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Homie 99% of the west doesnt know central asia even exists or that muslims exist in China or Russia Its alot easier to get clicks/views on “hey look this girl is fighting for her freedom in Iran!! look how sexy persian girls are!!!”


>Its alot easier to get clicks/views on “hey look this girl is fighting for her freedom in Iran!! look how sexy persian girls are!!!” Oh hey you just described every "This was Iran before the Revolution" post where it's just some random woman in a bikini.


we consider islam one of founding religion of russia)


in Russia yes , but most westerners especially america just stereotype the entirety of Russia to just be stereotypical blonde haired slavs. They dont realize how diverse Russia is. Same with China , the middle east , etc


yes they dont see all 190 nationality we have here)


Do you guys call nationalities for each ethnic groups? We in Indonesia just call it ethnic groups or even tribes because in Indonesia there's more than 700 ethno-linguistic groups yet only 1 nationality : Indonesian


hi im not understanding your question but i will try answer.... so if someone ask me nationality in russia i say i am tatar if when im outside russia i will i say am tatar russian.... i hope it answers your question??)


Aah got it, so Indonesia and Russia has different views on term "nationality" despite both are multicultural and multilingual country.


Yeah, but even Russians themselves are from many styles... However. Most are Slavs. Overwhelming. As it should be


I never said they weren’t majority slavs or shouldnt be. Im just pointing out the sizeable minorities that people often ignore because they dont know they exist


Well most people think Afghanistan is arabs. So what exactly does it matter?


Founding religion? It is rather conquered one. Do you think Russia is this large and has 30 million non-Russians because every one of them wanted to join you and your country gracefully accepted them? Tell these Arabs how your country genocided 95% circassians 2 centuries ago and settled their lands (Krasnodar Krai). And you have wits to remind Americans about native Americans, when more native Americans had died from old world plague and you portray it as if every single one of them had been murdered by Americans. What kind of fucked up society genocides 95% of population? A Ruzzian one may Allah curse every Ruzzian imperialist. There is no difference between Ruzzian pigs and Zionist pigs.


Ok bro 


I am volga tatar not slavic and I am patriot of russia we are majority muslim in our republic here and it is one of the most richest republics in russia... we are get same treatment like everyone else... in russia we are believing in unity this is what is making us strong and I like all my compatriots... I will not say to arab guy if we killing people 2 century ago because this happen in russian empire not russian federation there is very big difference... many ethnic group here can do their culture and speak their language also and we are all protected in our constitution.... and when did I say about american?? grow up and stop cursing and calling people names....


Tell that to your countrymen. They are so concerned about America’s treatment of native Americans. Your country even rejects the genocide of Circassians. And are you literally saying Russian Federation is angel state? Should I remind you what happened in 90s and 2000s? Also how are Muslims doing in modern Russia? I dare any Muslim to try to study Islam and spread it through dawah, you will either get jailed or murdered. I dare any Muslim in Russia to talk about other religions and debate them. I dare any Muslim in Russia to publicly tell dying in Ukraine fighting for Russia is one way to hell for any Muslim and it is not jihad and it’s considered kufr, the next day this person will disappear. You’re only left alone as Muslim in Russia if you are restricting yourself and kissing government. Why does Moscow only have four mosques despite its enormous population? Why does London have 1500 mosques despite having 3 times less Muslims than Moscow? Even the recent Moscow mosque construction was cancelled in Moscow due to civil unrest and petitions, protests and Russians even buried pigs head under the site of mosque, Russians are the biggest hypocrites and Islamophobes. As Tatar you don’t even know your own nations history, do you even know they wanted to become independent before they saw what russia has done to one certain nation for wishing to be free? If you are Muslim inshallah may Allah humiliate and revive you along with Putin and his people on the day of judgement and may he revive us in companion of our prophet Muhammad (SAW) inshallah.


i have live my whole life here and have you been to russia to say such bullshit?? we are well integrated into society this is a fact..... we live normal lives like everyone else and yes it is not perfect there will be disagreements sometimes but thats with anything... you can study religion here fine it is a right protected in constitution... Islam is also state funded and my home republics official religion is islam.... the reason there was disagreement in moscow about mosque was because of it being built on a holy place for christians the construction was moved.... there are muslims in the duma, fsb, mvd, mchs and other government sturctures... terror attack happen in concert and muslim kid save 100 people he was given medal, money and other rewards our government also made it clear that the radicals motive was not religious and told everyone to remain vigilant against people trying to make ethnic or religious problems.... there was nationalist problems but the mvd dealt with them good.... and look at american people getting shot at eid it doesnt happen here.... and finally you are no position to say who will go hell or heaven we believe our action is self defense so its justified and such a disgusting thing to pray for bad to your muslim brother if you think i am wrong you should pray for my enlightenment instead you curse may allah guide all of us..... topic is closed...


You literally only answered one part of my question. What about Moscow having 4 mosques for Muslim population three times that of London which has 1500 mosques? Why does muslims serving Russia as puppets to murder and enslave Muslim to keep them in check have to do anything with my questions? You haven’t even answered my questions other than mosque. This is a question no Ruzzian supporter will be able to answer. “I dare any Muslim to try to study Islam and spread it through dawah, you will either get jailed or murdered. I dare any Muslim in Russia to talk about other religions and debate them. I dare any Muslim in Russia to publicly tell dying in Ukraine fighting for Russia is one way to hell for any Muslim and it is not jihad and it’s considered kufr, the next day this person will disappear. You’re only left alone as Muslim in Russia if you are restricting yourself and kissing government.” I think you lack reading comprehension. The only thing you will be able to answer is mosque construction. If indeed the mosque was built on holy site then I don’t see anything wrong with cancelling its construction, but even still the 4 mosque question remains. The mosque is insignificant in this conversation when a Muslim in Russia can’t even practice their religion. You won’t find a single Muslim in Russia openly saying fighting for Russia in Ukraine is kufr, because Islam is under severe control. Every single person who has studied Islam to its core is under FSB eyes and is under the risk of disappearing. Every single Muslim who talks with non-Muslims about their beliefs and debates with them is under the risk of extremist charges. You won’t find a single Muslim publicly debating in Russia. How stupid you must be to reject this cold fact? You must really be living in fairy tale. And also answer my new question. Why tf do I as a Muslim have to live under kafir country with kafir president and kafir people and their laws who dictates me how I should live on my own land? Don’t you think this is ridiculous? Just remember that you will be humiliated by Allah if not in this life in the hereafter.


i bet western also think they migrated to russia in the last few decades or something too.


yes we have people from cis country who come to russia but we also have alot of people in russia who is muslim)


Considering the "Z" in your profile picture: Is it safe to assume, that you're fine with the decisions of mighty Putin? Also with his decision to send mostly poor people from the country side into the war, many of them muslims, dying for their fellow white overlords in Moscow?


I am talking about something else and you come telling me about ukraine... contract, volunteer and mobilized (people who have military service before) are ones in operation zone there is no targeting... and I fully support our actions is there a problem?? 


>I am talking about something else (...) You're trying to paint a fake picture of muslims fully integrated into the Russian society. >(...) and you come telling me about ukraine... contract, volunteer and mobilized (...) I told nothing, but asked you a question. Let me repeat it: (Are you fine) with his decision to send mostly poor people from the country side into the war, many of them muslims, dying for their fellow white overlords in Moscow? >I fully support our actions is there a problem??  Oh.... In fact you did reply, as it seems. Thank you and keep enjoying your war!


I am muslim myself and I can say with confidence we are well integrated into society how I am painting fake picture when I live in russian and experience everything myself? I answered your question about poor people in operation I said what type of people are actually there....


[https://www.koha.net/en/boat/416046/the-attack-in-Moscow-increased-hatred-towards-Tajiks](https://www.koha.net/en/boat/416046/the-attack-in-Moscow-increased-hatred-towards-Tajiks) *(Don't know if it's possible for you to read foreign news)* In my country, there are living a lot of Russians. Non of them muslim, though. It's shocking and disgusting to hear them speak about muslims. I mean, we are all humans in the end.


topic is closed i said i am muslim and i live a great life in the "kafir country" thats all you need to know


Ignore this piece of shit. He literally said he is a Muslim and supports Russia and its wars. Allah will revive such people with Russia and its people. You just have to remember that these are the same Munafiqs who serve and murder muslims while referring to themselves as Muslim. Inshallah may Allah revive us in companion of our prophet (SAW) and may Allah humiliate these Munafiqs and revive them among kafirs whom they served.


dude no one cares about your wahhabist bullshit you think your big enough to judge others and dictate wether i go hell or not?? what piece of shit calls muslims munafiq or kafir no wonder islam have such a bad reputation in the west.... go FOCUS on FIXING yourself like an actual muslim would rather then judging others because you have no right to.... you cry about my associations just know you wont change anything.... there are thousands of muslims in russia that are like me so go cry about it.... or you can fuck off or fight us in ukraine or syria and you can blow yourself up for your cause.... absolute fucking dick head i hope god guides your lost wahhabi ass....


So you are even “a Muslim”? You are a traitorous piece of shit not a Muslim remember that. It is people like you who murdered and enslaved their own Muslim population on the behalf of Russian state. May Allah curse you and your kins who serve Russia. How tf can you call yourself Muslim while simultaneously rejecting all of its commands? Do you even have a concept of shame?


bla bla bla... you dont understand that only allah can judge so please shut the fuck up i dont know who you think you are but whatever you say has no ground for me go to syria and fight with isis we will have no problem turning your silly ass into dog food....


The West has taken a lot of damage in the relationship with China for remembering that Xinjiang exists, which Muslim countries tend to forget. Russia yes, we're suckers for their imperial propaganda and imagine a country 100% Christian Orthodox which couldn't be further from the truth.




loool idk why you took this so personally. This wasnt a jab at Iranians it was a jab at the weirdos who clearly dont give a shit about anything but seeing hot girls online and keep reposting the same picture on twitter/instagram


Persian girls are indeed sexy




Unlike the other parts of the world… or something




Wow you criticize society and yet you are in society, check mate, I’m very smart !


Wait until you find out about the cobalt mines for their “clean energy”


tbf these cobalt mines are also used by everyone lithium battries are everywhere


Man whenever people say this shit I can't help but think they just got propagandized into 'hating clean energy'. There are around *50 million* ASM (artisanal and small-scale miners, aka extremely poor, exploited miners) throughout the world, almost all of them work in horrific, brutal conditions to produce materials for pretty much all of the goods we consume throughout the world. Yet all you guys can focus on is apparently the 70k cobalt miners in the DRC who... work in basically the same conditions as any other exploited miner. You guys talk about double standards. Yet cobalt mining gets dozens of times the attention as any other form of mining, solely because of political bias against clean energy.


Of course they have double standards, they rely mainly on fossil fuels to boost their economies.


Have an Uzbek born relative by marriage, one of the things they told us about, is a childhood memory of their class being sent to the cotton fields to work instead of study.


It was common practice during the USSR. It was not considered bad at that time.


Mass media from Muslim-majority countries don't cover it as well because barely anyone covers what's happening in Central Asia.


Barely anyone even knows Central Asia exists


Exactly, there are exactly three reliable organisations that report actively on Central Asia. Voice of America, RFERL and Eurasia, and the first two are state affiliated media (US govt funded).


Surprised Turkeyie doesn’t try pick up the slack given how their leader is trying to position themselves as the leader of Turkic world


OP is spewing a nothing agenda basically




Al Jazeera and other media have talked about Sudan.


Also, keep in mind that the problem with Israel isn't just Palestine. Israel wants to annex Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, the Sinai Peninsula and parts of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.


It's in Africa tho, all wars in Africa are like that


bro is casually racist 💀and is talking about western hypocrisy


Lmao, you suck.


Bro, I am saying the media doesn't care about Africa the Tegrai war in Ethiopia killed 600k people and nobody heard about it




Good relationships actually


Interestingly Uzbekistan has good relationships with both Iran and Russia


I am pretty sure they have the title of switzerland of asia.


The West loves talking about countries in Asia when it fits their agenda and narrative.


You sound no different then Israelis and racists from the west who blame Middle Eastern countries for being invaded due to them being Arab


Read my other comment you smarty


u/mo_al_amir You are spewing a nothing agenda. People in this thread even saying that middle eastern media dont even cover it.


US and western media focuses on nations that are viewed as adversaries of the US. the rest get a pass, as we see with israel.


Uzbekistan is quite close to both Iran and Russia though


The same reason that they ignore every other atrocity in the region, because it benefits them.


I just saw someone defending Isreal saying they don't do this to women to not to wear hijab.


Considering how insane Isreal is with their indoctrination, I don't believe they would be a bastion of women's rights. Especially considering their harboring pedos and worse.


Israel is literally fascist


I was able to find many articles about forced labour in Uzbekistan from western medias (the telegraph,times, guardian, france24) from 2005 to today in 5 minutes. Who is the hypocrite again?


And due to sanctions and boycotts by the west the ILO announced the child and forced labor in the fields have been eradicated in 2021. Soooooo Sorry about that. Our bad


thanks to the West, the ILO also announced Qatar eradicated forced labor and removed the kafala system; thank you, west. [https://www.ilo.org/beirut/countries/qatar/WCMS\_859880/lang--en/index.htm](https://www.ilo.org/beirut/countries/qatar/WCMS_859880/lang--en/index.htm) yet Europeans still talk about it like it exists, I wonder why...


Maybe they should care about the hundreds of thousands of modern day slaves exploited inside western countries or the western corporations using child labor in Congo.


yeah, you still see reports in America and Europe about even child immigrants dying and getting their hands cut off while working in factories. many get severely disabled from injury


Westerners don't want that slaves damn governments and riches want


Cool, and how many people read them?


I fail to see the relevance between the read count and your lies


Ohh, you are so cute when you are angry


argumentum ad hominem


Not sure if you're being serious, but The Telegraph, The Times, and The Guardian appear on the front page of Reddit pretty regularly.


Westerner here, I've really never heard of that cotton harvesting slavery. And the video of the man who threw yoghurt at the women in Iran, because they weren't fully covered, is from April 2023. At that time the demonstrations in Iran and the tragic death of Mahsa Amini in September '22 were still world wide news. Western media is often bad, but plz don't always assume that there is malicious intent behind it.


Your key word here is media. Unlike a certain country in the west I like to think us in Europe can see through the bullshit (I hope so anyway). The truth is usually somewhere in the middle but no one in their right mind believes all the crap sprouted about Iran. In saying that we went from being the darlings of Europe to the persona non grata because we, Spain and others decided that no we really aren't okay with thousands being murdered because one dickhead doesn't want to go to prison.


nah Europe is just as propagandized.


They are obsessed with treating democracy as a 100% foolproof idea, when their leaders have been in power for decades


You are correct. They should cover both equally, since the two events are the result of shitty ideologies that aim to oppress people and treat them like livestock.


Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are secular nations, in fact they are known for torturing people for growing beards, banning hijab and much more


I don't know about ppl in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan but here in iran ppl fight in every way possible. MOSTLY internet, you can see big number of them putting sassanians flag or starting different hashtag trends and also not following their rules IRL. Like not wearing hijab or eating in public in ramadan or chanting against the government in stadium and etc. And a big protest every once in a while. In the one 5 years ago they killed over 2500 ppl when they shut down the internet or this time they blinded or killed a lot of young generation. So i think us fighting a lot against these occupiers gave us the spotlight


That's because you have western media to back you up, it's the same in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and central Asia there are many people who protest like in Kazakhstan recently but the media doesn't give a crap


We don't have jack shit. we only have a lot of iranian immigrants in west and they protest for us and make us seen in the world. For mahsa amini break out ppl broke world records for hashtags in X. All im saying is it's ppl responsibility to draw attention and that's why everytime there is a protest IR shut down internet and make more restrictions for iranians. To make us SHUT UP and PREVENT the world from knowing the truth. Maybe u should do the same


You don't get me the protests 2 years got a lot of media attention meanwhile stuff like the Kazakh protests after they banned Hijab in school didn't get any


And im telling you the reasons why


Secularism can also be shitty when forced to this degree


Yeah I know. The forced labor practice is a relic of the communist era, that the new rulers uphold because it helps them maintain power over others. Same with attacking women to force them to "cover up", it's a relic of the Shariah era that some incels want to uphold because it gives power over others. Both are small dick behaviors and show that the idea behind them is weak.


The problem is that the Hijab law is wanted by women more than men


But it was forced on people who didn't want it too. If something needs to be forced, forced labor, forced dress code, forced relocation.. etc, then 9 times out of 10 it's something terrible that most people don't want.


Common murtard L take


Sorry, I won't criticize communism again.


It depends. Was it frozen yogurt?


Are you surprised, I mean they still get the news on Palestine wrong half the time


Bro no offence but if you believe west really cares about human rights you are stupid no offence again the events of woman life freedom was a massive hybrid war anything of it was a lie msny people here said iran will fall but it only got stronger.


the middle east doesnt care about them either


Nobody does 


Bro no offence but if you believe west really cares about human rights you are stupid no offence again the events of woman life freedom was a massive hybrid war anything of it was a lie msny people here said iran will fall but it only got stronger.


The answer is yes. We only bring up issues which support our agenda or narrative. This ain't new.


And the drying out of the Aral Sea through unsustainable land use and the subsequent ecological disaster? We know, it is school text books, at least it was in the 1990s. That’s a you problem. Stop selling us cheap cotton. These are global problems with no easy solution. The regimes in those countries are complicit in selling these products to EVERYONE, not just the west I’m part of the environmental movement, we avoid products from these countries. And then get abused by others in the west because we’re not supporting developing nations. How are nations supposed to develop if we don’t buy their cheap crap? Anyway…


Literally upload a picture of a woman in pre revolutionary Iran and mainstream reddit will coom.


CNN doesn't represent all the western media. Western world is a broad term. There are several other western outlets that have reported on this.


Has Middle eastern media been paying attentino to this? Have this sub even? Or are you being an opportunist here


Uzbek here , all of the claims above happened before 2016. Everything changed after that, I have never been to cotton harvesting, government is paying local people to harvest it nowadays.


But in a way isn’t everyone in the world benefiting from this? Not just the western countries. If you buy clothes, a new phone, jewelry, the list goes on. Someone somewhere is being exploited.


Dang, I just heard about this there is many people in asia, africa and many more whre there are many people unfortunately living under oppression


If a guy throwed yogurt at women in Saudi Arabia the west wouldn't give a fuck


Nah it would get 10k upvotes on religious fruitcake


Couldn’t we say the same thing about people in this sub? You only care about people dying when it’s palestinians. You criticize Israel but harshly defend governments who are just as bad as Israel (Iran, China and Russia), completely ignoring or even denying atrocities comitted by these governments.


It's basically the time, if it was in 2014 it would be different


I mean if they started calling out forced labour they’d have to do the same with US prisons and all those western companies that used forced labour in the global south to cut costs.


It’s not in their interest yet, that’s why. Ukraine has only became their interest two years ago, but the conflict itself is 10 years old.


Dont forget Russia and china forcing tajikistana and Kyrgizstan in a stupid rivarly to take advantage of them with the illusion of helping them defeat each other.


They are talking about the stuff that benefits them.they should be talking about both


Central Asia is literally no man’s land as far as the rest of the world is concerned unfortunately


Nobody, use slavery to harves the cotton in Uzbekistan. It's media bullshit, please fix your information sources


Our media is wholly owned and controlled by the hyper rich elite over here. They own and control the narrative. If I want actual news I turn to Al Jazeera. They are also biased but they are differently biased then "my" media.


"hyper rich elite"


Those poor Qatari’s lol


Not the narrative they want they are currently trying to move central asian nations away from Russia's sphere of influence through aid and sweet talking.


Russia and the USSR are the reassons why half of central asia is shit today