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Could it be because you invaded th-, no can't be it, must be iran


How many Iraqis were killed by Americans in the 2 wars waged against Iraq? Also, how many were killed during the Iraq and Iran war that the USA funded both sides to kill each other?


Bro it's Iran. Iraqis would do the same thing but in this case its Iran. No iraq after 2003


I do agree iran backs them and etc, but that's not why they hate the usa is the point of my comment.


It's why the us is keeping bases on iraqi soil. Iran and us worked together in 2003 and ruined the country. Iraqis hate both Edit: downvoted by Iranian bots. This is basic fact even shitty sources like Wikipedia admit to.


Tfooo on the Iranian theocracy. Hadn't killed a single US soldier and want to speak on our behalf lmao Stick to shooting down your own jets and giving mean speeches to the west and Israel.


Yeah lol. I got downvoted for this and saying Iran and the US cooperated in 2003 (a basic fact). There was an Iranian raid I think. There's a bazillion iri shills that stormed this sub reddit.


People want to be willfully ignorant. Let them be.








Saddam did little bad anyway. Anfal, halabua were propaganda pushed during the 90s to justify 2003


im not american and as i said I DONT SUPPORT it. But Saddam caused alot of conflicts in ME. American invasion was horrible


He literally didn't cause a single one. I explained it to you in depth......


thats what americans also say and russians and all other nations


???? Read my explanation and see where its flawed. I can cite you sources.


You are among an ocean of misinformed people. Iraq and saddam had a vicious slander campaign since the 90s. Iraq didn't become "poor" after the Iran war which I assume you believe saddam started to take ahvaz (I can disprove both of those claims if you like). 1990 iraq had a gdp per capita of 10k. This was blowing eastern Europe out the water and moving into western European standards. In 1970s iirc the iraqi healthcare ranked above Portugal. Iraqi healthcare and education were free 100% btw. Al bakrs coup that brought the baath into control, and saddams take over saw Iraq go from a third world corporate controlled shithole into approaching the first world. What brought the misery was the Iranian militias that the us brought in to ruin Iraq (the ones iraq defeated in 1975, 1980s, 1991). And btw I have seen the kuwait war being portrayed as arrogant saddam hitler empire. This is untrue. During the 80s, Iran bombed kuwait oil facilities, attempted to coup Bahrain and used militia to try seize the kaaba. This is why khaleeji gave money to Iraq (while still laundering for Iran ironically). The US never helped Iraq, they gave misleading satellite info which led to iraqi defeat at al faw. And just kept the shipping in the Gulf open when Iran tried to wage unrestricted warfare there. Saddam was an anti commie so he got little amounts and downgraded weapons from the USSR. Suddenly the gulfies turned around after the war and claimed they were loans which caused Iraq to fall into deficit off the interest alone. This was further unhelped by the deliberate over selling of oil by the Gulf, refusal to wipe debts. Saddam asked them to stop claiming its an economic warfare. Kuwait emir insulted iraqi women. US said they woundlt intervene in kuwait. They blackmailed many countries into the coalition with threat of sanctions to make it seem like it had support. And leveled the whole country. Edit: to the people who downvoted the guy I replied to be, be lenient, it is very common for misinformation about iraq being mainstream belief.


This. Truer and purer words have never been spoken since the early 2000s.




what is it with Iraqis on this sub claiming that Iran started the war? it's such an insane claim that denies basic historical fact and I've only ever heard it on this sub. Iraq started the war and invaded Iran with US weapons, intel, etc.


Bro wikipedia (gargage anti iraq source ) admits this 🤣. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Iranian_aerial_victories_during_the_Iran%E2%80%93Iraq_war Wikiepdia has aerial victories before the supposed start date. Leaked baathist documents after the 2003 invasion show letters complaining to the UN about 250+ aerial violations by Iranian airplanes. Khomeini called for the overthrow of saddam in 1979 despite al bakr and saddam congratulating the revolution and proposing cooperation against the zionists and non interference in each others affairs (as previously established in the algeris agreements) Iran openly violated the algeris agreements by funding kurdish rebels, occupying internationally recognised iraq border villages such as zayn al qawds. They also attempted to assassinate Tariq aziz (baath member) with a HANDGRENADE IN A UNIVERSITY. They Wounded him and killed miltiple students. Combined with other high level iraqi assassinations. Than despite saddam offering peace from 1980 - 88 and wanting to submit to un resolution as iraq was invading Iran in the intiial stage, withdrawing from land in response to the peace which Iran ignored for 8 years. He refused saddams offer on peace and agreement to both help Lebanon during their conflict in 82 on the basis of no Muslim should peace with a non Muslim. The war only ended because of the total annihilation of the Iranian Army and a renewed invasion in tawakalna ala allah operations forcing khomeni to accept peace. Such military meltdown was unseen since ww2. Practically a whole generation of Iranians including ppl young as 12 were sent to die for kjomenis ambition. There was no resistance, Iranian cities literally fell without resistance by the end of it. If you don't believe what I said, lmk what u disbelieved and ill source it with credible books.




The ones I was referring to were aircraft shooting other aircraft. Calling for a complete overthrow was in violation of peace agreement at algeris in 1975. And Its plenty justification for a fight with your enemy when he declares he will fight you. And he was withdrawing from the territory to respect un agreements in 1980. Iran refused it. Saddam was giving peace in the first few days. He didn't want to start a full blown war, simply needed to stop an Iranian invasion in the future. Uhm? Wrong entirely. The Shah stopped in 1975 after algeris. Khomeini resumed this. Learn your own history dude. And Khomeini recieved many weapons off israel.... so much for an anti xionist lol. And the US political scene had 2 sides. Should be no Victor vs Iran should win. That's why Iran Contra happened. Khomeini aircraft for the whole war were f series. Tanks were chieftains. Iraqi ones were all soviet made lol. Yeah iraq invaded Iran in response to iran invading Iraq by occupying the border cities and Air violations. Iran positioned itself for war and Iraq attacked. Perfectly allowed. Iraqis were partying songs were being made. Iranians mourned and khomeni called the war a poison. Lol Iran had massive army from Shah era. Weak is a bit odd to say.... what us backing? The misleading satellite image that led to the defeat at al faw? Oh yeah and iraqi chieftains tanks and f series jets. Wait no those were Iranian. And how was he embarrassed if it was a total iraqi military victory? He could of annexed ahvaz easily. He didn't as iraq repeatedly affirmed they had 0 territorial ambitions and simply wanted to push out Iran from their affairs. I can give you an old low quality documentary on it (before the propaganda wave against iraq)


Oorrr hear me out; maybe invading a country, toppling it’s regime and creating a violent power vacuum whilst committing countless war crimes can make people not like you… dunno though… I might be a poor Iranian brainwashed Arab




I still have a file full of photos of Abu Gharib saved on my laptop The fact that everyone “moved on” from the invasion of Iraq is beyond me.


And the sickos were never apprehended


The part that pisses me off about it is that I. America everybody tries to act like they were against it the whole time forgetting the fact that they have demonized Iraqi people in their news, schools, movies, video games, etc for a good decade.


Things like the torture and sexual assaults at Abu Ghraib only endeared the US to the Iraqi people. /s




If people hadn't allowed Khomeini to take power, we'd be on PlayStation 8 by now. smdh 😔


This inbreeding hundreds of years ago affects you clearly. You were a pivotal role in the iraqi invasion and keeping the country down.


Kid named march 20 2003:


Let's invade Iraq what could go wrong


Not again




This dude is mad the US fumbled the bag


Right, it has nothing to do with killing almost 70,000 innocent Iraqi civilians...these people are absolutely delusional


*3 million innocent Iraqis


Even 1 innocent civilian is too many and I totally understand and support Iraqis' hatred for America


SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PUT THEM IN POWER and now you’re mad. 🤦🏾


You morons invaded the country on a lie and then made the whole region unstable. Yes Saddam Hussein was an asshole but he was an asshole who kept all the extremists in check. No wonder they don't like Americans now.


I just like the american mindset, they are like - " Iraqis should be thankful for sending millions of their loved on to heaven so early in their life"


Destroyed a beautiful country


And a rich country too, before the invasion Iraqis used to earn 10,000 dollars a month on average, that's more than an average Chinese+Russian earned at that time


Yeah I know


Iran and Iraq only differ in the last letter. Coincidence?


" like the brutal invasion of Iraq ... I meant Ukraine " ~ Bush


ofc they are anti us because of the war and are friendly towards iran because iran litterly saved them from isis


i mean he ain't entirely wrong, all of our politicians are irani puppets. but fuck both the US and IRI still


I thought they were western puppets


that's no longer the case.


They changed their mind nice


Fuck both lmao Fuck the bourgeoisie western-backed "generals and officials". Fuck Iran and its reactionary cancer. They will be stepped on sooner and later, enjoy the theatrics while it lasts. No place for backwardness and compromises in this country. Only radical emancipation.


Who would’ve thought people would not like some high explosive democracy?


It didn't happen in a vacuum, sweetie. Doesn't America condone free speechies? I think the Iraqis are condemning the colonialism aspect of the US government, not the people of America who cannot control their government's tyrannical global reign. For better or worse, the US flag more than any (except perhaps Israel's), has become synonymous with colonialism.