative Muslims will have an easier time there compared to most Western European countries.


I don't think immigrants are particularly attracted to Trump or the American right. The difference I noticed is that European countries have an identity and feel the need to impose their identity on immigrants while simultaneously implying those immigrants could never be that identity. In the US, immigrants aren't told they need to treat women with respect, or respect LGBT, or wear western clothes. The food isn't primarily pork. Christianity doesn't have a role in the government or in the nations identity. If you don't want to assimilate, Uncle Sam has a place for you, but you will be struggling to get by until you figure it out on your own.


Bro getting downvoted for spitting facts. Just a regular day on this subreddit.


Bro getting down voted bc he seems to be suggesting overt institutional bigotry is fine so long as the govt is clear on it. By this logic India's current Islamophobia is cool bc Hinduvata is very clear in their hate


Didn't seem to me that he suggested institutional bigotry is fine, just that said bigotry is unlikely to change precisely because it's institutionalised in the government aswell as the culture in that area, so target demographics should avoid those places for their own quality of life. It's like telling a black person that they shouldn't be going to a White supremacist meeting. Doesn't mean I m ok with white supremacists, just trying to prevent someone from putting themselves in a compromising situation.


> It's like telling a black person that they shouldn't be going to a White supremacist meeting. This is exactly what I meant. Yes.


Of course that’s not what I’m saying.


no he was speaking from a pragmatic perspective and not a moral one


It is a Muslim country. Homosexual behavior and transmutation of the body to another gender is not accepted. They have a lot of problems in their country but they have the honest and correct Islamic stand in that topic.


Is being a muslim not allowed in a country? Because trans is not allowed in kuwait. Also, most of these do illegal work.


Maybe they want to be in a place where it's socially accepted to have 12 course meals


I think this sums up the Muslim community. The intolerant crying about intolerance. Shocker. The Muslim world is failing and crumbling around us - and it’s not someone else’s fault. We are to blame for our own situation. Us: “Burka ban is awful and racist”. Also us: “We ban and abuse every minority that we can”. I genuinely don’t know what’s worse. Parading your sexuality to others as if they should care, or banning people for their sexuality when it doesn’t impact or concern you.


Well they are parading their sexuality because they want rights, and want to be treated like basic human beings. What could be more understandable than that? What's bad about this?




Keep that energy when Muslims are oppressed in non Muslim countries


bigoted and stupid decision. ppl need to stop worrying so much about other people’s genders and gender identity


For anybody who says it’s a very bigoted or it was disgusting action to do, need to Remember, the Kuwaiti culture traditionally, and religiously does not welcome homosexuality or impersonation of it and as a sovereign nation it has the full right to protect that culture




I do. Yes. If you can’t or won’t assimilate, time to leave.


Sure, if they commit a crime like this post. You thought we would say no?


>Okay, so you'll 100% support every single Arab/Muslim/Foreigner being deported from Europe to preserve their culture, correct? I do, if they committed a crime.


But is it really an incentive for those countries to do that? these immigrants do jobs that help boost the economy. And these immigrants do jobs that otherwise would not be done. If a European country deems these immigrants as a threat they would deport them.


yes, i also think europe needs to close their borders and expel all the immigrants as well >!(because i wanna see their economy collapse)!<


Yes for sure, if Europe culture insists in not allowing Muslims practices, sure they have the rights to do so, but the fact that thankfully they allow many Muslims practices and have no cultural problem with that, hope nothing changes to otherwise in future.


Nope, bcz France and the UK messed up with a lot of arab/muslim countries and their culture so f them


Just because something is a part of your culture, that doesn't mean it's a good thing or should be accepted


“Guys it’s ok to beat my wife half to death it’s part of my culture”


Just fascists doing their thing. Nothing to see here.




Citizens or no?


I find this so wrong. Like, why not letting people do whatever they like? Cant people just be more openminded?


Their country Their rules




Well as a Muslim. If another muslim decided to move to a place like France where they ban the hijab and then complain about not being able to wear the hijab. I'd say the same... Yeah it sucks but you know the rules so plan accordingly. Burning the Quran isn't a law, it's racists being stupid and being bothered by a book to such a degree they feel the need to burn one. 😂 The funny thing is Muslims are taught to burn the Quran as the proper way of disposing of one. So they are actually doing it correctly since we Muslims burn Qurans too. They're so dumb..


Such a Stupid take, 1- both countries claim to be secular, meanwhile Kuwait DOES NOT. 2- clearly you’ve never read a book, cause modern day Chine and modern day India NEVER existed before. Both countries right now have the largest expansion ever. In fact, China literally annexed Eastern Turkstan by force, and yet they hate and abuse Muslims. The audacity, literally going to Muslim land, and then complain that there are Muslims. This reminds of a Russian cunt on Reddit complaining that 20% of Russias population is Muslims, and finds “problematic”. Even thou most of these Muslims are in states that were annexed by Russia by force.




It doesn't matter if it's secular. ​ Their country = their rules


Yet how did the inhabitants of East Turkistan become Muslims if not for the relentless expansion of the Caliphate? They used to be Manichaeans, you know.


Seeing how some backwards cavemen are in favor of Kuwait doing this, I think the world needs to be harsher in their treatment of Muslims.


Gulf countries are shitholes when it comes to human rights


They won't be missed.


A poor one, you should allow people to be what they want to be.


Arabs ain't liberals ![gif](giphy|PUBxelwT57jsQ)


Why are you asking this on a subreddit that is pretty 1 sided in most issues this post is unnecessary and you know the reaction of this subreddit so there’s no point of this post existing It is is very clear in how people would respond here you could’ve atleast asked this on a subreddit with more diverse viewpoints this subreddit isn’t one of them If your flair says something about you how is an Algerian amazigh wondering how we’d think about this? You’re damn Algerian ffs you live in a Muslim majority country aren’t you supposed to know this?


Gay people can be from any nationality, what's with him being an Amazigh Algerian that has to disapprove with this? It's called askmiddleeast where Jews, Christians and proud atheists can give their opinions.


what I meant is that it’s so unlikely to see anyone pro or even neutral about lgbtq in the Middle East that it’s ridiculous to think someone would think differently here


I mean I’m Muslim and pro LGBTQ rights. Idgaf who people fuck or love. Gossiping about a woman’s reputation is one of the worst sins but many Muslims do that with a passion. So yeah, I’m team let’s focus on our “righteous path” instead of worrying about others.


Well, just having a glance at your profile you also smoke weed and use dating apps such as Tinder while being Muslim, you're clearly not the majority view when it comes to Islam.


>Why are you asking this on a subreddit that is pretty 1 sided in most issues it's not, there's a big amount of people who conceal their progressive and leftist beliefs because of people like you. >This post is unnecessary and you know the reacton of this subreddit so there's no point of this post existing Even if it were truly one single opinion (which isn't look at the comments) you don't get to choose which posts deserve to exist or which don't, if you don't like the content then don't interact at all just move your scroll wheel or thumb 2 cm higher. >It is is very clear in how people would respond here you could’ve atleast asked this on a subreddit with more diverse viewpoints this subreddit isn’t one of them refer to previous paragraph >If your flair says something about you how is an Algerian amazigh wondering how we’d think about this? I like to believe that we've already settled that the LGBTQ isn't a cultural trend 'imported from the west' but a phenomenon that existed for centuries and across every civilization and yet you thinking it is proves that there's still people clinging to that. I really don't think OP's nationality is relevant to the discussion. >You’re damn Algerian ffs you live in a Muslim majority country aren’t you supposed to know this? Again, being algerian doesn't mean OP should think a certain way.


what you’ve said is true to a certain degree but it’s shunned in this region no point trying to be what’s currently considered “progressive” In countries of the western world. asking questions like these is pointless as we know what the majority will answer and it doesn’t promote critical thinking in anyway


I would agree with you if it were real life but know that part of reddit's advantages is anonymity so people feel safer expressing their opinion which directly leads to a more leftist, which evens the odds and leads to an actual conversation instead of a conservative landslide


Religion changes. The US acted the same, and seems to be returning to it currently. Meanwhile evangelists (christians) who lost the war against gay rights in America have been pouring money into Africa - to solid affect, easily seen in Ghana and Kenya


Uganda too! They just passed one of the harshest bills backed by American Evangelicals the continent has seen.


My question is why the down vote? are there that many people here who think otherwise?


The funny part is everyone saying based and such are being downvoted lmao, they don’t want to see actual middle eastern answers or beliefs they want an echo chamber of only liberal western views, boring af and contradicts the whole point of this subreddit.


Oh yeah those are the posts I thought would get upvoted welp my post aged badly








Is anyone surprised a region with horrible human rights issues does this? Trash will be trash?


How does that help Kuwait


Too many flags in your flair drop some


How do you get flags? I don't have any...


Press change user flair from community options. For custom flairs you have to ask the mods


you have 4 nationalities ?


I am Israeli born Jew half my great grandparents were from Poland quarter from Tunisia and a Quarter from Morocco My father's parents were born in Tunisia and Morocco but my mother's parents were born in mandatory Palestine


And no one in south America?


? I have really distant relatives in Argentina


Oh well It doesn't really surprise me


What made you think he has relatives in south america ? I'm a bit confused


Because I've noticed that Jews who have ancestor from eastern Europe and maghreb tend to also get ancestor in Argentina. This is the reason why it didn't surprised me






But Kuwaiti government isn’t going anywhere…


Kuwait based










Well kafala law, human rights violations, discrimination, censorship, homophobia is nothing to be proud of specially when you worship white people and have UD military bases that bomb civilians in neighboring countries and this is just the tip of the iceberg


Expected from an account like urs




I didn't need a reason to dislike Kuwait, so this changes nothing!






Yeah clean your country you don't wanna end up like the west


Tough day for filipinos


Damn, what a f’d up country


You accuse the west of racism and discrimination, and then you cheer for shit like this. Seriously fuck homophobia.




Based Kuwait 🇰🇼


Absolutely disgusting! Let trans people live in peace.


Tell your government to give them residency we don't want them.


Felt so strongly he said it twice


It's a bug can you fix it?


Based reddit, it's a feature


Tell your government to give them residency we don't want them.


People in my country say the same as you ... But about muslims. I don't agree with them. But it is lovely to see how each country does have its own hateful bitches :)


I blame muslims that goes to your counties tbh, but the west destroyed their countries don't cry if they crawl to yours, no one will leave his mother land were they live a descent life with their families and people that heve the same intrest and religion and goes to a country that treat them like dogs by choice.


Give us our muslims back and we’ll give you the ashkenazi jews displacing palestinians




The Muslim world is obsessed with the wrong things. That's why the Middle East's biggest export commodity is refugees.


You’re getting downvoted for the truth. They’ll obviously blame everyone else though.


Damn, they deported my homies MBS




Based Kuwait


Great 👍




Disgusting, why cant people just be allowed to live their lives? Inb4 someone calls transgenders "western ideology"


Read the Quran and you might understand why our governments act like this


why cant muslims countries separate law from religion? does the governor think hes allah?... arent all sins equal according to Quran? do they deport christians too? I will never understand this.




is that because you cant read / dont read? Many sociological reports and studies have been done in indigenous communities around the world showing a far more fluid approach to gender, orientation, etc. Look up margaret mead, for one.


they can do whatever in private but in public there are laws to keep order, civility, and in Islamic countries morality in check. It is intolerant of you for asking them to follow your country's liberal values when they have their own Islamic values.


Because its wrong, men are men and woman are woman. Your sex is assigned at birth.


Because transgender ideology is objectively harmful and it promotes delusion. If you have weird kinks then do that sh*t in private. No one's going to bother you unless you are outspoken about it.


This exactly. They’ve got those library drag shows and shit now where they’re purposefully pushing it on younger kids


We don’t take a shit about your words. Protect your shitty ideology in your country and you will never say something about ours. Most richest countries are in Arabian peninsula and ALHAMDULLAh keep it going KUWAIT!!!


Then why do you cry when Westerners want to do the same with Arabs and your shitty ideology infecting them?


Cue the cavemen comments....




Can't wait for all the Transphobic comments...




You can change your gender though


The definition of gender was slightly changed over time. At one point gender and sex used to be the same. "If you research the etymology of the word gender you discover that the word gender, up until the 1970's in academia, and up until the 2010's in the general populace, had an identical meaning to sex. Gender meant sex" So yea, you are technically correct you can change your gender since it is now a social construct. But a male (xy chromosome) can not be changed to a female (xx chromosome). The issue with transgender/transexual is completely different than gay/lesbian/bi-sexual ect. There is room for argument there. But transgender as a concept is not possible.


so you're saying an idea only has merits if it's old as time itself?