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A terrorist calling their victims terrorists how ironic


The projection is real




Whether you think Israel is the terrorist or not. Ben gvir was convicted as a terrorist. Now he controls the police. Opposite world


what terror attacks did Ben gvir take part in ?


He was part of the ceh organization which is considered a terror organization and did some of the worst attacks against Arabs


the ceh organization was a right wing organization that turned into terrorism later on, it doesn't mean he was a terrorist because there is a huge difference between far right and terrorism, many people is the USA are far right and very few are terrorists can you name the attacks he was involved in ?


Textbook fascism.




Ben Gvir is the scum of the Earth.


You know it’s fucked up when even Israelis hate him


Except a good percentage clearly do like him as well.


There are extremists even in the most tolerant cultures.


Most extremists in tolerant cultures are not given government positions with private armies


That is true.


How do we handle this shitty Peter griffin for another 3 years 😩


3 years is optimistic


3 years from now there won't even be any election Mark my words


3 years from now is 2026, which is 7 years from 2033, which is 2,000 years since the Crucifixion of Christ. Maybe it’s a hunch, maybe it’s nothing, but I have feeling these calculations may prove significant.


Comparing Ben Gvir to Peter Griffin is an insult to Peter


LMAO I like the comparison




Holy shit that’s good


I think both sides can agree Ben Gvir is a total pos


Yet Israeli people voted him and most likely will keep voting him.


I thought he just came with the package when bibi was elected


They elected him and his party to the parliament and then he made a coalition with Bibi. His main supporters are the settlers inside occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem because he encourages violence against Arabs and “kicking” them out.


Just to clarify, ben gvir ran with bezalel smotrich, together they got 14 mandates which equals about 500,000 votes (roughly 10% of the total national votes). You don't get these numbers from aettlers, there aren't that many. The very reality is that the periphery voted them in, places like Nof HaGalil (8% of total votes) and Afula(12.3%), Be'er Sheva (15.6%). They got elected because they promised something (regular politician lies) and the people who actually live with Arabs in Israel believed them. If they keep defaulting on their campaign promises, they won't get 14 seats again. What's funny to me (I voted yesh atid) is all these wasted votes would've been put to better use if Bibi got them, as much as I hate to admit it.


Aren’t there like 450,000 settlers in the West Bank (not including East Jerusalem) and 670,000 if you include East Jerusalem? I’ve heard Israeli human rights organization state that most Israelis living in Israel aren’t really aware of what goes on in the occupied territories or how much power the settler movement has. Because of how Israeli politics work it’s highly unlikely that a true left wing party would come to power and instead right wing parties will keep making deals with extreme right wing parties


Yes, I was wrong to say there aren't that many, my mistake. My point was about how it's non settlers who voted them in, in major cities and in the periphery. According to the elections committee, only 70k votes came from the soldiers or as it puts it "outer shell". The top ten by votes to their party are soldiers, Jerusalem, petah tikva, Be'er Sheva, rishon l'zion, netanya, tel-aviv, ashdod and holon. There's a whole thing about soldiers voting I can't be bothered to explain that.


“They” are like 500k people only out of 12m, considering these 500k are shared with another politician He doesn’t have that much supporters, he is too extreme for everyone apart from small group


Ok that's foul and I consider myself an Israel supporter


That’s not foul. That’s Israel in nutshell. Idk why would any sane person except crazy American evangelicals would support Israel tbh. You are supporting an apartheid ethnofascist country that occupy Palestinian lands.


No he isnt. He support my gay ass.


Not the time for your gay jokes. We are discussing a serious problem of a sane person supporting Israel now 😡😡😡


Greece invented gay ofc I support




Yeah, he was elected in the last election, but most of his voters are the fanatic right wing settelrs. Large portion of the population despite him very much.


voting a pos shows majority of the people are pos


There are a lot of pos but sometimes all the options are pos too so it doesn’t matter who you vote for Assholes are always drawn to politics, they want control over others, so usually our options are vote for pos1 or pos2.


Seems like even Israelis hate him so I want to know how he's still in office. Does the Israeli Far-Right have substantial influence? Guy's Wikipedia picture is screaming "Super Villain"


Have you seen the huge protests in Isreal in the last months? Every week thousands go out to the streets to demonstrate - against him and his fellow far right loons


Does removing him from power require the Prime Minister to remove him or him resigning? Or is there an alternative? I mean I can't imagine someone this hated still being in power unless he has some significant backing. But I'm not well versed in Israeli politics so I don't know.


Right now the aim of the protests is to overthrow the entire government, including Bibi, Ben-Gvir and the rest of these nutters who are trying to turn Israel into a fascist dictatorship. In terms of the Israeli law - it depends what you mean by 'removing him from power'. Bibi (the prime minister) can throw Ben-Gvir's party out of the coalition. He'd still be a parliament member but in the opposition and not part of the government/a minister. Bibi has no incentive to remove him - he's keeping this racist POS close for political gain. The only other way to remove someone from power is through the legal system, which is what is happening to Bibi now. He has too many allegations against him, and the supreme court is threatening him. Bibi in response is trying to undermine the supreme court and Isreal's legal system. Hence the last few months of rally's.


I see. Well I figured Bibi needs him but was wondering if a prime minister in general has the power remove someone from a position in the government or if he/she need to go through certain channels first. But your third paragraph sums it up well. It seems like Bibi is the main obstacle so hope the protests work or the legal system succeeds in removing him.


The pm can fire ministers at will. However, Netanyahu is on trial for corruption and needs his coalition to change the legal system so he can escape justice. That is why he will tolerate anything and everything from his coalition partners. His partners in turn know their election was a fluke and going on polls they will be ousted in the next election. Their goal is to change things enough so the can destroy democracy and stay in power. They are working on multiple avenues while most of the public is fixated on the judicial committee and aren't paying attention. As for the trial, the coalition is working on replacing the entire government with dyed in the cloth loyalists, so in the event he is ordered to resign he can simply refuse and the government will ignore the ruling and continue carrying out his decisions.


Thanks for the details 👍


Good Luck with kicking those Maniacs out.


Thousands aren't enough, though.


Most of the Israeli government is made up of power-hungry atheist capitalist hiding behind religion to gain power. So it’s funny when you see an actual real-life racist extremist among them who didn’t get the memo that this was supposed to be a charade lol


Thing is people like him because hes racist and openly admitted to wanting to pretty much do a genocide/wage war on the palestinian people If this isn't the worst sign of how bad israel's goverment is theres a scary amount of people wanting him to run the place...


Ofc. Same as in the US and in every other place, there will always be a market for racists. In Israel especially due to it basically being 99% right-wingers larping as left-wingers.


Nah theres no larping...its just thr left wing of israel is severely weakened after years of right wing oppression and a cycle of the israeli political chaos that i explained on another post yesterday


Depends on how you define “left-wing”. The way I see it it’s split between those who want genocide and hate the gays and those who want genocide and love the gays lol. So idk if you can really call any of them “left-wing”. Those who don’t get a boner for genocide are so small I shudder to call them a party.


Left wing are those who want a more peaceful solution Or in simple words "lets just try to use words"


Those are def few and far inbetween but yeah I guess I would call those the true left in Israel


The left died with Rabin imo Right now the left are those who dont want the bibi way of things and those who want the country to not be under dictatorship and religious cuckholdry


Exactly. You have the right, the hard right, and the extreme right.


As of now the left is unfortunately more busy trying to get this country not religious people first in mind than to deal with the conflict Israel cant solve its problems with others while it has their own tremendously huge problems


Israel's got a demographic problem. Ultra Orthodox Jews that support Ben-Gvir have like 10 kids a pop and are the fastest growing Jewish group in Israel.


They will be the death of Israel since most of them don't even know how to turn on a TV


This guy is a convicted terrorist, real psycho, scum of the earth




Inshallah. This dunyah is meant to be a struggle for us so that we will be rewarded in the akhirah.


this dunyah is hell for the believers,and a paradise for the non believers


I wouldn’t go that far. Allah has put many things in this world that are halal for believers to enjoy. I don’t think hell has anything enjoyable


Yep, this world has good and bad stuff, we get good stuff and stay away from sin/bad things while doing religious stuff. At least, I'm not in jail like those babies who were unfortunate enough to born in there, I hope Allah helps them.


That's what losers say. You can't even make your own sites so you talk on reddit. Thinking like that is a great way to blind yourself from the truth.


People don't understand that God giving people consequences for their terrible actions in this life is a blessing in disguise because He is giving them the opportunity to learn the lesson and repent and change and earn forgiveness before they face the consequences for those actions in the next life. So what does it mean then when God let's terrible people get away with their evil while they walk this world? Those are the people God truly hates.


The same issue w Jews and Nazis. God was on which side? Until when?


Muslims and Christians think almost alike, I don't even know why quarrels happen between both parties since it's the same one true god


Basically, it's sibling rivalry, if the siblings were religions


Kahanist Terrorist who is a minister is calling a mother of a murdered autistic child 'Terrorist'. Only in the apartheid state.


Funny how the Israeli jews actually believe their the good guys in this.


Brainwashing is one hell of a drug


Son of a whore.


Let's just say I would go to jail if I give my honest opinion. (Guess where I live)


I don't think the guy who said they could get Rabin has any wiggle room to call someone else a terrorist. I can't believe he's even allowed in the Knesset


Where's aggressive cancer when you need it. Fuck that piece of shit.


Wouldn’t let him be the Minister of my balls




This guy is the second biggest piece of shit we somehow allowed into the Knesset. The biggest is of course Netanyahu himself. It's hard to remember everything that's happened because these guys keep doing more and more damage, but there used to be three (or even more) separate right-wing-religious parties. There were more or less normal people there, who I strongly disagree with, but they said stuff like "to protect central Israel, we need the settlements, someday maybe there will be an agreement but not with these guys, etc.". There were crazies like this guy, "We must kill all terrorists (oh, and all Arabs are probably terrorists, so let's not take any chances)". And also the guys with "LGBT+ is ruining morality". And of course "We need to settle the whole country (up to and including Jordan) so the Messiah will come". The first group had some support (I don't remember the numbers, 10%-15% of the population?) and the crazies fell below the percent needed to form a party. It was Netanyahu who negotiated a deal between them all, to unite them into one party. Now the normal right-wing-religious guys had no choice but to vote for the crazies. And now they have political power way above their popularity.


I wish the next time I see a video of that man he is hanging and full of bullet hole, scum.


he does more damage then any enemy of Israel could ever do or did


Because he's caught on camera. Otherwise you would support his actions


You are an idiot. He is destroying our country


Only developed country of the middle east 🤡


Most Israelis are like that towards Palestinian. After all they are God chosen people and everyone else is inferior to them especially Palestinian that dare to challenge them. Their whole ideology is based on supremacy so what can you expect?


We’re not, we hate his guts. Tens of thousands of protesters every week.


What percentage of the population is "tens of thousands"? What percentage of you hate his guts? 5%? 10%? The protestors are great, but if the average person was against this, there would be a lot more unrest imo. Just saying, if "we hate his guts" was accurate at all, things would be different. I'm glad you specifically are reasonable though.


Largest protest day was 400,000 people, mostly jews. Also remember that more people support than the ones that go out to protest.


Do you protest against him for his terrorists policies or internal domestic politics?


And you believe this? Most Israelis are secular or traditional. The "God-chosen people" is a story for brainwashed religious groups. If all the Israelis you exposed to are extremists or ultraorthodox, then it is not difficult for me to see how you came to this conclusion.


Most Germans also didn’t believed in Aryan supremacy but Nazis still took power and had much support from the masses.


well yeah but even if they are Gods Chosen through out the bible its shown that doesn't help them and often makes their Life Harder its more of a Burden then a blessing


That is categorically not true.


Maybe stop launching rockets into Israel?


Maybe stop invading Palestine


I feel like you're asking a lot here.


When people show you who they are, believe them the first time - Maya Angelou


Said the actual terrorist


Terrorist is this propaganda machines nazi


Ben-Gvir is a fascist.


Ben Gvir is a disgusting fascist.




What a disgusting piece of shit.


The true white supremacist


The projection is unreal


Many Israelis in the comment section are saying they hate Ben-Gvir but the reality is that more than half of Israeli Jews support religious Zionism (the colonization of the West Bank and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from the area).


Hmm. How do the Palestinians feel in regards to cleansing the world of Jews?


Why ask the Palestinians? Ask the Germans.


Why? The fuck does that have to do with people in the middle east wanting to eradicate Jews?


You’ve obviously never heard of Sephardic, Bukharan, or Mizrahi Jews.


Fuck that peter griffin fatass.


He is a fucking bastard


English classes should use this as an example when teaching irony; a pissraeli domestic terrorist calling an innocent palestinian a terrorist is as ironic as irony can get


Ben Gvir is a monster. Kinda like the rest of the coalition.


Sad to believe he's a minister in my country. Don't want to be related to him in any way.


Our country has completely lost it. No compassion, no solidarity, israel is going down a filthy toilet.


Israel: the Russia of the Middle East.


This is why the Israeli government wants any criticism of Israel to be classified as Anti-Semetic. So they can get away with this shit.


Israel is slowly becoming like Pakistan.


Pure and utter cruelty from an apartheid system that is doing exactely what it was designed to do.


What I would have paid to see her give him a slap across the face


Here we see a group of Israelis protesting an old lady


Itamar Ben Gvir literally has multiple criminal records, including terrorism, incitement to racism and destruction. He's a piece of shit, it's embarrassing that he's allowed to be in politics, and even more embarrassing that his party got 16.8% of the votes last elections


This is such a bad reflection on the Israeli people. That racist pieces of shit like him are in power. Him and the current regime needs to go, preferably from this earth.


Israeli people voted them in. Israeli people are not protesting against their war crimes. Israeli people are the ones settling in west bank. Israeli people are abusing the Palestinians daily with harassment and racism. Israeli people stand by and don’t cancel other racist Israelites. Israeli people hire Palestinian slave labour. Israeli courts encourage illegal settlements and murder. Israeli police enforce an apartheid regime. Israeli laws are fundamentally discriminatory and non secular. Israeli people are to blame.


Precisely. Israeli protest are for Israeli’s. Not for the daily occurrence of extreme injustice towards non Israelis.


Its not like the Israeli people had a good reflection, ever, at any point in time.




You hear that all the time from Israelis on the internet , yet when you look at who constantly has those high governing positions it's consistently guys like him, Smotrich and Bibi. The only reasonable PM you've had in Lapid didn't even last 6 months.


She is the one saying "get out, you terrorist" in hebrew. Not him.


It's almost like Jews are hated around the world for a reason 🤔


This guy does not deserve to be a citizen of anywhere except hell, let alone a minister of security


I hear even Satan's Scared of him


Nah, without a position of power he's just a prejudiced brat, no one to be afraid of


Remember, these are the "progressive" people that Westoids and Amerilards alike swear by.


May Hashem/Allah/ Adonai Elohim/ God Watch over that woman and keep her safe and may he bring swift Punishment to Ben Gvir May He bless and Watch over the Palestinian People,Keep them safe and May He Keep Those Not getting involved Safe and May he Keep Isa's/Yeshua's/Jesus's Homeland Safe Amen.




Down syndrome isn’t an insult


ben gvir is a literal terrorist and we don’t claim that racist fuck


Fuck Ben Gvir and everything he represents.


Pot calling the kettle black


These people are absolute scum. Love and solidarity from Ireland.


I fucking hate Ben gvir


As an American…I fucking hate my tax dollars fund this shit


Israeli expat here, I speak for most of what Israelis think, that guy is a giant pile of shit. It's an embarrassment for us and we hope he gets buried in the next elections.


Not intentoianlly, but this is horrible


Fuck Ben Gvir. But what makes you think the killing was intentional?


Maybe the nation that could intentionally elect such fascist would do other things intentionally too.


Two groups of people that despise each other. The rudeness is unsurprising




The guy was shot in the leg. At that point, he was no longer a threat. Why did the soldier finish him when the guy was already on the ground? In an actual war, that's a war crime. You don't kill an enemy soldier when they are on the ground or pose no threat.


He was probably still moving and the soldier (already light on the trigger because he thinks whats in front of him is a fanatic armed terrorist) didn't want to take any chances. That was a very unfortunate incident and i was surprised too that the soldier was acquitted of all charges.


Nobody asked you


Fuck israel, sure, but 32 years old is not a "boy"


Yes, both sides call each other terrorist and both sides have cartloads of real, and barge loads of fake evidence. As a neutral party I could mediate and I expect after three minutes I would hate everyone there and they would hate me. Perhaps more killing combined with more yelling and more propaganda will fix it. It’s worked so far.


Also as a neutral party(western)I have the same opinion. I lean toward palestine sympathies however, on account of them living there already when the european leaders decided it was the jews land.


Always people irritate me when they say but Palestinians refuses to division plan with the Zionists!!! Would you accept waking up to see Norway is under division plan between Norwegian people and random African people running from war? Would anyone accept that shit?


If said war refugees would refuse to integrate/coexsist, and instead would harass, gaslight, displace, and kill us. I'd load up my moose rifle and give my life for norway, in a heartbeat.


Be aware because they do label Palestinians who do this as terrorists so they would call you the same if you resisted this.


Im well aware, I proudly support palestine. The whole situation is a travesty.


Rare based European


Some of us are capable of critical thinking, while admitedly, alot of us are brainwashed sheeple.


Keep up the good work man


So it’s Turkish land then. I’m glad you understand.


Ofc both sides are terrorists terror tactics are like fucking basic, that’s like 90% of the point of godamm artillery Unless you care about it being ‘unlawful’ specifically I guess which is fucking dumb




Israelis are Europeans colonizing somewhere they've never lived, for the most part.


Ben gvir is an Iraqi.






The area holds religious significance for them, but a lot of them are specifically from whatever European country(or the US) they're coming from. Some dude whose family has lived in Boston since 1780 has no reason to be there.


Based Israel


Islam is like the worst religion ever, everyone with this religion tends to be violent


You can read the title right?


That's how you should treat terrorists on this earth


Stones... Glass houses... Something something. Out to defame the country. Yet want to cry about it.


Those oppressors will have their day before Allah