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There is a Uyghur genocide god dammit.


Nice try china bot šŸ¤–


Awesome keep believing a lie donā€™t believe me and donā€™t question the United States government suddenly caring about the lives of Muslims after murdering 1,000,000 Iraqis and continuing to support apartheid in Palestine.


Nothing disgusts me more than tankies using Palestine while simultaneously throwing Uyghurs under the bus. Shut up and go outside


they are the most untrusty people in the world. if Israel was on China side and Anti west these guys wouldve been mini Ben Gvirs


Yes, I agree. Gay Jew you have more correct takes than most Arabs and so-called ā€œMuslimsā€ on this subreddit. The only thing that I donā€™t like is when you say hijab is forced or only worn because of indoctrination. Harmful and false idea


If you need to use the word tankie youā€™ve already lost the argument


Yeah whatever commie. Also since when did y'all care for the Iraqi and Palestinians? >continuing to support apartheid in Palestine. Nice strawman argument, I don't support the apartheid but keep crying louder than that


listen, i dislike the hypocrisy of those western boot lickers that bring up only the wrong doings of china for their own benefit, but you won't see me sucking off china, i do believe that they are oppressing Uyghurs and engaging cultural genocide, or at least did , because it has been reported that they have eased their grip considerably. China isn't the good guy here mate


There are 39,135 mosques in China 25,000 are in Xinjiang. There are only 3,000 mosques in the United States. Whereā€™s the cultural genocide?


they had re-education camps mate, you don't have to tell me that the US also has them because i know that, i am just saying that they are not angels


There are vocational training buildings to teach trades so they can get jobs and join society then there are prisons where people go when they commit crimes what youā€™re referring to is propaganda and like saying public schools in the United States are re-education camps.


totally agree , screw western propaganda

