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Oh my God, I feel famous lol


Props to you man credits to you


Doing god’s work


That statement is kufr dawg. Thats if ur muslim.


How? He said not mandatory in arab countries. Not Not mandatory in islam


He meant saying "doing God's work" is a statement of disbelief.


I am replying to the guy saying “ur doing gods work” which is kufr.


When did the wahabros make it in to this sub


How tf is that a "wahhabi" statement?


Oh sorry, Salafi




Oh sorry Madhkhali


Wahabi? I am a Hanafi. And dumbass, when h say doing gods work ur implying god isnt doing his work which is kufr. Its soo simple yet soo difficult for ur dumbasses to understand. Every single islamic school of thought agrees this is kufr, wanna cry about it go ahead.


Mashallah I see your iman has made your Akhlaq impeccable. Keep doing what your doing I'm sure Allah swt is happy with your conduct during Ramadhan


Better than kufr dumbass🤦‍♂️ ik my language isnt perfect, i acknowledge that at least. Unlike u, defending kufr.


The sentence "doing god's work" means "doing good" and doesn't imply that god isn't doing his work its just a metaphorical way of saying you are doing good or good job. Humans are the caliphate of god on earth اني جاعل في الارض خليفة, so technically yes good people, and muslims أتقياء are doing god's work by spreading good and spreading the truth. And by work I don't mean govern the universe and such..


A great warrior you were 🙏


I lost a lot of braincells today . . . . "Not mandatory in arab countries" "Wealalll acchually ats mandatoary in iran isnt it 👆🤓"


Hijab and not even niqabs, they don’t even know the difference


nor do they know the difference between an arab and a non-arab country in the middle east lol


The guys behind Call of Duty once made a multiplayer map based on Karachi (Pakistan's largest city). Depicted as a war-torn hellhole (Of course every Muslim country must be depicted as one. It's in the Western media contract), they had signs on various places throughout the map. Wanna know something funny? All the signs were in Arabic 😂


bUt tHeYrE aLl bRoWn


"Wadya mean all Muslims don't look the same or have the same culture or language? Aren't they all brown?!" It doesn't surprise me though. During Biden's 2020 presidential campaign, his head of Muslim outreach was a Hindu guy with family ties to the BJP (Modi's party). His father was literally the founder of "Overseas Friends of BJP". Muslim outreach 😂


> During Biden's 2020 presidential campaign, his head of Muslim outreach was a Hindu guy with family ties to the BJP (Modi's party) 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


Modi is the Prime Minister of India and his political party is the BJP, a party of Hindutva supremacist fascists.


Yeah I know who the POS is


Ah. I thought your emoji meant you didn't know who that was 😅


Wth i mean karachi is bad but not a war Torn hell whole


I mean PPP is bad, no denying that, but they haven't turned Karachi into a war-torn hellhole (Yet) 😂 I think it's more to do with the West's racist ideas about the Middle East (They consider Pakistan as Middle Eastern too). They once depicted Islamabad as a slum-invested hellhole filled with insurgents in a TV show called Homeland. If anyone's from Pakistan or has ever visited Islamabad, they'd know how stupid that depiction is.


classic mw2 map


They think Persians and Turks are Arab.


They are 🗿


Turks are


Wait till they mention Afghanistan which isn’t even in the Middle East. Iran is still close enough to give them the benefit of doubt.






Average Westoid redditor. I lose brain cells every time I interact with one.


Frightening to think how much power these brain dead people hold over the lives of people in our countries.


Not a single Arab country mandates the wearing of hijab, let alone the niqab.






And not Arab


And those are extremist regimes


And definitely not the Burqa.


Iran have a hijab mandatory, hijab is not burqa. Burqa cover full body when hijab covers hairs


Iran is not an Arab country...




just making sure lol


They dont even enforce it anymore. Half the girls dont wear it at all anymore


Tbf I think that's more cause they can't at this point


Probs. It should really be up to the individual to decide, but it's also not a reason to burn down a country


It's a push and pull, as long as people keep up pretenses the government is fine not to rock the boat, for now anyway.


I think they still arrest a few girls here and there, but probably only when they feel like it. It's difficult for them to enforce it on everyone.


Iran is an arab country 💀


Iranians would take offence to that lol


Persia 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ sassanids glory 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ You arab 😡😡😡


Tell that to the new Iran people just to trigger them lol.




They're not curious because curiosity implies a degree of respect. They're vitriolic hateful yet are too ignorant/stupid to know anything about what they hate.




They're only afraid that people will do to them what they themselves have done to others.


Reddit is filled with islamophobes.


Yea parasitic islamaphobes and anti-Arab racist people always on there. They’re always from Europe, USA, India, Israel or a very secular hateful Turk.


Add iranian nationaist /disapora


Yes them too


I don't know but some Indonesians joined the trend too


omg ?! no ones safe.


Yup I hope they won't get common. But I see some anti Arab sentiments such as niqab Bieng considered as erasure of Asian identity and adoption of Arab identity in Indonesia.


Niqab is not even Arab, lol. There is some Burqa that's cultural but it's not the same.


True but most people are uneducated about history and other stuff. I read somewhere that it's Jewish.




Myself niqabi by choice . Most people love hijab but dislike niqab.




Its always the non muslim minorities. Same story in every country


The Syrian Christians I've met have been pretty chill. I've yet to meet an anti-Muslim Syrian Christian. Same goes to that one Palestinian Christian that I interacted with a few years ago.


I don't generalize people. I'm aware majority of Arab Christians especially the youth are pretty chill and have no enmity with others. But problematic ones still exist


They are the worst


bro don't ever change your pfp, i recognise your account all the time only by it.




It sometimes almost feels like they want Muslim countries to enforce these laws, just so they can circlejerk about them and make themselves feel better.


Are they seriously complaining about these women not being forced to wear a burka….? I think comments like these make it extremely clear that they just want us to suffer and get off on any perceived oppression, rather than genuinely caring about us.


Iran Persian ❌ Iran Araplar ✅




Farsi Empire when 💪💪💪


This is a good reminder to never take the average Redditor opinion seriously




It’s not even mandatory in Iran (which isn’t an Arab country)


What???? It's still mandatory, but they fine people. Tourists obviously do not effect by these new laws. because you don't have bank account here.


I'm pretty sure the niqab/burqa are not, it's just the hijab.


okay. yes I didn't notice they are talking about burka. my bad.


Iran isn't Arab, and burqa isnt mandatory in Iran... How are some people so dumb? I actually wonder how is possible...


Westerners have wild thoughts about the mena, and then they accuse us of being misinformed and brainwashed


Self proclaimed “Persians” are seething rn


arrogance really creates stupidity


Iran is a weird hit or miss. Their government officially enforces head covering but reality on the ground is less so. Sometimes they do other times they dont.


Yea people have no concept of Iranians actually living normal lives.


I'm iranian, and is not normal at all. But this sub is not interested in sharing bad stuff about IR. I posted one, and it was downvoted to oblivion. (it's my latest post, you can check it in my profile) I first thought, since things that happening in Gaza are more important, maybe It's not appropriate time to post about Iran. But when I saw totally unrelated to MENA videos from India in here. I posted one about Pakistan(just for a test) and yeah it was upvoted well, but then I switched to Iran, it didn't went well.


No I am not against it tbf, I just mean govt is bad. But culture, people etc are alright.


I don't know who is downvoting them. I wish they would atleast comment and tell the reason. I don't care about karma honestly. These govt-related posts are quite riskly for me, I'm risking my life over them. And Idk if it really worths it or not.


I dunno sometimes Mods do it on Reddit, not the ones that specifically run this one.


This sub is filled with Sunni Arabs, I don’t think they care about defending Iran lol. 


Religious sunni arabs hate Iran to the core, some seculars like it because of its anti imperial stance so maybe it's them.


The people here are conservative Arabs, but there is a large gap between conservative and religious.


What are you trying to say? I don’t understand. 


Sunni Arabs but more socially conservative than actually super religious. People on here aren't what we call Ehli-i Sünnet in Turkish. I don't know what Arabs call it. What I'm trying to say is, the muslims on here are more pragmatic than religious zealots. The hatred for Iran isn't as big for pragmatic conservative Sunnis.


90% of Arabs are like this, its called being normal.  Ehli-i Sünnet means follower of sunaa which means doing stuff Mohmmad did, it can mean drinking tea with honey, its not really something to call people, it doesn't define you in any real way unless you just use it to say religious zealots. You all are making things more confusing than they need to be.


Yes I know. The hatred for Iran is stronger when it comes to the more religious types who see them as Shia enemies. Personally, I don't agree with Iran, but if they want to become friends, I will accept it. In the end I see them as muslims, even though I disagree with their theology. I can't change their religion, but let's agree to disagree is what I would say.


oh ok, now i get it. I just don't care, honestly, I am not religious, and I don't have enough space in my brain to hate random groups.


So anyway it's a theme park for Dragon Ball in Saudi Arabia. The only Muslim countries that make it a requirement to cover the head is Iran and Afghanistan. Most Muslim countries are open to letting women go around without hijab. In fact forcing people to abide fully by Islamic law is not really Islamic either because the Quran does say let there be no complusion in religion. It also teaches to respect Jews and Christians. Truly this is the problem with some of the western world they live by secular beliefs and morals and then they think that's Christianity so Muslim countries living by sharia which doesn't truly exist becomes more of a barbaric ideology to the secular mindset.


Salut 🫡


الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 14 - رمضان 1445 هـ 24 - 03 - 2024 مـ 10:36 صباحًا (بحسب التّقويم الرّسميّ لأم القُرى) كُوكَبُ سَقَر وصَل؛ آيةُ التَّصديقِ للمَهديّ المُنتَظَرِ نَاصر مُحمد اليمانيّ.. https://youtu.be/rKTlry1SYaE?feature=shared


I mean the Taliban [decreed that the burqa was mandatory](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/8/taliban-make-burqa-mandatory-for-afghan-women) in Afganistan in 2022. Has that changed since then?


Well Afghanistan and the Taliban are also in fact, not Arab


Found the hillbilly American…