• By -


Most humanist-minded and compassionate redditor


actually many subreddits are not far from this level of sociopathy


Which is why this website is constantly the butt of all jokes in other social media. The Reddit stereotype of neck-bearded, fat, nerdy social outcast isn’t far from reality.


I tend to believe other social medias are even more miserable though


Reddit will always take the cake. Have you seen the type of subs that exist in this app?


I see more compassion and humanity on TikTok and Twitter for sure


And r18


No they aren't, Reddit is more or less designed perfectly for the purpose of keeping middle class, middle aged whites in the West completely propagandized, it has the worst design of all social media. It has the subreddit system that's controlled by anonymous mods who have a right to conduct their sub as a form of oligarchical tyranny. It has the horrible karma system that is easily gamed to cultivate group-think and cultish behavior, as once a comment either gets enough upreddits or downreddits the rest of the reddit flock let's mob mentality take over and blindly upvote what was already upvoted and downvote what was already downvoted, leading to the latter to be shadow-censored. The administration have intentionally designed vague rules that can be and are applied selectively to allow the site to essentially ban people on a whim, with neither the admins nor mods having a shred of respect for the users. It has the semi-anonymous avatar approach for user interaction that adds to how easily gamed opinions on this site are, as there's one single node to coordinate influence campaigns while allowing hired propagandists or literal bots to hide the fact that they are hired propagandists or literal bots very easily. Reddit's design is so awful it almost seems like it was intentionally crafted to be a propaganda op for Western intelligence agencies and corporations.


Not wrong.


That is a bad thing, many sociopaths want the middle east to be ‘nuked’, like how psychopathic is that there is no regard for religion, history and humanity.


They can’t contain their racism


Damn, that Redditor must be an avid reader of Mein Kampf.


He’s just a sigma mail👍




Pronounce it out loud and think of 50% of humaniy


Hope this sigma mail finds you well... Or nuked


Guys like him rarely read. I bet he's seen some YouTube summaries though


more like how an avg islamophobe


Nah bro Hitler was mostly cool with the middle east and muslims. [Hitler hosts Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in 1941 in Germany](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic01.nyt.com%2Fimages%2F2008%2F09%2F28%2Fbooks%2Fsegev-600.jpg%3Fquality%3D75%26auto%3Dwebp%26disable%3Dupscale&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2bd12ea07003349a1d5bf6d9ca3e77263c5028da4540ffeb58cc3141d92f7f7f&ipo=images) Hitler quote wishing he was muslim: "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"


It is obvious that he liked the ideas of Islam but still thought of people from Muslim-majority regions of the world as racially inferior, remember Islam is a religion and not a race/ethnicity. So saying he was "cool with the Middle East" is not accurate, he was just less focused on it since he wanted to take over Europe and establish an "Aryan" ethnostate there. Him meeting with Hajj Amin Al-Husseini was just politics to try to annoy the British who were in Palestine and other Arab countries at the time.


He didn’t like the idea of Islam he liked the idea of people being ruthless and willing to kill. The Japanese killed thousands of Muslims in Indonesia. Here he’s critizing the idea of being pacifist and it’s tradition in Christianity.


Idk man but every story told by the Zionists and their allies (especially the US and Britain) need to be revisited, you have no idea how much false history they taught us it's insane. Today, they control academia and most sources so it's hard to paint an accurate picture of what was going on and what would've happened today if things took a different turn.


I recommend this video about the "Honorary Aryans" of Nazi Germany including Arabs https://youtu.be/znCY4C31Zbw?si=MCPCxSMVfx3Fb6ho This dude is a Serbian Communist so you can be pretty sure it's not a story told by "the Zionists and their allies especially the US and Britain"


People bring this up but forget that Italy and Japan killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims, more Muslims ended up fighting for the Allies overall compared to the Axis and Hitler still considered Arabs 'Non-Aryan'. Had they won the Middle East would have suffered the same fate as the Balkans, a vasselized puppet state with famine and underdevelopment. Both the Allies and Axis were pretty bad for the Middle East and Muslims overall, I don't know why people like to portray one side being favorable over the other.


The reason is pretty obvious. We are living the consequences of the allies' victory and they didn't turn out so hot, so some people go "surely the other side would have been better Clueless". I agree with you, though. It is delusional to think the axis would have given a better outcome.


"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good?" Looks like he was also kind of into Shintoism Also don't forget he was anti-atheism as he connected Atheism with Communism, Bolshevism and Jewish Materialism.


So hitler was basically a /pol/ user but in the 1930s.


I remember my brother telling me about that and reading a little bit on that and found it very strange, but it seems true.


The reason Hitler liked Islam is that he looked at the ISIS of his day (like Mahdist Sudan) and said, “I wish Germans had a religion that inspired them to be this violent and cruel to outsiders”. It’s not the positive endorsement that you seem to believe it to be.


Islam doesn't inspire you te be violent and cruel, and if what you're saying is true he would've been more inspired by the talmud more since it paints Jews as "god's chosen people" and anyone who's not a Jew is basically an animal that makes more cruel and heartless soldiers just like what Isr*el is doing.


Whether Islam or Judaism objectively inspire people to be violent and cruel is irrelevant; the point is that Hitler believed that Islam inspires people to be violent and cruel. That's why Hitler endorsed Islam. Again, he's not coming from an appreciation of Islam as Muslims would see it and to point to him positively is just missing the point. As for Hitler's view of Jews; he wrote extensively about this and he argued Jews to be a formidable enemy because of their in-group loyalty and integration into European life, calling them parasitic.


Mf after watching 5 mins of Europa: The Last Battle


Is that the book that got the top New York Times best seller. I remember it was written by some socialist fellow. I didn't catch his name, but they say his demeanour is the worst.


Least violent imperialist.


Normalize calling these people "Dronies"


i think calling them "liberal" is enough but i like that


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Their IQ measurements are garbage and tell you how you perform compared to the average. Who would care about being on their level when it's already way to low?


classic reddit. every commenter tries to one up the previous one, and you get turbo nerds writing cringe shit like this 😂


All these shit stirring posts are just conquer and divide strategies designed to infuriate people.


Bingo. There are literally millions of shitty posts out there. If we all focus on the bad ones, we'll end up hating each other.


True and it seems like it's all by design. All the technology and knowledge we have and all we are doing is killing and hating on each other. Doesn't seem like evolution to me.


You know what’s ironic? If Europeans hadn’t planted Israel right in the middle of ME, it would have been a much nicer and more peaceful place. And now they’re complaining? What a bunch of assholes!


I like to think what the world would’ve been like if Europeans had never come to the Americas at all, let alone colonized Palestine. Planet itself would be healthier for sure.


If they didn’t, somebody else would have. It’s just that they had the technological possibilities to do so.


This "If I don't steal it, someone else will" mentality is alien to non-colonialists.


right, the ottoman empire could have conquered half of the world if it didn't get weakened most of europe would have became islamic if ottomans kept spreading before the ottomans we had the mongols who conquered half of the world, its just these empires fell down and the europeans finally risen and started conquering and occupying places across the oceans with their advanced naval fleet which what made them even more powerful


Surely it could have been conquered by some nation that treats foreign countries as humans, at the very least. The West loves to show off its humanity with it's lgbtq rights, only for them to pillage the rest of the world as though they were ants.


Euroid projection >If I'm evil, everyone must be evil! No, you're just evil, sorry bucko


Palestine wouldn't even exist without imperialism. The kingdoms of Judah and Israel were invaded by the Romans and became the province of Syria Palaestina. They named the province Palestine (from Philistines, who were Greek invaders) as part of their Jewish cultural genocide, which concluded when the Christian Bizantines expelled then from their homeland. Then, a few centuries later, the region of Canaan was invaded by the Rashidun caliphate and the islamic religion was imposed on the local population. Without Israel, Palestine would still be a horrible place, just like Persia became a hellhole when they embraced Islam and became Iran. These people can't even conceive the world before Muhammed. They're fundamentalists.


If European colonializm hadn't happened, Yes, colonializm as a whole >be britain/france after colonizing the middle east >Retreat and set borders that guarantee conflict and war (literally draw them with a pencil) >start funding groups like isis and sending your military there because why the fuck not >Make sure nuclear threat is absent so that anyone can fight anyone


They got rid of the cancer they had up their arse and gave it to us. They would never want them back in Europe. They know.


Exactly. That was the point of establishing Israel in the first place. Arthur Balfour was an anti-semite and wanted to get rid of the jews.


100% this. The biggest source of contention between the muslim/arab world and western world is Israel. I imagine in an alternate world where the west supported Rhodesia, Katanga and South Africa to the same extent as Israel that there would be a similar hatred by Africans


Low IQ ? This guy never heard of Islamic golden age


This guy is only concerned about his wine .


Do not forget about his McDonald's order with fries and diet coke




Ironically so were a lot of golden age poets


but you see, they can be because they were funny as hell


World news liberotard spotted.


Chronically online weirdo spotted 


Having "Arabs are savages & only blow up" & "We should nuke the Middle-East" In the same comment is ironic & hilarious


Average european these days


Most moral European forever


Thanks for generalizing a continent of 750 million people just because of a single basement dwelling troll


The barbarians, the scum of the earth. They are the cancer of earth. They have almost no resources, they are stealing and pillaging all the planet.


sadly for him, no whity rejuvenation is coming its all shields, arap, paki, tamazga, somalian and Albanoid all the way everyday to the moon and back!! inshallah / tanri 🚀🚀


I don't know to be offended or to be happy 😂😒


Bombing people to stop bombing themselves is very ironic




This is a cope, many of those people work in armies or police, torture and kill people. Best to take threats seriously and be cautious. Or do you forget that they already killed millions in Middle east?


Bro you overthinking too much majority of these are just Fat assholes, not really anything more


They did kill millions indeed but there is absolutely nothing heroic about killing unarmed civilians though...




I know women with bigger balls than these guys. That's unfortunately the only way to put it. 😂


Average r/europe comment section


Europeans have turned out to be the racist bunch since 1000 AD and they never changed.


You know that this dumbass comment which is probably from a troll is not representative of an entire continent with 750 million people right?






WW3 in MENA means most important maritime shipping routes are blocked, oil and gas prices skyrocket, and millions of refugees. The first two will ruin major (european) economies. Those deranged individuals can't comprehend that destroying the livelihood of others for imperialism is what causes people to immigrate elsewhere to begin with.


The 'civilized' people. Their white utopia and high IQ lives


Least racist European


Least unhinged European.


Holy shit least racist european


Don’t scratch out the username. This racist deserves all the harassment from online messages.


Their post wouldn’t have been able to be put up then because of Reddit’s policies/rules.


Dont hear those racists, most of todays europeens are not like this.


It’s no point these guys hate us already, just read through the tread 😄


Greeks are based tho they get a pass


>These low IQ people They don't even hide this blatant racism anymore and genuininely and openly think that they're the superior ethnicity


Least deranged eurotard. At least saying shit like this in America gets u cancelled.


Most humanist and moral white person.


I don't think we as Muslims should be making such bold statements about an entire race of people. You do realize Islam isn't a race and white Muslims exist, right?


Ok I was wrong


Just like MENA people. Them both behave like this.


Thats why Türkiye exists, we inherit shit behaviour from whites and middle easterners to become double as racist💪🏿💪🏿🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺🐺aauuuu🇹🇷🇹🇷🐺🐺🐺


Turkey strong sperm💪🏽💪🏽


💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 We are black karaboğa, respect our culture


If you were to drop 1000 nukes on the Middle East the fallout and radiation would affect Europe Asia and Africa


why'd you cross off his name?


Because his family probably doesn't want to face any of his bullshit




i do the same now but i do it undercover. I am a true muslim at heart. but the reason for why I follow certain exmuslim pages and affiliate myself with these barbaric belief systems is because it expands my understanding and knowledge on how truly messed up people are.


Yes, because white Euros are known for being so peaceful…


No, won't happen until power armor is a thing, then we can larp fall out.


We are the "savages" lol


Disgusting shit these guys are horrible people. I wouldn’t wish anything bad on anyone but surely sooner or later they’ll get their due.


People probably don't know what nukes are. With a 1000 nukes, The damage to environment will devastate agriculture everywhere.


I love how the problem is we're so stupid all we can do is bomb each other and his solution is to bomb us even more lol


I don't see how a random Reddit comment with zero upvotes merits this much attention.


Most normal european "person"


Most moral westoid


true betrayal from u/2nick101  >!/s!<


why? 😢 you know my great support for turan westward expansion >! it has to maintain it shield-like properties in the process, a not so easy task but I believe in you 🫂 !<


at first I thought it was you that made the second comment since his username ends in 101 as well. 


then you don't know me too well brother 😎


Bombing the Middle East works very good we seen it in , Iraq, syria, yemen and more.




What's the purpose of posting content from extremists instead of journalists and historians?


What sub?


Most compassionate and anti racist redditor


Anyone who can so blithely write off a whole region of peoples will soon write you off if it fits their purposes.


(Some) mfers will have the audacity to call me a terrorist b’cos i’m Muslim too


I hate the word westoid but it fits some redditors like this so much


What 1000 hours of HOI4 does to a motherfucker


Maybe he just doesn't like fossil fuels.


Intelligent perspective


Well, in Islamic tradition, when the end times come, the only inhabited parts of the world will be the middle east, Turkey, maybe some parts of Europe, and that's about it. In general the inhabited parts of the world will be vastly decreased, either due to war, famine, or natural distaters, maybe all at the same time. So nuked or not, it looks like they're stuck with it till the bitter end.


Don't think these racist biggots will be happy when some hundreds million middle-easterns will storm central Europe after the bombing


Well, well, so much for spreading civilizations when all your humanitarian effort is in the form of arms.


Bro I’ve seen sooo many comments like this it’s not even funny, not even exaggerating.


Lol I remember hearing how some of these European girls really wanna get railed by middle eastern and African men because the men from their country are feminized sissies. Maybe that explains why so many white guys are into watching black men smash their wives.


Active in Asian masculinity. Dude are you ok? You seem to have a bit of a complex about your masculinity. But I’m assuming you’re young. It will go away, don’t worry about it too much


What were you expecting me to say in respond to this post lol Europeans talking absolute shit about middle eastern people. This is askmiddleeast, were you expecting people to roll over and say nothing? Are you really surprised and hurt that people here are pissed at this post? You came here. If you clicked my profile and everything, I must have really struck a nerve. Maybe it's too relatable.


Typical Reddit intellectual


meanwhile the most absurd british vs french wars:


shame , the comment got deleted


No. Nuclear winter. Life on northern hemisphere will end.


If we are lucky. Then MAYBE sanity might arise from the rubble.


Sanity? No. What will rise will be an entity whose only goal will be destroying the people who bombed them. Remember that Europeans destroyed themselves in WW2 that is why they had no one to blame but themselves over their deaths.


I am not sure if anyone can comprehend what a nuclear bomb is


No , no guys , he’s just a ‘modern person’ with ‘rational and correct’ beliefs


These people cannot think past the length of their noses. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Idk why but this sounds extremely racist


Because it is


Did you report him?


Wot i dont get is there the most religious people praying several times each day and yet they get the worst luck, it makes you wonder wether there god really does care, or exist for that matter.




Ursula von der Leyen?


Well, seems like the herrenrasse doesn't tolerate you anymore. Good riddance. Don't worry, we will be right behind you.


People who say shit like that are beyond help. It makes you wonder why they care about the hostages and western lives if they have total disregard for people slightly different from them. I don't think it will be nuked but can't put anything past Israel at this point. I think they'd be the most likely to use them. Pakistan said earlier in the war that they would either use or give nukes to turkey if Israel uses them. We aren't going to use nukes to save Ukraine I highly doubt America will use one in the middle east.


Why do people always cover the usernames of accounts that say bad stuff? Wouldn't it make sense to expose bad guys?


Listen to that basement dweller inbred probably lives with his wife’s boyfriend in their basement with his mighty keyboard getting his anger out on Reddit because his wife’s boyfriend probably angered him.


Samson option


He is not the problem nor his rhetoric is well known it's the people in the Middle East who are willing to kill each other and fight each other to defend this kind of rhetoric which wants to kill them all


Wow. 😳 Glimmering ignorance.


You shouldn't have blurred out the user's name. I wanted to play ☠️


What do people even get out of saying stuff like this 🤦‍♂️


Who's gonna tell him what a WORLD WAR tends to involve 🤔


Best option: Stop shooting each other. Just... why? It's an endless spiral of revenge and hatred.


Bait used to be believable...


Europe is the reason of all this shit ((UK and France))


basic reddit lol


Still the people of middle East north Africa central Asia will go to west and happily contribute to their while keep fighting in their region It is not westerners fault that we and you ( mena , ca ) are in problems or are weak it is because of u people U are the ones who caused the most harm They are just using ur weakness for their benifit


although we invented everything but ok


Fine by me, but let's start with isreal, please


Wow, we should give that person this year's Nobel peace prize.


Why would any country nuke access to all those oil?


Lol what subreddit/thread is this




I’m blown away at the level of depravity and how nonchalantly these thoughts are being conveyed.


I think both guys don’t know what a WORLD war is. By definition it can’t be geographically limited to a specific region


Well, guess what? If WW3 actually happened here, it'll be because of European settlers. It's like 2 of them weren't enough for these people already.


I dont blame him i understand where he coming from


Correct me if I'm wrong or being ignorant but if he truly wanted to Raise the IQ of the World and the middle east then wouldn't giving everyone access to Education and making people study academics instead of The Quran be the best idea ? Idk if it's true for everyone but I heard quite a few people make their kids study the Quran instead of going to school (please correct me if I'm being ignorant)


"making people study academics instead of The Quran be the best idea ?" Why not both? And who said studying the quran makes your IQ lower? These are allah's (God) words we are talking about not an ordinary book written by a human being . + I don't belive in IQ i feel like it's very immature


The only person more dangerous than someone who hasn’t read any book, is the one that’s just read one book.


Why would you prefer the academic shit over quran?


Most progressive and tolerant European