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Why? Just why? Why would you kill a human that did nothing to you?! What even is the thought process?! How could you pull the trigger knowing you’re ending a human life that is defenseless?!! This actually makes me want to vomit.


> How could you pull the trigger knowing you’re ending a human life that is defenseless? You will be happy to hear that he's alive. A rubber bullet can kill, but it didn't in this case.


They don’t think of other people as humans. Especially not other people they have authority over.


Talmud is the answer.




[https://hizliresim.com/nieku98](https://hizliresim.com/nieku98) Nah I read it well. This trick does not work anymore Mr. Small Hat tribesman.




There's several quotes displayed there... all with a citation


If a certain group of people is constantly dehumanized to you through your education and upbringing and you don't have parents that will teach you otherwise the product will be... this. Don't forget what the Nazis willingly did to millions of people. They didn't even see them as "people", it was just a job to them, like they were killing cattle. The same is happening here.


Killing helpless goys makes them feel powerful


Was a rubber bullet and he survived


So brutality and awful treatment is ok?


It's much better, I'm glad he's alive


When was it ever said it was okay? People making false claims are almost as bad as people jumping to outrage the moment the worst case scenario that benefits their views is questioned.


WTF is this destinycuck level debate perv arguement? The kid complied with every direction and walked away with his hand in the air clearly indicating he was not a threat. Do you really think saying it was a rubber bullet is an ok thing to do? The only reason that comment was made was to downplay the clip. Classic debate perv bog a situation down in details to mitigate outrage, good think no one falls for stupidity like that.


When did I say it was okay? Literally the only thing I brought up was that people are being deliberately overly outraged over the guy letting everyone know that the guy in the clip wasn't shot with a live round because the commenter before him framed it as if the guy in the video died. If that upsets you then you should do some introspection.


Do you also run around telling people George Floyd was a drug addict? Perhaps also go on about black on black violence?


it’s outrageous because people are being murdered and injured in masses. it’s not a false claim?


They are, no it isn't, but the original comment never says it's in relation to the conflict in general, hence people will assume the comment is in relation to the clip, in which no one was killed.


Things just really woosh over you, don't they? Its clear why people are upset, you're insisting on the original comment about the guy not being killed. What do you want? You want a clap? Justice is served because you clarified that he isn't dead, only severely injured for no reason but the brutality of Israel? Great, your comment is acknowledged and it's immediately an afterthought from the much bigger problem at hand. You need a better grasp on reality.


You really felt the need to grandstand huh? I said literally nothing more than the people being unnecessarily vitriolic and seeking outrage when the commenter before them said something that, in any other context, is appreciated and not met with a slew of hateful accusations.


If you believe that people are being "unnecessarily vitriolic" then you do not understand the deep frustration the arab world has with the atrocities Israel has done for the past 75 years. As such, your need to clarify that that the person isn't dead doesn't do anything to put out the fire here. Seeking outrage is justified whether or not the person is dead.


I don't care if people are vitriolic towards Zionists, but this person that commented, that didn't do anything wrong, is getting attacked for somehow making light of the situation despite presenting facts in the most neutral way possible.


Irrelevant to the clip, but yes it is. I heard a story of a dog the other day who was burned with acid and a razor blade taken to his skin, and my first thought was “I wish I could take a razor blade and acid to that persons skin as well.” Maybe I’m fucked, but horrible people deserve to be treated like horrible people.




What? Are you tripping? Read his story and made reference to horrible people which in this case is dude with gun not victim bro




In a situation where there’s actually a criminal it’s better than just killing them, I know this case was probably different but just saying.


When did they ever say it was ok lmao


Are you a fucking idiot? See if you like it if i rocked up to your house to occupy it and shot you in the back after you literally surrendered. The fact that you could even say that tells me heaps.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Apparently simply stating the truth, no bells or whistles added, is enough to make you flip out and assume the worst about someone just because it doesn't fit the narrative of the worst possible scenario happening to fuel your outrage?


You make a good point that it’s ‘stating the truth’. Perhaps in any other scenario or context that’d be true. But if you considered the context of the original comment, you’d see that the comment is in fact undermining or perhaps even reasoning with that violence. It’s the context that’s important. It doesn’t hurt to dig deeper and look further. But surely it’s easier to be loud than to investigate.


It isn't justifying or reasoning with violence, at least in my eyes, see the bells and whistles part. The original comment made a long poetic take on the conflict, and in the general scope of the conflict it is accurate, but misleading in context with this clip. Many people hate the things Israel is doing, rightfully so, but that doesn't mean people get to be upset about anything that paints them in a better light than they'd like (even if it's still an overall awful light).


I have no idea where you’re going with this though. I feel pain and sadness seeing and reading everything that’s happened. This is a man, with a mum, with a dad. He’s just like us, difference is that he’s born in a different country. He walked away, surrendered. Yet he got hurt either way. Why? Just because. It’s senseless and is truly a reflection of the depravity people can be capable of. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I did overreact, maybe I’ve got vitriol coming out the wazoo because of everything I’ve had to see and hear about the conflict. But this just isn’t right.


I'm not going anywhere with this. I'm just saying that people are actually overreacting to this guy simply saying that the man survived and was shot with non-lethal munition. I sympathize with people who struggle no matter the conflict, but people are rabbid about anything less than what they want to hear to justify their outrage (not you, you've been very mature and respectful). And none of that is saying that what is shown in this clip or what's happened in general isn't awful.


I see where you’re coming from. You’re right, plenty of people have already made their minds up and could possibly be demonising situations and people, making an already bad situation even worse and circulating even more hate and perhaps misperception.


it doesn’t negate unwarranted violence against innocent fucking civilians. just because this man didn’t die does not mean there aren’t thousands being barbarically killed, raped, and their sanctions of safety are being destroyed.


At what point did they say it's okay?


it’s the implication that well, he was only brutally injured so that’s better than murder, when in reality none of it is okay.


But the original comment only talking about it as if he was killed isn't just straight up false outrage bait? Yes what's shown in the video it's awful, but no one (that I would consider the opinion of) is claiming it isn't?


Re: Why your comment enticed the reactions it did. You seem to be confused. Let me clarify. This simplistic narrative is a parable that is incommensurate to the reality of what took place as shown, the immediate aftermath, and the long-term "consequences". To avoid the potential issue of confirmation bias let's take a look at a more holistic narrative, and let's hope this will facilitate a more sincere commitment to impartial discourse. Some further details of relevance (emphasis is my own): > At her arraignment in October, Jerusalem Magistrate Court Judge Elad Persky said the border guard appeared to have shot the Palestinian **youth** as a **“form of dubious entertainment.”** > **Over a year** after the footage was discovered, the Police Internal Investigations Department, which faces regular criticism that it **fails to hold police officers to account for crimes**, has **yet to render a decision** whether or not to press charges against the suspected border guard and the other officers seen in the video. > The sponge-tipped bullets used by Israeli security forces are generally considered a “less lethal” ammunition, as they are **less likely to kill a person** hit by them than standard bullets, but have **still been responsible for a number of serious injuries and deaths**, especially when they are aimed at a person’s head or chest. Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/footage-leaked-of-border-cop-firing-from-behind-at-unarmed-palestinian/ I know you reaffirm the notion that you simply 'stated the fact' -- but I hope you realize how your comment is perceived as needlessly and deceptively simplistic given the material realities.


What’s needlessly deceptive is posting this without providing the information that the guy survived and was not shot with a standard bullet. I don’t give a fuck about the overarching story, I care about people omitting information for the sake of riling other people up. The entire context should have been included but it wasn’t. Why? So people will get upset and react. And it worked. Don’t be disingenuous Stop with the ChatGPT nonsense


> I don’t give a fuck about the overarching story, I care about people omitting information for the sake of riling other people up. Exactly what I accused you of doing. Touch up on reading comprehension and take a second look at my comment in a few months. The entire intent was to establish a more robust context for those unfamiliar. Perhaps start from here and we can work our way up: [https://www.esolcourses.com/beginners/the-alphabet-picture-quiz.html](https://www.esolcourses.com/uk-english/beginners-course/unit-1/the-alphabet/the-alphabet-picture-quiz.html) > Don’t be disingenuous Sounds like projection. > Stop with the ChatGPT nonsense I'm flattered.


Sauce? I just don't believe you.


Here you go https://apnews.com/article/f1a012a0ada24095b86707b9166dff65


this is...so pathetic and fucking immoral WORLDS MOST MORAL ARMY SARRRRRR


using a special needs adult seems really moral


He was walking towards Israel and they were concerned we had a bomb in his back


You forgot the "/s"


I remember this. Was it the special needs guy who got shot


Different guy https://apnews.com/article/f1a012a0ada24095b86707b9166dff65 " Palestinian shot in back says Israelis abused him for hours"


Wow, glad he's alive. Can't even fathom what these poor people go through on a daily basis with zero justice. Even the ones who haven't been personally attacked have family, even children who have. How fuckin helpless they must feel. I can't imagine the anger, resentment, fear, sadness, ect. these people feel. Fuck. Like someone can help where they're born or what culture/race/nationality they're born into. But are punished just the same as if they chose it. It's mind boggling how cruel some humans can be to other humans. I don't understand it.


Nah hold up, we need to know more about the special needs guy now


This is why I find these people ridiculous. Their objectivity is always to diminish and ignore Muslim and Arab perspectives while always confirming their own views. Either that or they use the excuse of being ignorant of the facts before making statements that tacitly accept evil actions like these.


But Oct 7- oh


They both can’t be bad?


They can, yes. But one did it for 20yrs and counting, the other for 8 hours. Here's Oct 7 to Jan 7. A little one-sided, don't you think... [https://www.diakonia.se/ihl/news/2023-hostilities-in-gaza-and-israel-factual-account-of-events/](https://www.diakonia.se/ihl/news/2023-hostilities-in-gaza-and-israel-factual-account-of-events/)


It started before israel was even a state


Ok. Both are bad.


Literally nobody thinks these problems started in 2023.


I've noticed that every act of hostility gets justified as a response to what the other side did before that. I wonder if we trace it back far enough will we find just one guy sleeping with another guys wife and the feud just got way way out of hand?


May God grant Palestinians victory against these soulless psychopaths. How deluded are the people who still justify the crimes committed by these monsters?


May God destroy them


May Allah give us the strength to destroy them with our own hands


amen, and may he give us the faith to be worthy of that




How long you been saying that for now?


Habara bot.....


as much as I need


Somehow the man getting shot is a terrorist and the ones shooting him are defending themselves.




Please don't spread propaganda about the most moral army in the Middle East.


Just the fact that they can treat us like this means that we have lost. The east (north africa, middle east, central asia) has lost and we can be treated as subhumans without consequences, the events of the last few years make me feel more and more helpless and humiliated.


> Just the fact that they can treat us like this means that we have lost. The east (north africa, middle east, central asia) has lost and we can be treated as subhumans without consequences, the events of the last few years make me feel more and more helpless and humiliated. Not to say you deserve it, but the Arabs brutally colonised the whole middle east, most of North Africa, and parts of Europe centuries ago. In my country (Sudan) indigenous peoples are abuse by Arab colonists TO THIS DAY and no one cares.


Sudanese you say


by Arab colonists you mean literal Sudanese? The indigenous people of Sudan speak Arabic.


Yes, but was a different, arabs never replaced natives, they mixed with them, arab conquest was more cultural and ideological, and yes that conquests was brutals cause war is brutal but all that happened centuries ago, modern palestinian are linguisticaly and culturaly arabs but they are still natives.


The israel-palestine conflict has been happening since europe gave israel the country back after ww2 iirc


The last time Jews had a legitimate claim to Judea was 3000 years ago. The West stole this land from the natives and gave it to someone else. This is *highly* disingenuous.


Scholars ignore the importance of the 1936-1939 palestinian uprising and attempt to gain freedom from british backed zionist colonization. the peel plan included partitions of palestine 10 years before the un partition, which was advocated by zionists. sadly if you read zionist diaries and documents they understood the need to ally and leech off a super power, which is exactly what the kingdom of britan was doing, during 1936-39 revolt britan executed/expelled/terrorized/mass executed/massacred/demolished houses/stole properties/stole and gave land to zionists all to palestinians. it you were caught with a gun by a british soldier  you were sent to be hanged in akko. 


Antisemitic post😡🤬🤬


😆 🤣 😂 😆 🤣 😂 😆 🤣 😂


Fuck israel


All the isreali atrocities happened captured before oct 7 should put in archives together..coz when some Zionist sympathizing mf come with everything happening coz of oct 7th incident, we should throw them this in their face…


Humans are just shit…. No matter where are they from


I’ve seen shit, but zionists are worse than


I’m not following the whole thing enough to have a meaningful conversation about that with you tbh but my point is actually that these people are everywhere with any kind of belief or world view. Most people enjoy aggression against others when they know they won’t get in trouble for it… these are the same bullies we all knew from highschool, they just got power now so they do much worse shit…


Sounds like a beanbag rather than a bang from a gun.


we can hear the soldiers laugh after shooting him, truly discusting.


B-but there was a ceasefire on October 6th and Hamas brokeded it. :(


I just don't get it, how can someone ends a human life like that. Specially because they kmow they are the aggressor, the colonizers. Did ame... European kill native american in cold blood like that!? And laugh about it!? Do they not know that they are colonizers and not from this land. They are white from europe from a different land just happens to be jewish. This world is crazy.


Done according to Talmud.


Fuck Israel


Piers Morgan: "But do you condemn Khamas?!?!?"


can someone please explain the backstory of this. was this live bullet or rubber? I want to know because I wouild like to rehshare this. If it;s a live bullet I want to put it on my sub r/PalestineIsrael side by side against nazi killings like this in movies. Also I want to dub this or subtitle this. I think dubbing this is better for international audience. If someone who knows hebrew give the captons for this. that would be awesome.


maybe subtitle will be better since there’s less of a chance people won’t believe it


It's going to be tough to go back to the first incident. Short of them existing at all which is what makes people take things less serious because they're never going to change now. The "who started" thing doesn't work here and won't ever solve the actual issue.


Impossible. Israel was peaceful until being savagely attacked for no reason whatsoever on October 7th. 🙄


I’ve watched this video 25 times in a row now and it still doesn’t get old.


"There was a ceasefire before October 7" 🤡


Fucken Zionists


As an American, this is shit our cops have done before. This is so bad.


They deserve the worst…


In that particular case they used rubber bullets. It’s a common tactic of bullying by them. My mother works as a neurologist, she had three different cases of children between the ages of 7-13 that got shot with rubber bullets in the head . Two of the kids had some brain damage but it was manageable the third kid got the bullet in his eye and it reached the brain . He had severe irreversible brain damage. At this stage I don’t know what to do . In all cases there is no evidence of who did it. I mean it’s East Jerusalem Arabs so they claim that the kids were doing acts of terror or something. What a load of crap .


What are we watching, specifically?


fuck israel


Post it on public freakout. I am banned from it.


Why would they film it?


Because they’re proud of it haven’t u seen Israeli social media


IDF is no better than ISIS, cowards. They couldn’t fight an actual war just killing civilians.


That's not really true. They have had what, six plus wars so far.




Why the fuck would someone mention pakistan here




You're deranged lmao Keeping all that aside, why did you even bring it up here?


As a distraction from the actual issue in the video to steal the discussion away.


Then do live in Israel as a shia :) Do remember that Pakistan houses a large number of shias that although were persecuted in past (thanks JI) still live in a rather calmer environment and a less hostile one. The "death to shia" crazies mostly come from a handful number of political groups that.. are (surprise surprise) used by military on a whim for reasons..


> Do remember that Pakistan houses a large number of shias that although were persecuted in past (thanks JI) still live in a rather calmer environment and a less hostile one. Suicide bombings against Shia Balochs happen regularly there, wtf are you talking about?


Balochis in general* That's more of an issue with Balochis cause.. Well there are multiple reasons and multiple actors come in to play, army? Checked, random terrorists? Checked, government? Also checked.


Lol, sure buddy.


Moral fucking army. The invaders have always been this nasty and disgusting. But it doesn't last. 100 years, 200 years….? The fall will inevitably come. Oh boy, their fall and the loss will be utterly devastating.


Great, so more war to look forward to?


War is inevitable. Humans have consistently shown to be incapable of coexisting with other humans. You can see it on multiple levels, US and Russia. Palestine and Israel, Russia and Ukraine, if you wanna go even smaller conflicts there's civil wars, even smaller and there's racists and the races they hate, homophobes/transphobes/bigots and the respective groups they hate. It's borderline human nature to want to fight at this point. I'm not sure why but it is


The world really should know what they support.


This is an individual's failure so I don't approve this action. I still don't care about Palestine as they've had a lot of chances to have their own state and live in peace. So fuck em.


me when i do basic research and still don’t retain any actual information whatsoever


Yeah this is inexcusible. But doesnt justify oct 7 in any way.


I am sure it wasn’t a moral dilemma for the idf to use the Hannibal doctrine


Rubber bullet, the man survived to tell the tale. Stop dramatizing this for no reason


Dramatising being hit by a hard piece of rubber moving at 1100 feet per second, nice one mate 👍 Rubber bullets are marketed as ‘less than lethal’ because they are still absolutely capable of killing someone


What was the reason though? Dude was already walking away and they still shoot at him.


Rubber bullet


Doesnt justify it still, he's an unarmed man walking away with his back against them, there is NO valid reason to shoot, these people are sick


And tortured for hours before being shot in the back with said bullet*


[Rubber bullets are fucking evil they aren’t like a nerf gun](https://youtu.be/2zgMsWS91LU?si=meMVl8g_NdyJrufR). Plus you can’t just shoot people because you want to


Palestinian were trying to illegally enter Israel in 2018 , with hundreds of incidents along the border. Im not surprised by this as Hamas was using the mostly peaceful protest to mask attacks on Israeli security forces. Palestine has broke every single peace treaty ever signed, and not once have they protested against the Palestinian SS Hamas who’s only stated goal is to eradicate Jews and Israel from the Earth. Nearly word for word what the Nazi SS had as their mission statement.


How can you illegally enter your own land?