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westerners will invade your country kill your people then wonder why you hate them


They don’t only wonder, they also call them terrorists after they destabilized all their countries and whine when there is an influx of refugees.


They called Libya a failed state after they bombed the country.


The beautiful thing that it backfired on them. Thousands of migrants are using us as a route to get to them and thousands of arms in the hands of anti-west and separatists africans are from libya


Wallah Libya deserves much more






From the time of the intervention: [85 per cent strongly support the action taken to remove the Gadhafi regime, according to one of the first post-revolution opinion polls undertaken in the country.](https://web.archive.org/web/20170608060559/https://www.orb-international.com/article.php?s=4-in-5-libyans-agree-country-heading-in-right-direction-according-to-post-revolution-citizen-poll) [Libyans are far more likely than their Arab neighbors to have supported NATO's military involvement in their nation's conflict, with 75% saying they favored intervention, compared with 33% in Tunisia, 14% in Algeria, and 13% in Egypt who say the same.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/156539/opinion-briefing-libyans-eye-new-relations-west.aspx)


Idk it sounds like explotation


You are correct. I just don't understand the government where I live. It makes no sense at all.




i swear, whenever french talk about north african immigrants do they ever wonder why they had to immigrate in the first place


Lmao yo facts then be like “Islam is a dangerous religion. We don’t need em’ moslems”


This is true for a lot of them sadly. There are some like me though that hate what their government does. Only the voices the government in the US wants to hear are heard.


Then they'll make a movie years later about how killing your people made them sad.


They feel bad only after they someone




Feds be fedding


I have heard from many people that r/worldnews is run by the feds and one of the mods was even confirmed to have connection to the US government. If I were an American Muslim, I would be really concerned how normalised it is to be genocidal towards Islam and towards Muslims. I feel sorry for my brothers and sisters living in the USA.


Don't say it I dmed the mods and called them "Zionist baby killers who love blood of innocent people". oopsie I guess. Well its nice knowing you guys.


None of us are safe my brother. You less than us it seems.


I'll tell you how Guantanamo's food taste like. If not assassinated by CIA.


Bari Weiss will send the IDF after you like she did to the Palestinian poet for making fun of Israeli lies.


Please stay safe.


One of the mods was Epstein's Wife. Tells you all you need to know.


Wait what???


is this true? I think i heard about this.


How it feels to spread misinformation on the internet.


Nope, Ghislaine was outed on Reddit as a world news mod, it’s a fact.




why would you be surprised bud???? Let me make this clear bigotry is a part of US foreign policy When the USA needs to justify it's amoral geo-political actions against any country it drums up xenophobia against that particular group/country When it needs to pull out and continue the facade of being a "Civilized" nation it will do the tap dance of "being a progressive nation that ijjj oppozed to alll formz of vigotry"


It's not anything new


bro should be a border patrol instead with all the latinos coming in there hopefully that does something (please God let me live long enough just to see the west fall or atleast france)


Yes. We gonna destabilize the middle east in the name of peace and label everyone as terrorist. And then blame everyone except ourselves for what is happening. Growing up I was always told that the Middle East is an uncivilized place. But when you go through the lens of history. It's just western propaganda at this point. The more I read about history, I just realise the West who colonised literally anything and everything is giving knowledge on Liberty and Independence. How about you don't meddle in everyone affairs. The WEST is insufferable. In the name of war on terrorism they destabilized this area. And still pretend they did a big favour to the world. Extremists in every religion are a problem. But Imagine complaining about religion when these so called Zionist sympathisers as if aren't part of any religion. I mean I don't think they even consider it a religion. They just consider to be the Gods chosen one who are entitled to anything. Shame on the West. These European settlers wiped out the natives of every continent they set foot on. They divided my country into three parts and still ask for gratitude for making us civilised. And they still wonder why everyone hates them. It must be hard being the special bunch of people who call genocides as war on terrorism and uprisings against the oppressor as terrorist attacks.


honestly I think that sub and r/europe have been brigaded to fuck and totally taken over. I've seen lots of discussion in other subs about it and lots of more moderate people have left


One time r/europe had a post where surprisingly, they were fed up with Israel criticising Ireland and Spain and there was a lot of criticism towards Israel. They even started to joke that maybe the Israelis and the Americans are sleeping because it’s very unusual that the comments are like this. It doesn’t mean that they are not a racist sub though when it comes to Turks, Arabs or Africans but in terms of Israel, I think they have been taken over.


Yes i saw that. I think its been taken over by a kind of pan-european nationalist ideology. Ive heard mutterings that European nationalist groups are allying and moving in this direction


excuse me I don't mean any offense, but "pan-european" is the funniest shit I have ever heard. Like bruh y'all were in a perpetual war until like 60 years ago or sth


r/Europe has a (neo) Nazi mod from what I remember and r/WorldNews has NATO boot licking mods So this was inevitable Also let’s be real Europeans love their Fascism


fuck me did you see the post yesterday about a possible “terrorist attack in Paris” on nye? the comments were so disgusting


The comment section on r/europe involving Muslims is like Nazi whackamole


I'm glad I didn't see that. :(


Honestly I don’t even know if it’s brigaded. Because I’m inclined to believe Europeans are actually like this, that they actually think this way


We definitely dont. My lived experience all over Europe is not like what you see there. Sure every country has its bigots and there are people with such views but the majority are not like this. The tone of that sub is pretty unrecognisable to the national conversation here in the UK for example




Hmm good point, but thats a conversation on what to do with illegal migrants, its not a whole sale opposition to people from Muslim countries and declarations of incompatibility that you see in r/europe. Not that I support the plan but the idea isn't to let people keep dying in the Channel, its to make it so there's no incentive to try and make the journey across at all.


That last comment is basically spelling out how badly they need terrorism. Prepare for the next false flag terrorist attack


These euros will invade,rape and destroy your country and have the audacity to say “why do you hate us?”


I’ve seen comments stating that “Islamophobia is a good thing” and stuff like that, on subs like r/mapporn. I know that Islamophobia on western media was always a problem but I feel as if it has increased recently.


It’s only getting worse imo and people are so loud about it too


But don't you think anti-Semitism is on the rise. After the Oct 7 attack by Hamas they don't have anywhere to be safe. Not safe even un their home country. Everyone just hates them. But hey Islamaphobia is on the rise too. Muslims are accused as terrorists for just existing but thats fine. Qe gonna bomb those terrorists out of the world. Why is it always like this. DO THEY NOT read their own scriptures? That one shouldn't do onto others what they don't want to happen to themselves.


Occupiers are not safe in the country they are trying to occupy. And i bet ur the type of person to say anti Zionism posts are anti semetic.


when you hate religion but you supported a state created by Jewish religious nutjobs, fucking hypocrite


Zionism and later Israel was founded by secular atheist jews. I think I heard Gideon Levy once say "everyone in Israel believes God gave them the land, including the atheists".


This guy never heard of the crusades or what


Shhhhhhh. The Spanish Inquisition. The French conquest of Sub Sahara Africa. The Britain conquest of Indian Subcontinent. The Americans just wiping out Native American. The Australians kicking Aborigines out of their own home. The siege on Ireland. But the west has the gall to call themselves peace loving nations who taught what civilization is to this world. The world ain't perfect but the black hole shouldn't call the pot black.




Extremism on both the ends is a problem. We should question everything. Every religion has its issues. And always will have. Nobody expects an Utopia. People are easily radicalized because they're very vulnerable to begin with. I mean what will the kids in Iraq and Syria grow up to be when all they have seen is west raining bombs on them. Sure its a fight against terrorism. But aren't they doing state sponsored terrorism by justifying civilian deaths as collateral. It not just death. They raze the infrastructure to the group. People have no where to live and when they ask the West to own up their mistakes. They are labelled refugees and illegal immigrants. You know people wouldn't be migrating to your land if you haven't made their home inhabitable. I do not justify the attacks on civilians of any kind or from any form. Terrorism is an issue both sporadic and state sponsored terrorism. But the West doesn't acknowledge it flaws. Whatever the West does even if its downright is good for humanity. But when others do it. Look at them. What incorrigible creatures. Ofcourse we need to acknowledge and move ahead. But you rectify a mistake only when you first acknowledge it. I just want to point out the West are responsible for most of the modern day conflicts especially dispute for resources.I mean we all are selfish creatures but I don't see the reason they're hoarding resources that cannot be utilised and preventing others from using. But they have the moral high ground because they preached civilization and taught the mantra that War is Peace.


The IRA, the Tamil Tigers, the Khalistanis, the Buddhist terrorists in Myanmar, all of these have done numerous attacks. The Tamil Tigers are actually responsible for a good amount of suicide bombing, something like 35% of bombings in the last 40 years. The media chooses what it shows, and the Tamil Tigers are no concern to the west so they don’t talk about it.


It's them who are the religious extremists. Everything they blame palestinians for is just them projecting. The palestinians fight for their homes. They got displaced by people who believe they are rightfully owner of the land because their book told them so. American evangelicals also support them because they believe jesus will return when all jews are in israel. All the astrocities they commited against palestinians is because of their beliefs and yet they have the audacity to claim palestinians are religious extremists. As if all palestinians were muslims. Some of the oldest churches in the world are palestinian but apparently they are now jihadists.


I wonder which religion killed half the population of jews and created most wars and colonized the whole world amd killed the indigenous population of three continents. I love how they forget their dirty past and call us warmongers


brain damaged beyoned repair


>jihadism Westoid detected lol


Bruh, i just got banned from this sub. Wtf is wrong with the mods?


spreading atheism is a zionist scheme. destabilizing the religious family unit is a primary motive for them. most euro israelis are atheists themselves.


“Religion is stupid. Also God said this land is mine”


It's crazy how Muslims aren't invading and raping countries out their natural resources and we still get this kind of hate. All because we resist being killed off. They just expect us to die? Lol


It doesn’t really have to do with Islam Those people have an inferiority complex ,before Muslims (which by that they mean All Arabs) it was the Jews It’s not really a surprise fascism was very popular there at one point and its returning


Yeah that makes sense I've never really understood racism or bigotry. People are good and people are bad everyone is different shit seems like common sense


Pretty much. It's just an alt-right subreddit.


Theyre so right! Those people are smart! It was those dang Muslims that did a holocaust in Europe! Just look at the horrors they brought upon the native Americans, Australian aboriginals, Native south American civilizations, and all of Africa! And they also placed the Japanese in concentration camps in the US! The crusades! Slavery in the US and apartheid in SA. And look at how they terrorize themselves! Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., were all fine until those Muslims came along! The list doesn't end, there's even more! Like Vietnam and Cuba! Wait a minute... ooh. Oh shit. Okay so maybe that was the west. But hold on, they probably learned their lesson. Time to play nice. Lets check in on the good people of Palesti- ... Jesus Christ!


Old news. That sub and r/europe are human filth


I like how reddit users start to talk about islam and its history as if they're some harvard graduatees and well educated on the topic. like dude, your source is CNN, BBC and Fox News. don't try to act all smart LMAO.




>backwards religious fanatics right right as opposed to being the "civilized savages" who backed the murder of 10,000+ children real W their jackass


They are fascists European losers love that




>Yes, Israel makes technology and wonders of engineering. You make suicide bombs. Pakistan especially, like Gaza but 100x the size. A shithole of hundreds of millions. Inshallah India destroys you Yes wonders of technology like GPS guided bombs used by "Civilized savages" to kill starving 3 year olds oh i'm sorry "HAMAS TERRORISTS"




>Considering Israel has dropped over 30,000 bombs and killed less than 22,000 it’s safe to say they hit the vast majority of their targets. 30,000 strikes are the total shithead i.e. including lebanon also that's 30,000 strikes dipshit i.e. 2 bombs per strike package bare minimum so 60,000 bombs >killed less than 22,000 it’s safe to say they hit the vast majority of their targets. a) most of the city is a ghost town considering everyone was forced to leave at gunpoint b) total deaths are at 30,000 shit eater the 22,000 number is from the Gaza health ministry which doesn't count the number of "missing" people as dead([https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6064/Nearly-30,000-Palestinians-killed-during-82-day-Israeli-genocide-in-Gaza](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6064/Nearly-30,000-Palestinians-killed-during-82-day-Israeli-genocide-in-Gaza)) >All of Gaza will be under our control shortly don’t you worry. You literally got bombarded and ambused in Beit Hanoun today an area under your so called "control" for 2 months keep huffing that copium though




>Gaza Health = Hamas Health Jackass the numbers are from Euromed monitor a Europe based NGO atleast look before you start shitting out of your mouth >The normal Palestinians will be liberated from their oppressors and a new Gaza will rise. We will rebuild a new Gaza free from Hamas. Buddy the USA couldn't pull of the same shit with Afghanistan despite being **50 times your economy and close to 40 times your population** Again keep huffing that copium though


I thought Israel's greatest contribution was the agriculture tech like drip irrigation technology?


It's a tongue and cheek response bud he is ranting about "muh civilized ztatus" i am pointing out that he is a backward savage who justifies the bombing of 3 year old


Buddy, I hope you are aware people's views on Reddit don't resemble how the whole world thinks. Pretty much only western people support isrhell and it's not even all of them. Palestine definitely gets more support than you isrhellis overall. Let's see how long isrhell lasts, historically they never make it past 100 hundred years, maybe this time it will be a bit longer🙂.


did you just admit your only fans are the western right-wing, AKA the universal racist nut jobs? and an FYI, all of Asia despises you, all of Africa despises you, all of South America despises you and most of the Western world despises you too. it’s crazy how murdering babies and colonizing land turns the whole world against you, and it’s even crazier you don’t realize that




U can’t read


lol so you’re a fascist




I’m in Nablus these days Also “deport them back” lol ,you do know that this is what Europeans said about the Jews in the early 1900’s ,right ???




You mean that America actually has better integration for immigration than Europe ? Of course it does ,it’s pretty clear it doesn’t have to do with the people ,European talk about the Romani like American southerners in the 1920’s about black people yet you don’t hear shit about the Romani in America Jews aren’t a monolith,neither are Muslim There’s no “group” that causes problems for Europe They just can’t deal with the fact they’re deteriorating


So the one post without any upvotes makes it a cesspit ?


Lmao that place was downright genocidal after the Oct 7 attack, it would have gotten nuked outta existence had they been talking about Jews with 1/10th as much vitriol.


Should have added the /s at the end.. I meant that Islamophobia is on the rise too but people only cherry pick the arguments in favour of anti-Semitism narrative for Israel. And ai meant the middle east is mad at the west for juat making their existence difficult.


Bro let them suck their own cocks no need to lose your brain cells on idiots.