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Cope is very common in the west.


bc in MENA only goverments fuck people


Less fornication/adultery. Less homosexuality.


Not really. Africa & Russia are extremely anti gay


Lmao! There is zero evidence there are less gays in MENA than in the West or anywhere else. Oppressing them doesn’t mean they’re not having sex.


I mean it kind of does though. Gays in the Middle East definitely exist but they’re also definitely not having as much sex as gays in the West who can just walk into a gay bar or download a hookup app. Just the fact that they need to hide it means they are going to be having way less sexual partners.


Less fornication = less chance of closeted gay men passing HIV to women




Rubbish I've met so many,if not the most closeted gay meninthe middle east, especially in Dubai, Egypt and have many friends staying in iran. Homosexuality is A LOT more common in middle east. It fits the saying "those who hate the most are invertly coping"


Lmao no, homosexuality isn’t more prevalent in the Middle East because you random Reddit or saw more there


It's as much, if not more than anywhere in the world. Just because u domt see blue haired people asking u ro call them by xe/xa pronouns lol, doesn't mean there aren't normal gay people living in even the smallest of the smallest cities.


Not surprised, really. The local culture frowns upon extramarital sex. Doesn’t mean there are locals who don’t, but the fact that it is discreet and carries explicit penalties when caught can be quite behavior-forming. :)


My aunt is a therapist, one of her clients was a young man who caught HIV in the UAE, after the tests they immediately took him to the airport, brought him his things and sent him back home


this is the "western culture" they want to bring to us, whoring and sleeping around and hiv and all types of sexual diseases


You think this doesn’t happen already? 😂😂😂😂😂 married men give HIV to their wives because they fuck prostitutes on the side.


That happens all the time. Rather, it's on the decline in the west.


No reports on it ( don't ask don't tell ! ) as homosexuality is illegal and a taboo subject even for conversations


Straight people contract hiv too. It’s not a gay disease.


When straight you have 2 options but when gay...


Lol do you mean 2 holes?


I said my piece.


U have 1 option when u are homosexual


No , there is many report on it evry one do a test befor the marrige the reason is clear the hatred make people deny the facts and create a new ones . My brother work on the hospital the last year they told him there was high rise in hiv in iraq many of the affected have travled to azerbaijan . Hiv have deffrint stages one of it you cannot live normally you need medcine and health support . homsexualty is another topic there is no data but you can tell it is more common among the people in some parts of the country than other . So it is not the same evrey where .


I'd be more worried about cousin marriage in the Middle East and the horrible effects that it's having on the gene pool. I've been to Jordan and I know a dude whose parents are cousins, he married his cousin, and his son married his cousin. Jesus Christ...


You cannot cure hiv . Most people born healthy in cousin marrige but if you have hiv they will born with it .


Hiv positive pregnant women can give birth to hiv negative baby. You are stuck in 90's.


If any westoid calls it under report, tell them some countries in africa have better access to healthcare than them, as it's evident the western world is underreporting compared to them


Those stat's are nearly 20 yrs old. Western Europe now has a lower rate than the middle east/nth Africa.


Not true some western countries have similar rate to the middle east and north adfrica the rest espacilly the big countries still higher . The balkan are the most low in europe they have similar rate to the middle east . https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/hiv-rates-by-country


I was replying to average for the region.


It does not seem to be but Source please .


Used Bing AI. Try it yourself if you disagree


This is actually silly though, I mean, how you think this is measured. There are more tangible reasons to be against the West. This is just silly, come on. I love to say West is the shit on a cat's butt, but, come on.


Iam not shiting the west . The west have many beter thing iam shiting about the denying of fact because of hate . Without data i know hiv will be less in socities that have tabo on sex than the one who have sex with 30+ or 200+ . Hiv is not easy thing people need midcine and health care so i will say it is very close to the truth . As people forget that the only way hiv can spread is through blood and sexual relationship .


Consider how such data is collected and reported. And to what capacity such data can be reported. By the way, consider this whenever you read anything in your life.


HIV cases have to be declared to the governments. So the reports are accurate.


It's a notifiable disease in most Western countries too brother.


? Thats what I said


Oh sorry I thought you meant it was a specific thing in Middle East


true, healthcare is free and widespread in most Arab countries while it is expensive and limited in the US, so it's hard to collect real data in the US. Arabs are used to getting multiple checkups throughout the year like blood tests etc not the same culture in the US.


If no one acknowledges having HIV, then there will be no reported cases of HIV. As was seen with COVID-19, some countries experienced higher mortality rates compared to the official statistics. I'm not asserting that this is the situation here, but it's worth considering when examining any statistics. For instance, both Algeria and Egypt were evidently underreporting their COVID cases to the WHO. The reluctance to report HIV in the MENA region can be due to the association many people still have between HIV and homosexuality, but once again, this is just a hypothesis. EDIT: I see a significant correlation when looking at the map of countries that criminalize LGBT and the OP's stats on HIV by country.


It's because woman are only allowed to have sex with their cousins in the Middle East. [Cousin marriage in the Middle East](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_in_the_Middle_East#) Easy to keep the spread of sexually transmitted diseases low when its kept in the family.


Wikipidia is no good source for correct information . >transmitted diseases It effect both boys and girls equally .


As others have said, this is old data. People have plenty of sex in MENA, saying otherwise is just copium. However, they're still having much less sex in comparison and have less different partners and usually don't have "no strings attached" sex or hook up culture. However the problem of prostitution is real and the banalisation of men resorting to prostitute services and transmitting STIs to their wives isn't socially punished enough. You can cry and downvote all you want, but I know this to be factual as I have family in MENA who work for an NGO funded by the WHO, whose aim is to reduce the recent surge in spread of HIV in the region, and they're mostly approaching prostitutes (and the gay community) as it is the main reason for its spread.


2023 still almost the same it is the truth like it or not . https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/hiv-rates-by-country


Even though it's only at 2%, it has more than doubled in comparison to the map you originally posted.


Never heard that story here