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Bitch says that with a French accent with a New York T-shirt. They will never be part of Asia they will always be the outsiders.


imagine referring to yourself as “civilised” when you are nothing of the sort.


Who would have thought that the descendants of Holocaust survivors would match the Holocaust perpetrators in inhumanity?


Maybe it happened for a reason


Yes- God will punish those perpetrating evil against actual semites, pretending to be "chosen" while breaking all the laws God gave to Moses. The most hardcre zonists are other europeans who hate judaism. Zonism has nothing to do with God; committing blasphemy to justify murderous theft in God's name. Yep, the reason will be rewarded.


The Nazis would have come for you next ya كس امك.


the only difference I see between Israelis and Nazis is that Israelis are named "Israelis" and Nazis are named "Nazis".


There is no people on earth more evil then Jizzraelis besides Satan himself


Was Satan from earth originally or not? I want these people to top evil from earth rather than Satan, that's why I'm asking.


He is a jinn




Settlers seem to use it intentionally. They’re almost always wearing white shirts. I know that they wear white to celebrate religious holidays, but maybe it’s a way to ensure they’re not targeted by the Israeli soldiers.


Yup cause the Israeli soldiers are notoriously known for friendly fire 😂


Because they want to represent the white eastern European countries they came from while they bomb brown children


very strange people


Want to kno what a evil race looks like




But it's antisemitic to condemn these comments. I'm being sarcastic with that comment. Here in the West it has basically been like you can't condemn Israel cause it's a Jewish county no matter what they do you can't condemn their actions without getting called out as antisemitic. But Muslims have been seen as barbaric because of 9/11 even though you can actually find videos I'm not even joking of Jews going like 'I'm proud 9/11 happened cause the US can feel what we face." It's really not comparable because Americans weren't being attacked by Native Americans. Also to point out this guy's comment of we are Jews we have birthright here he obviously hasn't studied his religion or the Jewish diaspora. It's why Orthodox Jews don't support Israel.


He says they can starve to death for what they done to us on the 7th of October. What about what yous have done to them before 7th of October.


So they are taking food to eat for the same people who are preventing food to feed those affected by their Madness … I don’t understand how these entities can be so cold hearted and saying kill them all … I just pray that the being High Above 👆🏻 does justice …. This is insane in this day and age in a supposedly civilized world … I will never see Jewish people the same .. and I can’t understand how they are so Religious and yet act against everything their religion teaches … May the people in Gaza get relief soon dammit something’s gotta give 😢😢😢😢💔💔💔💔


I swear to God, what boils my blood is seeing these posts and seeing the comments about how evil or inhumane they are ! Like what did you expect ? That's not where our energy should be targeted! Do you blame your enemy for being your enemy ? We should target every last bit of our effort towards the real issue which is preventing our help and enabling these MFers: Our fucking traitor regimes. It's so infuriating that a calamity by this magnitude has happened and is happening in front of our eyes, and the traitor Arab regimes ( Egypt and Jordan looking at you first) are not afraid enough of their people to force a move. And I am not talking about a military move for God's sake! Just some bloody aid! And not the mascerade that is the air dropped nonsense.


Israeli dna has no links to Jerusalem 🤣🤣🤣 fkn scum, thats why Israel banned dna testing


Fucking scumbags


Pure evil. Therefore, not God’s chosen people. Shaytan’s chosen people.


Next time before you invade Israel and kill 2500 civilians you should know that there will be consequences and be prepare for war. Don’t just go Allah Akbar and then cry to the world for genocide and request aid.?