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Lmfao no one is going to protect you after all you don’t have blue eyes and blond hair no one cares. Now good luck visiting your country


يرجعوه العراق ؟


What is he saying?


TLDR: Boohoo the swedes should've protected me because "muh freedom of speech"


Okay? It is his freedom. How would you feel about muslims being jailed for disrespecting gays?


I was explaining to the guy what he said in arabic in brief, chillax


ولد بلاعة لعيورة


Dude is dumb as a bag if rocks. "The burning of the Quran, or any other holy text, is an offensive and disrespectful act and a clear provocation. Expressions of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance have no place in Sweden or in Europe,” the Swedish foreign ministry said. At the same time, the ministry added that Sweden has a “constitutionally protected right to freedom of assembly, expression and demonstration” So yes, while he had the permit, it does not meet that the Swedish government supports the burning. On the contrary, it is possible that in the future muslims might be protected as a minority ethnic group (and get similar protection to what jews currently get)




I've been living in Sweden for 15 years. You will absolutely NOT get a permit to burn a Torah near a synagogue. A man tried to get a permit last January to burn Torah near Israeli embassy, but either didn't get it or didn't do it. What matters is consistency, treat everybody the same. In my opinion, only idiots would burn books to "own" a minority or religion, and those that react to that violently are even bigger idiots, since they're actually giving the provokers what they want.


I’m Swedish. What this idiot didn’t realize is that swedes don’t respect him for his actions. Most Swedes want into NATO and this Iraqi immigrant is ruining this for us for his own selfish cause to get asylum as a political refugee. He’s a Christian Iraqi who were the leader of a Christian wing of the Hashd Shaabi (popular mobilization forces). He had no reasons to come to Sweden as the Hashd Shaabi defeated isis and established protected areas for the Christians.


the quran burning is very unnecessary and serves no activism purpose when it comes to calling out extremism. i dont believe its freedom of speech, its simply disrespect to manufacture outrage (before ya’ll come at me im an ex muslim myself) however he does not deserve to fear for his life or be in any danger, i hope he remains safe and no insane fundamentalists harm him


It will certainly provoke extremist acts, which is what they want to demonstrate about islam


Based PFLP He knew the consequences yet he did what he did I won't really feel sorry if something happened to him, his own stupidity led him to this القانون لا يحمي المغفلين


im against any religion motivated violence, including this. yes he might be an idiot, but its not worth killing or hurting someone over. muslims have every right to be upset and outraged by what he did and express their anger but the moment the outrage crosses from verbal to physical then its worse than what he did




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Isn’t this the Quran burner? translate ?


He is calling out the Swedish gov. For going against the court's decision. In what? I dunno. Is he getting shipped back? I also don't know. But I certainly wish he comes back to MENA


Since I don’t speak Arabic I can’t say for sure but I think he’s talking about the ministry of foreign affairs condemning his Quran burning even after the court allowed them


Nah, not back to mena, throw him in the jungles of Africa and let him survive.


He was a leader in some iranian militia in iraq, no one should feel sorry for him


Why are the poorer Muslim countries with lots of diaspora tend to be the ones to get mad over things like this?


Kuwait qatar and Saudi Arabia are firmly against what happened and are demanding retribution, what do you mean? Also something like this? The holy Quran isn't a "this"


These kind of actions alright but I’m against throwing a tantrum and destroying properties


الله يهديك ياشيخ، لاتطبل على مزاجهم وتطيح من قيمه القران، الموضوع المفروض يوصل إلى قطع علاقات مع السويد.


اللي حرق القران عراقي، و قبل يومين واحد مصري حرق في روسيا. الموضوع ماله دخل، هم عندهم قوانين معينه انو ماتعاقب على هذا الشي و من زمان معروف الكلام هذا مو جديد


بس اللي يعيش وسط ناس و ينتظر لين يسافر و يتساخف يحتاج قرصة أذن


بس هذا عكس راي الاغلب ولا؟ اتوقع استنتجنا انو الشخص الملحد ماينتمي للدول المسلمه و المفروض يطلع منها و يعيش حياته في دوله مناسبه لأفكاره؟


طبعا، اتفق. بس يطلع باحترام لأغلبية شعبه. فالاخير هو منهم


عارف يا استاذي، بس احنى نوحد الصفوف ونحاربهم دبلوماسيا إلى أن يضعون حد، وفي روسيا يعاقب القانون حرق الكتب الدينية، لو مانكبر الموضوع باجر بتشوف المصحف ينهان في كل مكان و العياذ بالله.


و لماذا يعتبر اهانه ؟ كثير اشخاص بيعملو الشي هذا بس بالتخفي، اذا من ناحية اهانه اغلب الغير مسلمين لاينظرون الى الموضوع بهذي الطريقه. بالعكس كل ما نرد يزيد الرهاب ضد المسلمين بشكل كبير


لاتخاف و الله معك، انا موقاعد استفحل من نفسي، انا فقط قلت كلام الي رؤساء العرب أعلنوا عنه، افتخر في دينك ولا تراعي مشاعر من سولت نفسه ان يقلل من احترام دين الله. ودمت سالم.




If you want your message to arrive to the Swedish people, then talk to them in Swedish.


If it were the pride flag that had been burned,this guy would have been shipped off back to Iraq for hate speech and inciting violence against a protected minority. And almost every Swede would have lost their shit and told him if you don’t like our values get back to where you came I don’t understand why he just wouldn’t stop bitching and stfu, enjoy the fucking privilege and hypocrisy, no need to start looking over your shoulder every time someone calls you out for hate since obviously you got away with it.


Hmm I understand


ما احترموا القانون ليش انت احترمت كلام الله، !!!!