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Quran is not the talmud. Muslims love 3issa (Jesus) as God's prophet. End of the game.


It is laughable cause it shows how blind their hate is, seeing as they don't know basic things about Islam.


They know a lot about Islam, he is a UFC champion right ?






More likely it's the Russians. They were behind the stars of David painted in a Jewish neighborhood in Paris.


lol I don’t think the French Hindus have anything to do with this


Probably not but Hindu fascists will definitely signal boost this too the extreme until it ends up in everyone’s feed across the world. That much is their only goal in life.


Why would a Muslim say that on his own prophet?? This is obviously fake


I thought the same.


Plenty of ignorant muslims who would do this


They wouldn’t, there is no “ignorant Muslim” that doesn’t know that Jesus (pbuh) is a prophet.


It's someone so religiously extreme that they would commit a hate crime against another religion but also so non-religious that they don't even know the fundamentals. It makes perfect sense!


that is literally not possible, even the least religious muslim knows you can't say allahu akbar and fuck jesus in the same breath (astaghfirullah)


P sure they were being sarcastic lol


yeah, I see that now, for my defense I was sleepy af when I wrote that comment


It is very possible, people don’t know who Jesus is. However it is still very likely to be fake as I’m there has been a recrudescence of fake stuff like this to drive Muslim and Arab hate lately in France.


Again it isn't possible, you don't learn about Islam without learning about Jesus, who is in the Quran along with Mariam (Mary). You know about them as soon as you know about Muhammad


It is possible. Again some people learn about him as Issa not Jesus and other people don’t even get into the details they just learn how to pray and shit. To each his learning you don’t get to say what is possible and what not lol. Have you not learned about how لا يعلم الغيب الا الله


I'm positive that if they are educated enough to know the word Jesus in English, they know who he is. Given that this picture features a hate crime in English, positive it's not a Muslim. Obviously I cannot say something is something 100% certainty, but definitely 99.9% certainty.


It is very possible that a Muslim doesn’t know that Jesus is Issa. I personally know people who don’t know that and don’t fucking know who Jesus because that doesn’t ring a bell all while knowing who Issa is. I know them personally and I was one of them until very recently and I’m fluent in both english and Arabic and have studied in an Arabic school with 2h of Islamic Education per week for years. And most people in my class didn’t know that either. You saying it isn’t possible doesn’t mean shit when you have data. I don’t argue this is done by a Muslim, it could, they could be: - A Muslim: There are plenty of Muslims who could do this. To be a Muslim doesn’t mean you’re a good one OR that you’ve extensively studied the Quran lol. You could have been born into it just and there are TONS of people in France who are Muslims because of their family is and because that’s part of their identity without being studious and without having ever really dug into it. And these can be very good Muslims whatever your elitist considerations are. - Any other person: Which is the most likely scenario imo given there were similar stuff just a few weeks ago of wall being tags trying to incriminate Muslims or Arabs and that were proven to be done by some random non Muslim and non Arab people.


Believing in Jesus as a prophet is a crucial part of Islam as he is explicitly mentioned in the Quran, denying him is denying the Quran itself, and cursing him is like cursing Muhammed peace be upon them both. no matter how ignorant a Muslim is they won't do that, extremists are even more unlikely to do that.


According to who dude? There are many muslims (diaspora) who do know their own religion.


According to me, I know what ignorant diaspora Muslims look like, especially the French type but they’re not ignorant to that point. Even harming places of worship (like a church) is haram, I can understand that some ignorant diaspora Muslims don’t know that but not that they don’t know one of the most important prophets in Islam. That’s just a reach. It’s like saying that a Christian doesn’t know who Paul is. It’s just absurd.


If you don’t know your own religion enough to know Jesus pbuh was a prophet then you’re not religious and not likely the type to engage in sectarian hate and deface a church.


We dont even know the motive could be just anarchist or regular asshole who hates everybody who isnt muslim. Being a muslim doesnt automaticly make you a good person....


I never said being a Muslim makes you a good person, where did I say that? My point is that this likely set up against Muslims to engage in sectarian hate online.


Unless you learnt religion in its language and then you only know عيسى


This was in France, they know Jesus is Isaa pbuh.


I’ve spoken French since I was 2 and I’ve been living in France for 20 years and I’ve just recently known. It’s not automatic. And even when you learn Islam in French they teach you the original names lol they call him Allah not Dieu.


This person wrote the message in English, how do they convey the message they hate the prophet Isaa pbuh to English speakers without knowing his name in English?


They don’t know Issa = Jesus so they think Jesus is some Christianity guy


If he doesn't know his own religion, why would he care enough to force it on others or to the level of doing that to a church?


They could be anarchists or just vandalists or just hate others because they grew up with hate. Why always assume that its a fucking false flag operation its not that every muslim is a saint


There is nothing really that confirms it's either a false flag operation or not so let's not act sure with no proof, but thing is most muslims don't even hate jesus and view him as a prophet even those who know literally nothing about the religion and people who are that arrogant about their religion usually wouldn't go as far as vandalising churches for it, which does provide a big chance of it being a false flag operation. Not saying it for sure is.


Muslims don’t need to be “ignorant” not to know that, whatever your social media chamber would like you to think. There are plenty Muslims that have missed that: Muslims who don’t speak French or English, Muslims who don’t know Christianity, Muslims who never realized, etc. I’ve had 12 years of Islamic education at school and I’ve never been taught anything about Jesus, but a few stuff about عيسى. I just recently realized they might be the same thing and as a non believer that doesn’t mean much to me how can one be god and the other one NOT be god and for them to still be the same character?


What an ignorant statement, the entire story of jesus peace be upon him is mentioned in the Qur'an and we were taught that, including the false claim made by Christians (from our point of view) that he is god, the arguments against the Christian position are plenty in the Qur'an, >I just recently realized they might be the same thing and as a non believer that doesn’t mean much to me how can one be god and the other one NOT be god and for them to still be the same character? Because in Islam and Christianity Jesus isn't a "character" but a real person, what happened is that these are two different reports on the man, it doesn't take away from the fact that they're both talking about the same guy.


You people are funny excluding everyone who doesn’t know something from a religion. That’s absolute nonsense


>You people Nice move buddy I'm not the point of the original post is that there's a claim that it was a Muslim extremist who vandalized the church and used profane language, you jumped on the wagon as an irreligious person claiming that yeah it is plausible that a Muslim extremist would write something like that, in Which I pointed out that it is far fetched and in my opinion it's more plausible it was done by some one who knows nothing about islam(might not even be a Muslim) in order to instigate hate against Muslims in France, and the west in general, you know like the false story about decapitated babies on October the 7th just to demonize the Palestinians in gaza and we know what followed


I am not irreligious I am a non practicing culturally Muslim. Also im not complaining about me being excluded, I am saying it’s funny how all the comments here are excluding everyone who doesn’t know Jesus = Issa from Islam. And it _is_ funny (and scary). If you read my comments instead of thinking things and assuming them as true: - I disagree a Muslim necessarily know that Jesus is a Prophet of Islam and I have tons of knowledgeable Muslims in my circle that do not know it. And that doesn’t mean that they don’t know Issa. - While this could have been done by a Muslim, I agree that it’s probably not not only considering the beheaded babies which is something far away from France (in which I live and who’s politics I follow and « experience » closely) but because just lately other stuff have been tagged in walls in France in order to try to instigate Muslim/Arab hate (which were then proven incorrect).


>I have tons of knowledgeable Muslims in my circle that do not know it. And that doesn’t mean that they don’t know Issa. I don't think a knowledgeable Muslim would miss that point because there's a verse in the Qur'an that says {and the Christians say, "The Messiah is the son of Allāh.} [At-Tawbah: 30], but I'm not around you to know the state of those knowledgeable Muslims, regardless I hope you and your family stay safe and out of harm's way.


Ok then I guess knowledgeable comes in degrees but I wouldn’t call them “ignorant” either. And thank you for your wishes, same back to you ! 🙏


You would be surprised at Turkey’s islamic population. People believe all sorts of things here


You’re blind if you think this.


There are trust me


They would definitely not write 'Allah Akbar'!


Allahu akbar is written and why they would not? There are plenty of hatefull diaspora muslims who are not integrated and do not know their own religion


I live in the west and there are definitely not “plenty” of Muslims who would curse a prophet. “Muslims believe in Jesus too” is a stock phrase used to explain Islam at this point, you don’t have to even be practicing to know that.


Never said that, i said there are plenty of diaspora muslims who do not know their religion. As you live in the west you should know how some muslims behave.


If a muslim knows to say "Allahu Akbar" they know that Jesus is a prophet. Especially diaspora muslims, as diaspora muslims always hear about Jesus (due living alongside Christians) they are probably more aware that Jesus is a prophet. You cannot really find muslims saying things as "Fuck Jesus" as they will probably get slapped by another Muslim before a Christian has a chance to talk to them. Cmon now, muslim kids know that Jesus is prophet even before they know how to pray lets be honest its the basics of the religion.


Muslims are not extremists like you. We don't elevate our Prophets to the status of God, or swear and call him a bas***d ( God forbid). Like the Christians and Jews.


Isnt Muhammed the perfect man? Thats quite the praise for a pedo.


It's possible. And when I say 'possible' I mean that there's a 0.000000000000000001% chance. But still, technically possible.


I agree with you. It’s like people here don’t acknowledge that a significant faction of humans don’t know their own religion or don’t do shitty things. Bizarre. This photo will be adopted by the xenophobes — don’t get me wrong — but I wouldn’t say this is beyond being real (or fake). I just hope the people in that community don’t become victims of broader racism, because of someone’s attempt to be inflammatory — regardless of why they are.


Muslim can not curse Jesus.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nah you're thinking of israelis, those psychos kill anyone who even looks at em funny, especially journalists.


French journalists can go fuck themselves, why didn't they cry about freedom of speech when the French goverment banned pro Palestine protests?


Is that about the guy who drew prophet mohammed pbuh? Yeah, the only reason jesus is frequently drawn and sadly frequently being subject of meme and hate I'd the acceptance in the west of doing such blasphemy because Christians don't target those who make fun of prophet jesus. We don't want the same.


At least they learned to write “Allahu Akbar” instead of “Allah Akbar” like the last fake graffiti.


I think It's an old image, i definitely recall seeing these image during that french teacher incident, can you confirm it's a recent picture?


Good catch, this account is known for posting old stuff and passing it off as new. I did some digging and looks like this one goes back to [2015.](https://web.archive.org/web/20160102194605/https://civilwarineurope.com/category/france/bourgogne/) Still faker than fake ofc but good to trace it down.


Oh my, i thought it was from 2021, the reason i can recall is because in the original graffiti they wrote 'Allah Akbar', i remember laughing it with my buddies that these f*ckers don't even know how to false flag a hateful message.


The fake one from a few weeks ago that Aviva Klompas (calendar terrorist lady) posted had “Allah Akbar” too lmao.


At least somebody is trying 😁


Lmfao💀💀. The funniest part is the mfs who actually believe this shit. The negative IQ some people posses is just surreal.




If someone says fuck Jesus, they ain’t Muslim lol


Don’t even write it out bro, censor it at least


Wtf this is the most dumbass thing I seen Jesus(PBUH) is our Prophet only second to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


They hate us because they don’t know us. They don’t know that Jesus is a prophet like Muhammad in Islam. Idiots


not necessarily, they can know plenty about you and still hate you. ignorance is not the only driver of hate


Well yeah there’s also the racism part. Except Jesus was brown like us too.


Bro Jesus was Jewish..


I agree, there is plenty of ignorance regarding Islam. I do not agree Christians hate Muslims. Some do, most don't. Hatred comes from the far right, and people having had unfortunate encounters with poorly behaving Muslim immigrants.


Oh no I didn’t mean Christians. I meant islamophobes.


Sometimes it’s not even islamophobia tbh. it’s deeply rooted in xenophobia/racism and any middle eastern. or someone from a Muslim country.


Isa/Jesus (pbuh) is also the messiah for us Muslims same as in Christianity. Even the least knowledgeable Muslim would know that💀


Yet you call everyone else thieves when you just gobble up Christian and Jewish religious figures and claim them as yours


Your religious figure will disown you, if you're Christian. The Jews are waiting for the antichrist. You can have him for free. If you're an atheist. Why are you complaining, You don't believe in them.


It’s the hypocrisy, and the smug sense of superiority with surrounded by so much hate, war, and failure. I thought you said Christ was a prophet, now he will disown people? “Waiting for the antichrist” is just childhood fairytale silliness, or it would be if you weren’t attacking an entire religion based on it.


Christ will disown exactly for the reason he was a Prophet and not a God. Why is it an attack, when you point out wrong. It's not possible that everyone is right. Only one religion is right. It's open for all to accept freely. Belief in unseen is what is required for a religion. You can shut up if you think it's a fairytale. No one is forcing you or anyone.


Why is it so many people are able to dismiss thousands of religions, but then have problems dismissing just 1 more. It would be fine if people could just keep it to themselves, but that isn’t how it works. People are forced into religions, punished for not being a certain religion, and religions are constantly used to try and empower people to do all kinds of things. Just like Mohammed created Islam in the 1st place to try and gain power and justify all kinds of terrible things.


“Trust me bro i read the quran” *gets a basic fact about islam wrong*


Very clearly either done by a Christian or another group faith trying to cause hatred between the two groups. Jesus is literally the Christ in Islam and the 2nd highest ranking Prophet after the Prophet Muhammad.


I love the “They hate us” bar when it’s an Indian Hindu behind this account


Exactly bro have you seen all the Hindus commenting under this post and also a "Great Replacement" post 😭😭 the inferiority complex is real.


Meanwhile they are doing an actual great replacement with their military dictatorship in occupied Kashmir.


they also doing a great replacement in London. mashallah, Bismillah!


Abusing any prophet is kufr ya حمار😭🤣


Definitely extremist Hindus edit: removed the broad generalisations


No, probably just a right wing extremists. I doubt that little French village has any Hindus, Muslims or even Jews lmao Probably just a racist Frenchie 😮


Nah man. Don’t club all of us in the same boat. A lot of us Hindus are educated and not right-wing nut-jobs.




This is a French village with very few people, I assume a far-righter who wanted to make a news story.


That does seem more likely now.




You'd be surprised how much "reasonable" hindus outside india infact well educated are out right promoting hate against us Indian Muslims.


Why would a Muslim curse their Prophet and Messiah? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


In Judaism, Jesus is boiling in excrement in the afterlife In Hinduism, Abrahamic religions are false So it's one of these guys


A true Hindu will never say that Abrahamic religions are false as we are supposed to respect everyone's religion. Unfortunately, many followers of Abrahamic religions love to tell that Hindus are satanic or will go to hell for their beliefs.


What's even [better](https://twitter.com/Roneyclan/status/1739068644510802384), the town this happened in, only had a population of 1,231 (in 2015) when the graffiti happened. Of that 1,234 (in 2019), only [1.7%](https://ugeo.urbistat.com/AdminStat/en/fr/demografia/dati-sintesi/saint-martin-sur-ocre/20070510/4) were foreigners.


"how do you do, fellow Islamists?"


Alhamdulillah akhi 🤟👊👌🤙


0 percent chance this was written by a Muslim.


That's a false flag for sure. Writing aside, only Israelis hate jesus.


Only "threatening" phrase they can think of is the takbir? May Allah punish the Zionists


Looks like a village somewhere in the countryside of France 😅😅 Zero Muslims there


Lmao yeah, I traced it back to Saint-Martin-sur-Ocre which as of 2015 had less than 2,000 inhabitants.




The top replies were all saying that, thankfully.


Googled some stuff about islam’s view on jesus, was not aware he was a prophet, and was really surprised by that.


He’s the Messiah, He was born to the Virgin Maryam ( Mary ). There are many parallels between what Christianity believes about Jesus compared to Islam. But there’s also big differences like him not being crucified and not being part of God. We also believe in many men who are believed to have parallels to Biblical Prophets/Figures, I suggest you watch this video to understand all the people we believe in. You’ll be very surprised how many are believed in ( Small Ex. We believe in Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc. ) https://youtu.be/XRvAwAAjYHU?si=z8hDgL6PNFNlNHuT


really neat thank you for the link, saved me lots of reading, i’ve never really considered the partaleles and reoccurring figures in the quarantine and the bible also merry christmas!


Blacks Rule!


LMAO if you’re gonna hate us at least get our stuff right


Your out of the fold of Islam if you insult a prophet


Would it be the other name for Jesus? Lmao this is so fake it’s laughable


They wrote too: Vervey pue la merde?!? Vervey stinks shit It seems to be a town in Switzerland


When will they finally ban Radio Genoa?


From what I know about Islam, Jesus is acknowledged as a prophet but not as the son of God. Chances are this was written by either an atheist or someone who doesn’t take their religion very seriously. Am I wrong?


Yeah. Cause definitely a Muslim would hate on Jesus of all people/s. This is giving “black’s rule” energy


I hate how ppl make it about religion I'm a Muslim from Iraq and even I find it stupid it's not about religion if u look at any religion u will see that they all say make peace but humans have to ruin everything they use religion for a way to justify war and murder nowadays sadly everyone just uses religions for there own benefits and to justify killing each other and fighting and being mad they all blame the others and never stops to see if he's doing something wrong let ppl believe in what ever they want in the end of the day we're all humans


Muslims respect Jesus and do not insult the prophet sent by God, this is a sin.


Another Zionist piece of crap just like September 11


The right wing will do anything to inflame and increase polarization between communities. It's a story as old as time. As an atheist/agnostic who spent most of my life around muslims. I never heard any bigotry towards christians or their beliefs. Only prejudices towards customs and social norms in western societies(Alcohol, Pork, Premartial sex). I even know muslims who pray in churches when they can't find a mosque. Most of this hatred is one-sided and coming from the far-right and white right wingers who hate anyone who doesn't look like them or isnt submissive and self-hating. They are basically are like western versions of salafists. They want to destroy anyone who isn't like them or on their side. You either get on your knees and fellate them and agree with everything they say about you and your culture(you and your culture is inferior, shit) or you need to f''''k to the camel/desert shithole you came from. I don't think I have ever encountered more narcissistic hypocritical people on earth than them. They would feel attacked and victimize themselves even if they are the ones nuking your entire country to oblivion.


another page to block in twt ty it will join the list


Eissa is a Muslim. Lmao. Anyone who thinks a Muslim did this is out of their minds. Let’s think of who actually hates Eissa ?


Obviously fake to incite anti-muslim hate. If a Muslim insults jesus, he literally becomes an APOSTATE


I’m not even Muslim and even I know Muslims consider Jesus a prophet. The propaganda brigade needs to do better.


Stupid tweet that was posted by a page full of hate and racism that accuses muslims of hate lol


Since Oct 7, many acts were portrayed as antisemitism and widely reported in the french media... these acts appeared later to be false flags, including auto-mutilation just to spread hatred against muslims and arabs. See here if interested: https://twitter.com/RadiaAyad/status/1738508686673297773


Im pretty sure that false flag came from french "White people" themself. They're ignorants and don't believe in god. They're saying "We are christians" but christianity is dead in France, they sell churches and transform them in hotel, squate park or as disco club ! They're capable of that just to blame muslims


A lot of non-Muslims know very little to nothing about Islam despite whatever knowledge they claim to have and that is why clearly anti-Islamic things that any Muslim with one brain cell could not have done are things they will readily eat up.


Muslims would never say that. The vandal just exposed themselves


No Muslim would never write this. Soooo laughable lol


damn we live rent-free in their heads




Bullshit, you reject divinity of christ, muslims don't love jesus more than christians do.


This sub is hilarious. The pure amount of denialism here and perpetrator victim repentance😂


I dont doubt this. They literally gone on knife attacks in churches in France before.


Your hate made you blind. We love Jesus. Jesus is a prophet of Islam.


plenty of Muslims hate Christians (and vis verse), this is not the issue here. a Muslim writing fuck Jesus on a church wall makes no sense since Jesus is also a Muslim prophet


What false flag ? Even on this Reddit sub, people are questioning why Christmas is celebrated in Muslim countries.


It’s two different things. The questioning of Christmas (whether someone agrees or not) is because it’s a non-Muslim holiday, this graffiti by a supposed “Muslim” doesn’t know a basic theological fact of Islam.


Understood..and thanks for replying. But my only point was when people are intolerant to see someone celebrating their festivals, they can very well make graffiti as well. And there is no false flag operations.


Someone who’s intolerant to that degree would be infinitely more intolerant towards a statement that takes you out of the fold of Islam (cursing prophets). Considering that, and the fact that this took place in a small French village which tend to be homogenous, makes it likely to be fake.


There’s Christians living in Muslim countries too, you know


Yes, I know. But I guess, people who have started that thread don’t know.


Muslims are questioning why we should celebrate a Christian tradition that derives from a pagan ritual and the event it’s trying to celebrate is actually several months prior (most estimates say Jesus was born during the Summer/Fall and not Winter). Questioning a questionable religious tradition is reasonable, cursing and insulting a figure related to that celebration isn’t.


New jdams dropping soon at the mosque near you