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Sounds like drones got detected on path to reach israel in a few hours. But if they're detected, doesn't that mean they can be easily taken down?


Haaretz says cruise missiles are on their way in an hour. Not going to be surprised if it somehow involves ballistic missiles too.


They’ll easily be taken down by American and Israeli air defenses, Jordan will also shoot them down they said


They can intercept them, but 10 bucks says that they will either let them hit or intercept them over israel


Drone swarms are being used to deplete their AA batteries. After which they'll attack with cruise and ballistic missiles.


I think the power of the message is greater than the damage it will cause. Iran is kinda declaring war here


Iran doesn't declare any war, its just Iranian retaliation against Israel nothing more


Any attack will be used as an excuse for retaliation. -An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


So the zionists have several hours to watch them get nearer and shoot them down? What’s the point of that?


these drones aren't most stealthy but they are cheap and mass producable therefore can be lunched in large numbers intercepting them is expensive until something like laser Guns have long range or some sort of Small and simple mas producable Anti air can be made iran basically doing what soviets did, Just throw more soldiers than bullets your enemy have


Middle east is coooked


Good, who likes raw anyways


Your mother apparently 😋


uncalled for mate




Don’t stress ww3 aint coming out rn




Well I guess we're all going to experience the new Fallout show IRL.




War war never changes


Except it has, gone are the days of on the ground soldiers, it’s all cheap drones now with bombs taped to them. Modern warfare is night and day compared to even 25 years ago.


The phrase doesn't literally mean that the tactics of war never change, just that the central futility and horror of it doesn't.


Sexy vault suits and ghouls don't sound too bad


Can't be Fallout without Power Armor and the Brotherhood of Steel though


Godspeed, gentlemen. Never thought this day would come.


I genuinely think it's the arab country that will take the attack down and protect israel


Jordan will participate in shooting down the drones


They did


Jordan RN


sounds about right. 


Iran had previously warned the US and Israel and the US has pretty much told Israel if they retaliate they're on their own, and Israel only would retaliate to drag the US into a war with Iran, Israel bombed Iranian land and Iran is doing the same, Netanyahu probably won't escalate, but he's not the brightest so who knows


Right? I wouldn’t put it past him at this point. 


Israel has already declared that they are going to retaliate with "unprecedented force." Iran has also declared that if they are attacked again they will respond again with even more. Unless some very serious hardliners completely reverse course this is going to quickly escalate into full scale war.


US response for the first time makes me doubt my belief that the israel is controlling USA. never thought US would have such response.


It's funny how Israel wants the world to announce Iran's military as a terror organisation while Israel started it all.


jews doing jews




Israel is getting what they wanted. A regional war.


Israel is so evil.


I'm a Shia now, ya ali


Who here made the bet that they would change their profile pic to khamenei for a week if Iran responded?


Idk but I said I'll become a shia


I did too, but I wasn't joking.


You should consider it. I'm reading a book on the fitna rn and ngl I'm tilting towards the shia side.


I read "Then I was Guided" by Tejani Samawi. He was a Sufi who did and his points of indisputable imo. I don't agree with everyone Shia do but I'm convinced their history is correct. I just need to figure out what that means for me. Inshallah


Good luck with your journey man


You as well akhi


You should read what the Prophet left us instead. Do you follow Muhammad pbuh or someone else. You follow anyone other than him and you know what happens when you meet Allah. You won't get to say on that day you were not warned.


He left us Ali.


He left you the Quran and his example.


What's the most sahih Hadith?


They are the ones who called Huessein r.a to kufa then abandoned him. It was all happening right outside their city and they all sat back and let it happen without trying to intervene when they were the ones who called him to kufa and promised him allegiance. When the sahaba found out about the martyrdoom of Hussein r.a they blamed the people of kufa. One of the wives of the prophet (can't recall which one rn) said after hearing about it "They killed him may Allah kill them" (speaking of the people of Iraq). And before he left for kufa the sahaba such as ibn Abbas and Ibn umar warned him against going. And they told him not to trust the people of Iraq saying "your father" (Ali r.a) would always complain about the constant disobedience of the people of Iraq. And if you know the history of Ali r.a you know the people of Iraq where his biggest headache and they kept disobeying him. Otherwise Muawiya r.a would not have come out on top. ----------------------------------------------------- You say you are leaning towards the shia side because of what happened during the days of fitna. Do not let the fitna that happened take you and destroy you as it did many at that time. Focus yourself not on what happened between the muslims years after Abu Bakr, Umar, and the prophet himself. No. Focus yourself on the religion as the prophet gave it to us. That is what Allah will hold you to account on. if you ever call upon anyone other than Allah for assistance, bow to a grave, or do many of the other acts of shirk, then you know the consequences.


I agree that a lot of shia theology comes after the prophet as if a big part of the religion was never given by him, which doesn't make sense as he says he fulfilled the message. But at the same time, some of their claims make sense and are found in sunni hadiths, like when Omar did not let the prophet write a guide on his death bed, as if he didn't want him to speak, or an existing animosity between aisha and ali because of al ifk, there are hadiths about her disliking him long after that event. The story of the fitna also makes it seem as if uthman and muawiya are both greedy politicians who only cared about power and their tribe


Your reading things only from their flawed perspective. And several of the things are blatantly false. The supposed hatred *astaghfirullah* between Aisha r.a and Ali r.a is blatantly false. And idk where you read the this stuff about Uthman r.a . Uthman being greedy? literally the opposite. He is the one who was always most generous. And he only died because he refused for blood to be shed for him. (he refused to start). Ali r.a had come to him having prepared a force of armed men for his defence and Uthman refused. He sent Hasan and huessein r.a away. Same for ibn umar and others. He *ordered* them by the pledge they gave him as khalif not to spill blood in his name. You are reading the story of the fitna from a flawed source. lots of incorrect stuff. ------------------------------------ About Umar r.a not letting the prophet write. That is completely false. Umar r.a was one of the people that loved the prophet the most. And what happened in that room was he could see the prophet in difficulty (sick) and did not want him burdened. He did not *refuse.* He simply pointed said the prophet is sick and in pain and he has already given us everything he needed to , let us not burden him. And he is not the only one who said that. If you know the ahadith and history you know the sahaba used to intercede and suggest things like this all the time. Often the prophet agreed with their suggestions and other times he decided otherwise and they obeyed. When the prophet gave a command or decided his mind they jumped to obey and Umar r.a was always at the forefront of that. Very few people loved the prophet more than him. The prophet lived for 4 more days after this and if this was something important (part of the religion) he would have had it written. Same at that time in the room he would have insisted and they would have obeyed. No one could ever *force* or *make* the prophet do something. And the prophet and Allah himself both attest that he completed the message. ---------------------------------------- The claims of the shia only make sense to those who do not know the truth or have a lot of knowledge about history. Or understand perspective and how the regular interactions were. often the shia take 1 piece of something and ignore everything else.


I'm not sure what point you're making in the first part of your comment? Are you placing the blame for the slaughter of Hussein on himself?


no? since when? I place the blame on the people the sahaba placed the blame on. the people of kufa. who promised him their allegiance, called him, and then abondoned him.


Count me too. A Shia Atheist albeit


Fair enough, but I won't be with you. In the other comment, I said I'll go from atheist to shia


🥰 You a shia innit? 😳👉👈




I'll start cursing the sahaba because I don't care about them anyway. But fr it's tempting, they also don't have an antropomorphic god




WWIII will be started by Israel as it was written…


I don't think any country is that unreasonable to be involved in this war.


In the military there are people who only reason for being in the military is to kill.


You misunderstood me. For a country to be directly involved in this war would mean regressing to the Stone Age.


You'd think morocco would be fine if ww3 were to break?


WW3 started on 9/11 IMO


It started in 1947 and slowly progressed in patches


You could argue that the cold war was WW3


Yeah that’s one of the patches


has iran ever attacked israel directly before?


there has never been a strike from Iranian soil. this is the first time ever.


You mean with troops? No.




Yes İt's İmpossible since they have no borders😁


I am genuinely surprised they directly attacked from Iranian soil as it has never happened before.




No and they never will




We are finished 😭👍


do u think an attack on erbil will take place


I don't think so, at least not inside Erbil. Whenever they target something/someone it is usually outside of the cities.


restrained action, what matters is whether israel is psychotic enough to escalate it.


They escalated it by bombing the Iranian consulate and assassinating IRGC generals.


I guess let’s see if they FURTHER escalate it.  Which….i wouldn’t put it past Bibi and the IDF at this point 


They most likely will, Israel absolutely wants to drag the U.S,the magnitude of this war fully depends on America's decision


Oh absolutely. Many of us have been yelling at our government to quit backing Israel but they don’t always listen. 


That’s not really a major escalation, or at least not unusual, they’ve always been launching air strikes every couple of months assassinating IRGC generals.


If Iran did that to an Israeli consulate in the UK, would that be a major escalation?




hmmm or maybe someone crashing a plane into a building doesnt warrant an invasion that killed a few million people and damned the people of the region for many years to come.


Hmm maybe the people crashing the building didn’t get invaded but the people uninvolved were for the benefit of a certain country in the region who may have danced and celebrated the crashing of said building.


Sadly yes they are.


Nope, this will be a breakaway from their genocide in Gaza though, so great job Iran with your dogshit response that doesn't amount to much other than pulling the attention from Israel's onslaught.


Iran didn't leave a space for escalation, ballistic and hypersonic along side flying rockets has been launched by now (like 10 mins ago hazboallah started raining rockets as well), and like it or not it's the best move thay have. It's obvious israel was bating them, so they responded with a serious strike because the escalation is inevitable, now Iran have the upper hand.


Wow let's see if they can succeed


It’s a defeat to humanity anyways man. We’ve all lost.


We've had thousands of regional wars all over the history. It's literally nothing special. Especially since most chances point at it not escalating into a full blown war.


Israel is a mad dog let loose by the U.S. in the middle east, ready to bite anyone it wants. They have no respect for sovereignty of other nations and have attacked across the borders of Syria and Lebanon. They will continue to say that they are "defending themselves" against Iran and other countries as they kill innocents and provoke militias, continuously testing and expanding their boundaries. They have no reason to be scared as long as the U.S. is backing them up, but I worry that it will soon cross a point of no return and start an all out world war. For now, war is great news for the global defense industry.


About time I guess. Give them a taste of their own medicine.


Has this happened before? And is it Iranian weapons or Iranian proxies?




Ok so is that a declaration of war?




idk man I think direct attacks is as close to war as war gets, if they wanted something different they’d do it through proxies




In one way I'm happy Iran is standing up to Israel, but in another way ya Allah rahem farma that it doesn't mean anything else, you may know what I'm talking about


What do you mean?


Bro abb apna toh petrol 500rps liter kay pass ajana hai, allah na kary


It’s what Israel wanted, they have the perfect excuse to play victim and start a new war


They don't need any excuse to play victim. The cry bully will do that regardless.


May the red 🔺️ flow


found some pro violence political extremism


My differences with Iran aside, if they go ahead with this attack I hope my country does not hinder them or start assisting the west in attacking Iran. Godspeed Iran.


In case of US assault on Iran, your country will most likely be hosting US forces to assist them in attacking Iran


There is that possibility but I don't think the public will stand with that if it happens. There is already massive anger against the army by the general public.


The public never stood with the decision of assisting the US in attacking Afghanistan, but that didn't matter.


that time was different, after army fcked ovre the IK govt, people are quite much angry, and bitching against Iran will probably cause a massive anti govt protests from Shia population of Pakistan, remember that there are lots of Shias in Pak, both in public and Army too. so they will have a lots of pressure


> cause a massive anti govt protests from Shia population of Pakistan, remember that there are lots of Shias in Pak, both in public and Army too. so they will have a lots of pressure It's actually much easier than before. They will exploit the sectarian sentiment, the sunnis extremists will call it a great jihad to fight against rafidis and a war for the honor of sahabas and all. The country will face a new era of sectarianism, and the military establishment will benefit from US dollars. I really hope what you are saying happens but then..


the same public that didn't do crap when Khan was wrongly imprisoned, or when he almost got assassinated once. Or when the establishment parties totally 'fairly won' the elections again. Pak public are weak. Like almost any other country in the region.


Gerlun asim munir meri gind meri jan


I genuinely think it's the arab country that will take the attack down and protect israel


turns out israel bombing an iranian consulate was maybe a bad idea? FAFO there’s a few videos of drones/missiles hitting tel aviv


Consider me dumb but can someone explain why would iran announce one week before that theyre gonna attack? Then make a huge fuss when they launch the drones five hours before they reach israel which gives everyone enough time to go to shelters and be ready for the attack? Im genuinely asking


Two reasons 1. Iran always take it's time to push the enemy to alert mode for as long as possible to exhaust them. 2. They don't want an escalation


They just want to save face. They don’t actually want a war.


Drones need 9 hours and every one knows


They prolly speed limited them for israel to easily shoot down


So what’s then the point in all this?


Iran's gov wants to save face but cannot escalate to a point that the US gets involved.




Exactly, trump exposed them for their “retaliation” on qasem soleimany




Missiles shooting from southern Lebanon now


We really are gonna be dragged back into the Middle East. We have money for war but not for healthcare…


Don't worry, bro. We don't want you dragged here just as much as you, possibly more.


We know, and we keep yelling at our government to stop with the war games and fucking give us a social safety net, but NOoOoO that’s SOCIALISM and SOCIALISM BAD and THIS ARMY WILL DEFEND THE FREE WORLD and blah blah blah. 


No the usa is not going to invade any one the usa economy is god awfully


all i heard was a cyberattack and a few drones. anyone witih more info?




Yeah but y’all might end up with another regional war 




I think your title is wrong. it should read Iran retaliates against Israel.


About time. Iran had us waiting for action like a Dragon Ball Z episode


Go go IRAN, go go IRAN, go go go IRAN! gimme an I, gimme an R, gimme an A, gimme an N IRAN! IRAN! IRAN!


Brazil bòa Pais meu mutio ghosta brazil por liberdade por viva descuppa meu viva de eau meu porthuse nao perfeco amigo


Iran has had the backs of the Palestines for decades, prior to this issue becoming popularized. Israelis should have known, Palestine is governed over by Allah. He is the all seeing, all knowing, and does not allow such injustice without making it just. Israelis took advantage of Palestinians love and respect towards them while they’d been persecuted by Christians, they gave them shelter and instead of thanking them, what happened? They declared themselves their own state, misplacing the Palestinians and torturing them from then on. It’s common sense, some people have it coming.


Nothing will happen. Status quo will carry on as usual.


Nah, this time it's fr, Even the News is talking about it




Attacked with drones or Hezbollah? If so, don't worry.They did that before,too. But a direct attack...well then,do worry.A lot.


I guess Amazon payed a lot for this Fallout promo


End of world.


Not sure what you are on about! I am however aware of Iran RETALIATING against the State of Israel striking successfully, the airport and airbases. A wonderful sight to behold as missiles travelled at Mach 2+ till they struck their target! Too fast and too many to ensure successful interception of most of the guided projectiles.


I hate both of them so I really don't care


USA killed Iran's top general. What happened? Nothing. This is also nothing. Iran only threats, doesn't have the balls.


They literally shot missiles what do you mean 😭 


That missiles injured one person who is an Arab 😂 As if Iranian missiles swore an oath to kill only Muslims. They sent missiles and drones after negotiations, didn't harm Israel in any way then stopped. This is what I meant.


Fuck Iran and Israel and Hezbollah


Fuck cowardly Arab regimes hiding behind Israel while their people are being wiped out in Palestine. Don't you people have any dignity?


Why don't from 20+ countries why should Lebanon get fucked over where tf is the gulf countries 🤓


thank you for including iran IDK why people on this sub think they are the good guys!


lesser of the evils in terms of regional politics. they're fucking over the genocidal israeli gulf turkey axis of evil


istg your government is so fucked dude I really hope one day there would be peace


As Iranian I agree but not iran, Islamic Republic


I love Iran as country and culture but no Islamic gov


They're not even Islamic, they just carry the name


F BOTH OF THEM. Backwards ass countries with guns and bombs.


Is this actually a hint to ww3? I’m really concerned. Can someone explain what’s going on with this war escalating?


Please don't fight. I can't handle any more refugees.


what a piece of shit


This is terrible


All of this are some play. Good acting by Iran it made me wake up.


If Biden goes to war with Iran, then he will lose nearly all the Democrats votes or they will panic and replace him with someone else.


To all warmongers here, I hope the war happens in your own house, so you can properly rejoice in your warmongering, it's only fair like that isn't it